get the document url in chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest - google-chrome-extension

In chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest we get all sorts of url's -- javascript, css etc.
For every url I want to know the main tab url.
What is the simplest way to get it synchronously?
Right now I'm using this way:
if details.frameId == 0 then details.url contains the main tab url for this tab id
function (details) {
if (details.tabId == -1)
if ("type" in details && ['main_frame', 'sub_frame'].indexOf(details.type) !== -1)
if (details.frameId == 0) {
all_tabs_info.add_tab_info(details.tabId, details.url);
urls: ['<all_urls>']
So now onwards if any request comes for this tab id we already have the tab url. This crude logic seems to be working.

A couple of enhancements:
use filters as much as possible, in this case for type.
main_frame type by definition corresponds to the top-level frame, which in turn means it has frameId of 0, so by not listening to sub_frame you can omit the check altogether.
The value 0 indicates that the request happens in the main frame; a positive value indicates the ID of a subframe in which the request happens. If the document of a (sub-)frame is loaded (type is main_frame or sub_frame), frameId indicates the ID of this frame, not the ID of the outer frame. Frame IDs are unique within a tab.
type is not optional as you can see in the documentation, no need to doubt its presence.
So the simplified code is just this:
function(details) {
if (details.tabId >= 0) {
all_tabs_info.add_tab_info(details.tabId, details.url);
urls: ['<all_urls>'],
types: ['main_frame'],


React Native: Reach-Navigation and Pouch-DB - db.put not done before "refresh" callback is run

