Why are C/C++ 'obj' files valid only for a specific compiler? - visual-c++

After much struggling with attempting to link a C++ project to a 3rd party static library (.lib), I think I have solved the issue by verifying that I compile my project using the same compiler in which the .lib file was compiled (MSVC11).
Until this point, I assumed all .obj files were equivalent, thus I could take a .lib file (containing various .objs), and use that with any other project I might want to develop in the future. However, this was an incorrect assumption.
So I'm curious as to why (in the context of MSVC) .obj files differ from one version of the compiler to the next. Assuming you're targeting an x86 application, shouldn't the obj files be comprised of the same types of instructions regardless of whether or not you compiled using MSVC11/12/14?
TLDR; Why can't I link a project to an .obj that was created using a different MSVC compiler?

That's because it could be linked to another version of Visual C++ runtime libraries, which is incompatible with the version you are using.
This problem could be even with DLLs if you try to expose C++ objects from it.


Options for using MSVC static libraries with MinGW (reimp was unable to convert them)

I work for a company that recently purchased a piece of hardware accompanied by an SDK. Unfortunately, all the SDK libraries were compiled with a Microsoft Visual C++ compiler (I don't know which one) and cannot be used by MinGW (I develop in Code::Blocks using the MinGW C++ compiler).
I've attempted to convert the libraries using reimp (from the MinGW utilities collection), which has worked in the past with static libraries from other vendors, but in this case the converted libraries result in "undefined reference" errors when linked.
The def files generated by reimp for each library during the conversion process don't look very good (they're filled with lines like ??0nameOfFunction##QEAA#AEBV0##Z, while the def files generated during a successful conversion contain lines similar to nameOfFunction#32), so it seems that the vendor's libraries are simply of a type that reimp can't convert.
Are there any other options that would allow me to use these libraries with MinGW? If not, is it reasonable to request that the vendor recompile their libraries with g++ (i.e., is it something they could feasibly do given that the libraries were originally developed using MSVC)?
Any comments or suggestions are appreciated!

16-bit obj files VC++

How do I compile my VC++ project to a 16-bit flat object file for use in my bootloader I am working on?
To my understanding, an object file is technically already "flat" and the linker turns it into the destination executable format. What I want it to be able to obtain that object file and pass that and my assembly code (in obj format) through the linker to create a flat bootloader.
The [guide][1] is not very specific on where the files are located and just says that you use cl.exe, link.exe, and ml.exe (MASM).
The guide uses MASM, but I know how to output object files with NASM. My main problem is the VC++ thing.
The last 16-bit compiler from Microsoft was VC++ 1.52c. It's ancient, and probably not available any more. Even if it was, chances are pretty good that it wouldn't compile any recent code. Just to name a few of its most obvious shortcomings, it had no support for templates, exception handling, or namespaces at all.
I believe most people working on things like that any more use Open Watcom (which isn't exactly up to date either, but still better than VC++ 1.52c).

LLVM and visual studio .obj binary incompatibility

Does anyone know if LLVM binary compatibility is planned for visual studio combiled .obj and static .lib files?
Right now I can only link LLVM made .obj files with dynamic libs that loads a DLL at runtime (compiled from visual studio).
While there probably is very small chances that binary compatibility will happen between the two compilers, does anybody know why it is so difficult achieving this between compilers for one platform?
As Neil already said, the compatibility includes stuff like calling convention, name mangling, etc. Though these two are the smallest possible problems. LLVM already knows about all windows-specific calling conventions (stdcall, fastcall, thiscall), this is why you can call stuff from .dll's.
If we speak about C++ code then the main problem is C++ ABI: vtable layout, rtti implementation, etc. clang follows Itanium C++ ABI (which gcc use, for example, among others), VCPP - doesn't and all these are undocumented, unfortunately. There is some work going in clang in this direction, so stuff might start to work apparently. Note that most probably some parts will never be covered, e.g. seh-based exception handling on win32, because it's patented.
Linking with pure C code worked for ages, so, you might workaround these C++ ABI-related issues via C stubs / wrappers.
Apart from anything else, such as calling conventions, register usage etc, for C++ code to binary compatible the two compilers must use the same name-mangling scheme. These schemes are proprietory (so MS does not release the details if its scheme) and are in any case in a constant state of flux.

