TCP Stack Sending A Mbuf Chain: where is the loop? - linux

I am new to BSD TCP stack code here, but we have an application that converted and uses BSD TCP stack code in the user mode. I am debugging an issue that this application would hold (or not sending data) in a strange situation. I included part of the related callstack below.
Before calling sosend in uipc_socket, I have verified that the length stored in the top, _m0->m_pkthdr.len has the right value. The chain should hold 12 pieces of TCP payload each with 1368 bytes long. In the end, my callback function only got called 10 times instead of 12 and the 10 smaller mbuf chains contains less payload data after they were combined.
I checked each function in the call stack and I could not find a loop anywhere to iterate through from the head to the end of the mbuf chain as I expected. Only loops I could find was the nested do ... while() loops in sosend_generic of uipc_socket.c, however, my code path only executed the loop once, since the resid was set to 0 immediately after the (uio == NULL) check.
\#2 0x00007ffff1acb868 in ether_output_frame (ifp=0xbf5f290, m=0x7ffff7dfeb00) at .../freebsd_plebnet/net/if_ethersubr.c:457
\#3 0x00007ffff1acb7ef in ether_output (ifp=0xbf5f290, m=0x7ffff7dfeb00, dst=0x7fffffff2c8c, ro=0x7fffffff2c70) at .../freebsd_plebnet/net/if_ethersubr.c:429
\#4 0x00007ffff1ada20b in ip_output (m=0x7ffff7dfeb00, opt=0x0, ro=0x7fffffff2c70, flags=0, imo=0x0, inp=0x7fffd409e000) at .../freebsd_plebnet/netinet/ip_output.c:663
\#5 0x00007ffff1b0743b in tcp_output (tp=0x7fffd409c000) at /scratch/vindu/ec_intg/ims/src/third-party/nse/nsnet.git/freebsd_plebnet/netinet/tcp_output.c:1288
\#6 0x00007ffff1ae2789 in tcp_usr_send (so=0x7fffd40a0000, flags=0, m=0x7ffeda1b7270, nam=0x0, control=0x0, td=0x7ffff1d5f3d0) at .../freebsd_plebnet/netinet/tcp_usrreq.c:882
\#7 0x00007ffff1a93743 in sosend_generic (so=0x7fffd40a0000, addr=0x0, uio=0x0, top=0x7ffeda1b7270, control=0x0, flags=128, td=0x7ffff1d5f3d0) at .../freebsd_plebnet/kern/uipc_socket.c:1390
\#8 0x00007ffff1a9387d in sosend (so=0x7fffd40a0000, addr=0x0, uio=0x0, top=0x7ffeda1b7270, control=0x0, flags=128, td=0x7ffff1d5f3d0) at .../freebsd_plebnet/kern/uipc_socket.c:1434


intero error: wrong-type-argument stringp nil

I'm trying to get intero running. After install, opening a Haskell file from an existing stack project results in:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
signal(wrong-type-argument (stringp nil))
set-window-buffer(#<window 1 on Lib.hs> #<buffer Lib.hs>)
window--display-buffer(#<buffer Lib.hs> #<window 1 on Lib.hs> reuse ((inhibit-same-window)))
display-buffer-same-window(#<buffer Lib.hs> ((inhibit-same-window)))
display-buffer(#<buffer Lib.hs> (display-buffer-same-window (inhibit-same-window)))
pop-to-buffer(#<buffer Lib.hs> (display-buffer-same-window (inhibit-same-window)) nil)
pop-to-buffer-same-window(#<buffer Lib.hs>)
find-file("~/test/src/Lib.hs" t)
funcall-interactively(find-file "~/test/src/Lib.hs" t)
call-interactively(find-file nil nil)
When I run flycheck-buffer in the same buffer, nothing happens, even when there are errors in the source code.
Here are the contents of my .emacs file:
(setq debug-on-error t)
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t)
(package-install 'intero)
(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'intero-mode)
Since I'm on Mac Os I also tried adding (as suggested on the flycheck page):
(package-install 'exec-path-from-shell)
But it makes no difference.
Here are the installed package versions:
$ ls ~/.emacs.d/elpa/
This is using GNU Emacs 26.3.
I found two issues and a (at least temporary) fix for each of them.
I am submitting pull requests for both of them, but in the mean time you can fix the issue for yourself either by editing the intero.el file directly, or (recommended way) by using the great el-patch package.
1) intero-ghc-version not set
This is due to the fact of using the intero-ghc-version local variable instead of calling the function (intero-ghc-version) in the intero-ghci-output-flags function (L.2668) intero.el
Fix: patch the function intero-ghci-output-flags :
(split-string intero-ghc-version "\\."))))
(split-string (intero-ghc-version) "\\."))))
