Spark on windows 10 not working - apache-spark

Im trying to get spark working on win10. When i try to run spark shell i get this error :
'Spark\spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop2.7\bin..\jars""\ is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.
Failed to find Spark jars directory. You need to build Spark before running this program.
I am using a pre-built spark for hadoop 2.7 or later. I have installed java 8, eclipse neon, python 2.7, scala 2.11, gotten winutils for hadoop 2.7.1 And i still get this error.
When I donwloaded spark it comes in the tgz, when extracted there is another tzg inside, so i extracted it also and then I got all the bin folders and stuff. I need to access spark-shell. Can anyone help?
Solution i ended up using:
1) Virtual box
2) Linux mint

I got the same error while building Spark. You can move the extracted folder to C:\
Refer this:

You are probably giving the wrong folder path to Spark bin.
Just open the command prompt and change directory to the bin inside the spark folder.
Type spark-shell to check.
Refer: Spark on win 10

"On Windows, I found that if it is installed in a directory that has a space in the path (C:\Program Files\Spark) the installation will fail. Move it to the root or another directory with no spaces."
If you have installed Spark under “C:\Program Files (x86)..” replace 'Program Files (x86)' with Progra~2 in the PATH env variable and SPARK_HOME user variable.


Using Hadoop in command prompt

Guys I need Spark on my Windows So I installed winutils.exe and now my spark works perfectly.But If I try to run hadoop using command prompt it throws me an error like this
'hadoop' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
But before using winutils.exe and setting it as my path , I was able to use hadoop normally.
Can you guys let me know how to rectify this ?
This error suggests you don't have the Hadoop bin folder in your PATH anymore.
You can always use C:\path\to\hadoop.exe

Unable to launch spark using spark-shell

I am trying to set up SPARK2 on my cloudera cluster. For that, I have JDK1.8:
I have installed scala 2.11.8 using the rpm file:
I have downloaded, extracted the spark version 2.2.0 on my home directory: /home/cloudera.
I made changes to the PATH variable in .bashrc as below:
But when I try to execute spark-shell from the home directory: /home/cloudera, it says no such file or directory which can be seen below:
[cloudera#quickstart ~]$ spark-shell
/home/cloudera/spark/bin/spark-class: line 71: /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_67-cloudera/bin/java: No such file or directory
[cloudera#quickstart ~]$
Could anyone let me know how can I fix the problem and configure it properly ?
Java/JVM applications (and spark-shell in particular) uses java binary to launch itself. Therefore they need to know where it is located, which is usually done via JAVA_HOME environment variable.
In your case it's not reset explicitely and value from Clauder's default one Java distribution is used (even if it points to empty location).
You need to set JAVA_HOME pointing to correct java distribution directory for the user under which you want to launch spark-shell and other application.

Copying the Apache Spark installation folder to another system will work properly?

I am using Apache Spark. Working in cluster properly with 3 machines. Now I want to install Spark on another 3 machines.
What I did: I tried to just copy the folder of Spark, which I am using currently.
Problem: ./bin/spark-shell and all other spark commands are not working and throwing error 'No Such Command'
Question: 1. Why it is not working?
Is it possible that I just build Spark installation for 1 machine and then from that installation I can distribute it to other machines?
I am using Ubuntu.
We were looking into problem and found that Spark Installation Folder , which was copied, having the .sh files but was not executable. We just make the files executable and now spark is running.
Yes, It would work but should ensure that you have set all the environment variables required for spark to work.
also use hadoop integrated spark build which comes with the supported versions of hadoop.

What path do I use for pyspark?

I have spark installed. And, I can go into the bin folder within my spark version, and run ./spark-shell and it runs correctly.
But, for some reason, I am unable to launch pyspark and any of the submodules.
So, I go into bin and launch ./pyspark and it tells me that my path is incorrect.
The current path I have for PYSPARK_PYTHON is the same as where I'm running the pyspark executable script from.
What is the correct path for PYSPARK_PYTHON? Shouldn't it be the path that leads to the executable script called pyspark in the bin folder of the spark version?
That's the path that I have now, but it tells me env: <full PYSPARK_PYTHON path> no such file or directory. Thanks.
What is the correct path for PYSPARK_PYTHON? Shouldn't it be the path that leads to the executable script called pyspark in the bin folder of the spark version?
No, it shouldn't. It should point to a Python executable you want to use with Spark (for example output from which python. If you don't want to use custom interpreter just ignore it. Spark will use the first Python interpreter available on your system PATH.

