Add new data center to cassandra cluster - cassandra

I have the following datacenter-aware configuration:
Primary Datacenter: 3 node cluster, RF=3
Data size is more than 100GB per node
I would lite to add new data center (Secondary Datacenter: 3 node cluster, RF=3)
I know how do that.
But the problem is: How sync data from primary to secondary quickly?
I tried "nodetool repair" (with various keys) and "nodetool rebuild" but it takes much time near 10 hours.
I used cassandra 2.1.15 version

nodetool rebuild is usually the fastest way to sync new nodes.
To speed it up you could try a couple things:
If you have a lot of network bandwidth between the data centers, try increasing the cassandra.yaml parameter inter_dc_stream_throughput_outbound_megabits_per_sec. This defaults to 200 Mbs, so you could try a higher value.
You could also use a smaller replication factor than 3 in the new data center, for example start with 1 to get it up and running as quickly as possible, then later alter the keyspace to a higher value and use repair to create the extra replicas.


Apache Cassandra decommission second DC and join nodes into first DC as brand new nodes?

My Cassandra cluster consists of 2 DCs, each DC has 5 nodes and replication factor per DC is 3. Both DCs are hosted onto the same docker orchestrator. This is a legacy and probably it was done during last major system migration years ago. At the time being I don't see any advantage of having 2 DCs with same replication factor 3. This way same data is written 6 times. Cluster is at least 80% write heavy, reads are more or less limited.
Cassandra load is struggling at peak times, so I would like to have 1 DC with 10 nodes (instead of 2DCs x 5 ndoes) to be able to balance across 10 nodes, instead of just 5. This way I will also bring down data size per node. Having same amount of RAM and CPU dedicated to Cassandra, I would win performance and free storage space ;-)
So idea is to decommission DC2 and bring all 5 nodes from it to DC1 as brand new nodes.
Steps are known:
alter keyspaces to be limited to DC1 only.
no clients to be writing/reading to/from DC2 - DCAwarePolicy with LOCAL_*
I wonder about next step - it says I need to start decommissioning node by node DC2. Is this mandatory or I could somehow just take those nodes down? Goal is not to decommission some, but all nodes in a DC. If I decommission say node5, data would be transferred to remaining 4 nodes and so on. At some point I would be left with 3 nodes and replication factor 3, so I won't be able to decommission any further. What is more - I guess there would be no free space on those node volumes and I am not willing to extend those any further.
So my questions are:
is there a way to alter keyspace to DC1 only, then just to bring all DC2 nodes down, erase volumes and add them one by one to DC1, expanding DC1? Basically to decommission all DC2 nodes at once?
Is there a way for even quicker move of those 5 DC2 nodes to DC1 (at the end they contain same data as 5 nodes in DC1)? Like just join them to DC1 with all data they contain?
What is the advantage of having 2 DCs in a single cluster, instead of having a single DC with double the nodes? Or it strongly depends on the usage and the way services write and read data from Cassandra?
Appreciate your replies, thanks.
is there a way to alter keyspace to DC1 only, then just to bring all DC2 nodes down, erase volumes and add them one by one to DC1, expanding DC1? Basically to decommission all DC2 nodes at once?
Yes, you can adjust the keyspace definition to just replicate within DC1. Since you're basically removing a DC, you could shut them all down, and run a nodetool removenode for each. In theory, that would remove the nodes from gossip and (if they're down) not attempt to move data around. Then yes, add each node back to DC1, one at a time. Once you're done, run a repair, followed by a nodetool cleanup on each node.
Is there a way for even quicker move of those 5 DC2 nodes to DC1 (at the end they contain same data as 5 nodes in DC1)? Like just join them to DC1 with all data they contain?
No. Token range assignment is DC dependent. If they moved to a new DC, their range assingments would change, and the nodes would very likely be responsible for different ranges of data.
What is the advantage of having 2 DCs in a single cluster, instead of having a single DC with double the nodes?
Geographic awareness. If you have a mobile app and users on both the West Coast and East Coast, you don't want your East Coast users making a call for data all the way to the West Coast. You want that data call to happen as locally as possible. So, you'd build up a DC on each coast, and let Cassandra keep them in-sync.

why full replication Cassandra cluster have node data size difference

I have a 3-node cassandra cluster (version 3.11.11) with replication factor 3. only 2 of the nodes are receiving requests, and Node3 only sync with the other 2 nodes.
In theory, each node should have the same data size. But in practice, I end up with nodes with different data sizes as shown in the picture.
we have daily nodetool repair, operations like compaction are done automatically with default settings.
What can be the reason for the size difference?
It finally ends up how data gets compacted in the long run. Since compaction is local process and how sstables can be stacked up cannot be guaranteed. So I dont see any abbreviation here. Theory just say all nodes will have same data logically but physically it may vary. For example in node3 you may have old sstables that are not getting compacted due to size (if using STCS) and in other nodes they have compacted and reduced the size of those nodes.