(notice the added parentheses)
2) misuse of append for string concatenation in intero-start-process-in-buffer
append is for lists, concat is for strings, an easy mistake, especially when in Haskell String is equivalent to [Char] (so technically... a list!)
fix: patch the function intero-start-process-in-buffer, L.2335 of the intero.el:
(process-send-string process (append ":set " flag "\n")))
(process-send-string process (concat ":set " flag "\n")))
line 2335 of the current version of the source code, using el-patch)
Once these modifications are made, you should be up and running!
Initial answer
Same issue here.
Not a definitive answer, but I have the same issue and might have pinned down the issue to the function intero-ghci-output-flags being run as the intero-ghc-version variable is not set properly.
Feel free to correct me as I might have missed some things.
By following the error messages, I confirm it happens in (flycheck-start-current-syntax-check checker) in the flycheck-buffer function.
Running this directly from the haskell buffer shows that the error happens when calling (split-string intero-ghc-version "\\.") from the intero-ghci-output-flags function in the intero.el file (Line 2671).
This tries to split the intero version (as set by the intero-ghc-version function above in the file).
It seems the variable's value is nil, as confirmed by running M-x describe-variable -> intero-ghc-version.
During my tests I got seemingly imprevisible results from (intero-ghc-version).
Sometimes (at least on the first run?) it returns "8.4.4",
sometimes it fails with "Wrong type argument: stringp, (58 115 101 116 32 45 102 111 98 106 ...)
I am able to manually run the function intero-ghci-output-flags and get the proper output without error, once, and it fails if I run it a second time.
the function (intero-ghc-version-raw) consistently returns "8.4.4" however.
After experimenting the error message that spontaneously appears is transformed to:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp (58 115 101 116 32 45 102 111 98 106 101 99 116 45 99 111 100 101 . "\n"))
process-send-string(#<process stack> (58 115 101 116 32 45 102 111 98 106 101 99 116 45 99 111 100 101 . "\n"))
#f(compiled-function (flag) #<bytecode 0x1785fe9>)("-fobject-code")
mapc(#f(compiled-function (flag) #<bytecode 0x1785fe9>) ("-fobject-code"))
intero-start-process-in-buffer(#<buffer intero:backend:pubiber /home/mika/programmation/haskell/pubiber> nil #<buffer Lib.hs> nil)
intero-get-worker-create(backend nil #<buffer Lib.hs> nil)
The ASCII char sequence in the error message is ":set -fobject-code".
The "-fobject-code" in the message is the result of the intero-ghci-output-flags function, so it seems it finally worked properly but the rest of the code failed.
The fact that the file gets re-evaluated whenever intero tries to start a session might to explain why I get inconsistent results when running the functions several times.
PS running arch linux, system updated a few minutes ago, all emacs package updated.
---- EDIT ----
So after looking a bit more, in the function intero-start-process-in-buffer, that uses the flags to start the intero process in the lines 2334-2337:
(set-process-query-on-exit-flag process nil)
(lambda (flag)
(process-send-string process (append ":set " flag "\n")))
(process-send-string process ":set -fdefer-type-errors\n")
they use append instead of concat to create the command.
replacing append by concat fixes this second error, and intero boots normally and seems to work properly (after setting intero-ghc-version).
---- EDIT 2 ----
Just figured out the original issue:
The function uses the variable intero-ghc-version instead of calling the function with the same name. The function is supposed to act as a lazy loader of the value, calling intero-ghc-version-raw the first time, and returning the cached value the subsequent times.
Calling the variable directly didn't allow the value to be set initially.
See the TL;DR for the temporary fix.

Bluez MediaEndpoint1 Timeout Issue When Replying To Dbus Call From Node Addon

Bluez Version: 5.43
Let me get straight to the point:
I have following error inside the Bluez log file:
Calling SetConfiguration: name = :1.3 path = /MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink
Endpoint replied with an error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply
If I change this line of code
#define REQUEST_TIMEOUT (3 * 1000) /* 3 seconds */
inside the ~/bluez-5.43/profiles/audio/media.c file,
to be a value greater, like 5 or so... The bug goes away.
So what is this bug?
basically, I have nodejs addon code that does the following:
Intialize endpoint
void endpoint_init(DBusConnection *connection, const char *endpoint) {
DBusObjectPathVTable vtable_endpoint;
vtable_endpoint.message_function = endpoint_handler;
dbus_connection_register_object_path(connection, endpoint, &vtable_endpoint, NULL);
Inside the Bluez log you will see bluetoothd[25176]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.130 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink
The endpoint_handler function will be notified of a call to set_configuration or select_configuration function...
When a call is received, it will be be replied to like so...
sender = dbus_message_get_sender(m);
r = dbus_message_new_method_return(m);
printf("!! ----- endpoint_set_configuration, time_right_before_reply_sent: ");
assert( dbus_connection_send(conn, r, NULL) );
printf("!! ----- endpoint_set_configuration, time_right_after_reply_sent: ");
As you can see I am logging some time information.