Relative newbie; forgive me if my etiquette and form here aren't great. I'm open to feedback.
I have used create-react-native-app to create an application using PouchDB (which I believe ultimately uses AsyncStorage) to store a list of "items" (basically).
Within a TabNavigator (main app) I have a StackNavigator ("List screen") for the relevant portion of the app. It looks to the DB and queries for the items and then I .map() over each returned record to generate custom ListView-like components dynamically. If there are no records, it alternately displays a prompt telling the user so. In either case, there is an "Add Item" TouchableOpacity that takes them to a screen where they an add a new item (for which they are taken to an "Add" screen).
When navigating back from the "Add" screen I'm using a pattern discussed quite a bit here on SO in which I've passed a "refresh" function as a navigation param. Once the user uses a button on the "Add" screen to "save" the changes, it then does a and adds them item, runs the "refresh" function on the "List screen" and then navigates back like so:
onPress={() => {
if (this.state.itemBrand == '') {
'Missing Information',
'Please be sure to select a Brand',
{text: 'OK', onPress: () =>
console.log('OK pressed on AddItemScreen')},
{ cancelable: false }
} else {
And all of this works fine. The "refresh" function (passed as onGoBack param) works fine... for this screen. The database is called with the query, the new entry is found and the components for the item renders up like a charm.
Each of the rendered ListItem-like components on the "List screen" contains a react-native-slideout with an "Edit" option. An onPress for these will send the user to an "Item Details" screen, and the selected item's _id from PouchDB is passed as a prop to the "Item Details" screen where loadItem() runs in componentDidMount and does a db.get(id) in the database module. Additional details are shown from a list of "events" property for that _id (which are objects, in an array) which render out into another bunch of ListItem-like components.
The problem arises when either choose to "Add" an event to the list for the item... or Delete it (using another function via [another] slideout for these items. There is a similar backward navigation, called in the same form as above after either of the two functions is called from the "Add Event" screen, this being the "Add" example:
async createEvent() {
var eventData = {
eventName: this.state.eventName.trim(),
eventSponsor: this.state.eventSponsor.trim(),
eventDate: this.state.eventDate,
eventJudge: this.state.eventJudge.trim(),
eventStandings: this.state.eventStandings.trim(),
eventPointsEarned: parseInt(this.state.eventPointsEarned.trim()),
var key = this.key;
var rev = this.rev;
await db.createEvent(key, rev, eventData);
which calls my "db_ops" module function:
exports.createEvent = function (id, rev, eventData) {
console.log('You called db.createEvent()');
.then(function(doc) {
var arrWork =; //assign array of events to working variable
console.log('arrWork is first assigned: ' + arrWork);
console.log('then, arrWork was pushed and became: ' + arrWork);
var arrEvents = arrWork.sort((a,b)=>{
var dateA = new Date(a.eventDate), dateB = new Date(b.eventDate);
return b.eventDate - a.eventDate;
}) = arrEvents;
return db.put(doc);
.then((response) => {
console.log("db.createEvent() response was:\n" +
console.log("Error in db.createEvent():\n" + err);
After which the "Add Event" screen's button fires the above in similar sequence to the first, just before navigating back:
The "refresh" function looks like so (also called in componentDidMount):
loadItem() {
console.log('Someone called loadItem() with this.itemID of ' + this.itemID);
var id = this.itemID;
let totalWon = 0;
.then((item) => {
console.log('[LOAD ITEM] got back data of:\n' + JSON.stringify(item));
this.setState({objItem: item, events:});
if ( != 0) { this.setState({itemLoaded: true}); {
totalWon += parseInt(event.eventPointsEarned);
console.log('totalWon is ' + totalWon + ' with ' +
event.eventPointsEarned + ' having been added.');
this.setState({totalWon: totalWon});
.catch((err) => {
console.log('db.loadItem() error: ' + err);
this.setState({itemLoaded: false});
I'm at a loss for why the List Screen refreshes when I add an item... but not when I'm doing other async db operations with PouchDB in what I think is similar fashion to modify the object containing the "event" information and then heading back to the Item Details screen.
Am I screwing up with Promise chain someplace? Neglecting behavior of the StackNavigator when navigating deeper?
The only other difference being that I'm manipulating the array in the db function in the non-working case, whereas the others I'm merely creating/posting or deleting/removing the record, etc. before going back to update state on the prior screen.
Edit to add, as per comments, going back to "List screen" and the opening "Item Details" does pull the database data and correctly shows that the update was made.
Further checking I've done also revealed that the console.log in createEvent() to print the response to the db call isn't logging until after some of the other dynamic rendering methods are getting called on the "Item Details" screen. So it seems as though the prior screen is doing the get() that loadItem() calls before the Promise chain in createEvent() is resolving. Whether the larger issue is due to state management is still unclear -- though it would make sense in some respects -- to me as this could be happening regardless of whether I've called my onGoBack() function.
Edit/bump: I’ve tried to put async/await to use in various places in both the db_ops module on the db.get() and the component-side loadItem() which calls it. There’s something in the timing of these that just doesn’t jive and I am just totally stuck here. Aside from trying out redux (which I think is overkill in this particular case), any ideas?
There is nothing to do with PDB or navigation, it's about how you manage outer changes in your depending (already mounted in Navigator since they are in history - it's important to understand - so componentDidMount isn't enough) components. If you don't use global state redux-alike management (as I do) the only way to let know depending component that it should update is passing corresponding props and checking if they were changed.
Like so:
refreshEvents = ()=> { //pass it to DeleteView via screenProps
this.setState({time2refreshEvents: +new Date()}) //pass time2refreshEvents to EventList via screenProps
//delete button...
onPress={db.deleteThing(thingID).then(()=> this.props.screenProps.refreshEvents())}
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
events: [],
noEvents: false,
ready: false,
time2refreshEvents: this.props.screenProps.time2refreshEvents,
static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, currentState) {
if (nextProps.screenProps.time2refreshEvents !== currentState.time2refreshEvents ) {
return {time2refreshEvents : nextProps.screenProps.time2refreshEvents }
} else {
return null
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if (this.state.time2refreshEvents !== prevState.time2refreshEvents) {
_getEvents = ()=> {
//do stuff querying db and updating your list with actual data

How to filter urls with # (hash tag) using UrlFilter in a chrome.declarativeContent.PageStateMatcher

