SPA approach not working if page contains b:carousel - jsf

I'm writing a SPA with JSF2.2, Bootsfaces 0.9.1, Primefaces 6.0, JEE7 and Hibernate 5.2 in combination with MySQL 5.7 DB.
What I have:
My SPA has a navbar on the upper part and a specific menu based on the selection of the navbar on the left. On the right side and under the navbar I've my main "content page". Similar to this picture but with the difference that my menu is dynamic:
For updating the content page I'm using AJAX.
Everything around the navigation is working as I expected as long as my content page does not contain a b:carousel!
What I tried to do:
As I mentioned above my SPA and all navigation is working correctly unless I add a b:carousel to a content page.
Please consider following example:
I got 2 content pages. Page 1 contains a single label with some text. Page 2 contains a b:carousel with some images. Page 1 is the welcome page.
As soon as I navigate from page 1 to page 2 nothing happens. I need to completely refresh the whole page to see page 2 and even this is not working everytime.
My main question:
Is there any trick to update the content page with ajax if there's a b:carousel on it?
What am I doing wrong?
I created a sample project on github so you're able to see what I mean. I used Java 1.8, Tomcat 8.0.36 and Netbeans IDE, however the project is a Maven project an should work in eclipse, too.
SPA Approach I partly used:
This question is related to my previous question: Use ui:repeat with b:carousel?

It's a combination of two bugs:
Your example at GitHub uses PrimeFaces, but it doesn't seem to use a PrimeFaces component. The effect is that PrimeFaces adds some fancy JavaScript to load the missing CSS files dynamically (which is great!), but it doesn't add the PrimeFaces core library, so Mojarra runs into an exception it silently hides. You can fix this by adding a (possibly hidden) PrimeFaces component to your page, by including the PrimeFaces core.js file directly (although I wouldn't recommend that) or - of course - by removing the PrimeFaces dependency if you really don't need it.
BootsFaces relies on the HTML attributes to initialize the carousel. To my surprise, this even works, at least partially. However, to start the sliding automatically, you still need to initialize the JavaScript widget manually. In your case, that's
BTW, I suggest you open a bug on our bug tracker to fix the latter point ( Thanks in advance!


Image resize for PrimeFaces p:textEditor

I am using a <p:textEditor>. The user says it's better than the <h:inputTextarea> I was using before. However, the (large) images he pastes into the editor come out too big when the component's value is displayed elsewhere in the application.
<p:textEditor> uses Quill behind the scenes. The user uses another web site that also has a text editor that looks the same, so is probably also using Quill though with some other back end. That site allows the images to be resized, probably using a module for allowing resizing of images such as the Quill ImageResize Module.
So my question is: How can I convince the <p:textEditor> to use the Quill module to allow resizing of images? Is there some bit of JavaScript magic I can add to get the module applied as it is being created or immediately after the fact?
FWIW, I am still on Java 8 and JSF 2.3 and PrimeFaces 8.0 running under Tomcat 8.5.x.

How to use Growl with 'position: sticky' in Primefaces?

I am trying to change the p:growl position of primefaces through the .ui-growl class to use position: sticky. However, since the component is rendered at the end in body, the relative behavior of the position does not work as I would like.
Is there any way to use the sticky position for this component?
Or some way to get the component to render where it is declared?
PrimeFaces 5.1;
Mojarra 2.1;
Disclamer: I tried this with the PF 7.0 showcase, but I think the basics also work with the 5.1 version.
You effectively have 4 options. The latter three all need you to inspect the javascript source of the component (which is open, so you can ALWAYS inspect it before asking questions, the java source is irrelevant here) and for the first solution it helps to see how the component works, but inspecting with a browser developer tool is sufficient (that is how I did it).
Basic analysis with or without looking at the source
This is a variant on your "Or some way to get the component to render where it is declared?". Since on the client side, it is all plain html, css and javascript, you can manipulate with al tools available on the client-side.
You can see that the main part of the grow is html technically rendered where it is declared. Check the PrimeFaces showcase and you'll see
<span id="j_idt700:growl" class="ui-growl-pl" data-widget="widget_j_idt700_growl" data-summary="data-summary" data-detail="data-detail" data-severity="all,error" data-redisplay="true"></span>
right inside the form where it also is in the xhtml. The javascript of the component creates the client side dom things, amongst which is the container that you see right before the end of the body (from the showcase)
<div id="j_idt700:growl_container" class="ui-growl ui-widget" style="z-index: 1002;"></div>
This last piece is html is where the individual growls are added to when they need to be rendered and hence the part that makes the component in most normal cases behave correctly but needs to be done differently in your case.
Solution 1, pure client-side component agnostic solution
Effectively this is as simple as moving this piece of html in the dom, see How to move an element into another element?.
In the online showcase I put the following jquery code in the browser developer tool console
And added the following css
position: sticky;
top: 10px;
float: right; // this is needed in the showcase, might not always be needed
And it worked.
The jquery should be put somewhere in your page where it runs after the component javascript is executed, so best is to do it right before the end of the body.
Keep in mind that the j_idt700 prefix is the dynamic id of the form in the showcase (it does not have a fixed id here), but you can also use different selectors based on the classes or whatever)
Solution 2, changing the source 'locally'
In the javascript source, you can see where the container is technically rendered
render: function() {
//create container
this.jq = $('<div id="' + + '_container" class="ui-growl ui-widget"></div>');
//render messages;
Changing the this.jq.appendTo($(document.body)); in some way to have it appended to the current html node ('this'?) will make it work too. Regarding the overriding, you have two options
How do I find and/or override JavaScript in Primefaces component based on widgetVar?
Override a method from a Primefaces specific widget
Solution 3 Changing the source server side
Effectively you do the first part of #2 but patch the source and create a new custom PrimeFaces version
Solution 4 Make this feature avaiable for others too
What can be done here is to create a new attribute on the component and patch the source in some places so it is configurable to have the component behave as it is now or as sticky (they changed the existing 'sticky' attribute to 'keepAlive' in 7.0.x so sticky is avalable again ;-)). Of course this should be submitted as a patch then...

