DDD repository input parameters - domain-driven-design

Which is suggested way to implement _customRoleRepository in the following examples?
Following code is executed in the application service.
var user = _userRepository.GetById(1);
var customRole = _customRoleRepository.GetById(user.CustomRoleId);
var user = _userRepository.GetById(1);
var customRole = _customRoleRepository.GetForUser(user);

Given the two options I would probably go for the first one, which keeps consistency of accessing by an ID.
If possible, it might be preferable to load the custom role when you load the user to avoid another round trip to the database, especially if this is a common operation. This could be implemented as a read model.
This is presuming you have modelled your aggregates correctly... :)

Hate to say it but in a DDD environment, my answer would be neither.
In your first example, the role repository can be ignorant of the user domain which is good but it means the application needs to know that to get the role it needs to pull an id out of the user and then query another repository. In other words, the application is acting as a mapper between user and role.
In the second example, the roles repository now needs to know about the user domain. Not great but on the other hand the application no longer needs to know about roleId. So that is good. Classic sort of trade off between the two approaches.
But in both cases the application still needs two repositories to get it's information. What happens when more relations are needed? The number of repositories can quickly grow and things become a mess.
In Domain Driven Design you should try to think in terms of aggregate roots(AR) and domain contexts. For your example context, the user is an AR and the role becomes a child. So you might have:
var user = _userFinder.GetById(1);
var customRole = user.CustomRole;
That hides most of the implementation details from you application and allows you to focus on what your domain entities actually need to do.

Both are equally valid, depending on your needs. GetForUser would be good if you want to ensure the calling code has a valid User aggregate before you try and retrieve the roles - while it does couple the customRoleRepository to knowledge of the User aggregate, if you want to require the calling code to have a valid User aggregate, then that coupling has a purpose.
GetByUserId is more consistent with GetById and has less coupling, so if in your context it doesn't matter to call GetByUserId even if the client doesn't have a valid User aggregate, then that's fine too.
If you are loading ById, I've also found using typed identity valueobjects can be quite helpful in providing an extra level of type safety - some conversation about the pros and cons here https://stackoverflow.com/a/5377460/6720449 and here https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/dddcqrs/WQ9zRtW3Gbg


