What does the => sign mean in Haskell? - haskell

For some reason I can't find the answer to this anywhere. I tried Googling "Haskell equal sign arrow" and I'm not getting any results. Let's say we have the following function:
sendMessage :: MonadM e m => Message -> m ()
sendMessage message = do
mClient <- getMessageClient
liftIO $ send mClient message
Where exactly are e and m getting used? Are they being passed into the Message object (function?) and then outputted as a single type, m ()?
I don't think it helps that I'm very new to Haskell, but any help is appreciated here.

First off: if you want to know what such and such operator does, don't ask StackOverflow, ask Hoogle!
But in fact Hayoo is no use for => in particular because, unlike almost everything else in Haskell, this is built-in syntax and not an operator that's defined in some library.
Your signature
sendMessage :: MonadM e m => Message -> m ()
means the following: the type of sendMessage is Message -> m (), where m can be any monad that has an instance of the MonadM type class.
That probably doesn't help you much, because in fact MonadM is a rather involved type class. Better consider a simpler example:
sum :: Num n => [n] -> n
This means: the type of sum is [n] -> n, where n can be any number type that's an instance of the Num class, i.e. the class of types supporting subtraction, multiplication, obviously addition etc.. Actually the syntax is shorthand for
sum :: ∀ n . Num n => [n] -> n
meaning that for all types n which fulfill the constraint Num n, the function sum has the signature [n] -> n.
You can instantiate such a polymorphic function with any concrete number type: e.g.
sum :: [Int] -> Int
In your example you'd probably instantiate it to something like
sendMessage :: Message -> MessageT IO ()

The type signature
sendMessage :: MonadM e m => Message -> m ()
can be read
Assuming that the constraint MonadM e m holds, sendMessage has type Message -> m ()
MonadM is (almost certainly) a multi-parameter type class with a functional dependency. Its definition probably looks vaguely like
class Monad m => MonadM e m | m -> e where ....
You don't have to worry about that right now. Writing such classes is a somewhat advanced topic. But it expresses that some operations are available that relate the types e and m, where the type e is determined by the type m.


How can I let Haskell know I don't care what a generic's type is?

I'm working on some code deep in the bowels of an application and would like to make it generic w.r.t. some of the types it's using so I can mock the types for unit tests.
I'm trying to setup a type-class along the lines of:
class (Monad m) => SomeClass m a x d | m -> a where
makeState :: x -> m (a x)
open :: (a x) -> m (a d)
use :: OtherArg -> (a d) -> m ()
close :: (a d) -> m ()
where the m type-variable will be a monad (e.g. IO, ST), a will be some sort of wrapper type in the monad (e.g. MVar, STRef) and x will be known at compile-time, but I don't care about the type of d in the functions using the type-class, just in the type-class instance function implementations themselves.
Right now I'm just trying to get my types setup and it's erroring when I add the constraint to my functions, e.g.:
someFn :: (SomeClass m a Model d) => a d -> a Model -> T m ()
the compiler is complaining that d is ambiguous and won't let me get away without concretely specifying the type, meaning I won't be able to mock it.
I looked briefly at some language extensions and it seems like RankNTypes might be what I need but I'm not sure how to go about utilizing it.
Is this the right approach to accomplish what I'm trying to do, or should I be approaching it differently? (I wouldn't be surprised if I'm approaching it too OOPily as I've been working in Java a lot recently.)
Thanks in advance.
Perhaps it is enough make the fundep mad:
class (Monad m) => SomeClass m a x d | m -> a d where

