Xamarin.Forms Action Bar - Center Aligned Image - xamarin.ios

Using Xamarin.Forms, how do I get the same effect as the application pictured below, specifically to show a centred image on the Action Bar / page tool bar (the section in a blue box)?
I would like to have a long width image in that section, and the solution must work for Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and Universal Windows (even if it means writing custom renderers or platform specific xamarin code).

I suggest you create your own Xamarin.Forms view and handle the navigation by yourself something similar to this:
public class CustomBackNavigationBar : StackLayout
public Image BackIcon;
public Image Icon;
public Label IconTitle;
public StackLayout IconContainer;
public CustomBackNavigationBar(string title, string icon)
Padding = new Thickness(15,5);
HeightRequest = 40;
Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal;
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start;
BackgroundColor = StaticData.BlueColor;
Spacing = 15;
BackIcon = new Image
Source = StaticData.BackIcon,
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start
Label Title = new Label
Text = title,
TextColor = Color.White,
FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Default, typeof(Label)),
FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold,
VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center
Icon = new Image
Source = icon
IconTitle = new Label
Text = StaticData.CallAgent,
TextColor = Color.White,
FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Micro, typeof(Label)),
IconContainer = new StackLayout
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.EndAndExpand,
Spacing = 2,
Children = { Icon, IconTitle }
#region Events
BackIcon.GestureRecognizers.Add(new TapGestureRecognizer
Command = new Command(PopAsync)
async void PopAsync()
await App.AppNavigation.PopAsync();


Search Bar style changes in Xamarin Forms

I need to use Search Bar in my application for both Xamarin Android and Xamarin iOS.
I have to achieve below search bar in my application.
Please find code used in xaml,
<Frame Padding="0" OutlineColor="DarkGray" HasShadow="True" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="Center">
<SearchBar x:Name="searchBar" Placeholder="Search" PlaceholderColor="LightGray" TextColor="#000000" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="Center" TextChanged="SearchBar_TextChanged"/>
My search bar look like below, Need to remove the highlighted line from xamarin android.
Also find search bar renderer code,
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<SearchBar> e)
var color = global::Xamarin.Forms.Color.LightGray;
var searchView = (Control as SearchView);
var searchIconId = searchView.Resources.GetIdentifier("android:id/search_mag_icon", null, null);
if (searchIconId > 0)
var searchPlateIcon = searchView.FindViewById(searchIconId);
(searchPlateIcon as ImageView).SetColorFilter(color.ToAndroid(), PorterDuff.Mode.SrcIn);
var symbolView = (Control as SearchView);
var symbolIconId = symbolView.Resources.GetIdentifier("android:id/search_close_btn", null, null);
var symbolPlateIcon = symbolView.FindViewById(symbolIconId);
(symbolPlateIcon as ImageView).SetColorFilter(color.ToAndroid(), PorterDuff.Mode.SrcIn);
Xamarin Android:
I have used frame control to show border in Search Bar. I have to remove search bar border bottom line or border color in it.
Xamarin iOS:
I have to acheive search bar control as seems in picture. I have to remove cancel word shown in search bar while searching in it. Also need to remove radius around in it.
Anyone suggest on this?
In Android, you could find the search_plate via id and set it to Transparent, like this:
if (Control != null)
var color = global::Xamarin.Forms.Color.LightGray;
var searchView = Control as SearchView;
int searchPlateId = searchView.Context.Resources.GetIdentifier("android:id/search_plate", null, null);
Android.Views.View searchPlateView = searchView.FindViewById(searchPlateId);
In iOS, you could find the Textfield of UISearchBar, then customize the border style of it. And remove the "Cancel" button via setting ShowsCancelButton to false. For example, like this:
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (Control != null)
Control.ShowsCancelButton = false;
UITextField txSearchField = (UITextField)Control.ValueForKey(new Foundation.NSString("searchField"));
txSearchField.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White;
txSearchField.BorderStyle = UITextBorderStyle.None;
txSearchField.Layer.BorderWidth = 1.0f;
txSearchField.Layer.CornerRadius = 2.0f;
txSearchField.Layer.BorderColor = UIColor.LightGray.CGColor;

