Writing ENV variables to configure an npm module - node.js

I currently have a project in a loose ES6 module format and my database connection is hard coded. I am wanting to turn this into an npm module and am now facing the issue of how to best allow the end user to configure the code. My first attempt was to rewrite it as classes to be instantiated but it is making the use of the code more convoluted than before so am looking at alternatives. I am exploring my configuration options. It looks like writing to the process env would be the way but I am pondering potential issues, no-nos and other options I have not considered.
Is having the user write config to process env an acceptable method of configuring an npm module? It's a bit like a global write so am dealing with namespace considerations for one. I have also considered using package.json but that's not going to work for things like credentials. Likewise using an rc file is cumbersome. I have not found any docs on the proper methodology if any.
process.env['MY_COOL_MODULE_DB'] = ...
There are basically 5ish options as I see it:
hardcode - not an option
create a configured scope such as classes - what I have now and bleh
use a config such as node-config - not really a user friendly option for npm
store as globals/env. As suggested in comment I can wrap that process in an exported function and thereby ensure that I have a complex non collisive namespace while abstracting that from end user
Ask user to create some .rc file - I would if I was big time like AWS but not in this case.
I mention this npm use case but this really applies to the general challenge of configuring code that is exported as functions. I have use cases for classes but when the only need is creating a configured scope at the expense (in my case) of more complex code I am not sure its worth it.
Update I realize this is a bit of a discussion question but it's helped me wrap my brain around options. I think something like this:
// options.js
let options = {}
export function setOptions(o) { options = o }
export function getOptions(o) { return options }
Then have the user call setOptions() and call this getOptions internally. I realize that since Node requires the module just once that my options object will be kept configured as I pass it around.

NPM modules should IMO be agnostic as to where configuration is stored. That should be left up to the developer, and they may pick their favorite method (env vars, rc files, JSON files, whatever).
The configuration can be passed to your module in various ways. A common way is to export a function that takes an options object:
export default options => {
let db = database.connect(options.database);
From there, it really depends on what exactly your module provides. If it's just a bunch of loosely coupled functions, you can just return an object:
export default options => {
let db = database.connect(options.database);
return {
getUsers() { return db.getUsers() }
If you want to allow multiple versions of that object to exist simultaneously, you can use classes:
class MyClass {
constructor(options) {
export default options => {
return new MyClass(options)
Or export the entire class itself.
If the number of configuration options is limited (say 3 or less), you can also allow them to be passed as separate arguments, instead of passing an object.


