Does accessing blob storage within Azure use bandwidth? - azure

I am thinking about creating a Azure app service that accesses files from a Azure storage container, manipulates the file, and then returns the result to the end user. Does Azure consider transferring data from the storage blob to the App Service as bandwidth usage? I am wondering if doing this will incur a charge two times for every operation - once for blob -> app service and another for app service -> end user.

Azure uses internal bandwidth across it's service fabric, so there is no charge for bandwidth utilization. However, any read/writes are transactions against storage, and there is a (nominal) cost. You can use the Azure calculators, based on your region, to determine and approximate costs for data storage + storage transaction.

There is no bandwidth charge as long as the data remains within a single Azure region.

As Neil mentioned, bandwidth within a region is not metered (between any services). You'll still be metered for outbound bandwidth from Web App to end user. And if you download blobs from storage in a different region to your Web App, that bandwidth is metered.
Also, if you ever choose to download direct from blob to end-user, that outbound bandwidth is also metered.


Azure architecture design for image platform

I want to build a image sharing platform for customers to use. This platform will take an image provided by a user, create copies of it at multiple resolutions, and store them ready to be shared or downloaded. How to achieve this using azure in a cost effective ways
Im thinking to use Azure functions(for the api calls) storage blobs , event grid and cosmos db for the same.
To keep the costs low keep it simple:
Store data in Blob storage. Price varies based on redundancy, speed of access and location
Azure functions for processing images, consumption plan gives 1M free requests per month
Azure app service to host web site for uploading images, there is a free tier

Azure functions - Unexplained storage account cost related to files

We are making use of Azure Functions (v2) extensively to fulfill a number of business requirements.
We have recently introduced a durable function to handle a more complex business process which includes both fanning out, as well as a chain of functions.
Our problem is related to how much the storage account is being used. I made a fresh deployment on an account we use for dev testing on Friday, and left the function idling over the weekend to monitor what happens. I also set a budget to alert me if the cost start shooting up.
Less than 48 hours later, I received an alert that I was at 80% of my budget, and saw how the storage account was single handedly responsible for the entire bill. The most baffling part is, that it's mostly egress and ingress on file storage, which I'm entirely not using in the application! So it must be something internal by the azure function implementations. I've dug around and found this. In this case the issue seems to have been solved by switching to an App Service plan, but this is not an option in our case and must stick to consumption. I also double checked and made sure that I don't have the AzureWebJobsDashboard setting.
Any ideas what we can try next?
The below are some interesting charts from the storage account. Note how file egress and ingress makes up most of the activity on the entire account.
A ticket for this issue has also been opened on GitHub
The link you provided actually points to AzureWebJobsDashboard as the culprit. AzureWebJobsDashboard is an optional storage account connection string for storing logs and displaying them in the Monitor tab in the portal. The storage account must be a general-purpose one that supports blobs, queues, and tables.
For performance and experience, it is recommended to use
APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY and App Insights for monitoring instead
of AzureWebJobsDashboard
When creating a function app in App Service, you must create or link to a general-purpose Azure Storage account that supports Blob, Queue, and Table storage. Internally, Functions uses Storage for operations such as managing triggers and logging function executions. Some storage accounts do not support queues and tables, such as blob-only storage accounts, Azure Premium Storage, and general-purpose storage accounts with ZRS replication. These accounts are filtered out of from the Storage Account blade when creating a function app.
When using the Consumption hosting plan, your function code and
binding configuration files are stored in Azure File storage in the
main storage account. When you delete the main storage account, this
content is deleted and cannot be recovered.
If you use the legacy "General Purpose V1" storage accounts, you may see your costs drop by up to 95%. I had a similar use case where my storage account costs exploded after the accounts were upgraded to "V2". In my case, we just went back to V1 instead of changing our application.
Altough V1 is now legacy, I don't see Azure dropping it any time soon. You can still create it using the Azure Portal. Could be a medium-term solution.
Some alternatives to save costs:
Try the "premium" performance tier (V2 only). It is cheaper for such workloads.
Try LRS or ZRS as the redundancy setting. Depends on the criticality of this orchestration data.
PS: Our use case were some EventHub processors which used the storage accounts for coordination and checkpointing.
PS2: Regardless of the storage account configuration, there must be a way reduce the traffic towards the storage account. It is just another thing to try to reduce costs.

Azure Cloud Role included storage = extra costs?