Using makeLenses, class constraints and type synonyms together

I'm quite new to Haskell and want to use makeLenses from Control.Lens and class constraints together with type synonyms to make my functions types more compact (readable?).
I've tried to come up with a minimal dummy example to demonstrate what I want to achieve and the example serves no other purpose than this.
At the end of this post I've added an example closer to my original problem if you are interested in the context.
Minimal example
As an example, say I define the following data type:
data State a = State { _a :: a
} deriving Show
, for which I also make lenses:
makeLenses ''State
In order to enforce a class constraint on the type parameter a used by the type constructor State I use a smart constructor:
mkState :: (Num a) => a -> State a
mkState n = State {_a = n}
Next, say I have a number of functions with type signatures similar to this:
doStuff :: Num a => State a -> State a
doStuff s = s & a %~ (*2)
This all works as intended, for example:
test = doStuff . mkState $ 5.5 -- results in State {_a = 11.0}
I've tried to use the following type synonym:
type S = (Num n) => State n -- Requires the RankNTypes extensions
, together with:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
, in an attempt to simplify the type signature of doStuff:
doStuff :: S -> S
, but this gives the following error:
Couldn't match type `State a0' with `forall n. Num n => State n'
Expected type: a0 -> S
Actual type: a0 -> State a0
In the second argument of `(.)', namely `mkState'
In the expression: doStuff . mkState
In the expression: doStuff . mkState $ 5.5
Failed, modules loaded: none.
My current knowledge of Haskell is not sufficient to understand what causes the above error. I hope someone can explain what causes the error and/or suggest other ways to construct the type synonym or why such a type synonym is not possible.
My original problem looks closer to this:
data State r = State { _time :: Int
, _ready :: r
} deriving Show
makeLenses ''State
data Task = Task { ... }
Here I want to enforce the type of _ready being an instance of the Queue class using the following smart constructor:
mkState :: (Queue q) => Int -> q Task -> State (q Task)
mkState t q = State { _time = t
, _ready = q
I also have a number of functions with type signatures similar to this:
updateState :: Queue q => State (q Task) -> Task -> State (q Task)
updateState s x = s & ready %~ (enqueue x) & time %~ (+1)
I would like to use a type synonym S to be able to rewrite the type of such functions as:
updateState :: S -> Task -> S
, but as with the first minimal example I don't know how to define the type synonym S or whether it is possible at all.
Maybe there is no real benefit in trying to simplify the type signatures?
Related reading
I've read the following related questions on SO:
Class constraints for data records
Are type synonyms with typeclass constraints possible?
This might also be related but given my current understanding of Haskell I cannot really understand all of it:
Unifying associated type synonyms with class constraints
It's been a while since I've had the opportunity to do some Haskell. Thanks to #bheklilr I've now managed to introduce a type synonym only to hit the next type error I'm still not able to understand. I've posted the following follow-up question Type synonym causes type error regarding the new type error.
You see that error in particular because of the combination of the . operator and your use of RankNTypes. If you change it from
test = doStuff . mkState $ 5.5
test = doStuff $ mkState 5.5
or even
test = doStuff (mkState 5.5)
it will compile. Why is this? Look at the types:
doStuff :: forall n. Num n => State n -> State n
mkState :: Num n => n -> State n
(doStuff) . (mkState) <===> (forall n. Num n => State n -> State n) . (Num n => n -> State n)
Hopefully the parentheses help make it clear here, the n from forall n. Num n ... for doStuff is a different type variable from the Num n => ... for mkState because the scope of the forall only extends to the end of the parentheses. So these functions can't actually compose because the compiler sees them as separate types! There are actually special rules for the $ operator specifically for using the ST monad precisely for this reason, just so you can do runST $ do ....
You may be able to accomplish what you want easier using GADTs, but I don't believe lens' TemplateHaskell will work with GADT types. However, you can write your own pretty easily in this case, so it isn't that big of a deal.
A further explanation:
doStuff . mkState $ 5.5
is very different than
doStuff $ mkState 5.5
In the first one, doStuff says that for all Num types n, its type is State n -> State n, whereas mkState says for some Num type m, its type is m -> State m. These two types are not the same because of the "for all" and "for some" quantifications (hence ExistentialQuantification), since composing them would mean that for some Num m you can produce all Num n.
In the doStuff $ mkState 5.5, you have the equivalent of
(forall n. Num n => State n -> State n) $ (Num m => State m)
Notice that the type after the $ is not a function because mkState 5.5 is fully applied. So this works because for all Num n you can do State n -> State n, and you're providing it some Num m => State m. This works intuitively. Again, the difference here is the composition versus application. You can't compose a function that works on some types with a function that works on all types, but you can pass a value to a function that works on all types ("all types" here meaning forall n. Num n => n).