Node.js Globalize es6 modules to act like ImportScripts

The question is simple, how do we make es6 modules act like the ImportScript function used on the web browser.
The main reason is to soften the blow for developers as they change their code from es5 syntax to es6 so that the transition does not blow up your code the moment you make the change and find out there are a thousand errors due to missing inclusions. It also give's people the option to stay as is indefinitely if you don't want to make the full change at all.
Desired output
ImportScript(A file path/'s); can be applied globally(implicitly) across subsequently required code and vise-verse inside a main file to avoid explicit inclusion in all files.
ES6 Inclusion
This still does not ignore the fact that all your libraries will depend on modules format as well. So it is inevitable that we will still have to include the export statement in every file we need to require. However, this should not limit us to the ability to have a main file that interconnects them all without having to explicitly add includes to every file whenever you need a certain functionality.
(Security) I understand there are many reasons that modules exist and going around them is not advisable for security reasons/load times. However I am not sure about the risk (if any) of even using a method like "eval()" to include such scripts if you are only doing it once at the start of an applications life and to a constant value that does not accept external input. The theory is that if an external entity is able to change the initial state of your program as is launched then your system has already been compromised. So as it is I think the whole argument around Globalization vs modules boils down to the project being done(security/speed needed) and preference/risk.
(Not for everyone) This is a utility I am not implying that everyone uses this
(Already published works) I have searched a lot for this functionality but I am not infallible to err. So If a simple usage of this has already been done that follows this specification(or simpler), I'd love to know how/where I can attain such code. Then I will promptly mark that as the answer or just remove this thread entirely
Example Code
ES5 Way
const fs = require('fs');
let path = require('path');
/* only accepts the scripts with global variables and functions and
does not work with classes unless declared as a var.
function include(f) {
eval.apply(global, [fs.readFileSync(f).toString()])
Main file Concept example:
ImportScript("filePath1");loaded first
ImportScript("filePath2");loaded second
ImportScript("filePath3");loaded third
ImportScript("filePath4");loaded fourth
ImportScript("filePath5");loaded fifth
/* where "functionNameFromFile4" is a function defined in
file4 , and "variableFromFile2" is a global dynamic
variable that may change over the lifetime of the
/* current context has access to previous scripts contexts
and those scripts recognize the current global context as
well in short: All scripts should be able to access
variables and functions from other scripts implicitly
through this , even if they are added after the fact
Typical exported file example (Covers all methods of export via modules):
/*where "varFromFile1" is a dynamic variable created in file1
that may change over the lifetime of the application and "var" is a
variable of type(varFromFile4) being concatenated/added together
with "varFromFile4".
return var+varFromFile1;
//Typical export statement
This is just an example and does not cover all usage cases , just
an example of the possible functionality
So you still need to export the files as required by the es6 standard , however you only need to import them once in a main file to globalize their functionality across all scripts.
I'm not personally a fan of globalizing all the exports from a module, but here's a little snippet that shows you how one ESM module's exports can be all assigned to the global object:
Suppose you had a simple module called operators.js:
export function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
export function subtract(a, b) {
return a - b;
You can import that module and then assign all of its exported properties to the global object with this:
import * as m from "./operators.js"
for (const [prop, value] of Object.entries(m)) {
global[prop] = value;
// can now access the exports globally
add(1, 2);
FYI, I think the syntax:
is going to be tough in ESM modules because dynamic imports in an ESM module using import (which is presumably what you would have to use to implement the include() function you show) are asynchronous (they return a promise), not synchronous like require().
I wonder if a bundler or a transpiler would be an option?
There is experimental work in nodejs related to custom loaders here: https://nodejs.org/api/esm.html#hooks.
If you can handle your include() function returning a promise, here's how you put the above code into that function:
async function include(moduleName) {
const m = await import(moduleName);
for (const [prop, value] of Object.entries(m)) {
global[prop] = value;
return m;

No code suggestions for global defined variables in VSCode in a node.js server project

I have to deal with a node.js server project that uses global variables for common APIs. For instance in the entry point server.js there is a Firebase variable for the real-time database that is stored like this:
fireDB = admin.database();
I wasn't aware that this is possible and I would consider this a bad approach, but now I have to deal with it.
I'm not really interested to re-write any of the many calls to this variable in all those files, rather I would find a way to make fireDB show me suggestions only by changing this variable or installing an extension.
I tried to define it on top of the file as var fireDB, but then suggestions only work in the same file, not in others.
When I set a dot behind admin.database() the suggestions work, when I write fireDB. I get no suggestions, yet the call seems to be possible. Suggestions need to work in other files, too. How can I get this to work?
The above warning/disclaimer is mostly for anyone starting a new project that might happen across this answer.
With that out of the way, create a new .d.ts file and put it somewhere with a descriptive name. For example, globals.d.ts at the top level of the directory. Then just populate it with the following (I don't have any experience with firebase, so I had to make some assumptions about which module you're using, etc.):
import { database } from "firebase-admin";
declare global {
var fireDB: database.Database;
IntelliSense should then recognize fireDB as a global of the appropriate type in the rest of your JavaScript project.
Why does this work? IntelliSense uses TypeScript even if you're working with a JS project. Many popular JS packages includes a .d.ts file where typings are declared, which allows IntelliSense to suggest something useful when you type require('firebase-admin').database(), for example.
IntelliSense will also automatically create typings internally when you do something "obvious", e.g. with literals:
const MY_OBJ = { a: 1, b: "hello"};
MY_OBJ. // IntelliSense can already autocomplete properties "a" and "b" here
Global autocompletion isn't one of those "obvious" things, however, probably because of all the problems with global variables. I'd also guess it'd be difficult to efficiently know what order your files will run in (and hence when a global might be declared). Thus, you need to explicitly declare your global typings.
If you're interested in further augmenting the capabilities of IntelliSense within your JS project, you can also use comments to explicitly create typings:
* #param {String[]} arrayOfStrings
function asAnExample(arrayOfStrings) {
arrayOfStrings. // IntelliSense recognizes this as an array and will provide suggestions for it
See this TypeScript JSDoc reference for more on that.

