How to tune "spark.rpc.askTimeout"? - apache-spark

We have a spark 1.6.1 application, which takes input from two kafka topics and writes the result to another kafka topic. The application receives some large (approximately 1MB) files in the first input topic and some simple conditions from the second input topic. If the condition is satisfied, the file is written to output topic else held in state (we use mapWithState).
The logic works fine for less (few hundred) number of input files, but fails with org.apache.spark.rpc.RpcTimeoutException and recommendation is to increase spark.rpc.askTimeout. After increasing from default (120s) to 300s the ran fine longer but crashed with the same error after 1 hour. After changing the value to 500s, the job ran fine for more than 2 hours.
Note: We are running the spark job in local mode and kafka is also running locally in the machine. Also, some time I see warning "[2016-09-06 17:36:05,491] [WARN] - [] - Not enough space to cache rdd_2123_0 in memory! (computed 2.6 GB so far)"
Now, 300s seemed large enough a timeout considering all local configuration. But any idea, how to come up to an ideal timeout value instead of just using 500s or higher based on testing, as I see crashed cases using 800s and cases suggesting to use 60000s?

I was facing the same problem, I found this page saying that under heavy workloads it is wise to set controls all the timeouts, also the RPC one) to 800. At the moment it solved my problem.


Dataflow exceeds number_of_worker_harness_threads

I deployed Dataflow job with param --number_of_worker_harness_threads=5 (streaming mode).
Next I send 20x PubSub messages triggering 20x loading big CSV files from GCS and start processing.
In the logs I see that job took 10 messages and process it in parallel on 6-8 threads (I checked several times, sometimes it was 6, sometimes 8).
Nevertheless all the time it was more than 5.
Any idea how it works? It does not seem to be expected behavior.
Judging from the flag name, you are using Beam Python SDK.
For Python streaming, the total number of threads running DoFns on 1 worker VM in current implementation may be up to the value provided in --number_of_worker_harness_threads times the number of SDK processes running on the worker, which by default is the number of vCPU cores. There is a way to limit number of processes to 1 regardless of # of vCPUs. To do so, set --experiments=no_use_multiple_sdk_containers.
For example, if you are using --machine_type=n1-standard-2 and --number_of_worker_harness_threads=5, you may have up to 10 DoFn instances in different threads running concurrently on the same machine.
If --number_of_worker_harness_threads is not specified, up to 12 threads per process are used. See also:

Invisible Delays between Spark Jobs

There are 4 major actions(jdbc write) with respect to application and few counts which in total takes around 4-5 minutes for completion.
But the total uptime of Application is around 12-13minutes.
I see there are certain jobs by name run at : 1149. Just before this job being reflected on Spark UI, the invisible long delays occur.
I want to know what are the possible causes for these delays.
My application is reading 8-10 CSV files, 5-6 VIEWs from table. Number of joins are around 59, few groupBy with agg(sum) are there and 3 unions are there.
I am not able to reproduce the issue in DEV/UAT env since the data is not that much.
It's in the production where I get the app. executed run by my Manager.
If anyone has come across such delays in their job, please share your experience what could be the potential cause for this, currently I am working around the unions, i.e. caching the associated dataframes and calling count so as to get the benefit of cache in the coming union(yet to test, if union is the reason for delays)
Similarly, I tried the break the long chain of transformations with cache and count in between to break the long lineage.
The time reduced from initial 18 minutes to 12 minutes but the issue with invisible delays still persist.
Thanks in advance
I assume you don't have a CPU or IO heavy code between your spark jobs.
So it really sparks, 99% it is QueryPlaning delay.
You can use
spark.listenerManager.register(QueryExecutionListener) to check different metrics of query planing performance.