Now, I also logged time information inside Bluez and recompiled it.
Here is log from Bluez:
bluetoothd[789]: profiles/audio/media.c:media_endpoint_async_call() Calling SetConfiguration: name = :1.3 path = /MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink
bluetoothd[789]: profiles/audio/media.c:endpoint_reply() [GOT HERE -- endpoint_reply -- original_msg --] SetConfiguration: name = :1.3 path = /MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink
bluetoothd[789]: profiles/audio/media.c:print_time() TIME BEFORE -- dbus_pending_call_steal_reply --: 2017-01-25 04:54:01
bluetoothd[789]: profiles/audio/media.c:print_time() TIME AFTER -- dbus_pending_call_steal_reply --: 2017-01-25 04:54:01
bluetoothd[789]: profiles/audio/media.c:endpoint_reply() [GOT HERE -- endpoint_reply -- reply_msg] (null): name = (null) path = (null)
bluetoothd[789]: Endpoint replied with an error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply
Here is log from my node addon:
endpoint_handler: path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink, interface=org.bluez.MediaEndpoint1, member=SetConfiguration
!! ----- endpoint_set_configuration, endpoint_path: /MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink
!! ----- endpoint_set_configuration, time_right_before_reply_sent:
2017-01-25 04:54:03
!! ----- endpoint_set_configuration, time_right_after_reply_sent:
2017-01-25 04:54:03
You can CLEARLY see with the Bluez default timeout of 3 seconds is too short... the reply is still on its way...
But pulseaudio's implementation does not have this problem... why?
Is it because there are two different event loops, ie the node addon uses lib-uv event loop and Bluez and pulse use the glib event loop...
What is going on here, can anyone please explain.
I would prefer to either identify it as Bluez bug or understand how to fix it on my node addon end...
Thank You Stackoverflowers :)
Bluez ~/bluez-5.43/profiles/audio/media.c has code that advises to keep the REQUEST_TIMEOUT at 3, this worries me...
/* Timeout should be less than avdtp request timeout (4 seconds) */
if (g_dbus_send_message_with_reply(btd_get_dbus_connection(),
msg, &request->call,
error("D-Bus send failed");
return FALSE;
I found that there is some conflict with the glib and libuv running together under the same process..
the node-dbus addon i am using is a c level binding and it instantiates a glib event loop...
nodejs has a libuv event loop
they dont work well together...
this is what i can assume the problem is..
my solution was to rip the c code from bluez media enpoint and i created my own nodejs NAN bindings to it...without using any glib event loop.
this is the node-dbus library i am using:

Mnesia pagination with fragmented table

I have a mnesia table configured as follow:
-record(space, {id, t, s, a, l}).
mnesia:create_table(space, [ {disc_only_copies, nodes()},
{frag_properties, [ {n_fragments, 400}, {n_disc_copies, 1}]},
{attributes, record_info(fields, space)}]),
I have at least 4 million records for test purposes on this table.
I have implemented something like this Pagination search in Erlang Mnesia
fetch_paged() ->
MatchSpec = {'_',[],['$_']},
{Record, Continuation} = mnesia:activity(async_dirty, fun mnesia:select/4, [space, [MatchSpec], 10000, read], mnesia_frag).
next_page(Cont) ->
mnesia:activity(async_dirty, fun() -> mnesia:select(Cont) end, mnesia_frag).
When I execute the pagination methods it brings batch between 3000 and 8000 but never 10000.
What I have to do to bring me the batches consistently?
The problem is that you expect mnesia:select/4, which is documented as:
select(Tab, MatchSpec, NObjects, Lock) -> transaction abort | {[Object],Cont} | '$end_of_table'
to get you the NObjects limit, being NObjects in your example 10,000.
But the same documentation also says:
For efficiency the NObjects is a recommendation only and the result may contain anything from an empty list to all available results.
and that's the reason you are not getting consistent batches of 10,000 records, because NObjects is not a limit but a recommendation batch size.
If you want to get your 10,000 records you won't have no other option that writing your own function, but select/4 is written in this way for optimization purposes, so most probably the code you will be written will be slower than the original code.
BTW, you can find the mnesia source code on

NodeJS FS Write to Read inconsistent data without overflow (Solved as Buffer.toString)

I'm using the fs.createWriteStream(path[, options]) function to create a write stream splitted in text lines each ending with \n.
But, when the process ended, if I go to check the stream leater it seems to be corrupted, showing some (few) corrupted lines (like a 0.05% of the lines looks partialy cutted like a buffer overflow error).
