Is it possible to easily insert a single word in vim - vim

I often want to insert a single word with vim. Is there a way to insert as many Chars as you want until you type a <Space> which then acts as an <esc>?
I know that a normal i with an <esc> doesn't take too long, but I would like to have such a command and the <esc> is quiet hard to reach.

You should consider the following
remap caps lock to esc or;
remap caps lock to control, and then use
the alias for esc which is control-[.
Otherwise, though this isn't quite what you're looking for, see this post for a possible approach, but also read Ingo Karkat's answer there for why it may not be such a great idea to make such mappings.

Please mention the most underrated <C-c>


Insert character without entering insert mode?

Sometimes I want to insert a # to comment out a line and test it quickly. Currently I do:
Is there something shorter I can do?
Although I agree with others that there are better ways to comment and uncomment code, it seems that people have gotten distracted and forgotten to actually answer the question.
This is my approach to inserting a single character:
:noremap <key> i <Esc>r
I tend to find that I need to replace, remove, or add single characters very often if I'm correcting typos, so (resp.) r, x, and whatever is chosen for <key> in the above become very handy.
Note that . is also particularly handy for this sort of task. It repeats the previous action.
Personally though, I only map this function to a valuable key when I'm doing a task where I use it frequently enough to justify occupying a prime spot on the keyboard (such as correcting typos), because really, it only saves one keystroke per use and that's only when <key> is not a combination, which of course limits availability.
I map a couple of things to my <leader> key (\ by default):
" # comment the current line
nnoremap <leader>d I#<ESC>
" block comment in visual mode
vnoremap <leader>c <ESC>'<O/*<ESC>'>o*/<ESC>V'<k
If you want to add a # to the start of a group of lines, then do this:
j (as many times as necessary
You could use a recording. From normal mode, type:
qlml0i#<press escape>`lq
Then to comment out a line, just press #l
Mapping in vim is so easy that I might do something like
:nmap CC I#<Esc>:w<CR>
on the fly. If I get used to it, then I will add it to my vimrc file.
:help key-mapping
:help usr_40.txt
Actually there is a plugin you might wanna take a look at:
It is specifically designed for that purpose.
I'm particularly fond of the tComment plugin. gcc to comment a line, repeat to uncomment, multiple lines, motions, etc.

How to insert/type key sequences that are mapped with imap

I have just started using VIM. The one thing that stains me most while using VIM is the Esc key. So after some googling I found this link: Avoid the escape key and used it to map jk to Esc. I put this command in _vimrc file:
imap jk <Esc>
It's working fine. But now my question is if I need to type jk in vim, how should I do it. One way is to type something like jik then remove the i. But is there any better way of doing it?
If you don't want to wait for the timeout, an alternative is pressing Ctrl + V somewhere, i.e. either <C-V>jk or j<C-V>k. This key combination means "insert next char literally". (On Windows, you often need to use <C-Q> instead.)
Wait more than timeoutlen milliseconds (:help timeoutlen, :set timeoutlen?)
Do something else in the meantime (as you suggest)
Don't map key sequences that you're likely to type
jk is a common choice because no English words contain it. If your language does, don't use it, or change it to something you are not likely to bump into.
You can type Ctrl[. For me this is easier than reaching for the escape key.
:h i_CTRL-[

How can I map these five keyboard actions to a single key in Vim?

