High CPU Usage in Cassandra 2.0 - cassandra

Running a 4 node cluster cassandra version 2.0.9. Recently since a
month we are seeing a huge spike in the CPU usage on all the nodes.
tpstats gives me high Native-transport-requests. Attaching screenshot
for 3 nodes tpstats
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
From where should I start debugging?
Also if you see from first picture when the load becomes high the read
and write becomes low . This is understandable as the majority of the
requests drop

How to mitigate tombstones? I probably get that question from our dev teams a dozen times per month. The easiest way, is to not do DELETEs, and I'm dead serious about that. Otherwise, you can model your tables in such a way to mitigate tombstones in a better way.
For example, let's say I have a simple table to keep track of order status. As an order can have several different statuses (pending, picking, shipped, received, returned, etc...) a lazy way is to have one row per order, and either DELETE or run an in-place update to change the status (depending on whether or not status is a part of your key). A better way, is to convert it to a time series and perform deletes via a TTL. The table would look something like this:
CREATE TABLE orderStatus (orderid UUID,
updateTime TIMEUUID,
status TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY (ordered, status))
Let's say I know that I really only care about order status for a max of 30 days, so all status upserts have a TTL of 30 days...
INSERT INTO orderStatus (orderid,updateTime,status)
VALUES (UUID(),now(),'pending') USING TTL 2592000;
That table will support queries for order status by orderid, sorted by the update time descending. That way, I can SELECT from that table for an id with a LIMIT 1, and always get the most recent status. Additionally, those statuses will get deleted automatically after 30 days. Now, TTLing data still creates tombstones. But those tombstones are separate from the newer orders (the ones I probably care about more), so I typically don't have to worry about those tombstones interfering in my queries (because they're all grouped in partitions that I won't be querying often).
That's one example, but I hope the idea behind modeling for tombstone mitigation is clear. Mainly, the idea is to partition your table in such a way that the tombstones are kept separate from the data that you query most-often.
Is there a way by which we can monitor which queries are running slow on the server?
No, there really isn't a way to do that. But, you should be able to request all queries from your developers for problem keyspaces/tables. And that should be easy, because a table should really only be able to support one or two queries. If your developers built a table that supports 5 or 6 different queries, they're doing it wrong.
When you look at the queries, these are some red flags you should question:
Unbound queries (SELECTs without WHERE clauses).
Use of secondary indexes.
Use of IN.
Use of BATCH statements (I have seen a batch statement tip-over a node before).


Timeout on CQL COUNT() restricted by partition key

I have a table in cassandra DB that is populated. It provably has around 10000 records. When I try to execute select count(*), my query times out. Surprisingly, it times out even when i restrict the query with the partition key. The table has a column that is filled with a lot of text. I can't understand how that would be a problem, but i thought, i'd mention it. Any suggestions?
Doing a COUNT() of the rows in a partition shouldn't timeout unless it contains thousands and thousands of rows. More importantly, the query is most likely timing out when the partition contains thousands of tombstones.
You haven't provided a lot of information in your question and ideally you should have included:
the table schema
a sample query
In any case if you are storing queue-like datasets and deleting rows after they've been processed (because it's a queue) then you are generating lots of tombstones within the partition. Once you've reached the maximum tombstone_failure_threshold (default is 100K tombstones) then Cassandra will stop reading any more rows.
Unfortunately, it's hard to say what's happening in your case without the necessary details. Cheers!
A SELECT COUNT(*) needs to scan the entire database and can potentially take an extremely long time - much longer than the typical timeout. Ideally, such a query would be paged - periodically returning empty pages until the final page contains the count - to avoid timing out. But currently in Cassandra - and also in Scylla - this isn't done.
As Erick noted in his reply, everything becomes worse if you also have a lot of tombstones: You said you only have 10,000 rows, but it's easy to imagine a use case where the data changes frequently, and you actually have for each row 100 deleted rows - so Cassandra needs to scan through 1 million rows (most of them already dead), not 10,000.
Another issue to consider is that when your cluster is very large, scanning usually contact nodes sequentially, and each node many times (depending on the number of vnodes), so the scan time on a very large cluster will be large even if there are just a few actual rows in the database. By the way, unlike a regular scan, an aggregation like COUNT(*) can actually be done internally in parallel. Scylla recently implemented this and it speeds up counts (and other aggregation), but if I understand correctly, this feature is not in Cassandra.
Finally, you said that "Surprisingly, it times out even when i restrict the query with the partition key.". The question is how you restricted the query with a partition key. If you restricted the partition key itself to a range, it will still be slow because Cassandra still needs to scan all the partitions and compare their keys to the range. What you should have done is to restrict the token of the partition key, e.g., something like
where token(p) >= -9223372036854775808 and token(p) < ....

What is the best way to query timeseries data with cassandra?