Why does spark-submit and spark-shell fail with "Failed to find Spark assembly JAR. You need to build Spark before running this program."?

I was trying to run spark-submit and I get
"Failed to find Spark assembly JAR.
You need to build Spark before running this program."
When I try to run spark-shell I get the same error.
What I have to do in this situation.
On Windows, I found that if it is installed in a directory that has a space in the path (C:\Program Files\Spark) the installation will fail. Move it to the root or another directory with no spaces.
Your Spark package doesn't include compiled Spark code. That's why you got the error message from these scripts spark-submit and spark-shell.
You have to download one of pre-built version in "Choose a package type" section from the Spark download page.
Try running mvn -DskipTests clean package first to build Spark.
If your spark binaries are in a folder where the name of the folder has spaces (for example, "Program Files (x86)"), it didn't work. I changed it to "Program_Files", then the spark_shell command works in cmd.
In my case, I install spark by pip3 install pyspark on macOS system, and the error caused by incorrect SPARK_HOME variable. It works when I run command like below:
PYSPARK_PYTHON=python3 SPARK_HOME=/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyspark python3 a.txt
Go to SPARK_HOME. Note that your SPARK_HOME variable should not include /bin at the end. Mention it when you're when you're adding it to path like this: export PATH=$SPARK_HOME/bin:$PATH
Run export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx2g -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=1g" to allot more memory to maven.
Run ./build/mvn -DskipTests clean package and be patient. It took my system 1 hour and 17 minutes to finish this.
Run ./dev/ --name custom-spark --pip. This is just for python/pyspark. You can add more flags for Hive, Kubernetes, etc.
Running pyspark or spark-shell will now start pyspark and spark respectively.
If you have downloaded binary and getting this exception
Then please check your Spark_home path may contain spaces like "apache spark"/bin
Just remove spaces will works.
Just to add to #jurban1997 answer.
If you are running windows then make sure that SPARK_HOME and SCALA_HOME environment variables are setup right. SPARK_HOME should be pointing to {SPARK_HOME}\bin\spark-shell.cmd
For Windows machine with the pre-build version as of today (21.01.2022):
In order to verify all the edge cases you may have and avoid tedious guesswork about what exactly is not configred properly:
Find spark-class2.cmd and open it in with a text editor
Inspect the arguments of commands staring with call or if exists by typing the arguments in Command Prompt like this:
Open Command Prompt. (For PowerShell you need to print the var another way)
Copy-paste %SPARK_HOME%\bin\ as is and press enter.
If you see something like bin\bin in the path displayed now then you have appended /bin in your environment variable %SPARK_HOME%.
Now you have to add the path to the spark/bin to your PATH variable or it will not find spark-submit command
Try out and correct every path variable that the script in this file uses and and you should be good to go.
After that enter spark-submit ... you may now encounter the missing hadoop winutils.exe for which problem you can go get the tool and paste it where the spark-submit.cmd is located
Spark Installation:
For Window machine:
Download spark-2.1.1-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz from this site
Unzip and Paste your spark folder in C:\ drive and set environment variable.
If you don’t have Hadoop,
you need to create Hadoop folder and also create Bin folder in it and then copy and paste winutils.exe file in it.
download winutils file from [][1]
and paste winutils.exe file in Hadoop\bin folder and set environment variable for c:\hadoop\bin;
create temp\hive folder in C:\ drive and give the full permission to this folder like:
C:\Windows\system32>C:\hadoop\bin\winutils.exe chmod 777 /tmp/hive
open command prompt first run C:\hadoop\bin> winutils.exe and then navigate to C:\spark\bin>
run spark-shell