I want to map a key so that it will do the following actions in Vim. Suppose I am editing a file; I want it set up so that if I press F2, I will accomplish the same thing I would if I did the following:
press ESC
type colon (:)
type w
press Enter
press ESC again
type i to go back to insert mode
Is this possible?
Yes it's possible, but it doesn't do what you want if the cursor is at the end of line.
To get file saved on F2 in insert mode, use the following mapping:
:imap <F2> <C-O>:w<CR>
Literal answer: Yes. You can use this:
:inoremap <F2> <Esc>:w<CR>I
but it won’t do exactly what you want (the cursor will be at the wrong place).
Anton beat me to the less literal (but correct) answer.
The best answer, though, is this: Don't use Vim incorrectly. You should never spend so much time in insert mode that you need a shortcut to get out of it, save the file, and then get back in. With all other editors, you’re in “insert mode” all the time, and only temporarily pop into a menu or dialog or whatever; in Vim, you should learn to reverse this. Only pop into insert mode to edit or add something; never use arrow keys to move the cursor while in insert mode; spend the majority of your time in command (normal) mode, and after a bit of adjustment to the new paradigm, you will find that your editing speed has increased.
Writing the mapping is almost easier than your description.
First, you need to determine from which mode the mapping will be used, because that determines what :map variant you will use. You’ll probably want to use this in insert mode, so you’ll use :inoremap.
The format of the mapping is:
:..noremap {keys} {rhs}
You want <F2> (see :help key-notation) for keys. For {rhs}, just concatenate the keys listed in your description.
To persist the mapping, add it to ~/.vimrc. (See :help vimrc.)
P.S. The alternative given by Anton Kovalenko is probably better for what you’re trying to do, but here I’ve given you the general recipe for future key mappings.

Making inserting a single character in Vim an atomic operation

I've long used this very useful shortcut in vim:
nmap <space> i <esc>r
this means that if I press spacef, for example, it will insert a single character f at the given position.
unfortunately, however, this is not atomic, ie, if I press spacef and then navigate somewhere else, then press ., I get the equivalent of rf, not spacef.
all this makes sense, but here's the question: is there a way of making this atomic, so that . will repeat the 'insert character' operation, and so that undo etc all treat it as one operation, too?
Awesome! Michael's answer pointed me to the plugin I needed to finish my plugin, which can now do what you want - I had been trying to figure out how to do this for ages!
1) Install Tim Pope's plugin
2) Install my plugin
3) Add a mapping to your .vimrc:
nnoremap <space> :<C-U>call InsertChar#insert(v:count1)<CR>
Does this work for you?
noremap <silent> <space> :exe "normal i".nr2char(getchar())<CR>
You might want to have a look at this plugin script. It may be possible to configure your map so it can be supported. Read the supporting docs
Sorry I can't provide a specific answer to your problem but I will note that I tend to use the . key when I have to reproduce quite a lot of commands (e.g. I want to insert f 5 or more times).
If that is the case here, I don't think the saving of using your macro is worth it. You save one keystroke by using your macro rather than ifesc and that operation is atomic so you could then . to your heart's content.
I would just use the non-macro version if I know I want to repeat it a lot.
P.S. You know I'm starting to like the <kbd> tag quite a bit :-)

What is the difference between <C-C> and <C-[> in vim?

One of the best tips for using vim that I have learned so far has been that one can press Ctrl+C or Ctrl+[ instead of the Esc key. However I use a dvorak keyboard so Ctrl+[ is a little out of reach for me as well so I mostly use Ctrl+C. Now I've read somewhere that these two key combinations don't actually have exactly the same behaviour and that it is better to use Ctrl+[. I haven't come across any problems so far though so I'd like to know what exactly is the difference between the two?
According to Vim's documentation, Ctrl+C does not check for abbreviations and does not trigger the InsertLeave autocommand event while Ctrl+[ does.
One option is to use the following to remap Ctrl+C
inoremap <C-c> <Esc><Esc>
Extremely late answer, but I just had the same question and found one practical example which helps explain the difference, so why not.
If you select a visual block and then change it with c or append something to the end of it with A, if you then exit with <Esc>, the same change will happen on all the lines of the visual block (which is really useful! See :help v_b_A); if you exit with <C-c>, this doesn't happen, only one line gets the change. There are probably other similar things I didn't realize I was missing with <C-c>...
As it turns out, <C-[> is exactly identical to Esc, they are the same character. So no need to wonder about any difference there. :)
