vba specific text copy to another tab - excel

Having issues with some vba, if anyone can point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated, currently my code is returning a full row of data and it is returning multiple rows, this is my current code.
Sub BUTTONtest_Click()
Dim c As Range
Dim j As Integer
Dim Source As Worksheet
Dim Target As Worksheet
' Change worksheet designations as needed
Set Source = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Two Years")
Set Target = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Two Years League")
j = 3 ' Start copying to row 1 in target sheet
For Each c In Source.Range("G6:K6") ' Do 50 rows
If c.Text = "OVER" Then
Source.Rows(c.Row).Copy Target.Rows(j)
j = j + 1
End If
Next c
End Sub
I need to look at each row and in each row if the word "OVER" appears I need it to return the information in the side bar e.g. column B I would need this to apply for each wee section e.g. Column C- F should return the number from column B and H-K should return G etc.

Sub BUTTONtest_Click()
Dim c As Range
Dim j As Integer
Dim Source As Worksheet
Dim Target As Worksheet
' Change worksheet designations as needed
Set Source = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Two Years")
Set Target = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Two Years League")
j = 3 ' Start copying to row 1 in target sheet
For i = 1 To 3 'Number of ¿wees?
For Each c In Source.Range(Cells(6, 5 * i - 2), Cells(50, 5 * i + 1)) ' Do 50 rows
If c.Text = "OVER" Then
Target.Cells(j, 1) = Source.Cells(c.Row, 5 * i - 3)
j = j + 1
End If
Next c
Next i
End Sub
If don't want repeated rows, try this one:
Sub BUTTONtest_Click()
Dim c As Range
Dim j As Integer
Dim Source As Worksheet
Dim Target As Worksheet
' Change worksheet designations as needed
Set Source = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Two Years")
Set Target = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Two Years League")
j = 3 ' Start copying to row 1 in target sheet
a = 1
For i = 1 To 3 'Number of ¿wees?
For Each c In Source.Range(Cells(6, 5 * i - 2), Cells(50, 5 * i + 1)) ' Do 50 rows
If c.Text = "OVER" Then
If a <> c.Row Then
Target.Cells(j, 1) = Source.Cells(c.Row, 5 * i - 3)
j = j + 1
a = c.Row
End If
End If
Next c
Next i
End Sub

you could try this code (commented)
Option Explicit
Sub BUTTONtest_Click()
Dim Source As Worksheet
Dim Target As Worksheet
Dim iSection As Long
Dim sectionIniCol As Long, sectionEndCol As Long
' Change worksheet designations as needed
Set Source = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Two Years")
Set Target = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Two Years League")
With Source '<--| reference 'Source' sheet
With .Range("B6:F" & .Cells(.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).row) '<--| reference its columns "B:F" range from row 6 down to last non empty cell in column "B"
With .Offset(, -1).Resize(, 1) '<--| reference corresponding cells in column "A" (which is an empty column)
For iSection = 1 To 3 '<-- loop over all your three 5-columns sections
sectionIniCol = (iSection - 1) * 5 + 2 '<-- evaluate current section initial col
sectionEndCol = sectionIniCol + 4 '<-- evaluate current section ending col
.FormulaR1C1 = "=if(countif(RC" & sectionIniCol + 1 & ":RC" & sectionEndCol & ",""OVER"")>0,1,"""")" '<-- write (temporary) formulas in column "A" cells to result "1" should at least one "OVER" occurrence be in corresponding cells of current section columns
If WorksheetFunction.Sum(.Cells) > 1 Then Intersect(.Columns(sectionIniCol), .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, xlNumbers).EntireRow).Copy Target.Cells(Target.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1) '<-- if any occurrence of "OVER" has been found then copy section initial column cells corresponding to column "A" cells marked with "1" and paste them in from first empty row of 'Target' sheet...
Next iSection
.ClearContents '<--| delete (temporary) formulas in target column "A"
End With
End With
End With
End Sub


