EXCEL Custom Format - excel

I have column A that contains Phone Numbers.
I have column B that contains the text Incoming or Outgoing.
I need to highlight column B where it contains Incoming Only if the number in column A is equal to a specific number.

You need to use conditional formatting with a formula to determine which cells to highlight.
So you will highlight all of column B, and select conditional formatting from the Home tab. Then click new rule.
You want to select the rule type as Use a formula to determine which cells to format.
You want to use the rule =AND($A2 = 1, $B2 = "Incoming"), you can change what A2 is equal to, and this will highlight the cells in col B that matches a number in A2 and is equal to 'Incoming`

Assuming you want Column F formatted depending on what is in the cells in Column E on a row by row basis,
then select Column F and HOME > Styles - Conditional Formatting, New Rule..., Use a formula to determine which cells to format and Format values where this formula is true::
Format..., select choice of formatting, OK, OK.
Adjust the telephone number to suit.
By selecting Column F to start with what you have set, applies to a range of Column F, hence need to start with Row 1. Since dealing with a single column there is no need for the anchors ($).


conditonally format cell in column A based on Criteria in other Columns

I have a report where columns BT:DB have 0's and 1's. If there is a 1 in that row for an employee, I'd like to highlight the employee's name in column A. I do not want to highlight the whole row.
How would I enter a conditional formatting formula to say: If a cell in this row has a 1 in columns BT:DB, then highlight those cells with 1's and also the employee name in column A of that row, as well?
You will need to apply your conditional format to Column A.
Home > Conditional Formatting > New Rule > Use a formula to determine which cells to format
Then use the formula: =SUM(BT1:DB1) (No locked cell references on row)
0 = False & >0 = True which will decide if your column is highlighted or not. You can also choose what range to apply the format to.
I used different ranges below so I can fit the example nicely into a screen shot. You will just need to update the ranges to fit your specific needs.

How can I represent different status' through colour coding?

I want to change the colours of cells in a specific column when I enter "Y" in one of 3 other columns.
example: when I enter a "Y" in B3 the cell A3 turns red.
There is more, I want to create a whole table that has three columns each representing a form of communication. When a person requests to be contacted I can put a "Y" in one of the columns depending on the communication type.
When I put a "Y" in one of the three columns the cell in column A of the corresponding row turns red.
example: when a "Y" in one of any of the cells from B3-B33; C3-C33; D3-D33 the cells in for corresponding row from the A column turns red.
example: when a "Y" is placed in B30, A30 turns red; when a "Y" is placed in C7, A7 turns Red; If a "Y" is entered into D16, A16 turns red etc.
Then, I want the cell in the A column to turn yellow when an "X" is placed into the corresponding E column on the same row this is represented by the person have being contacted.
Then, I want the cell in column A to turn green, when the and "X" is place into the F column of the corresponding cell in Column A on the same row. This represents that the person has responded and dealt with.
I have tried work out excel code to make these conditions work but I am struggling. Any suggestions?
You can use conditional formatting in this order:
First apply conditional formatting for Column F (check mark on "Stop if True")
Second apply conditional formatting for Column E (check mark on "Stop if True")
Third Apply conditional formatting for Column B,C & D
To add conditional formatting, follow these step:
Go to Home tab > Conditional formatting > New Rule
Select: Use a formula to determine which cells to format
Input the formula shown in image
Format the fill color per your requirement
Click on Apply
To apply to the column A, you need to change applies to range using:
Conditional Formatting > Manage Rules > Select the rule and change
range address depending on your data size.
Please see this image:
The third condition is as under:
Have you tried to use conditional formatting? you can start off by doing a simple case.
In order to have multiple cases apply to the same cell you can access the conditional formatting rules manager from the conditional formatting menu.
From there you can add additional rules for a cell.
For the formula itself i'd advise choosing: use a formula to determine which cells to format.
When the formula returns "true" the formatting will be used, so then you can make it search for all the row range you mentioned for the character you decide, you will need 1 rule for each color/character.
once you have done the formatting for one row you can drag it to apply it to all the rows if i remember correctly.

COnditional Format for cells in a colomn based on value of corresponding Row in another Colomn

keep messing up formula trying to do a conditional format for cells in a column based on if the corresponding Row in another Column has a specific Value.
="IF+$A:$Arow() = D ?
Don't think I'm even close but I need the condition format For all of Column H to check the same Row in column A If its a D then format the cell.
Can anyone help?
Select all cells in column H, say H1 has a column header, so you select H2 to H100, click Conditional Formatting > New Rule > Use a formula to determine ...
Enter this formula:
Select a format and confirm all dialogs.
When you select all cells from H2 down, the cell H2 will be the active cell. The conditional formatting formula contains a cell address in column A with a relative row reference, i.e. there is no $ sign in front of the row number. The most important bit is that this row number must be the same row number as the active cell when you create the conditional format, so if your selection starts in a different row, you need to adjust the formula accordingly.

How to use currency from other column for formatting in “Accounting” in EXCEL for one column

I have numeric data for revenue in column A, and text data as currency code (e.g. $) in column B. The currency in column B is not constant, we are pulling it from database.
In column C i want a revenue data formatted in "accounting" format with the use of currency in column B. How can I change the format in column C, based on the text value in column B, for that row?
This can be done with a few simple Conditional Formatting rules. Conditional Formatting is a set of rules which you can apply to a number of cells - if those rules result in TRUE, then the special formatting applies (including highlighting, number format, etc.).
Go to the Home Ribbon > Styles > Conditional Formatting > New Rule
Then you can select all of column C for your new rule, defined as follows:
What this means is, relative to C1, if B1 is "$", the equation will produce TRUE, and the special formatting will apply. Because I used "B1" & not "B$1", C2 will look at B2, C3 will look at B3, and so on.
The formatting rules should be set to format as Accounting, with $ as the currency. Then create additional rules exactly the same, for Euros, etc.
You can save yourself having to make one of the rules, by first setting the formatting to column B to one of the formats - ie: Accounting with "$". Then that will be the default format to apply if no Conditional Formatting results in True.
Then for the actual values in column C, just make C1 = A1, and drag down.

Match other columns for Column Fill and Text Color to an other column

I was wondering if there was a way to match up Columns A and B, in this example with Column C, regarding color formatting. I used Conditional Formatting for Column C.
Is there any type of formula I could set up to match the color scheme of Column A and B to match that of Column C, without doing it manually?
Without knowing the example you are working with, the first thing that comes to mind is apply the same conditional formatting to to A and B that you do C.
So when C:C >= 3 then C:C is red
then apply the same to A and B
When C:C >= 3 then A:A is red
When C:C >= 3 then B:B is red
You could also use a VB macro to copy the formatting but that would be a lot more work doesn't sound like it's needed.
An example that converts a text rule (one that formats only the cells containing a specific string) into a formula rule that may apply to cells other than the trigger ones.
Select ColumnsA:C and:
HOME > Styles - Conditional Formatting, New Rule..., Use a formula to determine which cells to format and Format values where this formula is true::
Format..., select formatting, OK, OK.