DDD Domain Entities using external Services

In DDD, you're strongly encouraged to have all business logic within the domain entities instead of separate from it. Which makes sense.
You also have the idea of Domain Services to encapsulate certain pieces of logic.
What I can't work out is how to have the domain entities perform their business logic that itself depends on external services.
Take, for example, a user management system. In this there is a User domain entity, on which there are various business actions to perform. One of these is verify_email_address - which sends an email to the users email address in order to verify that it's valid.
Except that sending an email involves interactions with external services. So it seems reasonable for this logic to be encapsulated within a Domain Service that the User entity then makes use of. But how does it actually do this?
I've seen some things suggest that the User entity is constructed with references to every domain service that it needs. Which makes it quite big and bloated, and especially hard to test.
I've seen some things that suggest that you should pass in the domain service to the method that you are calling - which just feels weird. Why would someone outside of the domain entity need to pass in the EmailClient service when calling verify_email_address?
I've also then seen the suggestion that you instead pass the User entity in to the domain service, except that this seems to imply that the logic is in the domain service and not the entity.
And finally, I've seen suggestions that the entity should raise a domain event to trigger the email, which the domain service then reacts to. That means that all of the logic for whether to send the email or not - no need if it's already verified - and which email address to send it to are in the right place, and it also means that the user only needs a way to raise events and nothing more. So it feels less tightly coupled. But it also means you need a whole eventing mechanism, which is itself quite complicated.
So, am I missing something here? How can I achieve this?
(I'm working in Rust if that matters, but I don't see that it should)
What I can't work out is the best way to have the domain entities perform their business logic that itself depends on external services.
That's not your fault; the literature is a mess.
In DDD, you're strongly encouraged to have all business logic within the domain entities instead of separate from it.
That's not quite right; the common idea is that all business logic belongs within the domain layer (somewhere). But that doesn't necessarily mean that the logic must be within a domain entity.
Evans, in Chapter 5, writes:
In some cases, the clearest and most pragmatic design includes operations that do not belong to any object. Rather than force the issue, we can follow the natural contours of the problems space and include SERVICES explicitly in the model.
There are important domain operations that can't find a natural home in an ENTITY or VALUE OBJECT....
It's a very Kingdom of Nouns idea; we have code that actually does something useful, so there must be an object it can belong to.
Having a module (in the Parnas sense) in the domain layer that is responsible for the coordination of an email client and a domain entity (or for that matter, a repository) to achieve some goal is a perfectly reasonable option.
Could that module be the domain entity itself? It certainly could.
You might find, however, that coupling the management of the in-memory representation of domain information and the orchestration of a domain process that interacts with "the real world", as it were, complicates your maintenance responsibilities by introducing a heavy coupling between two distinct concepts that should instead be lightly coupled.
Clean Architecture (and the predecessors in that lineage) suggests to separate "entities" from "use cases". Ivar Jacobson's Objectory Process distinguished "entities" from "controls". So the notion of a service that is decoupled from the entity shouldn't be too alien.
Ruth Malan writes:
Design is what we do when we want to get more of what we want than we'd get by just doing it.
Finding the right design depends a lot on finding the right "what we want" for our local context (including our best guess at how this local context is going to evolve over the time window we care about).
VoiceOfUnReason has a perfectly valid answer.
I just want to boil down your question to the grits.
What I can't work out is how to have the domain entities perform their business logic that itself depends on external services.
I've also then seen the suggestion that you instead pass the User entity in to the domain service, except that this seems to imply that the logic is in the domain service and not the entity.
That's the key. All logic that belongs to domain entities should be done on domain entities. But at the same time, domain entities MUST be independent of the outside world (even other domain entities).
That's why we have domain services and application services.
Domain services are used to coordinate things between multiple entities, like transferring money between two accounts:
public class TransferService
IAccountRepos _repos;
public void Transfer(string fromAccountNumber, string toAccountNumber, decimal amount)
var account1 = _repos.Get(fromAccountNumber);
var account2 = _repos.Get(fromAccountNumber);
var money = account1.Withdraw(amount);
That's a domain service since it's still only using the domain only.
Application services on the other hand are used to communicate over boundaries and with external services.
And it's an external service that you should create in this case. It looks similar to domain services but are at a layer over it (it can use domain services to solve its purpose).
To summarize:
Entities must be used to perform actions on themself (the easiest way is to make all setters private which forces you to add methods).
Domains services should be used as soon as two or more entities must be used to solve a problem (can even be two entities of the same type as in the example above)
Application services are used to interact with things outside the domain and can use entities and/or domain services to solve the problem.

How to handle relationships between aggregate roots in resolvejs

I'm having trouble figuring out how to handle some basic stuff around relationships between aggregate roots in resolvejs. The basic question is how do I handle the integrity of relationships? To do so, it seems like you need knowledge of both sides at the same time, but that doesn't seem to be allowed in the write side.
Heres the setup: I am trying to build a user management tool and I have two aggregate roots, User and Organisation. I need to allow both to exist independently of each other and define an access relationship between them (i.e. a user can have access to any number of organisation).
If the relationship belongs to the User, I can create a create a command like grantAccessToOrganisation on the User aggregate which takes an organisationId but this raises a couple questions. How do I make sure that the organisationId provided is real one? It seems like it needs to happen in the command handler but since the command belongs to the User aggregate, I don't have access to the Organisation aggregate. Also, how should I handle when an organisation gets removed? It seems like that should have a side effect on all users who have access to it but I don't seem to have a good way of making that query on the write side.
Try not to think of aggregate as an "entity" in traditional systems. Choose aggregate root as a transactional and consistency boundary.
This means that all commands to the given aggregate are sequental, its state is consistent, meaning you can be sure that your command is applied to expected aggregate state and no chages is being done by another user or process.
As an extreme example, you can even have a single aggregate "System", and the whole system state will be accessible to you. But this mean the size of the state will be enourmous, and each command will lock the whole system.
So choose your aggregate large enough to control its transactions and small enough not to block other transactions.
In your example, I can guess that User is more about identity, login, profile, avatar - things like that. It can live without knowledge of Organisation and access rights to it. Organisation is the aggregate that deals with access rights and changing access rights is a transaction that affect the single organisation.
So I would send grantAccess command to the Organisation, not to the user in your example. But of course it depends on other requirements, and I could be wrong here.
Also, there always will be some inter-aggregate business rules that can be implemented with saga. An example would be a rule that if User login is disabled, its access rights are removed after 30 days. Saga is a long-running business transaction that can affect several aggregates.