My table is a time series one. The queries are going to process the latest entries and TTL expire them after successful processing. If they are not successfully processed, TTL will not set.
The only query I plan to run on this is to select all entries for a given entry_type. They will be processed and records corresponding to processed entries will be expired.
This way every time I run this query I will get all records in the table that are not processed and processing will be done. Is this a reasonable approach?
Would using a listenablefuture with my own executor add any value to this considering that the thread doing the select is just processing.
I am concerned about the TTL and tombstones. But if I use clustering key of timeuuid type is this ok?
You are right one important thing getting in your way will be tombstones. By Default you will keep them around for 10 days. Depending on your access patter this might cause significant problems. You can lower this by setting the directly on the table or change it in the cassandra yaml file. Then it will be valid for all the newly created table gc_grace_seconds
It is very important that you make sure you are running the repair on whole cluster once within this period. So if you lower this setting to let's say 2 days, then within two days you have to have one full repair done on the cluster. This is very important because processed data will reaper. I saw this happening multiple times, and is never pleasant especially if you are using cassandra as a queue and it seems to me that you might be using it in your solution. I'll try to give some tips at the end of the answer.
I'm slightly worried about you setting the ttl dynamically depending on result. What would be the point of inserting the ttl-ed data that was successful and keeping forever the data that wasn't. I guess some sort of audit or something similar. Again this is a queue pattern, try to avoid this if possible. Also one thing to keep in mind is that you will almost always insert the data once in the beginning and then once again with the ttl should your processing be o.k.
Also getting all entries might be a bit tricky. For very moderate load 10-100 req/s this might be reasonable but if you have thousands per second getting all the requests every time might not be a good idea. At least not if you put them into single partition.
Separating the workload is also good idea. So yes using listenable future seems totally legit.
Setting clustering key to be timeuuid is usually the case with time series thata and I totally agree with you on this one.
In reality as I mentioned earlier you have to to take into account you will be saving 10 days worth of data (unless you tweak it) no matter what you do, it doesn't matter if you ttl it. It's still going to be ther, and every time cassandra will scan the partition will have to read the ttl-ed columns. In short this is just pain. I would seriously consider actually using something as kafka if I were you because what you are describing simply looks to me like a queue.
If you still want to stick with cassandra then please consider using buckets (adding date info to partitioning key and having a composite partitioning key). Depending on the load you are expecting you will have to bucket by month, week, day, hour even minutes. In some cases you might even want to add artificial columns to reduce load on the cluster. But then again this might be out of scope of this question.
Be very careful when using cassandra as a queue, it's a known antipattern. You can do it, but there are a lot of variables and it extremely depends on the load you are using. I once consulted a team that sort of went down the path of cassandra as a queue. Since basically using cassandra there was a must I recommended them bucketing the data by day (did some calculations that proved this is o.k. time unit) and I also had a look at this solution https://github.com/paradoxical-io/cassieq basically there are a lot of good stuff in this repo when using cassandra as a queue, data models etc. Basically this team had zombie rows, slow reading because of the tombstones etc. etc.
Also the way you described it it might happen that you have "hot rows" basically since you would just have one wide partition where all your data would go some nodes in the cluster might not even be that good utilised. This can be avoided by artificial columns.
When using cassandra as a queue it's very easy to mess a lot of things up. (But it's possible for moderate workloads)

MemSQL for Last n Days Data

I plan to use memsql to store my last 7 days data for real time analytics using SQL.
I checked the documentation and find out that there is no such TTL / expiration feature in MemSQL
Is there any such feature (in case I missed it)?
Is memsql fit the use case if I do daily delete on >7 days data? I quite curious about the fragmentation
We tried it on postgresql and we need to execute Vacuum command, it takes a long time to run.
There is no TTL/expiration feature. You can do it by running delete queries. Many customer use cases are doing this type of thing, so yes MemSQL does fit the use case. Fragmentation generally shouldn't be too much of a problem here - what kind of fragmentation are you concerned about?
There is No Out of the Box TTL feature in MemSQL.
We achieved TTL by adding an additional TS column in our MemSQL Rowstore table with TIMESTAMP(6) datatype.
This provides automatic current timestamp insertion when you add a new row to the table.
When querying data from this table, you can apply a simple filter based on this TIMESTAMP column to filter older records beyond your TTL value.
You can always have a batch job which can run one a month which can delete older data.
we have not seen any issues due to fragmentation but you can do below once in a while if fragmentation is a concern for you:
MemSQL’s memory allocators can become fragmented over time (especially if a large table is shrunk dramatically by deleting data randomly). There is no command currently available that will compact them, but running ALTER TABLE ADD INDEX followed by ALTER TABLE DROP INDEX will do it.
Caution should be taken with this work around. Plans will rebuild and the two ALTER queries are going to move all moves in the table twice, so this should not be used that often.

