IIS can't access hostname but localhost - iis

I don't know why do my IIS can't connect / bind the hostname. It works good if I browse with the localhost (http://localhost:23152), but it doesn't work if i browse with the hostname (http://test.company.com:23152). I already registered the hostname in hosts file (C:/windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts)
It works good without hostname
It doesn't work with hostname
Here's when I try to ping the hostname (as you can see, the IP Address doesn't show the
Is there something I'm missing?
Any help will be appreciated, Thanks :)


Website works remotely but not on the server itself when called by domain

I am using Windows Server 2019 and in IIS 10 I have created a website and I have bound it to both: "localhost" and "mydomain.com" on port 80.
mydomain.com works correctly from any client but on the server only when I call "localhost" it works otherwise I get the following error (when called by domain):
Configure your DNS in your local server to resolve the domain name as localhost
On clients, your request domain.com is resolved by its configured DNS.
It can be on public DNS (internet) or private ones (company, intranet).
From the server domain.com, do you have access to the same DNS than your clients use ?
If not, either configure additional DNS servers :
or you could edit you Host file of mydomain.com (local DNS):
It may look like that : localhost mydomain.com
# and existing settings

can't telnet via IP but can via localhost

I started an instance on AWS ec2 and am trying to connect via my web browser to the app on the server running on port 3000. I've also turned off iptables...
I can telnet via telnet localhost 3000 and telnet 3000 but can't telnet via the hostname or ip like telnet ipaddress 3000.
When i do that, I get a connection refused. I think this has somethign to do with my hosts file but can't figure out what. My host file looks like this: ip-108-205-72-168 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1 localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
Provided that you gave the instance a public ip, have you checked the security groups? AWS security groups are associated with instances and apply inbound/outbound rules.
If you have already done that then my next step would probably be to make sure that the port is bound to the correct interface(s). ss -tupan | grep 3000
please make sure you iptable rules is right and can accessed by ip.
Could you confirm whether you using elastic IP over the amazon VM?
If yes, then it will do the entry in the host file automatically when you associate elastic IP to the EC2.
But if not, then need to do a manual entry.

URL with hostname does not work but works with IP address

I am working on RHEL 6.3, the IP address of this server is 172.xxx.xxx.xx and hostname is build01.xxx.com
I have a DNS entries of client server, I have configured that in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and in /etc/resolv.conf
[root#build01 ~]# cat /etc/resolv.conf
search 100.xxx.x
nameserver 203.xxx.xxx.xxx ##Primary DNS
nameserver 203.xxx.xxx.xxx ###Secondary DNS
[root#build01 etc]# cat /etc/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
172.xxx .xxx.xx build01.xxx.com build01
[root#build01 ~]# hostname
My issue is when I hit the URL with hostname(buil01.xxx.in) it does not work, but it works with IP (172.xxx.xxx.xx)
This is the error which i get in browser if I type hostname
Host Not Found
**DNS error (the host name of the page you are looking for does not exist) or Server did not accept the connection.
Please check that the host name has been spelled correctly.**
Internet works in this machine only issue is with hostname
Please help me what I am missing to configure
The search line in resolv.conf should list the local domain. So change:
search 100.xxx.x
search xxx.com
Actually you should also change search to domain. For more information have a look at man resolv.conf.

Apache IP address working but localhost does not

I downloaded Apache2 and it is currently running. I typed in my IP address and it brings me to the "It Works!" page, however when I type in localhost or I receive an error. Can someone tell me whats up?
check able to ping or not with same machine.
check /etc/hosts file having entry or not?
check in apache configuration file Listen or not?

host doing unnecessary dns lookup for localhost

I have a centOS system(embedded and has very binaries) with the following /etc/hosts.
$cat /etc/hosts localhost localhost
Also the host is assigned a DNS server which returns some invalid IP for the domain name lookup of localhost. But I cannot avoid a connection to this DNS due to some network restrictions.
My question is, when I already have a valid /etc/hosts file why is the system querying the DNS for localhost? And how can I stop that?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Check that you have files listed before dns for the hosts entry in /etc/nsswitch.conf.
[me#home]$ grep "^hosts" /etc/nsswitch.conf
hosts: files dns
If dns comes first, then your system will always query DNS to resolve hostnames before falling back to /etc/hosts.
