switch user (su) hanging - linux

So I have a strange issue which I'm pretty sure is SSH based.
If I ssh direct it works fine:
ssh user#domain <host>
If I then sudo to root this also works fine:
sudo su -
However If i subsequently su to a user from root it hangs for around 30-60 seconds then times out.
su - <user>
Eventually it does switch user. Likewise once I've su'd, if i exit my shell and go back up to root it will also hang.
Any ideas? There's nothing in /var/log/secure other than pam authentication messages.
Also I'm not sure whether "su" uses SSH under the hood? but I've noticed that rsync also has the same hanging issues and I do believe rsync DOES use SSH.

This is down to the AD authentication in PAM sss which was missing a little configuration in
Thanks for the suggestions anyway.


Issuing Command Via SSH Prompts for Password

I'm having an issue with a script used in a project I inherited that has little to no documentation, and am in the process of documenting everything. I'm trying to debug an issue with one line of a script that is executed on the host machine to call out to a LAN-attached Raspberry Pi with SSH to return some information about the Pi.
We already have working versions of this Raspberry Pi which can execute the script without issue, and I'm not sure what the difference is. When executed on the new one, it prompts for the root password on the Pi, but it has not done this on previous versions of the device. I assume it has something to do with the SSH configuration but I don't know enough about SSH to say what would be the cause.
The line in particular causing the issue is:
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {host_name} uname -a &>/dev/null
rc=$? #gets the return value of the remote command so we can read the uname info
{host_name} of course is the actual host name it's connecting to, but I've left that part out for privacy reasons. The script is the same on both machines.
Both Pi devices are the same model and I'm having trouble narrowing down what could cause me to not be able to execute this command. Does anyone know what I need to configure in order to be able to execute this command on the Pi remotely?
Quick fix:
sshpass -p 'password' ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no user#server
Detailed fix:
Most likely you would need to set up Async keys (public/Private) for proper passwordless login. Your command does not show you are using keys so I'm assuming you are not (e.g. -A or -i /path/to/key). Generally root user is blocked (I guess not your problem), I would set up another user for this or change sshd config. You could also Compare the sshd configurations between the Pi Boxes.
See: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/ssh/passwordless.md
Okay, so after some more digging around, I discovered that there was a separate .ssh directory under /root that contained an authorized_keys file. After copying this to the new Pi, it worked. I had been wondering all this time if there was a separate config folder for root, but I've never gone digging around /root, so I wasn't aware that it was there.

Linux - shutdown-script with SSH

I would like to make a shutdown-script for my raspberry pi to shut down anothe raspberry pi over ssh.
The script works if it is running itself but at the shutdown routine the ssh command is not executed.
So that I have done until now:
Made the script in /etc/init.d:
# the first thing is to test if the shutdown script is working
echo "bla bla bla " | sudo tee -a /test.txt
ssh pi# sudo shutdown -h now
Made it executable
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/raspi.sh
Made a symlink to the rc0.d
sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/raspi.sh /etc/rc0.d/S01raspi.sh
Now I know so far that the shutdown script is working outside of the shutdown routing by calling itself and the shutdown symlink I made is also working partially because I see the changes in the test.txt file every time I shut down.
Can anyone help me how to solve my problem?
Have you tried with single quotes?
The first link in Google has it
What about the sudo, how do you solve entering the password?
Please check this or other links on the web that have useful information.
I would have send all this in a comment but I cant yet because of reputation.
I have now got the script running by myself. I do not really know why it is now working but I write it down beneath and maybe someone else can clearifiy it.
I don´t think the first two changes at my system makes a difference but I also write it down. In the meanwhile because I do not managed the script to get working I had made a button to shutdown the system manually. Also I made a script which backs the mysql-database up (which is on the Raspberry Pi which I would like to switch off with the script) and copies the backup to the raspberry pi which should switch of the other raspberry automatically via the shutdown-script. This happens with scp and also for the password is a key generated.
I have also changed my script to get a log-message out of the script.
ssh -t -t pi# 'sudo shutdown -h now' >> /home/osmc/shutdown.log 2>&1
To get it into the shutdown-routine I used:
sudo update-rc.d raspi-b stop 01 0
I hope somebody can say me why my code now worked on the first day but not on the next few days until now.
I structured a command to suspend or shutdown a remote host over ssh. You may find this useful. This may be used to suspend / shutdown a remote computer without an interactive session and yet not keep a terminal busy. You will need to give permissions to the remote user to shutdown / suspend using sudo without a password. Additionally, the local and remote machines should be set up to SSH without an interactive login. The script is more useful for suspending the machine as a suspended machine will not disconnect the terminal.
local_user#hostname:~$ ssh remote_user#remote_host "screen -d -m sudo pm-suspend"
source: कार्यशाला (Kāryaśālā)

