HTTP 500 error using Azure Easytables with Node.js backend - node.js

Having created a mobile app in Azure using EasyTables with a Node.js backend, I get an HTTP 500 error trying to post a new item.

Log in to the Azure console and in the project backend run:
npm i sqlite3
That fixes it.
(Answering my own question because I couldn't find this anywhere on StackOverflow. Props to #benjamintam from Readify for the solution)

If your mobile app application is running on Azure cloud not on locally, the issue is a little odd, as the sqlite 3 supporting is for Azure Mobile Apps development on local. You can refer to for the detailed description.
If your issue occurs on your Mobile Apps running on Azure, please double check whether you have completed the project's initialization. You can refer to for the steps.
Meanwhile, you can manually add the data connection to Azure SQL in the Azure portal,
And if successfully, you can find the configuration MS_TableConnectionString in Application settings in your Mobile Apps.
Any further concern, please feel free to let me know.


Microsoft Translation API Authentication Failure

We currently have both a TEST and DEV environment of our application set to connect to Microsoft Translator. For our test environment, everything connects fine. For our DEV environment, authentication is failing and we do not know why. Both machines appear to have the same configuration. We are testing both with the same API key (which we have done in the past).
My question is: How do we monitor the calls to this API in the Azure portal? I have turned on a number of diagnostics but none are appearing to give me the network info I need. Network Watcher appears to be for VMs. I want to be able to look at the calls that are logged using my key to troubleshoot this issue.
Any help is greatly appreciated :)
You can try application insights -
I need some more information about this case,
01. Are you calling Microsoft Translate API inside your application or you are developing an API using, Microsoft Translate API ?
02.Hope you are using azure web apps. Are you using slots to manage dev and test environment.
03. Are you using API Management ?

How to get the Dependency calls in Application Insights using NodeJS Web application

I have developed a NodeJS web application, which I published it into azure web app and configured the application insights for that. Up to now every thing was working properly, one thing is when I go to application insights I am able to see only requests, events and exceptions but I am not getting any SQL dependency calls in AI, even though I am getting the data from Azure SQL Database.
I just followed the below link to configure the application insights for my NodeJS web application.
Can you please tell me how to resolve the above issue as soon as possible?

Azure Functions Runtime

Installed the Azure Functions Runtime as per the instructions here:
Configured all the things including the SQL etc correctly.
After doing that when to the https://localhost and tried to create a new Azure functions App.
When trying to create the Azure Functions App, it fails. I verified the Azure Functions Host Activation Service and the Docker Service are running.
Below is the error when trying to create the functions App from the local box:
For me, this issue was actually caused by WebDAV handler not allowing PUT verb. After I allowed all verbs in IIS for FunctionsAPI, it works like a charm.
You can use F12 in your web browser to help identify the root cause of the issue by going through the steps of creating a new function app.
Please check in the following Windows Event log for any errors on the Functions Management Role:
If you don't see any information there, please follow this instructions to capture a trace for the FunctionsAPI website with status code 400-999:

How to resolve error 500 on Azure web app?

What I have:
ASP.NET 5 MVC 6 website
Deployed to Azure Web App
The site works locally
When I deploy to Azure I get internal server error (500)
I'm unable to Attach a debugger since they messed up something with the latest versions (tried manually too
I have app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); but I guess the site is failing during configuration so it doesn't display any other information.
So how to resolve this? I need to see the .net exception but I have no idea how to do that.
Try adding Application Insights to the app. You should see errors on startup of your application.
I would also take a look at your startup code to see if you are writing to disk anywhere during configuration or app.start. This might be the case if you are using AAD in any capacity.
You can also hit up the KUDU console by targetting . You will be able to navigate in the debugging console to see the RAW logs from IIS. That might shed some light into the situation. See KUDU for more info.
I solved this problem like show below.HTTP 500 error interested about that is not allowed to access the server.Go to azure portal address and choose your database.Press"Set server firewall " and Allow Azure services and resources to access this server choose "Yes" save that page and refresh your service.Than you can see your data
Use the KUDU console at
Go to web.config file and check if the process path is correct.
I used the Azure Log Stream to help figure out what was going on. As Karishma Tiwari - MSFT said, the issue ended up being my web.config file (which was built for .NET 3.5 and not 4.7)
Here's the tutorial to set up Log Streaming:
My particular app's solution was to update my Azure App Service to use .NET 3.5, in its Application Settings, like so:
For me it worked after I turned "Allow Azure services and resources to access this server
" to Yes
I got this error even though I had enabled Application Logging (Filesystem), Detailed error messages and Failed request tracing in App Service logs
This page isn’t working is currently unable
to handle this request.
However by navigating to Log stream and selecting Application Logs I could see a detailed error message:
I know this question has already been answered but here is a recent view of the Azure Portal where I found a solution to this problem

Azure Mobile App malfunctioning after migration

A couple weeks back our Mobile App was migrated from the old portal to the new one and it hasn't behaved properly since.
Our main issues are:
We cannot access any logs files, the tab for Diagnostics logs stopped working entirely on Wednesday but even before that we never got any useful data out of this. When something goes wrong with our nodejs backend we can't find any clue as to what went wrong like we could in our old portal under the logs tab.
We are unable to access the FTP server entirely, it just won't let us login even though the credentials are correct and have been reset multiple times in attempts to get them working.
The server is throwing errors about not having enough disk space left even though we should have 53Gb to go (we're currently using 1.05Gb out of 55Gb)
Our deployments slots are not working at all, when we push our code to the deployment slot it just doesn't work, every request we make to the deployment slots tells us we're not allowed to do anything.
We are running a standard tier Mobile App server. The backend is in NodeJS, our CMS is in ASP.Net and our app itself is in Xamarin Forms.
The issues started after we migrated the server a couple weeks back from the portal to
What can we do?
We got through to Microsoft via the payed support plan which we're getting refunded because these are basic functionalities which don't work as advertised after the migration. I've got a call with them in about three hours to get things sorted, if I learn anything we can do ourselves I will update this post to share the knowledge.
This needs to be a support request to Microsoft.
If you can, open an incident with Microsoft Support. If you can't, post a question in the MSDN Community Forum. (We need to ask about particulars of your site and that isn't an appropriate topic for SO)
As the architecture of Mobile Apps is changed from Mobile Services, now the mobile apps migrate to Azure App Services.
Actually the Mobile Apps backend in Node.js is an expressjs project, and the mobile app sdk for node is a middleware of express. So the way for diagnostics and troubleshooting has changed from before we use Mobile Service. You can refer to for details about Debugging and troubleshooting for mobile services.
Additionally, we can leverage the Visual Studio Team Services editor as the section How to: Edit code in Visual Studio Team Services shows in the link above, we can monitor the output of the Mobile Apps backend application. E.G:
About your FTP issue, please double check your deployment Username, when we login to FTP server on Azure, we need to input the full FTP user name which is "app\username":
You can refer to for details.