how to pass a shared variable to downstream modules?

I have a node toplevel myapp variable that contains some key application state - loggers, db handlers and some other data. The modules downstream in directory hierarchy need access to these data. How can I set up a key/value system in node to do that?
A highly upticked and accepted answer in Express: How to pass app-instance to routes from a different file? suggests using, in a lower level module
//in routes/index.js
var app = require("../app");
But this injects a hard-coded knowledge of the directory structure and file names which should be a bigger no-no jimho. Is there some other method, like something native in JavaScript? Nor do I relish the idea of declaring variables without var.
What is the node way of making a value available to objects created in lower scopes? (I am very much new to node and all-things-node aren't yet obvious to me)
Thanks a lot.
Since using node global (docs here) seems to be the solution that OP used, thought I'd add it as an official answer to collect my valuable points.
I strongly suggest that you namespace your variables, so something like
global.myApp.logger = { info here }
global.myApp.db = {
url: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/test',
connectOptions : {}
If you are in app.js and just want to allow access to it
global.myApp = this;
As always, use globals with care...
This is not really related to node but rather general software architecture decisions.
When you have a client and a server module/packages/classes (call them whichever way you like) one way is to define routines on the server module that takes as arguments whichever state data your client keeps on the 'global' scope, completes its tasks and reports back to the client with results.
This way, it is perfectly decoupled and you have a strict control of what data goes where.
Hope this helps :)
One way to do this is in an anonymous function - i.e. instead of returning an object with module.exports, return a function that returns an appropriate value.
So, let's say we want to pass var1 down to our two modules, ./module1.js and ./module2.js. This is how the module code would look:
module.exports = function(var1) {
return {
doSomething: function() { return var1; }
Then, we can call it like so:
var downstream = require('./module1')('This is var1');
Giving you exactly what you want.
I just created an empty module and installed it under node_modules as appglobals.js
// index.js
module.exports = {};
// package.json too is barebones
{ "name": "appGlobals" }
And then strut it around as without fearing refactoring in future:
var g = require("appglobals");
g.foo = "bar";
I wish it came built in as setter/getter, but the flexibility has to be admired.
(Now I only need to figure out how to package it for production)