Converting monads

Lets say I have function
(>>*=) :: (Show e') => Either e' a -> (a -> Either e b) -> Either e b
which is converting errors of different types in clean streamlined functions. I am pretty happy about this.
Could there possibly be function <*- that would do similar job insted of <- keyword, that it would not look too disturbing?
Well, my answer is really the same as Toxaris' suggestion of a foo :: Either e a -> Either e' a function, but I'll try to motivate it a bit more.
A function like foo is what we call a monad morphism: a natural transformation from one monad into another one. You can informally think of this as a function that sends any action in the source monad (irrespective of result type) to a "sensible" counterpart in the target monad. (The "sensible" bit is where it gets mathy, so I'll skip those details...)
Monad morphisms are a more fundamental concept here than your suggested >>*= function for handling this sort of situation in Haskell. Your >>*= is well-behaved if it's equivalent to the following:
(>>*=) :: Monad m => n a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
na >>*= k = morph na >>= k
-- Must be a monad morphism:
morph :: n a -> m a
morph = ...
So it's best to factor your >>*= out into >>= and case-specific monad morphisms. If you read the link from above, and the tutorial for the mmorph library, you'll see examples of generic utility functions that use user-supplied monad morphisms to "edit" monad transformer stacks—for example, use a monad morphism morph :: Error e a -> Error e' a to convert StateT s (ErrorT e IO) a into StateT s (ErrorT e' IO) a.
It is not possible to write a function that you can use instead of the <- in do notation. The reason is that to the left of <-, there is a pattern, but functions take values. But maybe you can write a function
foo :: (Show e') => Either e' a -> Either e a
that converts the error messages and then use it like this:
do x <- foo $ code that creates e1 errors
y <- foo $ code that creates e2 errors
While this is not as good as the <*- you're asking for, it should allow you to use do notation.

Why discarded values are () instead of ⊥ in Haskell?