I'm currently working out the cost-analysis for my upcoming Azure project. I am tempted to use a Azure Cloud Role, because it has a certain amount of storage included in the offer. However, I have the feeling that it is too good to be true.
Therefore, I was wondering. Do you have to pay transaction-costs/ storage costs on this "included" storage? I can't find any information about this on the Azure website, and I want to be as accurate as possible (even if the cost of transactions is almost nothing).
To clarify, I specifically want to know about the transaction costs on the storage. Do you have to pay a small cost per transaction on the storage (like with Blob/Table storage), or is this included in the offer as well?
I am talking about the storage included with the Cloud Services (web/worker) and not a separate Table/blob storage.
Can you clarify which offer you're referring to?
With Cloud Services (web/worker roles), each VM instance has some local storage associated with it, which is free of charge and, because it's a local disk, there are no transactions or related fees associated with this storage. As Rik pointed out in his answer, that data is not durable: it's on a single disk and will be gone forever if, say, the disk crashes.
If you're storing data in Blobs, Tables, or Queues (Windows Azure Storage), then you pay per GB ($0.095 cents per GB per month for geo-redundant storage, or $0.07 per GB per month for locally-redundant storage), and a penny per 100,000 transactions. And as long as your storage account is in the same data center as your Cloud Service, there's no data egress fees.
Now we come back to the question of which offer you're referring to. The free 90-day trial, for instance, comes with 70GB of Windows Azure Storage, and 50M transactions monthly included. MSDN subscriptions come with included storage and transactions as well. If you're just working with a pay-as-you-go subscription, you'll pay for storage plus transactions.
The storage is included, but not guaranteed to be persistent. Your role could be shut down and started on a different physical location, which has no impact on the availability of your role, but you'll lose your whatever you have in storage, I.E. the included storage is very much temporary.
As for transaction costs, you only pay for outgoing data, not incoming data or data within Azure (one role to another).
You pay per GB, and $0,01 per 100.000 transactions

Table storage - Is there a cost/performance differential between reading from Azure Website vs Azure Cloud Service

I already have a cloud storage account. I am looking at hosting either an Azure Website or a cloud service, in node.js, but I am confused on a number of points listed below:
If my storage account is in 'Europe North' and if I host a new Node azure website/cloud service also in 'Europe North' then I'm wondering firstly if there's a cost differential between the two possible configurations listed?
*Azure Website (Node.js) <---> Table Storage.
*Azure Cloud Service (Web/Worker role) <-----> Table Storage.
Also is there any performance gain going with a Cloud Service over the Azure Website?
Whether you have a web site or cloud service: when locating storage are in the same data center, you won't incur bandwidth costs. You'll still pay for egress (free tier gives you 165MB free egress daily; shared tier gives you 5GB free egress monthly, and you pay standard rates after that).
Performance: You have different bandwidth availability on the NIC. With a cloud service, you have 100Mbps per core (or 5Mbps with XS). With web sites in free or shared tier, you're sharing the NIC. With reserved tier, you should have the same bandwidth as cloud service, since you have reserved instances.

Azure BLOB storage - Pricing and speed "Within the data center"

I am quite sure I know the answer, just want to make sure I got this right.
From Azure In Action :
If I use the CloudBlobClient from a WCF service that sits in my WebRole, to access blobs (read/write/update) , so :
1) Does read/write/update charge as transaction or are they free ?
2) Does the speed of accessing those blobs is fast as mentioned in the note ?
If I use the CloudBlobClient from a WCF service that sits in my
WebRole, to access blobs (read/write/update) , so :
1) Does read/write/update charge as transaction or are they free ?
Transaction metering is independent of where the requests are made from. Storage read/write/update is done via REST API calls (or through an SDK call that wraps the REST API calls). Each successful REST API call will effectively count as a transaction. Specific details of what constitutes a transaction (as well as what's NOT counted as a transaction) may be found here.
By accessing blob storage from your Worker / Web role, you'll avoid Internet-based speed issues, and you won't pay for any data egress. (Note: Data ingress to the data center is free).
2) Does the speed of accessing those blobs is fast as mentioned in the note ?
Speed between your role instance and storage is governed by two things:
Network bandwidth. The DS and GS series have documented network bandwidth. The other sizes only advertise IOPS rates for attached disks.
Transaction rate. On a given storage account, there are very specific documented performance targets. This article breaks down the numbers in detail for a storage account itself, as well as targets for blobs, tables and queues.
