Grep search for a string by pattern and then find part of this string inside of another file - linux

I have log file where I look for strings like:
tail -n 1000 -f logfile.log | grep -i "host"
and then I receive strings like these:
host2 %host-DEREG: host c459.cf00.1105 is deregistered on E0/1:60.
Could I choose mac addresses from these strings and look for strings with these mac addresses inside of another file?

There is no macaddress in your example
grep `tail -n 1000 -f logfile.log | grep -i "host" | grep -o "[a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9]\.[a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9]\.[a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9]"` anotherfile


Extract IPs from Pcap Which are Matching the String

How can I extract IPs from a PCAP file whose packet has any of these hex strings.
--hex-string '|AF0DFT5F14|'
--hex-string '|AF0DFT5F25|'
--hex-string '|AF0DFT5F45|'
I just need the list of IPs.
I tried to search a lot on web but couldn't get any specific about this. I found out to extract all the IPs from a pcap file using the below command
( tcpdump -n -r m.pcap | grep IP | cut -f 3 "-d " | cut -f1-4 -d.; tcpdump -n -r m.pcap | grep IP | cut -f 5 "-d " | cut -f1-4 -d. ) | sort -u
Grep, awk, anything can do

Parsing nmap -oG output using sed

I have a logfile
Host: ( Ports: 80/open/tcp//http//AkamaiGHost (Akamai's HTTP Acceleration|Mirror service)/, 443/open/tcp//ssl|http//AkamaiGHost (Akamai's HTTP Acceleration|Mirror service)/
Host: () Ports: 80/open/tcp//http//cloudflare/, 443/open/tcp//ssl|https//cloudflare/, 2052/open/tcp//clearvisn?///, 2053/open/tcp//ssl|http//nginx/, 2082/open/tcp//infowave?///, 2083/open/tcp//ssl|http//nginx/, 2086/open/tcp//gnunet?///, 2087/open/tcp//ssl|http//nginx/, 2095/open/tcp//nbx-ser?///, 2096/open/tcp//ssl|http//nginx/, 8080/open/tcp//http-proxy//cloudflare/, 8443/open/tcp//ssl|https-alt//cloudflare/, 8880/open/tcp//cddbp-alt?///
Host: ( Ports: 53/open/tcp//domain//(unknown banner: 29571.61)/
I need to extract and convert IPs and http ports to the following format,443,2083
There are just two types of port fields in the logfile
Tried to use sed but without success. I ended up with this dysfunctional command
cat ../host_ports.txt | sed -rn 's/Host: ([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}).*?([0-9]{1,5}\/open\/tcp\/\/http|[0-9]{1,5}\/open\/tcp\/\/ssl\|http).*/\1 \2/p'
First handle the repeating ports, and next replace Host/Port to the desired format.
sed -r 's/(Ports:|,) ([0-9]*)[^,]*/\1\2/g;s/Host: ([^ ]*).*Ports:/\1:/' ../host_ports.txt
First I gave all ports of a line with http somewhere, now limit the result to ports with http in its description.
sed -nr 's/Ports: /, /;
s/, ([0-9]*)[^,]*http[^,]*/,\1/g;
s/Host: ([^ ]*)[^,]*,/\1:/p' ../host_ports.txt
This script will do it for you, and you don't need sed :
while read -r line; do
if echo $line | grep -q "http"; then
host=$(echo "$line" | grep -Po '(?<=^Host: )[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+')
ports=$(echo "$line" | grep -Po '[0-9]*((?=\/open\/tcp\/\/http)|(?=\/open\/tcp\/\/ssl\|http))' | tr '\n' ',')
echo "$host:${ports:0:-1}"
done < ../log
The first grep will catch the IP address, with the help of Look behind. the -P is to use perl like regex, and the -o is to output only the matching string
The second regex is much like the first, but uses look after instead of look behind. It will only capture ports which are followed by /open/tcp//http or /open/tcp//ssl|http. The tr right after will replace newlines with commas.
the ${ports:0:-1} is just to eliminate the trailing comma.
Hope this helps!

Count lines of CLI output in linux

Hi have the following command:
lsscsi | grep HITACHI | awk '{print $6}'
I want that the output will be the number of lines of the original output.
For example, if the original output is:
The final output will be 3.
Basically the command wc -l can be used to count the lines in a file or pipe. However, since you want to count the number of lines after a filter has been applied I would recommend to use grep for that:
lsscsi | grep -c 'HITACHI'
-c just prints the number of matching lines.
Another thing. In your example you are using grep .. | awk. That's a useless use of grep. It should be
lsscsi | awk '/HITACHI/{print $6}'

how to match hostname machine

please advice how to match the following hostname
machine hostname Should be according to the following rule
<a-z word ><number><a-z character/s>
real example
please advice how to machine these hostname with grep
I have for now this syntax
hostname | grep -c '[a-z][1-2][a-z]'
but these syntax not work on all my examples
on solaris the option egrep -E not works
hostname | grep -E '\b[a-z]+[0-9][a-z]+'
grep: illegal option -- E
Usage: grep -hblcnsviw pattern file . . .
Broken Pipe
try the second option ( on solaris machine ):
hostname | grep "^[a-z]\+[0-9][a-z]\+$"
not matched!!!
I also try this:
hostname | grep '[a-z]\+[0-9]\+[a-zA-Z]\+'
Here is an awk using same regex as the grep posted here uses.
awk '/[a-z]+[0-9]+[a-zA-Z]+/'
If you need to make sure there is nothing else in the line, only the words above, use:
awk '/^[a-z]+[0-9]+[a-zA-Z]+$/'
^ marks start of line.
$ marks end of line.
You can use the following pattern:
grep '^[a-z]\+[0-9]\+[a-zA-Z]\+$'
Note that you can use the the return value of grep to decide whether the pattern matches or not, you don't need to use the -c option. Like this:
if [ hostname | grep '^[a-z]\+[0-9]\+[a-zA-Z]\+$' >/dev/null 2>&1 ] ; then
echo "host name OK"

Grep - returning both the line number and the name of the file

I have a number of log files in a directory. I am trying to write a script to search all the log files for a string and echo the name of the files and the line number that the string is found.
I figure I will probably have to use 2 grep's - piping the output of one into the other since the -l option only returns the name of the file and nothing about the line numbers. Any insight in how I can successfully achieve this would be much appreciated.
Many thanks,
$ grep -Hn root /etc/passwd
combining -H and -n does what you expect.
If you want to echo the required informations without the string :
$ grep -Hn root /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f1,2
or with awk :
$ awk -F: '/root/{print "file=" ARGV[1] "\nline=" NR}' /etc/passwd
if you want to create shell variables :
$ awk -F: '/root/{print "file=" ARGV[1] "\nline=" NR}' /etc/passwd | bash
$ echo $line
$ echo $file
Use -H. If you are using a grep that does not have -H, specify two filenames. For example:
grep -n pattern file /dev/null
My version of grep kept returning text from the matching line, which I wasn't sure if you were after... You can also pipe the output to an awk command to have it ONLY print the file name and line number
grep -Hn "text" . | awk -F: '{print $1 ":" $2}'