Using a global variable in Node.js for dependency injection

I'm starting out a long term project, based on Node.js, and so I'm looking to build upon a solid dependency injection (DI) system.
Although Node.js at its core implies using simple module require()s for wiring components, I find this approach not best suited for a large project (e.g. requiring modules in each file is not that maintainable, testable or dynamic).
Now, I'd done my bits of research before posting this question and I've found out some interesting DI libraries for Node.js (see wire.js and dependable.js).
However, for maximal simplicity and minimal repetition I've come up with my own proposition of implementing DI:
You have a module, di.js, which acts as the container and is initialized by pointing to a JSON file storing a map of dependency names and their respective .js files.
This already provides a dynamic nature to the DI, as you may easily swap test/development dependencies.
The container can return dependencies by using an inject() function, which finds the dependency mapping and calls require() with it.
For simplicity, the module is assigned to a global variable, i.e. global.$di, so that any file in the project may use the container/injector by calling $di.inject().
Here's the gist of the implementation:
File di.js
module.exports = function(path) {
this.deps = require(path);
return {
inject: function(name) {
if (!deps[name])
throw new Error('dependency "' + name + '" isn\'t registered');
return require(deps[name]);
Dependency map JSON file
"vehicle": "lib/jetpack",
"fuel": "lib/benzine",
"octane": "lib/octane98"
Initialize the $di in the main JavaScript file, according to development/test mode:
var path = 'dep-map-' + process.env.NODE_ENV + '.json;
$di = require('di')(path);
Use it in some file:
var vehicle = $di.inject('vehicle');
So far, the only problem I could think of using this approach is the global variable $di.
Supposedly, global variables are a bad practice, but it seems to me like I'm saving a lot of repetition for the cost of a single global variable.
What can be suggested against my proposal?
Overall this approach sounds fine to me.
The way global variables work in Node.js is that when you declare a variable without the var keyword, and it gets added to the global object which is shared between all modules. You can also explicitly use global.varname. Example:
vehicle = "jetpack"
fuel = "benzine"
console.log(vehicle) // "jetpack"
console.log(global.fuel) // "benzine"
Variables declared with var will only be local to the module.
var vehicle = "car"
console.log(vehicle) // "car"
console.log(global.vehicle) // "jetpack"
So in your code if you are doing $di = require('di')(path) (without var), then you should be able to use it in other modules without any issues. Using global.$di might make the code more readable.
Your approach is a clear and simple one which is good. Whether you have a global variable or require your module every time is not important.
Regarding testability it allows you to replace your modules with mocks. For unit testing you should add a function that makes it easy for you to apply different mocks for each test. Something that extends your dependency map temporarily.
For further reading I can recommend a great blog article on dependency injection in Node.js as well as a talk on the future dependency injector of angular.js which is designed by some serious masterminds.
BTW, you might be interested in Fire Up! which is a dependency injection container I implemented.

Global function in express.js?

