Prevent developers from modifying Liferay Database structure - liferay

I am working in an environment that contain many Liferay Newbies along with experts, now I want to make some configuration to prevent any one from modifying the structure of the Liferay Database, i.e. one developer started a liferay 6.2 server while connecting to a Liferay 6.1 configuration database causing the database to get corrupted ... I know that I can't make LR users read-only because any change is reflected to the database, but I want to put some limitations to prevent a scenario like the above.... is any related configuration available ?

Regular permissions that are required for accessing Liferay's database are SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE. Only when you're developing new plugins you need CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, CREATE INDEX and similar DDL permissions on the database you're developing on. Just don't give them the full permissions.
Update routines (that run when you have 6.2 code running on 6.1 structures) will require the DDL permissions or fail. And, of course, you can also remove / unconfigure the Upgrade routines.


Liferay create site / page programmatically

I have been using Liferay for work for 2 weeks. I noticed that it's a bit difficult to find good documentation and tutorials.
Until now I created pages from the web portal. After I create them, I drag and drop portlets. I don't really like this approach, I would prefer to use a coding approach. Is there a way to create a website or page programmatically by defining a project as I do to create portlets?
Moreover, I am using Liferay with WebLogic 10.3.6. I want to know where liferay puts pages I created via web-portal on the file system. I suppose that a file, or something similar, is created when I declare a new site on the Liferay web-portal.
Thank you all,
Yes Liferay has it's Database, all data of any Liferay object is stored in the database and / or on the file system depending on your configuration.
However, one of the functionality of Liferay is to let you create pages / sites through the UI. As documented in the Java Portal Specification and Liferay Server Documents your approach to create pages in an alternative way is possible but it is part of Liferay's Portal Services. You can use Liferay's Service (HTTP REST) API to call the related service. To access those APIs you need to configure your Liferay Server.
In case you want to do programmatically you still need to configure, enable and call those external HTTP services from your code. You should not create Liferay Objects from your own code hosted as an extension inside your Liferay Instance as that will result inconsistency in your Liferay Database / filesystem. (As in case of page creation Liferay creates a set of other related objects in it's database / filesystem.)
In your liferay bundle you will find two plugins of interest.
First is resources-importer-web for which description says
The Resources Importer app allows front-end developers to package web
content, portlet configurations, and layouts together in a theme
without saving it as a compiled .LAR file thereby allowing for greater
flexibility in its usage between Liferay Portal versions.This app will automatically create associated content when other
plugins are deployed that are configured to make use of the Resource
Importer app.This app installs as a Liferay service.
Second is welcome-theme which declares resources to be created by resources-importer-web. This on should be example how to create your own. Take a look at
This feature is described at importing-resources-with-themes
As mentioned by gabor_the_kid, Liferay stores all objects in its tables. For example, User related objects would be in user table. Liferay exposed services or API's to change the default/to add new behaviors by program but not easier than achieving it through UI. Also maintenance should be considered for going program way of creating pages or layouts etc.
You can describe your changes using xml and use the Liferay Portal DB Setup core to create the changes in DB.
The library defines the list of available xml configurations.

Migrate Liferay Database TO HSQL

on the web there are many resources about exporting a development database (HSQL) into a production one (eg. MySQL), but I need to move data in the opposite way.
I usually use the Liferay embedded function to export data to a new database, but it needs for a running database server instance (and it seems to be impossible using HSQL).
Does a way to achieve this goal exist in Liferay 6.2?
Go to Control Panel / Server Administration / Data Migration. You can give the standard HSQL URLs - you don't need a running HSQL server. The standard HSQL parameters can be found in Liferay's under Hypersonic

Problems with integrating DB with MVC 5

i am building a ticketing system which customers can add new tickets to the system and employees can help them with there requests. I built the data base with an ADO file and my question is, is it possible to use the identity user and all of the database that comes with the mvc5 web application yet add additional tables with connections. i have been trying to do this for a while with no success.
!( this is my database and i would like to extend application user and use my other attributes as well as my other tables and the roles table that comes with mvc all in one database.
any help would be appreciated
cheers :)
You could use the same database but I think its better to keep them apart. Add the properties for your user entity to IdentityModels.Cs and to the AccountViewModels.cs where appropriate. Since the views for these viewmodels are already created you have to add the attributes to the view yourself. Then in the package manager console Enable-Migrations Copy and paste the command that has the applicationDbConted in it. Add-Migration -Init then run Update-Database
Here is a post about how to access the logged in user.
is it possible to use the identity user and all of the database that comes with the mvc5 web application yet add additional tables with connections.
In other words, can you have an application with database first and model first?
Yes, but you have to be careful that you don't migrate the database first dbcontext.

How do I know which database is configured SharePoint?

I'm in a machine that has already SharePoint installed, so when I started the SharePoint Central Administration to config, this message appear to me: "Can not connect to the database configuration."
How do I know which database is configured SharePoint?
Normally the Admin database is created using the naming convention SharePoint_AdminContent_{GUID}. However if there's more than one, you'll need to use SQL Management studo or other tool to look inside the DBs, look for a table called "DatabaseInformation" which will contain two items, look in the AlternateAccessMappingXML entry and look for the XML tage IncomingUrl, that should help you narrow it down.
Or just use the SQL profiler and watch for connections.
By default SharePoint will install the Database on the same machine as the web server, but you can ask whoever installed SharePoint on the machine.
Anyhow, most likely it's not relevant and something else is the problem, follow the resolution methods described here and you'll probably have it fixed.

How to switch jackrabbit persistence from filesystem to database?

I have a Liferay portal that was configured to use filesystem persitence for jackrabbit.
It seems like this persistence mode creates a lot of files on the filesystem (so far something like 113'000) and I'm slowly reaching the file count quota of the server.
I would like then to switch to database persistence. I know how to configure it but I don't know how to migrate the existing content.
Exporting and importing the various libraries (document, images, etc.) sounds like a lot of work and very error-prone, especially because it's a multi-homed deployment. Plus, I don't know if it will recreate the same exact URL for the documents, which is important to me.
Short update:
I managed to upgrade to Liferay 6. There is however no way to migrate the jackrabbit data from file system to database from within Liferay; what the Data Migration panel offers is to migrate from jcr hook to another persistence hook.
My initial issue was not to have the data in a database but to reduce the number of files on the filesystem (quota limit). I then switched to the FileSystemHook.
Here is the file count number (find . | wc -l).
JCRHook: 107566
FileSystemHook: 2810.
Don't know why Jackrabbit creates so much files...
In Liferay 6, there is a new dedicated page in the portal administration that is intended to facilitate migrations like that. You have to log in as an administrator (omniadmin if you have multiple portal instances in your server)and go to the Control Panel.
In the Server Administration pannel, click on the Data Migration menu and you will be offered to migrate from FileSystem to database.
It appears that you are not yet in Liferay 6 (Glassfish WebSpace Server is a Liferay 5.2), so there are several options :
upgrade the portal itself to from 5.x to 6.0.5, as explained in the Liferay Wiki and the use the migration page.
stay with your version, and create dedicated class inspired by the ones provided by Liferay in version 6
export the community pages (Liferay ARchive), create a new portal with DB persistance and import the pages and their content.
The migration would be my pick, either with the whole portal (but chances are that it's not something on your roadmap) or with ad hoc migration classes.
There are several ways to migrate, most of them are documented in the Jackrabbit Wiki:
Export to XML may not work for large repositories, because it uses too much memory (you need to try). I have never used the other migration tools, so I can't comment on them.