DDD Layers and External Api

Recently I've been trying to make my web application use separated layers.
If I understand the concept correctly I've managed to extract:
Domain layer
This is where my core domain entities, aggregate roots, value objects reside in. I'm forcing myself to have pure domain model, meaning i do not have any service definitions here. The only thing i define here is the repositories, which is actually hidden because axon framework implements that for me automatically.
Infrastructure layer
This is where the axon implements the repository definitions for my aggregates in the domain layer
Projection layer
This is where the event handlers are implemented to project the data for the read model using MongoDB to persist it. It does not know anything other than event model (plain data classes in kotlin)
Application layer
This is where the confusion starts.
Controller layer
This is where I'm implementing the GraphQL/REST controllers, this controller layer is using the command and query model, meaning it has knowledge about the Domain Layer commands as well as the Projection Layer query model.
As I've mentioned the confusion starts with the application layer, let me explain it a bit with simplified example.
Considering I want a domain model to implement Pokemon fighting logic. I need to use PokemonAPI that would provide me data of the Pokemon names stats etc, this would be an external API i would use to get some data.
Let's say that i would have domain implemented like this:
(Keep in mind that I've stretched this implementation so it forces some issues that i have in my own domain)
Pokemon {
id: ID
PokemonFight {
id: ID
pokemon_1: ID
pokemon_2: ID
handle(cmd: Create) {
handle(cmd: ProvidePokemonStats) {
//providing the stats for the pokemons
handle(cmd: Start) {
//fights only when the both pokemon stats were provided
The flow of data between layers would be like this.
User -> [HTTP] -> Controller -> [CommandGateway] -> (Application | Domain) -> [EventGateway] -> (Application | Domain)
Let's assume that two of pokemons are created and the use case of pokemon fight is basically that when it gets created the stats are provided and then when the stats are provided the fight automatically starts.
This use case logic can be solved by using event processor or even saga.
However as you see in the PokemonFight aggregate, there is [ProvidePokemonStats] command, which basically provides their stats, however my domain do not know how to get such data, this data is provided with the PokemonAPI.
This confuses me a bit because the use case would need to be implemented on both layers, the application (so it provides the stats using the external api) and also in the domain? the domain use case would just use purely domain concepts. But shouldn't i have one place for the use cases?
If i think about it, the only purpose saga/event processor that lives in the application layer is to provide proper data to my domain, so it can continue with it's use cases. So when external API fails, i send command to the domain and then it can decide what to do.
For example i could just put every saga / event processor in the application, so when i decide to change some automation flow i exactly know what module i need to edit and where to find it.
The other confusion is where i have multiple domains, and i want to create use case that uses many of them and connects the data between them, it immediately rings in my brain that this should be application layer that would use domain APIs to control the use case, because I don't think that i should add dependency of different domain in the core one.
What layer should be responsible of implementing the automated process between aggregates (can be single but you know what i mean) if the process requires some external API data.
What layer should be responsible of implementing the automated process between aggregates that live in different domains / micro services.
Thank you in advance, and I'm also sorry if what I've wrote sounds confusing or it's too much of text, however any answers about layering the DDD applications and proper locations of the components i would highly appreciate.
I will try to put it clear. If you use CQRS:
In the Write Side (commands): The application services are the command handlers. A cmd handler accesses the domain (repositories, aggreagates, etc) in order to implement a use case.
If the use case needs to access data from another bounded context (microservice), it uses an infraestructure service (via dependency injection). You define the infraestructure service interface in the application service layer, and the implementation in the infra layer. The infra then access the remote microservice via http rest for example. Or integration through events.
In the Read Side (queries): The application service is the query method (I think you call it projection), which access the database directly. There's no domain here.
Hope it helps.
I do agree your wording might be a bit vague, but a couple of things do pop up in my mind which might steer you in the right direction.
Mind you, the wording makes it so that I am not 100% sure whether this is what you're looking for. If it isn't, please comment and correct my on the answer I'll provide, so I can update it accordingly.
Now, before your actual question, I'd firstly like to point out the following.
What I am guessing you're mixing is the notion of the Messages and your Domain Model belonging to the same layer. To me personally, the Messages (aka your Commands, Events and Queries) are your public API. They are the language your application speaks, so should be freely sharable with any component and/or service within your Bounded Context.
As such, any component in your 'application layer' contained in the same Bounded Context should be allowed to be aware of this public API. The one in charge of the API will be your Domain Model, that's true, but these concepts have to be shared to be able to communicate with one another.
That said, the component which will provide the states to your aggregate can be viewed from two directions I think.
It's a component that handles a specific 'Start Pokemon Match' Command. This component has the smarts to know to firstly retrieve the states prior to being able to dispatch a Create and ProvidePokemonStats command, thus ensuring it'll consistently create a working match with the stats in it by not dispatching any of both of the external stats-retrieval API fails.
Your angle in the question is to have an Event Handling Component that reacts on the creation of a Match. From here, I'd state a short-lived saga would be in place, as you'd need to deal with the fault scenario of not being able to retrieve the stats. A regular Event Handler is likely to lean to deal with this correctly.
Regardless of the two options you select, this service will deal with messages, a.k.a. your public API. As such it's within your application and not a component others will deal with directly, ever.
When it comes to your second question, I feel the some notion still holds. Two distinct applications/microservices only more so suggests your talking about two different Bounded Contexts. Certainly then a Saga would be in place to coordinate the operations between both contexts. Note that between Bounded Contexts, you want to share consciously when it comes to the public API, as you'd ideally not expose everything to the outside world.
Hope this helps you out and if not, like I said, please comment and provide me guidance how to answer your question properly.