Linking against shared objects at compile time

In Windows, many .dlls come with a static .lib counterpart. My understanding is that the .lib counterpart basically contains LoadProcAddress calls so that the programmer doesn't have to do it him/herself. Essentially, a time saver. When I switched to Linux, I was assuming the situation was the same, replacing .dll with .so and .lib with .a, but I have come to a situation that is showing me this is wrong and I can't figure out what is going on:
I am using a library that comes as a .a/.so pair. I was linking against the .a, but when I executed ldd on the binary that was produced, it contained no reference to the corresponding .so file. So then, I tried linking against the .so file and to my surprise, this worked. In addition, the .so file showed up when I executed ldd against the resulting binary.
So, I am really confused as to what is going on. In Windows, I would never think to link against a .dll file. Also, in Windows, if a .dll file was accompanied with a .lib and I linked against the .lib at compile-time, then I would expect to have a dependency on the corresponding .dll at runtime. Both these things are not true in this case.
Yes, I have read the basic tutorials about shared objects in Linux, but everything I read seems to indicate that my initial assumption was correct. By the way, I should mention that I am using Code::Blocks as an IDE, which I know complicates things, but I am 99% sure that when I tell it to link against the .so file, it is not simply swapping out the .a file because the resulting binary is smaller. (Plus the whole business about ldd...)
Anyway, thanks in advance.
I was linking against the .a, but when I executed ldd on the binary that was produced, it contained no reference to the corresponding .so file.
This is expected. When you link statically, the static library's code is integrated into the resulting binary. There are no more references to or dependencies on the static library.
So then, I tried linking against the .so file and to my surprise, this worked.
What do you mean, that the static linking did not work? There's no reason that it shouldn't...
.lib are used in Windows to dynamically link. You don't have them in Linux, you link with .so directly.
The .a file is the statically built library, you use it to link statically.
To add to already correct answer by tharibo - in some situations (e.g. delayed shared library load) it might be desirable to do it the Windows way i.e. by linking against a static stub instead of .so. Such stubs can be written by hand, generated by project-specific scripts or by generic Implib.so tool.

mixing code compiled with /MT and /MD

I have a large body of code, compiled with /MT (i.e. expecting to statically link against the CRT). I need to combine this with a static third-party library, which has been built with /MD (i.e. expecting to link the CRT dynamically).
Is it theoretically possible to link the two into one executable without recompiling either?
If I link with /nodefaultlib:msvcrt, I end up with a small number of undefined references to things like __imp__wgetenv. I'm tempted to try implementing those functions in my own code, forwarding to wgetenv, etc. Is that worth trying, or will I run straight into the next problem?
Unfortunately I'm Forbidden from taking the easy option of packing the thirdparty code into a separate DLL :-/
No. /MT and /MD are mutually exclusive.
All modules passed to a given invocation of the linker must have been compiled with the same run-time library compiler option (/MD, /MT, /LD).
I found such solution in OpenSSL sources: All obj files of the library are compiled with combination: /MT /Zl. As author described, such combination allows to build static library with ability to compile with applications either dynamic CRT (/MD) or static CRT (/MT).
I faced similar situation where in I had two libraries one was built with MT and another one with MD. I had to build an executable which uses functionalities from both the libraries. The library built as MD was third party thus I couldn't rebuilt it and library built as MT has many dependencies and to built all of them as MD is a big pain. I was getting error from the third party config header file which made it mandatory to built the executable as MD. I was looking for the easy way of packaging third party dll as a separate dll as mentioned in question. However, I couldn't find enough explanation online on this easy way. Hence my two cents below.
The following is the way I circumvent it
I built another .dll which acted as an interface. This interface basically wrapped all api calls that was made to third party dll. The header file for this interface did not include any header file from third party dll rather all those header files were included in the interface.cpp file. Interface as you expect was built as MD.
Now In my main.cpp file I included this interface header file to make all the calls to third party dll through the interface.
Extra care has to be taken in passing arguments to the interface. Basic variables like int,bool etc can be passed as value. However any class or structure needs to be passed as const reference to avoid heap corruption. This is applicable to even string.
Happy to share more details if it is not clear!
