The following test yields a NullPointerException. Is it not possible to set expectations on a lazy property?
class GarbTest {
fun xx(){
val aa = Mockito.mock(
open class AA(){
val bb by lazy { "cc" }
In your example, is final. final/private/equals()/hashCode() methods cannot be stubbed/verified by Mockito. You need to mark bb as open:
open class AA(){
open val bb by lazy { "cc" }
You might also consider using nhaarman/mockito-kotlin: Using Mockito with Kotlin. e.g.:
class GarbTest {
fun xx() {
val aa = mock<AA>() {
on { bb } doReturn "zz"
open class AA() {
val bb: String = "cc"
How can I overwrite a method in Groovy if the class implements an interface? If the class does not implement an interface I can overwrite the method, but if the class implements an interface the method does not overwrite.
Example without implement
interface IA {
void abc()
class A {
void abc() {
println "original"
x= new A() = {-> println "new" }
The output of this is
Example with implement
Consider the following example where class A implements interface IA
interface IA {
void abc()
class A implements IA {
void abc() {
println "original"
x= new A() = {-> println "new" }
The output in this case is
As mentioned in the comments, looks like this is a pretty embarrassing bug, unfortunately.
But depending on your actual scenario, it may be possible to work around the problem.
Use Groovy #Category
If you can control where the method will be called, then you can use a Groovy Category to replace the method within a block:
x= new A()
class ReplaceAbc {
void abc() {
println 'new'
use(ReplaceAbc) {
Replace the instance with an anonymous sub-type of the original type
If you can re-assign the variable, then this is an obvious way to override the method:
x= new A()
x = new A() {
void abc() {
println 'new'
How can I overwrite a method in Groovy if the class implements an
There are a few ways to do it. One is with runtime extension methods.
See the project at
package victorchoymetaprogramminginterface
interface IA {
String abc()
package victorchoymetaprogramminginterface
class A implements IA{
String abc() {
package victorchoymetaprogramminginterface.extensions
import victorchoymetaprogramminginterface.IA
class SomeInterfaceExtensionMethods {
static String abc(IA ia) {
moduleName=Demo Extensions
The following test passes:
package victorchoymetaprogramminginterface
import spock.lang.Specification
class TestInterfaceExtensions extends Specification {
def "test interface extensions"() {
def obj = new A()
expect: == ''
I have a module:
single{ (name: String) -> Person(name) }
When I do:
val alice: Person by inject {parametersOf("Alice")}
val bob: Person by inject {parametersOf("Bob")}
I get 2 instances of Alice. All parameters other than the first are ignored.
Is there a simple way to make Koin treat those 2 as different? Parameters are not known in advance, so I can't use named properties. factory won't do either, I need to reuse instances with same parameter sets.
There is no such thing directly in Koin, but it's easy enough to make something that works this way.
1) a class that does create-if-not-present:
class DistinctFactory<K, V>(private val newInstance: (K) -> V) {
private val _locker = Any()
private val mRepo: HashMap<K, V> = HashMap()
operator fun get(id: K): V {
return mRepo[id] ?: run {
synchronized(_locker) {
mRepo[id] ?: run {
newInstance(id).also {
mRepo[id] = it
2) Koin single of DistinctFactory:
single { DistinctFactory<String, Person> { Person(it) } }
3) Koin factory that uses the previous single:
factory { (name: String) -> get<DistinctFactory<String, Person>>()[name] }
val alice: Person by inject {parametersOf("Alice")}
val bob: Person by inject {parametersOf("Bob")}
val aliceAgain: Person by inject {parametersOf("Alice")}
alice === aliceAgain
module {
val personCache = HashMap<Int, Person>()
factory { parameters ->
val hash = parameters.values.hashCode()
personCache.getOrPut(hash) {
I am trying to figure out if I can work with Kotlin and Spark,
and use the former's data classes instead of Scala's case classes.
