lock contention in memory allocation - multi-threaded vs. multi-process - linux

We have developed a big C++ application that is running satisfactorily at several sites on big Linux and Solaris boxes (up to 160 CPU cores or even more). It's a heavily multi-threaded (1000+ threads), single-process architecture, consuming huge amounts of memory (200 GB+). We are LD_PRELOADing Google Perftool's tcmalloc (or libumem/mtmalloc on Solaris) to avoid memory allocation performance bottlenecks with generally good results. However, we are starting to see adverse effects of lock contention during memory allocation/deallocation on some bigger installations, especially after the process has been running for a while (which hints to aging/fragmentation effects of the allocator).
We are considering changing to a multi-process/shared memory architecture (the heavy allocation/deallocation will not happen in shared memory, rather on the regular heap).
So, finally, here's our question: can we assume that the virtual memory manager of modern Linux kernels is capable of efficiently handing out memory to hundreds of concurent processes? Or do we have to expect running into the same kind of problems with memory allocation contention that we see in our single-process/multi-threading environment? I tend to hope for a better overall system performance, as we would no longer be limited to a single address space, and that having several independent address spaces would require less locking on the part of the virtual memory manager. Anyone have any actual experience or performance data comparing multi-threaded vs. multi-process memory allocation?

I tend to hope for a better overall system performance, as we would no longer be limited to a single address space, and that having several independent address spaces would require less locking on the part of the virtual memory manager.
There is no reason to expect this. Unless your code is so badly designed that it constantly goes back to the OS to allocate memory, it won't make any significant difference. Your application should only need to go back to the OS's virtual memory manager when it needs more virtual memory, which should not occur significantly once the process reaches its stable size.
If you are constantly allocating and freeing all the way back to the OS, you should stop doing that. If you're not, then you can keep multiple pools of already-allocated memory that can be used by multiple threads without contention. And, as a benefit, your context switches will be cheaper because TLB's don't have to be flushed.
Only if you can't reduce the frequency of address space changes (for example, if you must map and unmap files) or if you have to change other shared resources (like file descriptors) should you look at multiprocess options.


Comparing segmentation, paging, and partitioning - memory management and swapping processes

As I understand it, when processes are swapped-out of main memory and then back in, they can occupy different regions of physical memory. Is this ability shared by all three of segmentation, paging, and partitioning memory management systems? If not, what are the differences and why?
You are mixing a lot of of different concepts. Segmentation is an obsolete system for managing memory. In ye olde days when a large system had 1–2 MB of memory and 16-bit addressing, a process could only access a fraction of the system memory (64Kb). Segment registers were used to access larger address ranges (at different times). Segmentation could be used to support multiple processes or it could be used to increase the available memory in a single process. While the process was limited to 64KB at any one time, playing with segment registers would allow a process to have more than 64KB of memory (total) available to it. This was a common practice on PDP-11s.
Partitioning and segmenting are essentially the same and are equally obsolete. I described the PDP as using segments. Others describe it as using partitions. There are multiple versions of partitions.
Intel kept (and keeps in 32-bit mode) segmentation alive long after it should have died out in its processors.
Swapping is an obsolete system for implementing multi-processing. The entire process gets moved to disk. In the days of 64KB processes this did not have the overhead that moving a 32-bit address space to disk would have.
Modern systems use paging for memory management. In virtual memory systems, individual pages are moved to secondary storage; not entire processes (although it is possible for an entire process to be paged out of memory).

What is coherent memory on GPU?