AEM 6.2 (Drag Component Here) Parsys height 0px

I am using AEM 6.2 and trying to create a parsys component in crx, using the code below
However, the height of this parsys, in edit mode, comes as 0px.
Attached are the screenshots.
When I manually change the height to some values eg. 40px, it looks fine.
Note: I am not using any client library for the above page. (no css and js)
Futher, All sample sites like geomatrix etc have parsys showing correctly.
Could anyone guide me with what I am doing wrong?
I think that the problem is outside the component or any of the code shown here.
I think what's happening is that the css style for the div that gives the droptarget placeholder its dimensions is not loading.
That's loaded as part of the AEM authoring client libraries which you should be inheriting from the foundation page component.
Examine your page component's sling:resourceSuperType property. It should point to either wcm/foundation/components/page or wcm/foundation/components/page or inherit from a component that does.
If that is set then you have may have blocked one of the scripts within it, quite possibly head.html.
Include following code in the head section of the page component's rendering script.
<!--/* Include Adobe Dynamic Tag Management libraries for the header
<sly data-sly-include="/libs/cq/cloudserviceconfigs/components/servicelibs/servicelibs.jsp" data-sly-unwrap/>
<!--/* Initializes the Experience Manager authoring UI */-->
<sly data-sly-include="/libs/wcm/core/components/init/init.jsp" data-sly-unwrap/>
For resolving your issue, you need to include init.jsp in the first before writing down the parsys code. I mean write like this.
<sly data-sly-include='/libs/wcm/core/components/init/init.jsp' />
<sly data-sly-resource="${'par' #resourceType='foundation/components/parsys'}" />
I think #l-klement pointed it out correctly that the problem is outside component. When I rename the landingpage.html file to body.html it starts working fine. I think this may be because of different files like head.html etc present at wcm/foundation/components/page which is required to provide proper styling and load certain required client libraries which assigns proper styling to parsys.
If the above is true, my next question would be, How can I have my own head.html, body.html, header.html, footer.html etc files without compromising with the parsys styling?

Using Orchard CMS, how do I add a script reference for display only on the home page?

I have a site that is using Orchard CMS and I would like to add a script reference and bit of JavaScript to the home page. It needs to be placed below the existing jQuery script include. What's the best way to achieve this? I've tried using an HTML Widget in the Footer zone of TheHomePage layer of my theme, but this widget produces a and doesn't place the element in the correct location (at the bottom of the element, below the existing jquery reference).
The site is running an old version of Orchard; 1.0 I believe.
You can either use a layout alternate for the homepage (but that may not exist on an antique 1.0), layout-homepage.cshtml with a #using(Script.Foot()) {} block containing your script, or you can use Vandelay Classy to add a script from the admin (but that probably also won't work on 1.0).
Or if none of what Bertrand mentioned above work, just add a html widget to the homepage layer and chuck your script reference in the html section

Can't Use PrimeFaces Component on the html page - They aren't rendered at all

I am using JSF1.2 and trying to integrate with PrimeFaces1.1. I added the primefaces-1.1.jar file to my META-INF\lib folder. I also added the namespace to the page with "xmlns:p="". The page is working but primefaces components arent rendered. Also eclipse doesnt show me components when I write < p: (ctrl+space). How can I solve this problem ?
Thanks in advance,
Maybe it's a typo, but the jar should be put in WEB-INF/lib instead of META-INF/lib.