Anyway if I grow the internal stream buffer from 16k to 4M with the highWaterMark option at creation of the streem, the error rate seems to change but do not disappear!)
It's due to an error in reading, not in writing.
I was doing something like:
var lines=[],
buf=new Buffer(8192);
while ((fs.readSync(fd,buf,0,buf.length))!=0) {
lines = buf.toString().split("\n");
but this method you can find here and there on the web is really really wrong!
You have to check the real buffer lengt when you convert it to string, using buf.toString(null, 0 ,read_len)!!
var lines=[],
buf=new Buffer(8192),
while ((read_len=fs.readSync(fd,buf,0,buf.length))!=0) {
lines = buf.toString(null, 0 ,read_len).split("\n");

Multi-Threading and Parallel Processing in Matlab

I'm coding a project in Matlab, however I want the great efficiency and speed of my execution, for that sake, I want to use parallel processing threads in Matlab as I have multiple objects working or changing their states in a for loop. Is Multi-Threading is appropriate for this purpose? If so, where can I take start or can create a simple thread?
My Code:
% P=501x3 array
for i=1:length(P)
% I used position for example's sake, meaning object changing its state
% Mulitple objects changing their state on each iteration, after some calculation/formulation.
What I need is the basic structure of Multi-Threads according to my scenario if Threading is appropriate in my case. More suggestions for Parallel-Execution or fast processing are welcomed.
Edit1: Parray:
P =
-21.8318 19.2251 -16.0000
-21.7386 19.1620 -15.9640
-21.6455 19.0988 -15.9279
-21.5527 19.0357 -15.8918
-21.4600 18.9727 -15.8556
-21.3675 18.9096 -15.8194
-21.2752 18.8466 -15.7831
-21.1831 18.7836 -15.7468
-21.0911 18.7206 -15.7105
-20.9993 18.6577 -15.6741
-20.9078 18.5947 -15.6377
-20.8163 18.5318 -15.6012
-20.7251 18.4689 -15.5647
-20.6340 18.4061 -15.5281
-20.5432 18.3432 -15.4915
-20.4524 18.2804 -15.4548
-20.3619 18.2176 -15.4181
-20.2715 18.1548 -15.3814
-20.1813 18.0921 -15.3446
-20.0913 18.0293 -15.3078
-20.0015 17.9666 -15.2709
-19.9118 17.9039 -15.2340
-19.8223 17.8412 -15.1970
-19.7329 17.7786 -15.1601
-19.6438 17.7160 -15.1230
-19.5547 17.6534 -15.0860
-19.4659 17.5908 -15.0489
-19.3772 17.5282 -15.0117
-19.2887 17.4656 -14.9745
-19.2004 17.4031 -14.9373
-19.1122 17.3406 -14.9001
-19.0241 17.2781 -14.8628
-18.9363 17.2156 -14.8254
-18.8486 17.1532 -14.7881
-18.7610 17.0907 -14.7507
-18.6736 17.0283 -14.7132
-18.5864 16.9659 -14.6758
-18.4994 16.9035 -14.6383
-18.4124 16.8412 -14.6007
-18.3257 16.7788 -14.5632
-18.2391 16.7165 -14.5255
-18.1526 16.6542 -14.4879
-18.0663 16.5919 -14.4502
-17.9802 16.5296 -14.4125
-17.8942 16.4673 -14.3748
-17.8084 16.4051 -14.3370
-17.7227 16.3429 -14.2992
-17.6372 16.2807 -14.2614
-17.5518 16.2185 -14.2235
-17.4665 16.1563 -14.1856
-17.3815 16.0941 -14.1477
-17.2965 16.0320 -14.1097
-17.2117 15.9698 -14.0718
-17.1271 15.9077 -14.0338
-17.0426 15.8456 -13.9957
-16.9582 15.7835 -13.9576
-16.8740 15.7214 -13.9196