I've just started building a chrome extension and as I need to display its icon only for specific urls, I used page_action.
I also used an event listening if the url changes and matches my pattern that way to display the icon:
conditions: [
new chrome.declarativeContent.PageStateMatcher({
pageUrl: { urlContains: '' }
actions: [ new chrome.declarativeContent.ShowPageAction() ]
It works fine but when I want to add a filter of the first character of the query, it fails.
The url pattern I want to filter looks like:
I tried the following but it didn't help:
pageUrl: { urlContains: '' }
pageUrl: { urlContains: '', queryPrefix: '#e' }
pageUrl: { urlContains: '', queryPrefix: 'e' }
I think that the issue comes from the hash tag.
Any idea of a workaround ?
The #... part of a URL is called a "reference fragment" (ocassionally referred to as "hash").
Reference fragments are currently not supported in URLFilters, there is already a bug report for this feature: Issue 84024: targetUrlPatterns and URL search/hash component.
If you really want to show the page action depending on the state of the reference fragment, then you could use the chrome.webNavigation.onReferenceFragmentUpdated event instead of the declarativeContent API. For example (adapted from my answer to How to show Chrome Extension on certain domains?; see that answer for the manifest.json to use for testing):
function onWebNav(details) {
var refIndex = details.url.indexOf('#');
var ref = refIndex >= 0 ? details.url.slice(refIndex+1) : '';
if (ref.indexOf('e') == 0) { // Starts with e? show page action;
} else {
// Base filter
var filter = {
url: [{
hostEquals: ''
chrome.webNavigation.onCommitted.addListener(onWebNav, filter);
chrome.webNavigation.onHistoryStateUpdated.addListener(onWebNav, filter);
chrome.webNavigation.onReferenceFragmentUpdated.addListener(onWebNav, filter);

Multiple Tab Chrome Extension Issue

I've created a basic extension that searches Google if the URL/HTML content fulfill certain requirements. It works for the most part, but fails miserably when there are multiple instances of the extension. For example, if I load tab A and then tab B, but click on the page action for tab A, I will be directed to a search of tab B's content.
I don't know how to silo the script to each tab, so that clicking tab A's page action will always result in a search for tab A stuff. How can that be done? I'd appreciate your suggestions!
title = "";
luckySearchURL = "";
function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
if (request.title != "") {
title = request.title;
sendResponse({confirm: "WE GOT IT."});
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId, change, tab) {
if (change.status === "complete" && title !== "") {;
chrome.pageAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {
chrome.tabs.create({url: luckySearchURL + title})
function getSearchContent() {
url = document.URL;
if (url.indexOf("") > -1)
return "example";
if (window === top) {
content = getSearchContent();
if (content !== null) {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({title: content}, function(response) {
console.log(response.confirm); })
You could do something like store the title with its associated tabId, that way when you click on the pageAction it uses the correct title. The changes would be just these:
title= [];
if (request.title != "") {
title.push({, title:request.title});
sendResponse({confirm: "WE GOT IT."});
chrome.pageAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {
if(v.tabId =={
chrome.tabs.create({url: luckySearchURL + v.title});
// Here I am going to remove it from the array because otherwise the
// array would grow without bounds, but it would be better to remove
// it when the tab is closed so that you can use the pageAction more
// than once.
You're facing this issue because of window === top. So your title variable gets its value from the last opened tab. So if B is opened after A, title gets its value from B. Try this: Detect Tab Id which called the script, fetch the url of that tab, which then becomes your title variable. As below:
chrome.pageAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {
//this function gets tabs details of the active tab, the tab that clicked the pageAction
var urltab = tabs[0].url;
//get the url of the tab that called this script - in your case, tab A or B.
chrome.tabs.create({url: urltab + title});