I have stumbled not once into a term "non coherent" and "coherent" memory in the
tech papers related to graphics programming.I have been searching for a simple and clear explanation,but found mostly 'hardcore' papers of this type.I would be glad to receive layman's style answer on what coherent memory actually is on GPU architectures and how it is compared to other (probably not-coherent) memory types.
Memory is memory. But different things can access that memory. The GPU can access memory, the CPU can access memory, maybe other hardware bits, whatever.
A particular thing has "coherent" access to memory if changes made by others to that memory are visible to the reader. Now, you might think this is foolishness. After all, if the memory has been changed, how could someone possibly be unable to see it?
Simply put, caches.
It turns out that changing memory is expensive. So we do everything possible to avoid changing memory unless we absolutely have to. When you write a single byte from the CPU to a pointer in memory, the CPU doesn't write that byte yet. Or at least, not to memory. It writes it to a local copy of that memory called a "cache."
The reason for this is that, generally speaking, applications do not write (or read) single bytes. They are more likely to write (and read) lots of bytes, in small chunks. So if you're going to perform an expensive operation like a memory load or store, you should load or store a large chunk of memory. So you store all of the changes you're going to make to a chunk of memory in a cache, then make a single write of that cached chunk to actual memory at some point in the future.
But if you have two separate devices that use the same memory, you need some way to be certain that writes one device makes are visible to other devices. Most GPUs can't read the CPU cache. And most CPU languages don't have language-level support to say "hey, that stuff I wrote to memory? I really mean for you to write it to memory now." So you usually need something to ensure visibility of changes.
In Vulkan, memory which is labeled by VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT means that, if you read/write that memory (via a mapped pointer, since that's the only way Vulkan lets you directly write to memory), you don't need to use functions vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges/vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges to make sure the CPU/GPU can see those changes. The visibility of any changes is guaranteed in both directions. If that flag isn't available on the memory, then you must use the aforementioned functions to ensure the coherency of the specific regions of data you want to access.
With coherent memory, one of two things is going on in terms of hardware. Either CPU access to the memory is not cached in any of the CPU's caches, or the GPU has direct access to the CPU's caches (perhaps due to being on the same die as the CPU(s)). You can usually tell that the latter is happening, because on-die GPU implementations of Vulkan don't bother to offer non-coherent memory options.
If memory is coherent then all threads accessing that memory must agree on the state of the memory at all times, e.g.: if thread 0 reads memory location A and thread 1 reads the same location at the same time, both threads should always read the same value.
But if memory is not coherent then threads A and B might read back different values. Thread 0 could think that location A contains a 1, while thread thinks that that location contains a 2. The different threads would have an incoherent view of the memory.
Coherence is hard to achieve with a high number of cores. Often every core must be aware of memory accesses from all other cores. So if you have 4 cores in a quad core CPU, coherence is not that hard to achieve as every core must be informed about the memory accesses addresses of 3 other cores, but in a GPU with 16 cores, every core must be made aware of the memory accesses by 15 other cores. The cores exchange data about the content of their cache using so called "cache coherence protocols".
This is why GPUs often only support limited forms of coherency. If some memory locations are read only or are only accessed by a single thread, then no coherence is required. If caches are small and coherence is not always required but only at specific instructions of the program, then it is possible to achieve correct behavior of the program using cache flushes before or after specific memory accesses.
If your hardware offers both coherent and non-coherent memory types, then you can expect that non-coherent memory will be faster, but if you try to run parallel algorithms using this memory they will fail in really weird ways.

Why are Sempaphores limited in Linux

We just ran out of semaphores on our Linux box, due to the use of too many Websphere Message Broker instances or somesuch.
A colleague and I got to wondering why this is even limited - it's just a bit of memory, right?
I thoroughly googled and found nothing.
Anyone know why this is?
Semaphores, when being used, require frequent access with very, very low overhead.
Having an expandable system where memory for each newly requested semaphore structure is allocated on the fly would introduce complexity that would slow down access to them because it would have to first look up where the particular semaphore in question at the moment is stored, then go fetch the memory where it is stored and check the value. It is easier and faster to keep them in one compact block of fixed memory that is readily at hand.
Having them dispersed throughout memory via dynamic allocation would also make it more difficult to efficiently use memory pages that are locked (that is, not subject to being swapped out when there are high demands on memory). The use of "locked in" memory pages for kernel data is especially important for time-sensitive and/or critical kernel functions.
Having the limit be a tunable parameter (see links in the comments of original question) allows it to be increased at runtime if needed via an "expensive" reallocation and relocation of the block. But typically this is done one time at system initialization before anything much is even using semaphores.
That said, the amount of memory used by a semaphore set is rather tiny. With modern memory available on systems being in the many gigabytes the original default limits on the number of them might seem a bit stingy. But keep in mind that on many systems semaphores are rarely used by user space processes and the linux kernel finds its way into lots of small embedded systems with rather limited memory, so setting the default limit arbitrarily high in case it might be used seems wasteful.
The few software packages, such as Oracle database for example, that do depend on having many semaphores available, typically do recommend in their installation and/or system tuning advice to increase the system limits.

vm/min_free_kbytes - Why Keep Minimum Reserved Memory?