Detect use of su command in bash

I would like to know if there is anyway to send a mail as soon as someone tries su -, su or su root. I know the mail command and I am trying to write a script but I am very confused as to
where to write it - whether in .bashrc of root or in /etc/process
how to invoke the mail on the use of su
I've tried the usual Google search etc. but got links on usage of su, disabling it, securing ssh etc - none of which answered this question.
Thanks in advance
I guess that your underlying requirement is that you have a bunch of people you have given root privilege to but you don't completely trust them so you want to keep an eye on them. Your solution to this is to get yourself sent mail whenever they become root.
The problem with this solution is that the root user has unlimited privilege and so there's nothing to stop them from counteracting this mechanism. They could for instance, edit the /etc/login.defs file in one session, do the good thing that you want them to do and then later su to root and do the bad thing that you fear and at the end of that session they edit the /etc/login.defs file back to it's original state and you're none the wiser. Alternatively they could just make a copy of /usr/bin/bash and make the copy a suid file that will give them privilege whenever they run it.
You might be able to close any of the vulnerabilities I've just suggested but there will be many, many more. So you either trust them or else don't use su at all and give them sudo permission to run just those commands that they need to do the thing you want them to do.
There's a log file called /var/log/secure which receives an entry any time su is executed. It gets entries under other conditions as well. It's described in the Linux Administrator's Security Guide.
If user "fred" executes su -, an entry will appear which looks something like this:
Jul 27 08:57:41 MyPC su: pam_unix(su-l:session): session opened for user root by fred(uid=500)
A similar entry would appear with su or su root.
So you could set up a script which monitors /var/log/secure as follows:
while inotifywait -e modify /var/log/secure; do
if tail -n1 /var/log/secure | grep " su: "; then
tail -n1 /var/log/secure | grep " su: " | mail -s "su occurred" you#email.com
Note that you need to have the inotify-tool package installed to use inotifywait.
If this script is running in the background, it should send an email to you#email.com any time an su entry occurs.
Now where to run the script. One approach would be to put this into an executable script file (say, watchsu) and call it from your rc.local file:
nohup /path/to/watchsu 2>&1 &
I'm sure there are other ideas for where to start it. I'm not familiar with CentOS.
According to the man page for su, in /etc/login.defs you can set either SULOG_FILE file or SYSLOG_SU_ENABLE yes to log all su activity. Then you just need something like inotifywait to watch the log file for su events.