-16.7899 15.6594 -13.8814
-16.7060 15.5973 -13.8433
-16.6222 15.5353 -13.8051
-16.5385 15.4733 -13.7669
-16.4550 15.4113 -13.7287
-16.3716 15.3493 -13.6904
-16.2884 15.2873 -13.6521
-16.2053 15.2253 -13.6138
-16.1223 15.1634 -13.5755
-16.0395 15.1014 -13.5372
-15.9568 15.0395 -13.4988
-15.8742 14.9776 -13.4604
-15.7918 14.9157 -13.4220
-15.7095 14.8538 -13.3835
-15.6273 14.7919 -13.3451
-15.5453 14.7301 -13.3066
-15.4634 14.6682 -13.2681
-15.3816 14.6063 -13.2295
-15.2999 14.5445 -13.1910
-15.2184 14.4827 -13.1524
-15.1370 14.4209 -13.1138
-15.0557 14.3591 -13.0752
-14.9746 14.2973 -13.0366
-14.8936 14.2355 -12.9979
-14.8127 14.1737 -12.9593
-14.7319 14.1120 -12.9206
-14.6513 14.0502 -12.8819
-14.5707 13.9885 -12.8432
-14.4903 13.9267 -12.8044
-14.4100 13.8650 -12.7657
-14.3299 13.8033 -12.7269
-14.2498 13.7416 -12.6881
-14.1699 13.6799 -12.6493
-14.0901 13.6182 -12.6105
-14.0104 13.5565 -12.5717
-13.9308 13.4948 -12.5328
-13.8513 13.4332 -12.4940
-13.7720 13.3715 -12.4551
-13.6927 13.3099 -12.4162
-13.6136 13.2482 -12.3773
-13.5346 13.1866 -12.3384
-13.4556 13.1250 -12.2995
-13.3768 13.0633 -12.2605
-13.2982 13.0017 -12.2216
-13.2196 12.9401 -12.1826
-13.1411 12.8785 -12.1437
-13.0627 12.8169 -12.1047
-12.9845 12.7553 -12.0657
-12.9063 12.6937 -12.0267
-12.8283 12.6321 -11.9877
-12.7503 12.5706 -11.9487
-12.6725 12.5090 -11.9097
-12.5947 12.4474 -11.8706
-12.5171 12.3859 -11.8316
-12.4395 12.3243 -11.7925
-12.3621 12.2628 -11.7535
-12.2848 12.2012 -11.7144
-12.2075 12.1397 -11.6754
-12.1304 12.0781 -11.6363
-12.0533 12.0166 -11.5972
-11.9764 11.9550 -11.5581
-11.8995 11.8935 -11.5190
-11.8228 11.8320 -11.4799
-11.7461 11.7705 -11.4408
-11.6695 11.7089 -11.4017
-11.5930 11.6474 -11.3626
-11.5166 11.5859 -11.3235
-11.4403 11.5244 -11.2844
-11.3641 11.4629 -11.2453
-11.2880 11.4014 -11.2062
-11.2120 11.3398 -11.1671
-11.1360 11.2783 -11.1280
-11.0602 11.2168 -11.0889
-10.9844 11.1553 -11.0497
-10.9087 11.0938 -11.0106
-10.8331 11.0323 -10.9715
-10.7576 10.9708 -10.9324
-10.6821 10.9093 -10.8933
-10.6068 10.8478 -10.8542
-10.5315 10.7863 -10.8150
-10.4563 10.7248 -10.7759
-10.3812 10.6633 -10.7368
-10.3062 10.6018 -10.6977
-10.2312 10.5403 -10.6586
-10.1564 10.4788 -10.6195
-10.0816 10.4173 -10.5804
-10.0068 10.3557 -10.5414
-9.9322 10.2942 -10.5023
-9.8576 10.2327 -10.4632
-9.7831 10.1712 -10.4241
-9.7087 10.1097 -10.3851
-9.6343 10.0482 -10.3460
-9.5600 9.9866 -10.3069
-9.4858 9.9251 -10.2679
-9.4117 9.8636 -10.2289
-9.3376 9.8021 -10.1898
-9.2636 9.7405 -10.1508
-9.1897 9.6790 -10.1118
-9.1158 9.6174 -10.0728
-9.0420 9.5559 -10.0338
-8.9683 9.4944 -9.9948
-8.8946 9.4328 -9.9558
-8.8210 9.3712 -9.9169
-8.7474 9.3097 -9.8779
-8.6739 9.2481 -9.8390
-8.6005 9.1865 -9.8000
-8.5272 9.1250 -9.7611
-8.4539 9.0634 -9.7222
-8.3806 9.0018 -9.6833
-8.3074 8.9402 -9.6444
-8.2343 8.8786 -9.6056
-8.1612 8.8170 -9.5667
-8.0882 8.7554 -9.5279
-8.0152 8.6938 -9.4890
-7.9423 8.6322 -9.4502
-7.8695 8.5705 -9.4114
-7.7967 8.5089 -9.3727
-7.7239 8.4473 -9.3339