Preventing tab to cycle through address bar

I realize this is probably an accessibility issue that may best be left alone, but I'd like to figure out if it possible to prevent the tab from visiting the address bar in the tabbing cycle.
My application has another method of cycling through input areas, but many new users instinctively try to use the tab, and it doesn't work as expected.
Here's a generic jquery implementation where you don't have to find the max tab index. Note that this code will also work if you add or remove elements in your DOM.
$('body').on('keydown', function (e) {
var jqTarget = $(;
if (e.keyCode == 9) {
var jqVisibleInputs = $(':input:visible');
var jqFirst = jqVisibleInputs.first();
var jqLast = jqVisibleInputs.last();
if (!e.shiftKey && {
} else if (e.shiftKey && {
However, you should note that the code above will work only with visible inputs. Some elements may become the document's activeElement even if they're not input so if it's your case, you should consider adding them to the $(':input:visible') selector.
I didn't add code to scroll to the focus element as this may not be the wanted behavior for everyone... if you need it, just add it after the call to focus()
You can control the tabbing order (and which elements should be able to get focus at all) with the global tabindex attribute.
However, you can't prevent users to tab into another context not under control of the page (e.g. the browser's address bar) with this attribute. (It might be possible in combination with JavaScript, though.)
For such a (evil!) use case, you'd have to look into keyboard traps.
WCAG 2.0 has the guideline: 2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap. In Understanding SC 2.1.2 you can find "Techniques and Failures" for this guideline:
F10: Failure of Success Criterion 2.1.2 and Conformance Requirement 5 due to combining multiple content formats in a way that traps users inside one format type
FLASH17: Providing keyboard access to a Flash object and avoiding a keyboard trap
G21: Ensuring that users are not trapped in content
So maybe you get some ideas by that how such a trap would be possible.
I used to add two tiny, invisible elements on tabindex 1 and on the last tabindex. Add a onFocus for these two: The element with tabindex 1 should focus the last real element, the one with the max tabindex should focus the first real element. Make sure that you focus the first real element on Dom:loaded.
You could use Javascript and capture the "keydown" event on the element with the highest "tabindex". If the user presses the "TAB" key (event.keyCode==9) without the "Shift" key (event.shiftKey == false) then simply set the focus on the element with the lowest tabindex.
You would then also need to do the same thing in reverse for the element with the lowest tabindex. Capture the "keydown" event for this element. If the user presses the "TAB" key (event.keyCode==9) WITH the "Shift" key (event.shiftKey == true) then set the focus on the element with the highest tabindex.
This would effectively prevent the address bar from ever being focused using the TAB key. I am using this technique in my current project.
Dont forget to cancel the keydown event if the proper key-combination is pressed! With JQuery it's "event.preventDefault()". In standard Javascript, I believe you simply "return false".
Here's a JQuery-laden snippet I'm using...
$('#dos-area [tabindex=' + maxTabIndex + ']').on('keydown', function (e) {
if (e.keyCode == 9 && e.shiftKey == false) {
$('#dos-area [tabindex=1]').focus();
$('#dos-area [tabindex=1]').on('keydown', function (e) {
if (e.keyCode == 9 && e.shiftKey == true) {
$('#dos-area [tabindex=' + maxTabIndex + ']').focus();
Also keep in mind that setting tabindex=0 has undesirable results on the order in which things are focused. I always remember (for my purposes) that tabindex is a 1-based index.
Hi i have an easy solution. just place an empty span on the end of the page. Give it an id and tabindex = 0, give this span an onfocus event, when triggered let your focus jump to the first element on your page you want to cycle trough. This way you won't lose focus on the document, because if you do your events don't work anymore.
I used m-albert solution and it works. But in my case I do not control the tabindex properties. My intention is set the focus on a toolbar at the top of the page (first control) when user leaves the last control on the page.
$(':input:visible').last().on('keydown', function (e) {
if (e.keyCode == 9 && e.shiftKey == false) {
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: 0
}, 500);
$(':input:visible', context).first().focus();
Where context can be any Jquery object, selector, or even document, or you can omit it.
The scrolling animation, of course, is optional.
Not sure if this is still a issue, but I implemented my own solution that does not use jQuery, can be used in the case when all the elements have tabindex="0", and when the DOM is subject to change. I added an extra argument for a context if you want to limit the tabcycling to a specific element containing the tabindex elements.
Some brief notes on the arguments:
min must be less than or equal to max, and contextSelector is an optional string that if used should be a valid selector. If contextSelector is an invalid selector or a selector that doesn't match with any elements, then the document object is used as the context.
function PreventAddressBarTabCyle(min, max, contextSelector) {
if( isNaN(min) ) throw new Error('Invalid argument: first argument needs to be a number type.')
if( isNaN(max) ) throw new Error('Invalid argument: second argument needs to be a number type.')
if( max < min ) throw new Error('Invalid arguments: first argument needs to be less than or equal to the second argument.')
min = min |0;
max = max |0;
var isDocumentContext = typeof(contextSelector) != 'string' || contextSelector == '';
if( min == max ) {
var tabCycleListener = function(e) {
if( e.keyCode != 9 ) return;
var context = isDocumentContext ? document : document.querySelector(contextSelector);
if( !context && !('querySelectorAll' in context) ) {
context = document;
var tabindexElements = context.querySelectorAll('[tabindex]');
if( tabindexElements.length <= 0 ) return;
var targetIndex = -1;
for(var i = 0; i < tabindexElements.length; i++) {
if( == tabindexElements[i] ) {
targetIndex = i;
// Check if tabbing backward and reached first element
if( e.shiftKey == true && targetIndex == 0 ) {
// Check if tabbing forward and reached last element
if( e.shiftKey == false && targetIndex == tabindexElements.length-1 ) {
} else {
var tabCycleListener = function(e) {
if( e.keyCode != 9 ) return;
var context = isDocumentContext ? document : document.querySelector(contextSelector);
if( !context && !('querySelectorAll' in context) ) {
context = document;
var tabindex = parseInt('tabindex'));
if( isNaN(tabindex) ) return;
// Check if tabbing backward and reached first element
if (e.shiftKey == true && tabindex == min) {
context.querySelector('[tabindex="' + max + '"]').focus();
// Check if tabbing forward and reached last element
else if (e.shiftKey == false && tabindex == max) {
context.querySelector('[tabindex="' + min + '"]').focus();
document.body.addEventListener('keydown', tabCycleListener, true);
More notes:
If min is equal to max, then tab cycling will occur naturally until the last element in the context is reached. If min is strictly less than max, then tabbing will cycle naturally until either the min or the max is reached. If tabbing backwards and the min is reached, or tabbing forward and the max is reached, then the tabbing will cycle to the min element or max element respectively.
Example usage:
// For all tabindex elements inside the document
// Same as above
// NOTE: if min == max, the tabindex value doesn't matter
// it matches all elements with the tabindex attribute
// For all tabindex elements between 1 and 15
// For tabindex elements between 1 and 15 inside
// the first element that matches the selector: .some-form
PreventAddressBarTabCyle(1,15, '.some-form');
// For all tabindex elements inside the element
// that matches the selector: .some-form2
PreventAddressBarTabCyle(1,1, '.some-form2');
Salinan solution worked for me
Put this in the start of your html page:
<span tabindex="0" id="prevent-outside-tab"></span>
and this at the end of your html page.:
<span tabindex="0" onfocus="foucsFirstElement()"></span>
foucsFirstElement() :
foucsFirstElement() {