Cassandra nodetool repair options

I have a 15 node cluster with RF 3 (using vnodes). We are ingesting data into the 15 nodes from multiple clients. It turns out that one of the nodes has been down for a couple of days and it's now almost 200 GBs behind, the other nodes have approx 380 GB.
What sort of nodetool repair would you recommend here? I know that the nodetool repair operation is CPU intensive and this might affect the rate at which the clients would be ingesting into the cluster. There seems to be several nodetool repair operations such as -snapshot, -par, etc and I was wondering if any of these options would better suit my current scenario.
I'm trying to run the repair with the least performance hit possible on the cluster.
Unless you have already taken a snapshot to repair from, the -snapshot option won't do you any good.
Do you have multiple datacenters? If so, you could do a nodetool repair -local, which would only repair your node from nodes in its local datacenter. This is a good way to repair a node without affecting overall cluster performance.
Otherwise Rock's suggestion of repairing only the first partition range (in parallel) is worth trying, as well.
You can use sh nodetool repair -par to ensure minimum impact for online cluster on each node.
Run sh nodetool cleanup once repair is done.

How to migrate single-token cluster to a new vnodes cluster without downtime?

We have Cassandra cluster with single token per node, total 22 nodes, average load per node is 500Gb. It has SimpleStrategy for the main keyspace and SimpleSnitch.
We need to migrate all data to the new datacenter and shutdown the old one without a downtime. New cluster has 28 nodes. I want to have vnodes on it.
I'm thinking of the following process:
Migrate the old cluster to vnodes
Setup the new cluster with vnodes
Add nodes from the new cluster to the old one and wait until it balances everything
Switch clients to the new cluster
Decommission nodes from the old cluster one by one
But there are a lot of technical details. First of all, should I shuffle the old cluster after vnodes migration? Then, what is the best way to switch to NetworkTopologyStrategy and to GossipingPropertyFileSnitch? I want to switch to NetworkTopologyStrategy because new cluster has 2 different racks with separate power/network switches.
should I shuffle the old cluster after vnodes migration?
You don't need to. If you go from one token per node to 256 (the default), each node will split its range into 256 adjacent, equally sized ranges. This doesn't affect where data lives. But it means that when you bootstrap in a new node in the new DC it will remain balanced throughout the process.
what is the best way to switch to NetworkTopologyStrategy and to GossipingPropertyFileSnitch?
The difficulty is that switching replication strategy is in general not safe since data would need to be moved around the cluster. NetworkToplogyStrategy (NTS) will place data on different nodes if you tell it nodes are in different racks. For this reason, you should move to NTS before adding the new nodes.
Here is a method to do this, after you have upgraded the old cluster to vnodes (your step 1 above):
1a. List all existing nodes as being in DC0 in the properties file. List the new nodes as being in DC1 and their correct racks.
1b. Change the replication strategy to NTS with options DC0:3 (or whatever your current replication factor is) and DC1:0.
Then to add the new nodes, follow the process here: Remember to set the number of tokens to 256 since it will be 1 by default.
In step 5, you should set the replication factor for DC0 to be 0 i.e. change replication options to DC0:0, DC1:3. Now those nodes aren't being used so decommission won't stream any data but you should still do it rather than powering them off so they are removed from the ring.
Note one risk is that writes made at a low consistency level to the old nodes could get lost. To guard against this, you could write at CL.LOCAL_QUORUM after you switch to the new DC. There is still a small window where writes could get lost (between steps 3 and 4). If it is important, you can run repair before decommissioning the old nodes to guarantee no losses or write at a high consistency level.
If you are trying to migrate to a new cluster with vnodes, wouldn't you need to change the Partitioner. The documents say that it isn't a good idea to migrate data between different Partitioners.

Cassandra nodes ownership is 0.00%

I have a Cassandra cluster with 2 nodes. I am using NetworkTopologyStrategy
I was trying to increase the replication factor of keyspace in Cassandra to 2. I did the following steps:
UPDATE KEYSPACE demo WITH strategy_options = {DC1:2,DC2:2}; on both the nodes
Then I ran the nodetool repair on both the nodes
Then I ran my Hector code to count the number of rows and columns in the database.
I get the following error: Unavailable Exception
Also when I run the command
./nodetool –h ip_address ring
I found that both nodes ownership is 0 %. Please tell me how should I fix that.
You mention "both nodes", which implies that you have two total nodes rather than two data centers as would be suggested by your strategy options. Specifying {DC1:2,DC2:2} would require a minimum of four nodes (two in each DC to satisfy the replication factor), although this would not be advised since essentially all your nodes would be points of failure.
A minimal Cassandra cluster should have at least three nodes, in which case a RF of two would allow one node to go down without bringing down the system. It sounds like you have a single cluster (rather than two data centers), so what you really need is one more node (3 total), RF=2, using the SimpleStrategy instead of NetworkTopologyStrategy.