VBA loop until the last column and increase value in column by 1

I am working on a project where I need to populate the column headings with incremental values (increased by 1) until the Last Column.
The code is working OK but the value in the column headings is NOT increased by 1. It is just taking the original value and place it over all columns.
Could you help me?
My code so far:
Sub LastColumn_PopulateHeadings()
'Declare variable for Last row (Prior FY)
Dim LastColumn As Integer
Dim i As Integer
'Find the last Column used
LastColumn = Range("XFD4").End(xlToLeft).Column
'populate headings with column values UNTIL LAST COLUMN
' Loop to populate the heading until LAST column
i = 8
Do While i < LastColumn
'MsgBox (LastColumn)
Cells(4, i).Value = Cells(4, i).Value + 1
i = i + 1
End Sub
I find your code a little strange, but probably i am missing something. Anyway this one should work:
Sub LastColumn_PopulateHeadings()
'Declare variable for Last row (Prior FY)
Dim LastColumn As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim IntCounter01 As Integer '<<<<<<ADDED LINE (1 of 3)
'Find the last Column used
LastColumn = Range("XFD4").End(xlToLeft).Column
'populate headings with column values UNTIL LAST COLUMN
' Loop to populate the heading until LAST column
i = 8
IntCounter01 = 1 '<<<<<<ADDED LINE (2 of 3)
Do While i < LastColumn
'MsgBox (LastColumn)
Cells(4, i).Value = IntCounter01
i = i + 1
IntCounter01 = IntCounter01 + 1 '<<<<<<ADDED LINE (3 of 3)
End Sub
I took your code and added 3 lines. You could also use a For-Next cycle instead of using a Do-While-Loop cycle since you already know your maximal value. Something like:
For i = i To LastColumn - 1
Cells(4, i).Value = IntCounter01
IntCounter01 = IntCounter01 + 1
You could also use a formula to cover your range instead of picking each cell one by one. Like this:
Sub LastColumn_PopulateHeadings()
Dim IntFirstColumn As Integer
Dim IntLastColumn As Integer
Dim IntRow As Integer
Dim IntFirstValue
Dim RngRange01 As Range
'Setting variables.
IntFirstValue = 1
IntRow = 4
IntFirstColumn = 8
IntLastColumn = Range("XFD4").End(xlToLeft).Column
'Setting first value in the first cell.
Cells(IntRow, IntFirstColumn).Value = IntFirstValue
'Setting RngRange01.
Set RngRange01 = Range(Cells(IntRow, IntFirstColumn + 1), Cells(IntRow, IntLastColumn - 1))
'Setting formulas in RngRange01.
RngRange01.FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-1]+1"
'Copy-pasting the values in RngRange01.
RngRange01.Value = RngRange01.Value
End Sub