-7.6513 8.3856 -9.2951
-7.5786 8.3240 -9.2564
-7.5060 8.2623 -9.2177
-7.4335 8.2006 -9.1790
-7.3610 8.1389 -9.1403
-7.2885 8.0772 -9.1017
-7.2161 8.0155 -9.0630
-7.1438 7.9538 -9.0244
-7.0715 7.8921 -8.9858
-6.9992 7.8304 -8.9472
-6.9270 7.7687 -8.9086
-6.8548 7.7069 -8.8701
-6.7827 7.6452 -8.8316
-6.7106 7.5834 -8.7931
-6.6385 7.5217 -8.7546
-6.5665 7.4599 -8.7161
-6.4945 7.3981 -8.6777
-6.4226 7.3363 -8.6393
-6.3507 7.2745 -8.6009
-6.2788 7.2127 -8.5625
-6.2070 7.1508 -8.5242
-6.1352 7.0890 -8.4858
-6.0635 7.0271 -8.4475
-5.9917 6.9653 -8.4093
-5.9200 6.9034 -8.3710
-5.8484 6.8415 -8.3328
-5.7768 6.7796 -8.2946
-5.7052 6.7177 -8.2564
-5.6336 6.6558 -8.2183
-5.5621 6.5938 -8.1802
-5.4906 6.5319 -8.1421
-5.4191 6.4699 -8.1040
-5.3476 6.4079 -8.0660
-5.2762 6.3459 -8.0280
-5.2048 6.2839 -7.9900
-5.1334 6.2219 -7.9521
-5.0621 6.1599 -7.9142
-4.9908 6.0978 -7.8763
-4.9194 6.0358 -7.8384
-4.8482 5.9737 -7.8006
-4.7769 5.9116 -7.7628
-4.7057 5.8495 -7.7250
-4.6344 5.7874 -7.6873
-4.5632 5.7253 -7.6496
-4.4920 5.6631 -7.6119
-4.4209 5.6010 -7.5743
-4.3497 5.5388 -7.5367
-4.2786 5.4766 -7.4992
-4.2074 5.4144 -7.4616
-4.1363 5.3522 -7.4241
-4.0652 5.2899 -7.3867
-3.9941 5.2277 -7.3492
-3.9231 5.1654 -7.3118
-3.8520 5.1031 -7.2745
-3.7809 5.0408 -7.2372
-3.7099 4.9785 -7.1999
-3.6389 4.9161 -7.1626
-3.5678 4.8538 -7.1254
-3.4968 4.7914 -7.0883
-3.4258 4.7290 -7.0511
-3.3548 4.6666 -7.0140
-3.2838 4.6041 -6.9770
-3.2128 4.5417 -6.9400
-3.1418 4.4792 -6.9030
-3.0708 4.4167 -6.8661
-2.9998 4.3542 -6.8292
-2.9288 4.2917 -6.7923
-2.8578 4.2291 -6.7555
-2.7868 4.1666 -6.7187
-2.7158 4.1040 -6.6820
-2.6448 4.0414 -6.6453
-2.5738 3.9788 -6.6087
-2.5028 3.9161 -6.5720
-2.4318 3.8534 -6.5355
-2.3608 3.7908 -6.4990
-2.2897 3.7280 -6.4625
-2.2187 3.6653 -6.4261
-2.1477 3.6026 -6.3897
-2.0766 3.5398 -6.3534
-2.0056 3.4770 -6.3171
-1.9345 3.4142 -6.2808
-1.8634 3.3513 -6.2446
-1.7924 3.2885 -6.2085
-1.7213 3.2256 -6.1724
-1.6501 3.1627 -6.1363
-1.5790 3.0998 -6.1003
-1.5079 3.0368 -6.0643
-1.4367 2.9739 -6.0284
-1.3656 2.9109 -5.9925
-1.2944 2.8478 -5.9567
-1.2232 2.7848 -5.9210
-1.1519 2.7217 -5.8852
-1.0807 2.6586 -5.8496
-1.0094 2.5955 -5.8140
-0.9381 2.5324 -5.7784
-0.8668 2.4692 -5.7429
-0.7955 2.4060 -5.7074
-0.7242 2.3428 -5.6720
-0.6528 2.2796 -5.6366
-0.5814 2.2163 -5.6013
-0.5100 2.1530 -5.5661
-0.4385 2.0897 -5.5309
-0.3670 2.0264 -5.4957
-0.2955 1.9630 -5.4607
-0.2240 1.8996 -5.4256
-0.1524 1.8362 -5.3906
-0.0808 1.7727 -5.3557
-0.0092 1.7093 -5.3209
0.0625 1.6458 -5.2860
0.1341 1.5822 -5.2513
0.2059 1.5187 -5.2166
0.2776 1.4551 -5.1819
0.3494 1.3915 -5.1474
0.4212 1.3279 -5.1128
0.4931 1.2642 -5.0784
0.5650 1.2005 -5.0440
0.6369 1.1368 -5.0096
0.7089 1.0730 -4.9753
0.7809 1.0092 -4.9411
0.8530 0.9454 -4.9069
0.9251 0.8816 -4.8728
0.9972 0.8177 -4.8388
1.0694 0.7538 -4.8048
1.1416 0.6899 -4.7709
1.2139 0.6260 -4.7370
1.2862 0.5620 -4.7032
1.3585 0.4980 -4.6695
1.4309 0.4339 -4.6358
1.5034 0.3698 -4.6022
1.5759 0.3057 -4.5686
1.6484 0.2416 -4.5352