Shell script only starting applications when used through ssh

What can cause .sh scripts to work fine through an SSH shell, but not when executed through either PHP or crontab?
I have a VPS where I run game servers on, but in order to make it maintainable, I am planning on automating much of the tedious processes (like setting up or deleting the server) and making important features (like starting and stopping servers) easily acceptable for the ones who actually need it.
Now, when I made the shell scripts and tested them, they worked absolutely fine. startserver started the server, restartserver restarted it, etc. But when run from PHP, or - as I later figured out - crontab, starting servers magically does not work. Stopping them, checking if they are running, updating and all other features worked like intended, but starting a server just did not do anything. It just returned 0 while printing nothing.
For example, here is an example of a script which works in either case: (statusserver.sh)
/sbin/start-stop-daemon -v -t --start --exec ~mta/servers/$1/files/mta-server -- -d
And here is one which does not work in any case: (startserver.sh)
/sbin/start-stop-daemon -v --start --exec ~mta/servers/$1/files/mta-server -- -d
The only difference is that statusserver.sh has "-t", which will only tell you if doing the same command without -t will actually be successful. And executing statusserver.sh like so:
sudo -u mta ~mta/sh/statusserver.sh test
Indeed does work, printing something along the lines of "Would start ~mta/servers/test/files/mta-server -d". But doing this:
sudo -u mta ~mta/sh/startserver.sh $2
Does absolutely nothing. It does not print anything, and it actually returns 0. (which is supposed to mean the operation was successful)
Now for the fun part: When the server is already running, startserver.sh will do what it is supposed to do: Say that the server is already running, and returning an error code. (Because start-stop-daemon is kind enough to do that for me) But it flat out refuses to launch anything.
Replacing start-stop-daemon with something like:
sudo -u mta ~mta/servers/test/files/mta-server -d
Does exactly the same thing: It will just refuse to run, while still returning 0.
Oh by the way, it's not a sudo problem. Of that I am quite sure, since the following works fine too
sudo -u web1 sudo -u mta ~mta/scripts/startserver.sh test
So back to my question: What can cause Linux, Shell, Bash or whatever to flat out refuse to start an application when run through either PHP or crontab, while happily accepting it when launched through SSH? Is there any setting I need to switch? Any package that can be blocking up what I want to do? Any other thing I am just missing?
Look into using sudo.
Set up /etc/sudoer (using visudo) for the user that Apache runs as (usually for the 'nobody' user, or 'apache' user) as this is what Apache usually runs as. Grant sudo access to the commands you want to run, with the NOPASSWD option.
In your PHP script, use exec() to execute the commands to start/stop daemons and prefix the commands with the sudo command.
Here is an article about sudo:
As I think Justin was touching on, but didn't say specifically, it would seem the problem of not being able to run the script is that the apache user account (which is generally pretty limited on purpose) can't see into the user's home directory because of the permissions. Generally only the user and root can see into their own home directory. You can do a few things, sudo to run the script in the home directory, move it out of the user's home directory or possibly change permissions on the scripts/homes so they can be run in the user's home directory by apache.

can we write a simple bash script to automatically login as root user

I usually have to login in 20 to 50 times daily as a super user, typing the long password again and again..
i have just created a simple bash script
sudo -s
echo password
output root#localhost:
when i execute it, it works like charm... but it shows my password on the screen.....
do some one have any other best solution...... for this small problem.......
i hope this is not all the solution in security standard...... can we have any other solution with out exposing my password.....
You can pipe the echo'd password into a command. Try something like this:
echo myPassword | sudo -S
You can see come more info on this here.
Question is, do you REALLY want your password in a shell script file? (just emphasizing that its a terrible idea)
Is there a reason that you can't sudo su - to just become the root user instead of prepending all of your commands with sudo blah?
just change ownership of the script to root & set SUID-Bit in user the permissions
chmod u=rws g+x o+x script123
the script will run as root for every user
You can configure sudo to require a password only every so many minutes. The default is 5 minutes. Read the sudoers man page and scroll down to this:
Number of minutes that can elapse before sudo will ask
for a passwd again. The timeout may include a
fractional component if minute granularity is
insufficient, for example 2.5. The default is 5. Set
this to 0 to always prompt for a password. If set to a
value less than 0 the user's timestamp will never
expire. This can be used to allow users to create or
delete their own timestamps via sudo -v and sudo -k
simple solution is to use key base authentication
Use ssh-copy-id instead following from this tutorial which is secure