how change color in datagrid view base on string

[enter image description here][1][enter image description here][2]
how to change specific genre text color with color in datagridview base on text
how to change specific genre text color with color in datagridview base on textcom/K8l1o.png
You can create a color from a name like this :
Color red = Color.FromName("Red");
If Color.FromName cannot find a match, it returns new Color(0,0,0);
Than you can use it in a paint event.
I noticed from your image you are using devexpress gridview, so you can try this code (untested !)
private void gridView1_RowStyle(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.RowStyleEventArgs e)
GridView gridView = sender as GridView;
if (e.RowHandle >= 0)
if (gridView.GetRowCellValue(e.RowHandle, gridView.Columns["color"]) != null)
Color color = Color.FromName(gridView.GetRowCellValue(e.RowHandle, gridView.Columns["color"]).ToString());
e.Appearance.BackColor = color;
but i do it like this
private void gridView1_RowCellStyle_1(object sender, RowCellStyleEventArgs e)
GridView View = sender as GridView;
if (e.Column.FieldName == "genre")
string category = View.GetRowCellDisplayText(e.RowHandle, View.Columns["genre"]);
if (category == "Gymnastics")
e.Appearance.ForeColor = Color.Magenta;

UINavigationBar in a UIPopoverController looks ugly if created programatically

I want to open a Popover in code after a specific action happens (e.g. tap on a button).
The following Code let me open a Popover with a NavigationBar but it don't looks like the one I've done with IB. (IB approach was embedding a UIViewController in a UINavigationController and defining the the two buttons cancel and save). The only thing I want is having these two buttons on top of the Popover. I don't use any navigation functionality!
var cell = grid.VisibleCellAtCoordinate(coordinate) as SDataGridTextCell;
var viewController = new UIViewController();
var navBar = new UINavigationBar(new RectangleF(0, 0, viewController.View.Bounds.Width, 50))
AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth,
BarStyle = UIBarStyle.Black,
Translucent = true,
Items = new[]
new UINavigationItem("test")
LeftBarButtonItem = new UIBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonSystemItem.Cancel, (s, e) => { _popoverController.Dismiss(true); }),
RightBarButtonItem = new UIBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonSystemItem.Save, (s, e) => { _popoverController.Dismiss(true); })
var textField = new UITextField(new RectangleF(0, 50, viewController.View.Bounds.Width, viewController.View.Bounds.Height)) { Placeholder = "Mein Text...", BackgroundColor = UIColor.White };
_popoverController = new UIPopoverController(viewController);
_popoverController.SetPopoverContentSize(new SizeF(250, 200), false);
_popoverController.PresentFromRect(cell.Bounds, cell, UIPopoverArrowDirection.Any, false);
These buttons looks like this image (ugly):
And this image shows how it's look like when created in IB:
That's one of the caveats of using a standalone navigation bar in a popover. Embedding your view controller in a navigation controller is, as far as I know, the only way to avoid it.
Had some problem embedding the content view (UIViewController) correctly to the UINavigationController because I tried to add the navigation bar items (buttons) each time directly to the UINavigationController's NavigationItem property. But this must be done through the content view controller...
var contentViewController = new UIViewController();
var textField = new UITextField(contentViewController.View.Bounds)
BackgroundColor = UIColor.White,
AutoresizingMask = ~UIViewAutoresizing.None,
Placeholder = "My Text..."
var navigationController = new UINavigationController(contentViewController);
contentViewController.Title = "Popover";
contentViewController.NavigationItem.LeftBarButtonItem = new UIBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonSystemItem.Cancel, (s, e) => { _popoverController.Dismiss(false); });
contentViewController.NavigationItem.RightBarButtonItem = new UIBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonSystemItem.Save, (s, e) => { _popoverController.Dismiss(false); });
_popoverController = new UIPopoverController(navigationController);
_popoverController.SetPopoverContentSize(new SizeF(300, 300), false);
_popoverController.PresentFromRect(button1.Bounds, button1, UIPopoverArrowDirection.Any, false);