1.7210 0.1774 -4.5017
1.7936 0.1132 -4.4684
1.8663 0.0490 -4.4351
1.9391 -0.0153 -4.4019
2.0119 -0.0796 -4.3687
2.0847 -0.1439 -4.3356
2.1576 -0.2083 -4.3026
2.2306 -0.2726 -4.2697
2.3036 -0.3371 -4.2368
2.3767 -0.4015 -4.2040
2.4498 -0.4660 -4.1712
2.5230 -0.5305 -4.1385
2.5962 -0.5951 -4.1059
2.6695 -0.6597 -4.0734
2.7429 -0.7243 -4.0409
2.8163 -0.7890 -4.0085
2.8898 -0.8537 -3.9762
2.9634 -0.9184 -3.9439
3.0370 -0.9831 -3.9117
3.1106 -1.0479 -3.8796
3.1844 -1.1128 -3.8476
3.2582 -1.1776 -3.8156
3.3320 -1.2425 -3.7837
3.4060 -1.3075 -3.7519
3.4800 -1.3724 -3.7201
3.5541 -1.4374 -3.6884
3.6282 -1.5025 -3.6568
3.7024 -1.5675 -3.6253
3.7767 -1.6327 -3.5939
3.8510 -1.6978 -3.5625
3.9255 -1.7630 -3.5312
4.0000 -1.8282 -3.4999
4.0745 -1.8935 -3.4688
4.1492 -1.9588 -3.4377
4.2239 -2.0241 -3.4067
4.2987 -2.0895 -3.3758
4.3736 -2.1549 -3.3450
4.4485 -2.2203 -3.3142
4.5236 -2.2858 -3.2835
4.5987 -2.3513 -3.2529
4.6739 -2.4169 -3.2224
4.7491 -2.4825 -3.1920
4.8245 -2.5481 -3.1616
4.8999 -2.6138 -3.1313
4.9755 -2.6795 -3.1011
5.0511 -2.7453 -3.0710
5.1267 -2.8111 -3.0409
5.2025 -2.8769 -3.0110
5.2784 -2.9428 -2.9811
5.3543 -3.0087 -2.9513
5.4303 -3.0747 -2.9216
5.5065 -3.1407 -2.8920
5.5827 -3.2067 -2.8624
5.6590 -3.2728 -2.8330
5.7354 -3.3389 -2.8036
5.8118 -3.4051 -2.7743
5.8884 -3.4713 -2.7451
5.9651 -3.5375 -2.7160
6.0418 -3.6038 -2.6870
6.1187 -3.6701 -2.6580
6.1957 -3.7365 -2.6292
6.2727 -3.8029 -2.6004
6.3498 -3.8693 -2.5717
6.4271 -3.9358 -2.5431
6.5044 -4.0024 -2.5146
6.5819 -4.0690 -2.4862
6.6594 -4.1356 -2.4579
6.7370 -4.2023 -2.4296
6.8148 -4.2690 -2.4015
6.8926 -4.3357 -2.3734
6.9706 -4.4025 -2.3455
7.0486 -4.4694 -2.3176
7.1268 -4.5362 -2.2898
7.2050 -4.6032 -2.2621
7.2834 -4.6702 -2.2345
7.3619 -4.7372 -2.2070
7.4405 -4.8042 -2.1796
7.5191 -4.8713 -2.1523
7.5979 -4.9385 -2.1250
7.6769 -5.0057 -2.0979
7.7559 -5.0730 -2.0709
7.8350 -5.1402 -2.0439
7.9142 -5.2076 -2.0171
7.9936 -5.2750 -1.9903
8.0731 -5.3424 -1.9637
8.1526 -5.4099 -1.9371
8.2323 -5.4774 -1.9106
8.3122 -5.5450 -1.8842
8.3921 -5.6126 -1.8580
8.4721 -5.6803 -1.8318
8.5523 -5.7480 -1.8057
8.6326 -5.8157 -1.7797
8.7130 -5.8835 -1.7539
8.7935 -5.9514 -1.7281
8.8742 -6.0193 -1.7024
8.9549 -6.0873 -1.6768
9.0358 -6.1553 -1.6513
9.1169 -6.2233 -1.6260
9.1980 -6.2914 -1.6007
9.2793 -6.3596 -1.5755
9.3607 -6.4278 -1.5504
9.4422 -6.4960 -1.5254
9.5238 -6.5643 -1.5006
9.6056 -6.6327 -1.4758
9.6875 -6.7011 -1.4511
9.7695 -6.7695 -1.4266
9.8517 -6.8380 -1.4021
9.9340 -6.9066 -1.3778
10.0164 -6.9752 -1.3535
10.0990 -7.0438 -1.3294
10.1817 -7.1125 -1.3053
10.2645 -7.1813 -1.2814
10.3475 -7.2501 -1.2576
10.4306 -7.3189 -1.2338
10.5138 -7.3878 -1.2102
10.5972 -7.4568 -1.1867
10.6807 -7.5258 -1.1633
10.7644 -7.5949 -1.1400
10.8482 -7.6640 -1.1168
10.9321 -7.7332 -1.0938
11.0162 -7.8024 -1.0708
11.1004 -7.8717 -1.0479
11.1848 -7.9410 -1.0252
11.2693 -8.0104 -1.0026
11.3539 -8.0798 -0.9800
11.4387 -8.1493 -0.9576
11.5237 -8.2188 -0.9353
11.6087 -8.2884 -0.9131
11.6940 -8.3581 -0.8910