According to this article:
/proc/sys/vm/min_free_kbytes: This controls the amount of memory that is kept free for use by special reserves including “atomic” allocations (those which cannot wait for reclaim)
My question is that what does it mean by "those which cannot wait for reclaim"? In other words, I would like to understand why there's a need to tell the system to always keep a certain minimum amount of memory free and under what circumstances will this memory be used? [It must be used by something; don't see the need otherwise]
My second question: does setting this memory to something higher than 4MB (on my system) leads to better performance? We have a server which occasionally exhibit very poor shell performance (e.g. ls -l takes 10-15 seconds to execute) when certain processes get going and if setting this number to something higher will lead to better shell performance?
(link is dead, looks like it's now here)
That text is referring to atomic allocations, which are requests for memory that must be satisfied without giving up control (i.e. the current thread can not be suspended). This happens most often in interrupt routines, but it applies to all cases where memory is needed while holding an essential lock. These allocations must be immediate, as you can't afford to wait for the swapper to free up memory.
See Linux-MM for a more thorough explanation, but here is the memory allocation process in short:
_alloc_pages first iterates over each memory zone looking for the first one that contains eligible free pages
_alloc_pages then wakes up the kswapd task [..to..] tap into the reserve memory pools maintained for each zone.
If the memory allocation still does not succeed, _alloc pages will either give up [..] In this process _alloc_pages executes a cond_resched() which may cause a sleep, which is why this branch is forbidden to allocations with GFP_ATOMIC.
min_free_kbytes is unlikely to help much with the described "ls -l takes 10-15 seconds to execute"; that is likely caused by general memory pressure and swapping rather than zone exhaustion. The min_free_kbytes setting only needs to allow enough free pages to handle immediate requests. As soon as normal operation is resumed, the swapper process can be run to rebalance the memory zones. The only time I've had to increase min_free_kbytes is after enabling jumbo frames on a network card that didn't support dma scattering.
To expand on your second question a bit, you will have better results tuning vm.swappiness and the dirty ratios mentioned in the linked article. However, be aware that optimizing for "ls -l" performance may cause other processes to become slower. Never optimize for a non-primary usecase.
All linux systems will attempt to make use of all physical memory available to the system, often through the creation of a filesystem buffer cache, which put simply is an I/O buffer to help improve system performance. Technically this memory is not in use, even though it is allocated for caching.
"wait for reclaim", in your question, refers to the process of reclaiming that cache memory that is "not in use" so that it can be allocated to a process. This is supposed to be transparent but in the real world there are many processes that do not wait for this memory to become available. Java is a good example, especially where a large minimum heap size has been set. The process tries to allocate the memory and if it is not instantly available in one large contiguous (atomic?) chunk, the process dies.
Reserving a certain amount of memory with min_free_kbytes allows this memory to be instantly available and reduces the memory pressure when new processes need to start, run and finish while there is a high memory load and a full buffer cache.
4MB does seem rather low because if the buffer cache is full, any process that wants an immediate allocation of more than 4MB will likely fail. The setting is very tunable and system-specific, but if you have a few GB of memory available it can't hurt to bump up the reserve memory to 128MB. I'm not sure what effect it will have on shell interactivity, but likely positive.
This memory is kept free from use by normal processes. As #Arno mentioned, the special processes that can run include interrupt routines, which must be run now (as it's an interrupt), and finish before any other processes can run (atomic). This can include things like swapping out memory to disk when memory is full.
If the memory is filled an interrupt (memory management) process runs to swap some memory into disk so it can free some memory for use by normal processes. But if vm.min_free_kbytes is too small for it to run, then it locks up the system. This is because this interrupt process must run first to free memory so others can run, but then it's stuck because it doesn't have enough reserved memory vm.min_free_kbytes to do its task resulting in a deadlock.
Also see:
https://www.linbit.com/en/kernel-min_free_kbytes/ and
https://askubuntu.com/questions/41778/computer-freezing-on-almost-full-ram-possibly-disk-cache-problem (where the memory management process has so little memory to work with it takes so long to swap little by little that it feels like a freeze.)