Guidelines to decide when a domain role needs to be explicitly modelled

I looking for some guidelines as to when one must explicitly model a role in the domain model.
I will explain my current stance with the help of an example here.
Say we are building a health care system, and the business requirement states
"That only doctors with 3+ years of experience and certain
qualifications can perform surgeries"
In this case it is evident that the act of doing a surgery can only be performed by a person playing the role of a doctor and the doctor needs to meet certain prerequisites to perform the action
So basically all doctors are not the same
This method will probably check if the preconditions are met
So in the above cases, I will model the role explicitly.
Now lets consider the alternate scenario.
Only a admin can approve of a funds transfer
In the above case I do not find any need to model this role in domain, as their are no rules distinguishing one admin from another in my domain.
Any person/userlogin with the permission of admin can perform this action, I would rather design this into my security infrastructure and ensure that the
approveTransfer() method invoked on the application layer is invoked only if the currently logged in user has the ADMIN permission.
So the "domain model" by which i mean classes like the Account class is unaware of this rule, this is codified in the application layer either via AOP or probably the AccountService class or the like.
What do the wise men have to say about this ? :)
When designing aggregates I always ask myself an important question.
What is the consistency boundary for the process I'm attempting to model?
I ask what rules must be applied during any one atomic operation. This is referred to as a transactional boundary, and its your bread butter when defining your invariants (rules that must always be true during the lifetime of an atomic operation - start to end).
As I see it, the rule that a doctor/surgeon must have n years of experience - for a particular operation - is an invariant that must always be transactionally consistent (such as when performing a surgery). Therefor it should be modeled as a transactional boundary within a single aggregate.
Because aggregates can only guarantee the consistency within themselves, the invariants it is responsible for should not be leaked outside of it. In my opinion, and assuming that doctor is an aggregate, a separate roles model should not be responsible for an invariant that the doctor's model itself should be responsible for.
Aggregate to aggregate relationships should really only be established to provide 'help' in giving some missing piece of information. But the rules and how that information is interpreted should be isolated within its respective aggregate.
A separate situation can arise for user authentication. You may have a bounded context with a Customer model, but the details of permissions, authentication, and roles are so vast as to require an entirely separate system to deal with. In this case you may end up creating a separate bounded context for User Roles and Permission and linking the two bounded contexts. In this scenario you could have a domain service that deals with the communication between the two. Call the Customer root with an operation and pass in the domain service for some intention revealing double dispatch and let the domain service resolve wheather that operation goes through or not. In this scenario though, the responsibilities of user auth is not the Customer's at all. The Customer simply doesn't care (because it cannot itself guarantee the transaction) and its up to User Auth and Roles to decide what to do.
From: Implementing Domain Driven Design - Vaughn Vernon
A properly designed Aggregate is one that can be modified in any way required by the business with its invariants completely consistent within a single transaction. And a properly designed Bounded Context modifies only one Aggregate instance per transaction in all cases. What is more, we cannot correctly reason on Aggregate design without applying transactional analysis.