recognize multple lines on info.selectionText from Context Menu

My extension adds a context menu whenever a user selects some text on the page.
Then, using info.selectionText, I use the selected text on a function executed whenever the user selects one of the items from my context menu. (from
So far, all works ok.
Now, I got this cool request from one of the extension users, to execute that same function once per line of the selected text.
A user would select, for example, 3 lines of text, and my function would be called 3 times, once per line, with the corresponding line of text.
I haven't been able to split the info.selectionText so far, in order to recognize each line...
info.selectionText returns a single line of text, and could not find a way to split it.
Anyone knows if there's a way to do so? is there any "hidden" character to use for the split?
Thanks in advance... in case you're interested, here's the link to the extension
Ok, as OnClickData's selectionText is only ever going to be text you'll never be able to do it using this approach.
What I would do then is inject a content script into each page and use something similar to the below example (as inspired by reading this SO post - get selected text's html in div)
You could still use the context menu OnClickData hook like you do now but when you receive it instead of reading selectionText you use the event notification to then trigger your context script to read the selection using x.Selector.getSelected() instead. That should give you what you want. The text stays selected in your extension after using the context menu so you should have no problem reading the selected text.
if (!window.x) {
x = {};
x.Selector = {};
x.Selector.getSelected = function() {
var html = "";
if (typeof window.getSelection != "undefined") {
var sel = window.getSelection();
if (sel.rangeCount) {
var container = document.createElement("div");
for (var i = 0, len = sel.rangeCount; i < len; ++i) {
html = container.innerHTML;
} else if (typeof document.selection != "undefined") {
if (document.selection.type == "Text") {
html = document.selection.createRange().htmlText;
return html;
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).bind("mouseup", function() {
var mytext = x.Selector.getSelected();
See also: Chrome Extension: how to capture selected text and send to a web service