How can I define a global function in express.js, that without require I can call it
"How" is simple enough:
global.fnName = function(){ return "hi"; }; // Andreas Hultgren's answer
But you don't need the global prefix; the thing about the global object is ...
fnName = function(){ return "hi"; }; // i.e. don't do: var name = function(){ ... };
console.log(fnName()); // this prints "hi"
console.log(global.fnName()); // this also prints "hi" - it was assigned to global.
"Without require" is a separate consideration: if you don't use require there is no guarantee your "globals" will have been declared by the time you need them. It enforces loading order of dependencies, among other things.
"Why am I" and "Is it correct to" are now hidden questions you should consider. It is accepted in javascript that Global Variables ...
... should be reserved for objects that have system-wide relevance and they should be named to avoid ambiguity and minimize the risk of naming collisions - Angus Croll, Namespacing in Javascript
i.e. global truly is Global: it is used by every author of every plugin or library you pull in to your application, not just you. Naming collisions between global variables break your application. This applies equally in node.js.
Global variables are also thought of as a code smell. In the detail sections below here you will see you can quickly get into trouble by using global variables, and they should really be treated as something that pushes you towards dependency injection and/or namespaces and modules.
Node.js and express - global vars and functions
Here's a good rule: if you upload it to a web server, or share it with other people, don't use global variables.
global is permissible in tiny "Saturday afternoon" apps in node.js with express.js, but tend to cause problems later if they get adopted into production. Therefore:
Modules and exports is best practice.
Injection should also be used to reduce coupling between javascript files. But in all cases you will usually need require to ensure they exist by the time you need them:
You should really consider app.locals data, and/or middleware functions, for anything that is view data related.
// call this as a function with an input object to merge
// the new properties with any existing ones in app.locals
sayHello: function() { return "hi"; }
// now you can also use this in a template, like a jade template
If you are creating global vars/functions for configuration settings purposes the below comments about namespaces still apply, and there are conventions emerging such as config.json files (still using require) for settings that are globally accessed.
Global variables - simple case
It is simple enough to declare a global variable in javascript, and for a function the process is no different. Simply omit the var keyword which would normally force a local scope on the declaration:
// app.js
blah = "boo";
sayHello = function(string toWho) { return "hello " + toWho; }
getVersion = function() { return ""; }
// routes/main.js
console.log(blah); // logs: "boo"
console.log(global.blah); // logs: "boo"
console.log(sayHello("World")); // logs: "hello World"
console.log(global.sayHello("World")); // logs: "hello World"
console.log(getVersion()); // logs: ""
But what if two separate plugins in your project use a global getVersion function - how do you get the right version number? Also, how do you ensure that getVersion exists before you need it, or exists at all?
Why do we need require?
To quote the nodejitsu docs the built in require function ...
... is the easiest way to include modules that exist in separate files. The basic functionality of require is that it reads a javascript file, executes the file, and then proceeds to return the exports object
"So", you may ask, "require just makes sure that a module from another file is included? Why bother?" It's better than that: you can make a whole folder a module, making your code easier to organise and test test test, it will recognise various extensions for file modules, not just .js, and it will look in various folders as well. Of course, it caches as well.
So, now that require has found your module, it ensures the code inside it is executed, and puts the objects your created into a "namespace":
// module file ./myModule.js
exports.blah = "boo";
exports.sayHello = function(string toWho) { return "hello " + toWho; }
// routes/main.js
var demoModuleReference = require('./myModule.js');
console.log(demoModuleReference.blah); // logs: "boo"
console.log(demoModuleReference.sayHello("World")); // logs: "hello World"
In that sample, demoModuleReference is an object that looks like:
blah: "foo",
sayHello: [Function]
Why modules and not global variables (a.k.a namespacing and "Global is the new private")?
Seems complicated now? Surely global variables are easier? requires ensures the following:
It ensures ordered loading of dependencies
It prevents variable name conflicts within global through the exports object.
This application at mankz.com (chrome or firefox only) is fascinating. Depending on how you use your js code, you are very likely to have variable name conflicts within the global scope. Name conflicts come from everywhere. In a browser, for instance, they can come from extensions. node.js is slightly different, but it is becoming more and more extended by compatible plugins as time goes on (you can load jquery in right now, for example). As the versions go on frameworks will get added, and name collisions in global will become more likely. My last run of that app in chrome showed over 1200 global namespace variables.
Namespaces - why?
This global namespace pollution was publicised early on by Douglas Crockford through Eric Miraglia in the article "A JavaScript Module Pattern". In summary:
All objects that need to be used between js files are really global
So, create a namespace object that will be unique
Assign the return value an anonymous function
Add private methods and variables inside that function
Do something useful with the pattern
ANDYBROWNSONICSUITE.BoomBox.SoundModule = function () {
var privateField = "can't touch this";
return {
play: function() {
Why is this good?
Now you have only increased the global namespace members in the world by one, but this member contains as many items as you like.
Your application is far less likely to clash with other namespaces
It's a pattern, other frameworks expect you to use it to interact with them properly. In that reference, jQuery is a browser plugin, but you can use it with node and therefore your app, so the library interactivity policy statement is a perfect example.
It's a pattern, if we all follow it we our programs are all more likely to get along
When you read the Crockford reference along with the Croll reference (Direct Assignment section) I mentioned at the start, you see why it looks this complicated rather than just doing: sound.play = function() { ... } - ease of maintenance, refactoring the namespace etc. being just one reason.
In summary:
Can I create globals? Yes, it's simple, omit the var keyword before the declaration.
Should I create globals? You should use the module pattern, which is implicitly supported by node, and by express
Why am I creating globals? If it's for configuration, use a config namespace (e.g. How to store Node.js deployment settings/configuration files?)
You can:
global.name = function(){};
But you really should avoid using globals, even if it's possible to use them.