I have the following data class:
data class Transaction(var context: String = "", var epoch: Long = -1L, var items: HashSet<String> = HashSet()) :
Serializable {
companion object {
private val serialVersionUID = 1L
And the relevant part of the main routine looks like this:
val transactionEncoder = Encoders.bean(
val transactions = inputDataset
.groupByKey(KeyExtractor(), KeyExtractor.getKeyEncoder())
.mapGroups(TransactionCreator(), transactionEncoder)
transactions.forEach { println("collected Transaction=$it") }
With TransactionCreator defined as:
class TransactionCreator : MapGroupsFunction<Tuple2<String, Timestamp>, Row, Transaction> {
companion object {
private val serialVersionUID = 1L
override fun call(key: Tuple2<String, Timestamp>, values: MutableIterator<Row>): Transaction {
val seq = generateSequence { if (values.hasNext()) else null }
val items = seq.toCollection(HashSet())
return Transaction(key._1, key._2.time, items).also { println("inside call Transaction=$it") }
However, I think I'm running into some sort of serialization problem,
because the set ends up empty after collection.
I see the following output:
inside call Transaction=Transaction(context=context1, epoch=1000, items=[c])
inside call Transaction=Transaction(context=context1, epoch=0, items=[a, b])
collected Transaction=Transaction(context=context1, epoch=0, items=[])
collected Transaction=Transaction(context=context1, epoch=1000, items=[])
I've tried a custom KryoRegistrator to see if it was a problem with Kotlin's HashSet:
class MyRegistrator : KryoRegistrator {
override fun registerClasses(kryo: Kryo) {
kryo.register(, JavaSerializer()) // kotlin's HashSet
But it doesn't seem to help.
Any other ideas?
Full code here.
It does seem to be a serialization issue.
The documentation of Encoders.bean states (Spark v2.4.0):
collection types: only array and java.util.List currently, map support is in progress
Porting the Transaction data class to Java and changing items to a java.util.List seems to help.
I'm playing with Groovy and I wonder, why doesn't this piece of code works?
package test
interface A {
void myMethod()
class B implements A {
void myMethod() {
println "No catch"
B.metaClass.myMethod = {
println "Catch!"
(new B()).myMethod()
It prints out No catch, while I expect it to print Catch! instead.
It's a bug in Groovy, there is an open issue in JIRA: Cannot override methods via metaclass that are part of an interface implementation, GROOVY-3493.
Instead of rewriting B.metaClass.myMethod, try following:
B.metaClass.invokeMethod = {String methodName, args ->
println "Catch!"
This blog post describes it quite well.
There is a workaround but it only applies to all classes and not specific instances.
metaclass modification BEFORE construction:
interface I {
def doIt()
class T implements I {
def doIt() { true }
I.metaClass.doIt = { -> false }
T t = new T()
assert !t.doIt()
metaclass modification AFTER construction:
interface I {
def doIt()
class T implements I {
def doIt() { true }
T t = new T()
// Removing either of the following two lines breaks this
I.metaClass.doIt = { -> false }
t.metaClass.doIt = { -> false }
assert !t.doIt()
I have simple Groovy category class which adds method to String instances:
final class SampleCategory {
static String withBraces(String self) {
I want to use this category in my unit tests (for example). It looks like this:
class MyTest {
void shouldDoThis() {
use (SampleCategory) {
assert 'this'.withBraces() == '(this)'
void shouldDoThat() {
use (SampleCategory) {
assert 'that'.withBraces() == '(that)'
What I'd like to achieve, however, is ability to specify that category SampleCategory is used in scope of each and every instance method of MyTest so I don't have to specify use(SampleCategory) { ... } in every method.
Is it possible?
You can use mixin to apply the category directly to String's metaClass. Assign null to the metaClass to reset it to groovy defaults. For example:
#Before void setUp() {
#After void tearDown() {
String.metaClass = null
void shouldDoThat() {
assert 'that'.withBraces() == '(that)'
Now you have the option to use extension modules instead of categories:
On the plus side Intellij will recognize the extensions. I've just noticed that it doesn't even need to be a separate module as suggested by the link, just add META-INF/services/org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ExtensionModule to the project:
# File: src/main/resources/META-INF/services/org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ExtensionModule
moduleName = module
moduleVersion = 1.0
extensionClasses = SampleExtension
The extension class is pretty much defined like a normal category:
class SampleExtension {
static String withBraces(String self) {
Can be used like:
def "Sample extension"() {
expect: 'this'.withBraces() == '(this)'
If you are using Spock there is a #Use annotation that can be used on the specifications. The drawback with that is that Intellij will not recognize it.