Dynamodb infrequently scheduled scan

I am implementing a session table with nodejs which will grow to a huge number of items. each hash key is a uuid representing a user.
In order to delete the expired sessions, I must scan the table for expired attribute and delete old sessions. I am planning to do this scan once a few days, and other than that, I don't really need high read capacity.
I came out with 2 solutions, and i would like to hear some feedback about them.
1) UpdateTable to higher capacities for only that scheduled routine, and after the scan is done, simply reduce the table capacities to it's original values.
2) Perform the scan, and when retrieving the 'LastEvaluatedKey' after an x*MB read, create a initiation delay (for not consuming all read/sec units), and then continue the scan with 'ExclusiveStartKey'.
If you're doing a scan, option 1 is your best best. This is the only real way to guarantee that you won't effect your application performance while the scan is ongoing.
The only thing you need to be sure of is that you only run this operation once a day -- I believe you can only DOWNGRADE throughput units on a DynamoDB table 2x's per day (at most).
This is an old question, but I saw it through a related question.
There is now a much better native solution: DynamoDB Time to Live
It allows you to specify one attribute per table that serves as the time to live value for each item. You can then set the attribute per item with a Unix-Timestamp that specifies when the item should be deleted.
Within about 24 hours of that timestamp, the item will be deleted at no additional charge.

Table with heavy writes and some reads in Cassandra. Primary key searches taking 30 seconds. (Queue)

Have a table set up in Cassandra that is set up like this:
Primary key columns
shard - an integer between 1 and 1000
last_used - a timestamp
Value columns:
value - a 22 character string
Example if how this table is used:
shard last_used | value
457 5/16/2012 4:56pm NBJO3poisdjdsa4djmka8k >-- Remove from front...
600 6/17/2013 5:58pm dndiapas09eidjs9dkakah |
...(1 million more rows) |
457 NOW NBJO3poisdjdsa4djmka8k <-- ..and put in back
The table is used as a giant queue. Very many threads are trying to "pop" the row off with the lowest last_used value, then update the last_used value to the current moment in time. This means that once a row is read, since last_used is part of the primary key, that row is deleted, then a new row with the same shard, value, and updated last_used time is added to the table, at the "end of the queue".
The shard is there because so many processes are trying to pop the oldest row off the front of the queue and put it at the back, that they would severely bottleneck each other if only one could access the queue at the same time. The rows are randomly separated into 1000 different "shards". Each time a thread "pops" a row off the beginning of the queue, it selects a shard that no other thread is currently using (using redis).
Holy crap, we must be dumb!
The problem we are having is that this operation has become very slow on the order of about 30 seconds, a virtual eternity.
We have only been using Cassandra for less than a month, so we are not sure what we are doing wrong here. We have gotten some indication that perhaps we should not be writing and reading so much to and from the same table. Is it the case that we should not be doing this in Cassandra? Or is there perhaps some nuance in the way we are doing it or the way that we have it configured that we need to change and/or adjust? How might be trouble-shoot this?
More Info
We are using the MurMur3Partitioner (the new random partitioner)
The cluster is currently running on 9 servers with 2GB RAM each.
The replication factor is 3
Thanks so much!
This is something you should not use Cassandra for. The reason you're having performance issues is because Cassandra has to scan through mountains of tombstones to find the remaining live columns. Every time you delete something Cassandra writes a tombstone, it's a marker that the column has been deleted. Nothing is actually deleted from disk until there is a compaction. When compacting Cassandra looks at the tombstones and determines which columns are dead and which are still live, the dead ones are thrown away (but then there is also GC grace, which means that in order to avoid spurious resurrections of columns Cassandra keeps the tombstones around for a while longer).
Since you're constantly adding and removing columns there will be enormous amounts of tombstones, and they will be spread across many SSTables. This means that there is a lot of overhead work Cassandra has to do to piece together a row.
Read the blog post "Cassandra anti-patterns: queues and queue-like datasets" for some more details. It also shows you how to trace the queries to verify the issue yourself.
It's not entirely clear from your description what a better solution would be, but it very much sounds like a message queue like RabbitMQ, or possibly Kafka would be a much better solution. They are made to have a constant churn and FIFO semantics, Cassandra is not.
There is a way to make the queries a bit less heavy for Cassandra, which you can try (although I still would say Cassandra is the wrong tool for this job): if you can include a timestamp in the query you should hit mostly live columns. E.g. add last_used > ? (where ? is a timestamp) to the query. This requires you to have a rough idea of the first timestamp (and don't do a query to find it out, that would be just as costly), so it might not work for you, but it would take some of the load off of Cassandra.
The system appears to be under stress (2GB or RAM may be not enough).
Please have nodetool tpstats run and report back on its results.
Use RabbitMQ. Cassandra is probably a bad choice for this application.