Copy 7000 rows in first loop and then next 7000 rows until range is empty

I need code which should first count how many times loop should be executed (suppose I have 18000 rows then 18000/7000 = 2.57 so 3 times), and then it should start a loop and copy first 7000 rows and paste in sheet2, and then the next 7000 rows (7001 to 14000) and this should continue until the range is empty.
I am referring to this code shown here, but it is not helping me out:
Dim r As Long
Dim c As Long
c = GetTargetColumn() ' Or you could just set this manually, like: c = 1
With Sheet1 ' <-- You should always qualify a range with a sheet!
For r = 1 To 7000 ' Or 1 To (Ubound(MyListOfStuff) + 1)
' Here we're looping over all the cells in rows 1 to 10, in Column "c"
.Cells(r, c).Value = MyListOfStuff(r)
'---- or ----
'...to easily copy from one place to another (even with an offset of rows and columns)
.Cells(r, c).Value = Sheet2.Cells(r + 3, 17).Value
Next r
End With
"This should continue until the range is empty." My code below copies the entire range but doesn't delete the original as your descriptions seems to imply. That should be quite easy, however, if required - just WsS.Cells.ClearContentsadded at the end.
Meanwhile, the code does what you describe. The number of rows to be copied in one loop can be set at the top of the procedure. I set Const BlockRowCount As Long = 3, doing 3 rows in a loop. It will also work for 7000 rows.
I noticed that your code doesn't seem to copy A1 to A1. Const FirstTargetCell As String = "B3" defines the top-left cell in the destination sheet as B3. You can specify any cell you want in that location and the code will hang the data from that peg.
Sub TransferData()
Const BlockRowCount As Long = 3
' cell A1 from the source sheet will arrive at
' FirstTargetCell on the target sheet. All other data relative to it.
Const FirstTargetCell As String = "B3" ' modify as required
Dim WsS As Worksheet ' Source sheet
Dim WsT As Worksheet ' Target sheet
Dim Src As Range ' source data range
Dim Tgt As Range ' target data range
Dim Arr As Variant ' data array
Dim Rl As Long, Cl As Long ' last used row / column
Dim Ct As Long ' first Target column
Dim Rs As Long, Rt As Long ' source / target row
Dim R As Long
Set WsS = Worksheets("Source Data")
Set WsT = Worksheets("Destination")
With Range(FirstTargetCell)
Rt = .Row
Ct = .Column
End With
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End With
With WsS
Rl = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Cl = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
For Rs = 0 To Abs(Int(Rl / BlockRowCount * -1)) - 1
R = Application.Min((Rs + 1) * BlockRowCount, Rl)
Set Src = .Range(.Cells(Rs * BlockRowCount + 1, 1), _
.Cells(R, Cl))
Arr = Src.Value
With WsT
Set Tgt = .Cells(Rt, Ct).Resize(UBound(Arr), UBound(Arr, 2))
Tgt.Value = Arr
End With
Rt = Rt + BlockRowCount
Next Rs
End With
With Application
.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub

Copy dynamic range

I need a VBA code to copy dynamic range. The Rows look like below :
R1 - Title
R2 - Headers
R3 - Data
R97 - Data
R98 - Blank
R99 - Text
R100 - Title
R101 - Headers
R102 - Data
R150 - Blank
R151 - Text
R153 - Title
R153 - Headers
R154 - Data
I have a similar set of data in rows below further. I can't filter and copy because the header is only in 2 cells and there are blank rows in between. Note the columns are static here
I am looking for help to copy the data in a structured format.
I could find the below code in other conversation, which does copy only 2 rows below headers but doesn't ignore the blanks
Private Sub Search_n_Copy()
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim rng As Range, c As Range
Dim vR(), n As Long, k As Integer, j As Integer
Dim Ws As Worksheet
With Worksheets("Trial Balance Detail") ' <-- here should be the Sheet's name
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row ' last row in column A
Set rng = .Range("B1:B" & LastRow) ' set the dynamic range to be searched
' loop through all cells in column A and copy below's cell to sheet "Output_2"
For Each c In rng
If c.Value = "Jrnl No." Then
For j = 1 To 2
n = n + 1
ReDim Preserve vR(1 To 13, 1 To n)
For k = 1 To 13
vR(k, n) = c.Offset(j, k - 1) ' use offset to put value in sheet "Output_2", column E
Next k
Next j
End If
Next c
If n > 0 Then
Set Ws = Sheets.Add '<~~~ Sheets("your sheet name")
With Ws
.Range("a1").Resize(n, 13) = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(vR)
End With
End If
End With
End Sub