DDD - can a repository fetch an aggregate by something other than its identifier?

I model a User as an aggregate root and a User is composed of an Identifier value object as well as an Email value object. Both value objects can uniquely identify a User, however the email is allowed to change and the identifier cannot.
In most examples of DDD I have seen, a repository for an aggregate root only fetches by identifier. Would it be correct to add another method that fetches by email to the repository? Am I modeling this poorly?
I would say yes, it is appropriate for a repository to have methods for retrieving aggregates by something other than the identity. However, there are some subtleties to be aware of.
The reason that many repository examples only retrieve by ID is based on the observation that repositories coupled with the structure of aggregates cannot fulfill all query requirements. For instance, if you have a query which calls for some fields from an aggregate as well as some fields for a referenced aggregate and some summary data, the corresponding aggregate classes cannot be used to represent this data. Instead, a dedicated read-model is needed. Therefore, querying responsibilities are decoupled from the repository. This have several advantages (queries can be served by a dedicated de-normalized store) and it is the principal paradigm of CQRS. In this type of architecture, domain classes are only retrieved by the repository when some behavior needs to execute. All read-only use cases are served by a read-models.
The reason that I think it appropriate for a repository to have a GetByEmail method is based on YAGNI and battling complexity. You an allow your application to evolve as requirements change and grow. You don't need to jump to CQRS and separate read/write stores right away. You can start with a repository that also happens to have a query method. The only thing to keep in mind is that you should try to retrieve entities by ID when you need to invoke some behavior on those entities.
I would put this functionality into a service / business layer that is specific to your User object. Not every object is going to have an Email identifier. This seems more like business logic than the responsibility of the repository. I am sure you already know this, but here is good explanation of what I am talking about.
I would not recommend this, but you could have a specific implementation of your repository for a User that exposes a GetByEmail(string emailAddress) method, but I still like the service idea.
I agree with what eulerfx has answered:
You need to ask yourself why you need to get the AR using something
other than the ID.
I think it would be rather obvious that you do not have the ID but you do have some other unique identifier such as the e-mail address.
If you go with CQRS you need to first determine whether the data is important to the domain or only to the query store. If you require the data to be 100% consistent then it changes things slightly. You would, for instance, need 100% consistency if you are checking whether an e-mail address exists in order to satisfy the unique constraint. If the queried data is at any time stale you will probably run into problems.
Remember that a repository represents a collection of sorts. So if you do not need to actually operate on the AR (command side) but you have decided that where you are using your domain is appropriate then you could always go for a ContainsEMailAddress on the repository; else you could have a query side for your domain data store also since your domain data store (OLTP type store) is 100% consistent whereas your query store (OLAP type store) may only be eventually consistent, as is typical of CQRS with a separate query store.
In most examples of DDD I have seen, a repository for an aggregate
root only fetches by identifier.
I'd be curious to know what examples you've looked at. According to the DDD definition, a Repository is
A mechanism for encapsulating storage, retrieval, and search behavior
which emulates a collection of objects.
Search obviously includes getting a root or a collection of roots by all sorts of criteria, not only their ID's.
Repository is a perfect place for GetCustomerByEmail(), GetCustomersOver18(), GetCustomersByCountry(...) and so on.
Would it be correct to add another method that fetches by email to the repository? - I would not do that. In my opinion a repository should have only methods for getting by id, save and delete.
I'd rather ask why you don't have user id in the command handler in which you want to fetch the user and call a domain method on it. I don't know what exactly you are doing, but for the login/register scenario, I would do following. When a user logs in, he passes an email address and a password, and you do a query to authenticate the user - this would not use domain or repository (that is just for commands), but would use some query implementation which would return some UserDto which would contain user id, from this point you have the user id. Next scenario is registration. The command handler to create a new user would create a new user entity, then the user needs to log in.