Spark tasks stuck at RUNNING

I'm trying to run a Spark ML pipeline (load some data from JDBC, run some transformers, train a model) on my Yarn cluster but each time I run it, a couple - sometimes one, sometimes 3 or 4 - of my executors get stuck running their first task set (that'd be 3 tasks for each of their 3 cores), while the rest run normally, checking off 3 at a time.
In the UI, you'd see something like this:
Some things I have observed so far:
When I set up my executors to use 1 core each with spark.executor.cores (i.e. run 1 task at a time), the issue does not occur;
The stuck executors always seem to be them ones that had to get some partitions shuffled to them in order to run the task;
The stuck tasks would ultimately get successfully speculatively executed by another instance;
Occasionally, a single task would get stuck in an executor that is otherwise normal, the other 2 cores would keep working fine, however;
The stuck executor instances look like everything is normal: CPU is at ~100%, plenty of memory to spare, the JVM processes are alive, neither Spark or Yarn log anything out of the ordinary and they can still receive instructions from the driver, such as "drop this task, someone else speculatively executed it already" -- though, for some reason, they don't drop it;
Those executors never get killed off by the driver, so I imagine they keep sending their heartbeats just fine;
Any ideas as to what may be causing this or what I should try?
TLDR: Make sure your code is threadsafe and race condition-free before you blame Spark.
Figured it out. For posterity: was using an thread-unsafe data structure (a mutable HashMap). Since executors on the same machine share a JVM, this was resulting in data races that were locking up the separate threads/tasks.
The upshot: when you have spark.executor.cores > 1 (and you probably should), make sure your code is threadsafe.

Cassandra 3.10 debug.log contains frequent " - Ignoring interval time of..."

The debug.log files for one of our Cassandra 3.10 clusters has frequent messages similar to “ - Ignoring interval time of…”
The messages appear even if the cluster is idle. I see the messages at a rate of about 1 per second on each node of this 6 node cluster (3 nodes each in two data centers).
Can someone tell me what causes the messages and if they are something to be concerned about?
We have a couple of other small clusters supporting the same application (different environments) and I see this message much less often (days apart).
The FailureDetector is responsible of deciding if a node is considered UP or DOWN.
The gossip process tracks state from other nodes both directly (nodes
gossiping directly to it) and indirectly (nodes communicated about
secondhand, third-hand, and so on). Rather than have a fixed threshold
for marking failing nodes, Cassandra uses an accrual detection
mechanism to calculate a per-node threshold that takes into account
network performance, workload, and historical conditions. During
gossip exchanges, every node maintains a sliding window of
inter-arrival times of gossip messages from other nodes in the
Here you can find the source code, which gives you the log message. It is set to DEBUG level because they may be helpful in tracking down the actual issue causing the latency, but don't indicate a problem on their own.
In other words: your node measures the acknowledgement latency for each gossip message sent to the other nodes e.g: X nanosec for IP address1, Z nanosec for IP address2, etc. If eitherX or Y is above the expected 2 sec threshold as stated in MAX_INTERVAL_IN_NANO, it will get reported.
Problems, which can cause this log message:
Huge load on the node(s): e.g too many large partitions
High pressure: e.g. too many queries in sort period of time
Bad network connection
The extra FailureDetector logging was added with this:
Expose phi values from failure detector via JMX and tweak debug
and trace logging (CASSANDRA-9526)
and also I found this open issue, might be related to your problem:
The failure detector becomes more sensitive when the network is flakey(CASSANDRA-9536)
Also I find this article about Gossiping and Failure Detection very useful.

How does Cassandra stress test determine threadcount?

I ran a Cassandra stress-test and the output came back to between 4 and 913 threadcounts. What causes Cassandra to increase and stop the threadcount?
When you use Cassandra Stress, I see these tests
First, Cassandra starts with a small amount of thread and displays the result, then it also raises the thread until (This number seems to depend on the cluster that Cassandra has attached to stress and allowed to connect. Given this parameter, thread are counted.)ends the test.
And in the end, the results of all the tests with the number of thread they used in testing them in
As you can see above, the system I tested on was able to run 32 threads and the test was completed with the same amount and the results were displayed.