Need help copy/pasting in Excel VBA from one workbook to another

I need to find out how to write some basic code that will take each cell's value (which will be an ID number) from a selected range, then match it to a cell in a master workbook, copy said cell's entire row, then insert it into the original document in place of the ID number. Here's the kicker: certain ID numbers may match with several items, and all items that have that number must be inserted back into the document. Here's an example:
Master Document Workbook
1 a ab ac 2
2 b bc bd 3
2 b be bf
3 c cd de
I would select the cells containing 2 and 3 in the Workbook, which after running the code would give me this:
2 b bc bd
2 b be bf
3 c cd de
Here's what I have going on so far but it's a total mess. The only thing it's managed to successfully do is store the selected range in the Workbook I want to paste to. It won't compile past that because I don't understand much of the syntax in VBA:
Sub NewTest()
Dim rng As Range
Dim FirstRow As Range
Dim CurrentCol As String
Dim FirstRowVal As Integer
Dim CurrentColVal As Variant
Dim rngOffset As Range
CurrentCol = "Blah"
Set FirstRow = Application.InputBox("Select the row containing your first raw material", Type:=8)
FirstRowVal = FirstRow.Row
Set rng = (Application.InputBox("Select the cells containing your IC numbers", "Obtain Materials", Type:=8))
Set rngOffset = rng.Offset(0, FirstRowVal)
CurrentColVal = rng.Column
Call CopyPaste
End Sub
Sub CopyPaste()
Dim Blah As Range
Set x = Workbooks.Open("Workbook Path")
Workbooks.Open("Workbook Path").Activate
Set y = Workbooks.Open("Master Path")
Workbooks.Open("Master Path").Activate
With x
For Each Cell In rng
If Selection.Offset(0, -1) = Selection Then
Selection = Selection.Offset(0, -1)
Blah = Selection
End If
Workbooks.Open("Workbook Path").Activate
Sheets("Formula Sheet").Select
Blah.Insert (rng.Cell)
End With
With x
End With
End Sub
Would very much appreciate anyone who could help point me in the right direction. Thanks.
I'll bite, you can use the output array to populate any range on any worksheet.
Sub FindAndMatch()
Dim arrMatchFrom() As Variant, arrMatchTo() As Variant, arrOutput() As Variant
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, counter As Integer
counter = 0
arrMatchFrom = Range("A2:D6")
arrMatchTo = Range("G2:G3")
For i = LBound(arrMatchTo, 1) To UBound(arrMatchTo, 1)
For j = LBound(arrMatchFrom, 1) To UBound(arrMatchFrom, 1)
If arrMatchTo(i, 1) = arrMatchFrom(j, 1) Then
counter = counter + 1
ReDim Preserve arrOutput(4, counter)
arrOutput(1, counter) = arrMatchTo(i, 1)
arrOutput(2, counter) = arrMatchFrom(j, 2)
arrOutput(3, counter) = arrMatchFrom(j, 3)
arrOutput(4, counter) = arrMatchFrom(j, 4)
End If
For i = 1 To counter
For j = 1 To 4
Debug.Print arrOutput(j, i)
Cells(9 + i, j) = arrOutput(j, i)
End Sub

Macro to copy to next blank row on another sheet

I'm using this macro to copy from one sheet to another based on text in one cell, but it overwrites the data every time I run the macro. Is there any way to change the macro so that any data it pastes is in the next blank row?
Thanks :)
Sub CopyYes()
Dim c As Range
Dim j As Integer
Dim Source As Worksheet
Dim Target As Worksheet
' Change worksheet designations as needed
Set Source = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Main Data")
Set Target = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Cheque Data")
j = 1 ' Start copying to row 1 in target sheet
For Each c In Source.Range("A1:A1000") ' Do 1000 rows
If c = "Cheque" Then
Source.Rows(c.Row).Copy Target.Rows(j).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
j = j + 1
End If
Next c
' Change worksheet designations as needed
Set Source = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Main Data")
Set Target = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Gift Card Data")
j = 1 ' Start copying to row 1 in target sheet
For Each c In Source.Range("A1:A1000") ' Do 1000 rows
If c = "Gift Card" Then
Source.Rows(c.Row).Copy Target.Rows(j).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
j = j + 1
End If
Next c
' Change worksheet designations as needed
Set Source = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Main Data")
Set Target = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Promo Code Data")
j = 1 ' Start copying to row 1 in target sheet
For Each c In Source.Range("A1:A1000") ' Do 1000 rows
If c = "Promo Code" Then
Source.Rows(c.Row).Copy Target.Rows(j).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
j = j + 1
End If
Next c
Sheets("Main Data").Range("A2:F200").ClearContents
Sheets("Main Data").Range("J2:Q200").ClearContents
End Sub
Before each j=1 add
lastrow = Target.Range("A65000").End(xlUp).Row + 1
And change j = 1 to j = lastrow