Kernel Scheduling for 1024 CPUs

Azul Systems has an appliance that supports thousands of cache coherent CPUs. I would love insight into what changes would need to occur to an operating system in order to schedule thousands of simultaneously running threads.
Scheduling thousands of threads is not a big deal, but scheduling them on hundreds of CPUs is. What you need, first and foremost, is very fine-grained locking, or, better yet, lock-free data structures and algorithms. You just can't afford to let 200 CPUs waiting while one CPU executes a critical section.
You're asking for possible changes to the OS, so I presume there's a significant engineering team behind this effort.
There are also a few pieces of clarififying info that would help define the problem parameters:
How much IPC (inter process communication) do you need?
Do they really have to be threads, or can they be processes?
If they're processes, is it okay if the have to talk to each other through sockets, and not by using shared memory?
What is the memory architecture? Are you straight SMP with 1024 cores, or is there some other NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Architecture) or MMP going on here? What are your page tables like?
Knowing only the very smallest of info about Azul systems, I would guess that you have very little IPC, and that a simple "run one kernel per core" model might actually work out just fine. If processes need to talk to each other, then they can create sockets and transfer data that way. Does your hardware support this model? (You would likely end up needing one IP address per core as well, and at 1024 IP addrs, this might be troublesome, although they could all be NAT'd, and maybe it's not such a big deal). If course, this model would lead to some inefficiencies, like extra page tables, and a fair bit of RAM overhead, and may even not be supported by your hardware system.
Even if "1 kernel per core" doesn't work, you could likely run 1024/8 kernels, and be just fine, letting each kernel control 8 physical CPUs.
That said, if you wanted to run 1 thread per core in a traditional SMP machine with 1024 cores (and only a few physical CPUs) then I would expect that the old fashioned O(1) scheduler is what you'd want. It's likely that your CPU[0] will end up nearly 100% in kernel and doing interrupt handling, but that's just fine for this use case, unless you need more than 1 core to handle your workload.
Making Linux scale has been a long and ongoing project. The first multiprocessor capable Linux kernel had a single lock protecting the entire kernel (the Big Kernel Lock, BKL), which was simple, but limited scalability.
Subsequently the locking has been made more fine-grained, i.e. there are many locks (thousands?), each covering only a small portion of data. However, there are limits to how far this can be taken, as fine-grained locking tends to be complicated, and the locking overhead starts to eat up the performance benefit, especially considering that most multi-CPU Linux systems have relatively few CPU's.
Another thing, is that as far as possible the kernel uses per-cpu data structures. This is very important, as it avoids the cache coherency performance issues with shared data, and of course there is no locking overhead. E.g. every CPU runs its own process scheduler, requiring only occasional global synchronization.
Also, some algorithms are chosen with scalability in mind. E.g. some read-mostly data is protected by Read-Copy-Update (RCU) instead of traditional mutexes; this allows readers to proceed during a concurrent update.
As for memory, Linux tries hard to allocate memory from the same NUMA node as where the process is running. This provides better memory bandwidth and latency for the applications.
My uneducated guess would be that there is a run-queue per processor and a work-stealing algorithm when a processor is idle. I could see this working in an M:N model, where there is a single process per cpu and light-weight processes as the work items. This would then feel similar to a work-stealing threadpool, such as the one in Java-7's fork-join library.
If you really want to know, go pick up Solaris Internals or dig into the Solaris kernel code. I'm still reading Design & Impl of FreeBSD, with Solaris Internals being the next on my list, so all I can do is make wild guesses atm.
I am pretty sure that the SGI Altix we have at work, (which does ccNUMA) uses special hardware for cache coherency.
There is a huge overhead connected to hold 4mb cache per core coherent. It's unlikely to happen in software only.
in an array of 256 cpus you would need 768mb ram just to hold the cache-invalidation bits.
12mb cache / 128 bytes per cache line * 256² cores.
Modifying the OS is one thing, but using unchanged application code is a waste of hardware. When going over some limit (depending on the hardware), the effort to keep coherency and synchronization in order to execute generic code is simply too much. You can do it, but it will be very expensive.
From the OS side you'll need complex affinity model, i.e. not to jump CPUs just because yours is busy. Scheduling threads based on hardware topology - cooperating threads on CPUs that are "close" to minimize penalties. Simple work stealing is not a good solution, you must consider topology. One solution is hierarchical work stealing - steal work by distance, divide topology to sectors and try to steal from closest first.
Touching a bit the lock issue; you'll still use spin-locks nd such, but using totally different implementations. This is probably the most patented field in CS these days.
But, again, you will need to program specifically for such massive scale. Or you'll simply under-use it. No automatic "parallelizers" will do it for you.
The easiest way to do this is to bind each process/thread to a few CPUS, and then only those CPUs would have to compete for a lock on that thread. Obviously, there would need to be some way to move threads around to even out the load, but on a NUMA architecture, you have to minimize this as much as possible.
Even on dual-core intel systems, I'm pretty sure that Linux can already handle "Thousands" of threads with native posix threads.
(Glibc and the kernel both need to be configured to support this, however, but I believe most systems these days have that by default now).