Monotouch.Dialog StyledStringElement delegate always fires for the last element added

given the following code, I am having an issue when clicking on each element. If we assume I have 5 exercises and therefore create 5 elements in the foreach() loop, when the table is rendered and I click on any element, the delegate always gets the exercise of the 5th (last) element.
The elements are displayed properly, each showing the associated exercise's name. It is just the delegate that does not work as expected.
If I do not use a foreach loop and hardcode each element instead it works as expected. However if I cannot dynamically populate the dialogViewController and use the element tapped event for each one, is not good.
private void CreateExerciseTable()
Section section = new Section();
foreach (var exercise in exercises)
var element = new StyledStringElement(exercise.ExerciseName,
delegate { AddExercise(exercise); })
Font = Fonts.H3,
TextColor = UIColor.White,
BackgroundColor = RGBColors.LightBlue,
Accessory = UITableViewCellAccessory.DisclosureIndicator
var root = new RootElement("Selection") {
var dv = new DialogViewController(root, true);
dv.Style = UITableViewStyle.Plain;
//Remove the extra blank table lines from the bottom of the table.
UIView footer = new UIView(new System.Drawing.RectangleF(0,0,0,0));
dv.TableView.TableFooterView = footer;
dv.TableView.SeparatorColor = UIColor.White;
dv.TableView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White;
private void AddExercise(FitnessExercise exercise)
PerformSegue(UIIdentifierConstants.SegAddExerciseToFitnessRoutine, this);
This is a classic closure bug!
The problem is that you are accessing the loop reference.
foreach (var exercise in exercises)
var localRef = exercise;
var element = new StyledStringElement(exercise.ExerciseName,
delegate { AddExercise(localRef); })
Font = Fonts.H3,
TextColor = UIColor.White,
BackgroundColor = RGBColors.LightBlue,
Accessory = UITableViewCellAccessory.DisclosureIndicator
For more on this see http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ericlippert/archive/2009/11/12/closing-over-the-loop-variable-considered-harmful.aspx

How to replace the griffon app icon for a custom icon

I want to replace the Griffon icon for a custom icon for my App. I have replaced the icons in my view as shown here:
application(id: "mainFrame", title: 'selekron',
preferredSize: [884, 800],
pack: true,
//location: [50,50],
iconImage: imageIcon('/progresomusica-icon-48x48.png').image,
iconImages: [imageIcon('/progresomusica-icon-48x48.png').image,
imageIcon('/progresomusica-icon-16x16.png').image]) {
I have the next settings in griffon-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy:
deploy {
application {
title = "${appName} ${appVersion}"
vendor = System.properties['user.name']
homepage = "http://localhost/${appName}"
description {
complete = "${appName} ${appVersion}"
oneline = "${appName} ${appVersion}"
minimal = "${appName} ${appVersion}"
tooltip = "${appName} ${appVersion}"
icon {
'default' {
name = 'progresomusica-icon-64x64.png'
width = '64'
height = '64'
splash {
name = 'griffon.png'
width = '391'
height = '123'
selected {
name = 'progresomusica-icon-64x64.png'
width = '64'
height = '64'
disabled {
name = 'progresomusica-icon-64x64.png'
width = '64'
height = '64'
rollover {
name = 'progresomusica-icon-64x64.png'
width = '64'
height = '64'
shortcut {
name = 'progresomusica-icon-64x64.png'
width = '64'
height = '64'
I have deleted my $HOME/.griffon folder and run the app again but I keep getting the griffon red icon.
Any ideas about what am I missing?
Are you running the application on OSX? If so then have a look at $GRIFFON_HOME/scripts/_GriffonPackage.groovy. This file defines the following closure
resolveApplicationIcnsFile = {
File icnsFile = null
if (buildConfig.application.icon) {
icnsFile = new File(basedir, buildConfig.application.icon)
if (!icnsFile.exists()) icnsFile = null
if (icnsFile == null) {
icnsFile = new File(basedir, "griffon-app/conf/dist/shared/${griffonAppName}.icns")
if (!icnsFile.exists()) icnsFile = null
if (icnsFile == null) {
icnsFile = new File("${griffonHome}/media/griffon.icns")
Basically you have 2 choices for defining the icon to be used in OSX's dock otherwise the default icon gets chosen. If running the app on Windows or Linux then updating the main View (as you did) should be enough
iconImage: imageIcon('/progresomusica-icon-48x48.png').image,
iconImages: [imageIcon('/progresomusica-icon-48x48.png').image,
imageIcon('/progresomusica-icon-16x16.png').image]) {