11.7794 -8.4278 -0.8691
11.8649 -8.4976 -0.8472
11.9506 -8.5674 -0.8255
12.0364 -8.6373 -0.8038
12.1224 -8.7072 -0.7823
12.2085 -8.7772 -0.7609
12.2948 -8.8472 -0.7396
12.3813 -8.9173 -0.7185
12.4679 -8.9875 -0.6974
12.5546 -9.0577 -0.6765
12.6415 -9.1279 -0.6557
12.7286 -9.1983 -0.6350
12.8158 -9.2686 -0.6144
12.9032 -9.3391 -0.5939
12.9907 -9.4096 -0.5735
13.0784 -9.4801 -0.5533
13.1663 -9.5507 -0.5332
13.2543 -9.6214 -0.5132
13.3425 -9.6921 -0.4933
13.4309 -9.7629 -0.4735
13.5194 -9.8337 -0.4539
13.6080 -9.9046 -0.4344
13.6969 -9.9756 -0.4150
13.7859 -10.0466 -0.3957
13.8751 -10.1177 -0.3765
13.9644 -10.1888 -0.3575
14.0539 -10.2600 -0.3386
14.1436 -10.3313 -0.3198
14.2334 -10.4026 -0.3011
14.3235 -10.4740 -0.2826
14.4137 -10.5454 -0.2641
14.5040 -10.6169 -0.2458
14.5946 -10.6884 -0.2277
14.6853 -10.7600 -0.2096
14.7761 -10.8317 -0.1917
14.8672 -10.9035 -0.1739
14.9584 -10.9753 -0.1562
15.0499 -11.0471 -0.1387
15.1414 -11.1190 -0.1213
15.2332 -11.1910 -0.1040
15.3252 -11.2631 -0.0868
15.4173 -11.3352 -0.0697
15.5096 -11.4073 -0.0528
15.6021 -11.4796 -0.0360
15.6948 -11.5519 -0.0194
15.7876 -11.6242 -0.0029
15.8806 -11.6966 0.0135
15.9739 -11.7691 0.0298
16.0673 -11.8417 0.0459
16.1609 -11.9143 0.0619
16.2547 -11.9869 0.0778
16.3486 -12.0597 0.0936
16.4428 -12.1325 0.1092
16.5371 -12.2053 0.1247
16.6317 -12.2783 0.1400
16.7264 -12.3513 0.1552
16.8213 -12.4243 0.1703
16.9164 -12.4974 0.1853
17.0117 -12.5706 0.2001
17.1072 -12.6439 0.2148
17.2029 -12.7172 0.2293
17.2988 -12.7906 0.2437
17.3949 -12.8640 0.2580
17.4911 -12.9376 0.2721
17.5876 -13.0111 0.2861
17.6843 -13.0848 0.3000
I think parfor might be what you're looking for. It requires the Parallel Computing Toolbox (PCT) to use. It works like this:
parfor i = 1:length(P)
Object1.position = P(i,:);
Also, I would recommend using indexed structure fields, as I've done in the example below, as it increases the flexibility of any code that you write. Let me know if this doesn't work for you, and we'll try something else. I know another technique, but it's much messier. Good luck!
parfor i = 1:length(P)
Object(i).position = P(i,:);
Edit: Ok, this may not work because parfor is pretty particular. But it the general concept should apply to the problem you're trying to solve. I can't be more specific without knowing more about your specific problem. The key point is, inside a parfor, you must iterate something (Object, below) by the parfors iterator (i, below) and assign that thing a value. I'm not sure if you can use a for-loop inside a parfor, so the first example below may break. The point is, this is how you do parallel processing in MATLAB. Try this:
parfor i = 1:4
Object(i).position = P(i,:);
Edit 2:
parfor i = length(P)
Object1 = struct();
Object1.position = P(i, :);
Edit 3: Ok, one last thing. You can't use "sliced" structs (structs with fields) as input or output from a parfor so you have to do this:
parfor i = 1:length(P)
positionArray1(i) = P(i, :);
Object1 = struct('position', positionArray1);
