How to calculate average of first two highest number of a range? - excel

write a formula in cell E2 to calculate the average of two highest cumulative numbers among three students after converting the obtained numbers in hundred

To get the maximum you can use max and to get the second largest number you can use large. Add the two numbers and divide them by two:

I cannot follow your question fully. Do you want the top 2 grades, even if they are from the same student? Then #Ralph answer does it. It does not however take into account the 30% values you have in row 1.
If you want the top 2 student grades (e.g. each student can only take 1 place). Do this:


generate all possibilities from two fixed rows of entries?

I spent hours trying to look for a solution and I feel like I got close but figured asking would be the best way.
Lets say I have a table with 2 columns, column A is an item, and column B is a price for the item. This table has 12 entries. What I would like to do is generate additional tables of 6 entries that do not exceed a certain price. see below for example. The number i want these table to not exceed is 50,000.
for example the first entry could be an apple at 9,000 value. the apple is column a, and value column b.
Can someone help with a way to generate all combinations of 6 items from column a, that do not exceed a combined price of 50,000 in column b?
With 12 items you have 212-1 or 4095 possible combinations of products. These can map into the 12 bits of a 12-bit binary number. It is not difficult to write a macro to calculate the total cost of each combination and then filter the result to display results less than or equal to 50,000.
Please see:
Best possible combination sum of predefined numbers that smaller or equal NN
Listing all possible combination without repetition,VBA

count how often a piece of information appears and calculate that average

I do not want to know the traditional frequency or the traditional averages; so I'll give an example below:
I have this data:
The analysis that I would like to obtain is the following:
for example number 1 appears once every eight rows, number 3 appears once every four rows, number 5 appears twice every two rows....
I did it by hand, but now I have more than 21000 rows of data and I'm stuck.
I searched but I can not find a function that does it; But before I started developing my own, I decided to ask for a guide on how to achieve it.
I believe that I was able to achieve the desired result:
The formula is:
Or, if you want to copy/paste:
Note that the IF function solves the duplicates (like the number 5). In case you have triplicates you will have to add another instance of IF and adjust the formula accordingly.
Hope that helps!
Well this doesn't exactly reproduce your results, but you could start by looking at the max and min separation of the numbers:
This gives the min or max number of rows between each occurrence of the particular number.
Must be entered as an array formula using CtrlShiftEnter
You could add other statistics (like mean, standard deviation) the same way although the average could be calculated just by (lastrow-firstrow)/(count-1) e.g. for 5 it would be (8-3)/(4-1)=5/3.

how I can divide a sum number into 50 column in ecxel?

I would like to tell, with a smaller number of columns.
Let's say we have a sum of 24 and we want to distribute it randomly into 10 separate columns. we should get such a result as below I wrote.
Is there a formula in Excel like this?
Thanks in advance.
Ok. Here is what I would do...
For each required split, select a random number between zero and the remainder of the distribution qty, multiplied by the percentage of how many splits have already been calculated. This prevents the first few splits being very high, and the rest being zero.
I would also add a check for the very last split to make sure that it equals whatever is left of the original distribution qty.
Here is an image for illustration and the formula that I have used:
Hopefully, this isn't too complex to understand. If you need further explanation, please let me know.
You can simply change the distribution qty in the yellow box, and if you want more splits, all you need to do is drag down columns A & B to the required number.

How to create four equal buckets of decimal values

I have an excel table:
JobA .03445
JobB .01366
JobC .93271
JobD .6335
Plus 65,000 more.
What I need to do, is to create four equal buckets based on the values. where the sum of all Jobs in each bucket come as close to the other three buckets as possible.
Is there a way to do this in Excel?
You can try this approach based on the incremental percentage. So you sum each incremental job until your sum reaches 25% of total values (that is BucketA), jobs from 25-50% will be "BucketB", 50-75% "BucketC", and rest will go into "BucketD". Sum of values in each bucket should be pretty close since you have 65k of values.
enter this formula
in cell C1 and drag it to the bottom.
There's lots of studies into algorithms that solve these types of problems. Your problem is actually the exact same format as the equal piles example in this article:
Considering the volume you're working with and the fairly narrow range of values, you could get a fairly good approximate solution by simply doing this:
Sort all items in descending order by value
In an adjacent column, put 1, 2, 3 and 4 against the first 4 values.
Use autofill to repeat that pattern against all values
You should now have 4 groups of fairly equal value

Working with Combinations/Probability in Excel

Working an a project with many more possible combinations and I'm not sure how to approach it, so I'm going to ask how to do it on a smaller scale and then apply it to a larger scale.
I have to buy 1 of product A and 1 of product B
They both come in 100 varieties at different prices.
For product A:
TABLE 1 (A1:B6)
and Product B
TABLE 2 (C1:D6)
I know the minimum I can spend is $2 (600 combinations) & the Max is $10 (75 combinations), and there are 10000 (100x100) total combinations
If I put the dollar values 2-10 in cells E2:E10, is there a formula to quickly determine the number of combinations for each net dollar value in cells F2:f10?
I imagine it would have to be done with an sumif array formula, but I can't start to figure out what it would be. If I had a small data set like this, I would make a crosstab, but my data set is too large to do it efficiently.
Thank you in advance!
You would need a formula like this:-
which would have to be entered as an array formula using CtrlShiftEnter
It builds up a 2D array with ones at the elements where the corresponding cells in the two lists add up to the amount you have to spend, then multiplies it by the corresponding numbers of combinations.