Howcome in Haskell, when there is a value that would be discarded, () is used instead of ⊥?
Examples (can't really think of anything other than IO actions at the moment):
mapM_ :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m ()
foldM_ :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> [b] -> m ()
writeFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
Under strict evaluation, this makes perfect sense, but in Haskell, it only makes the domain bigger.
Perhaps there are "unused parameter" functions d -> a which are strict on d (where d is an unconstrained type parameter and does not appear free in a)? Ex: seq, const' x y = yseqx.
I think this is because you need to specify the type of the value to be discarded. In Haskell-98, () is the obvious choice. And as long as you know the type is (), you may as well make the value () as well (presuming evaluation proceeds that far), just in case somebody tries to pattern-match on it or something. I think most programmers don't like introducing extra ⊥'s into code because it's just an extra trap to fall into. I certainly avoid it.
Instead of (), it is possible to create an uninhabited type (except by ⊥ of course).
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
data Void
mapM_ :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m Void
Now it's not even possible to pattern-match, because there's no Void constructor. I suspect the reason this isn't done more often is because it's not Haskell-98 compatible, as it requires the EmptyDataDecls extension.
Edit: you can't pattern-match on Void, but seq will ruin your day. Thanks to #sacundim for pointing this out.
Well, bottom type literally means an unterminating computation, and unit type is just what it is - a type inhabited with single value. Clearly, monadic computations usually meant to be finished, so it simply doesn't make sense to make them return undefined. And, of course, it is simply a safety measure - just like John L said, what if someone pattern matches on monadic result? So monadic computations return the 'lowest' possible (in Haskell 98) type - unit.
So, maybe we could have the following signatures:
mapM_ :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m z
foldM_ :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> [b] -> m z
writeFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO z
We'd reimplement the functions in question so that any attempt to bind the z in m z or IO z would bind the variable to undefined or any other bottom.
What do we gain? Now people can write programs that force the undefined result of these computations. How is that a good thing? All it means is that people can now write programs that fail to terminate for no good reason, that were impossible to write before.
You're getting confused between types and values.
In writeFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO (), the () is the unit type. The value you get for x by doing x <- writeFile foo bar in a do block is (normally) the value (), which is the sole non-bottom inhabitant of the type ().
⊥ OTOH is a value. Since ⊥ is a member of every type, it's also usable as a value for the type (). If you're discarding that x above without using it (we normally don't even extract it into a variable), it may very well be ⊥ and you'd never know. In that sense you already have what you want; if you're ever writing a function whose result you expect to be always ignored, you could use ⊥. But since ⊥ is a value of every type, there is no type ⊥, and so there is no type IO ⊥.
But really, they represent different conceptual things. The type () is the type of values that contain zero information (which is why there is only one value; if there were two or more values then () values would contain at least as much information as values of Bool). IO () is the type of IO actions that generate a value with no information, but may effects that will happen as a result of generating that non-informative value.
⊥ is in some sense a non-value. 1 `div` 0 gives ⊥ because there is no value that could be used as the result of that expression which satisfies the laws of integer division. Throwing an exception gives ⊥ because functions that contain exception throws do not give you a value of their type. Non-termination gives ⊥ because the expression never terminates with a value. ⊥ is a way of treating all of these non-values as if they were a value for some purposes. As far as I can tell it's mainly useful because Haskell's laziness means that ⊥ and a data structure containing ⊥ (i.e. [⊥]) are distinguishable.
The value () is not like the cases where we use ⊥. writeFile foo bar doesn't have an "impossible value" like return $ 1 `div` 0, it just has no information in its value (other than that contained in the monadic structure). There are perfectly sensible things I could do with the () I get from doing x <- writeFile foo bar; they're just not very interesting and so nobody ever does them. This is distinctly different from x <- return $ 1 `div` 0, where doing anything with that value has to give me another ill-defined value.
I would like to point out one severe downside to writing one particular form of returning ⊥: if you write types like this, you get bad programs:
mapM_ :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m z
This is way too polymorphic. As an example, consider forever :: Monad m => m a -> m b. I encountered this gotcha a long time ago and I'm still bitter:
main :: IO ()
main = forever putStrLn "This is going to get printed a lot!"
The error is obvious and simple: missing parentheses.
It typechecks. This is exactly the sort of error that the type system is supposed to catch easily.
It silently infinite loops at runtime (without printing anything). It is a pain to debug.
Why? Well, because r -> is a monad. So m b matches virtually anything. For example:
forever :: m a -> m b
forever putStrLn :: String -> b
forever putStrLn "hello!" :: b -- eep!
forever putStrLn "hello" readFile id flip (Nothing,[17,0]) :: t -- no type error.
This sort of thing inclines me to the view that forever should be typed m a -> m Void.
() is ⊤, i.e. the unit type, not the ⊥ (the bottom type). The big difference is that the unit type is inhabited, so that it has a value (() in Haskell), on the other hand, the bottom type is uninhabited, so that you can't write functions like that:
absurd : ⊥
absurd = -- no way
Of course you can do this in Haskell since the "bottom type" (there is no such thing, of course) is inhabited here with undefined. This makes Haskell inconsistent.
Functions like this:
disprove : a → ⊥
disprove x = -- ...
can be written, it is the same as
disprove : ¬ a
disprove x = -- ...
i.e. it disproving the type a, so that a is an absurd.
In any case, you can see how the unit type is used in different languages, as () :: () in Haskell, () : unit in ML, () : Unit in Scala and tt : ⊤ in Agda. In languages like Haskell and Agda (with the IO monad) functions like putStrLn should have a type String → IO ⊤, not the String → IO ⊥ since this is an absurd (logically it states that there is no strings that can be printed, this is just not right).
DISCLAIMER: previous text use Agda notation and it is more about Agda than Haskell.
In Haskell if we have
data Void
It doesn't mean that Void is uninhabited. It is inhabited with undefined, non-terminating programs, errors and exceptions. For example:
data Void
instance Show Void where
show _ = "Void"
data Identity a = Identity { runIdentity :: a }
mapM__ :: (a -> Identity b) -> [a] -> Identity Void
mapM__ _ _ = Identity undefined
print $ runIdentity $ mapM__ (const $ Identity 0) [1, 2, 3]
-- ^ will print "Void".
case runIdentity $ mapM__ (const $ Identity 0) [1, 2, 3] of _ -> print "1"
-- ^ will print "1".
let x = runIdentity $ mapM__ (const $ Identity 0) [1, 2, 3]
x `seq` print x
-- ^ will thrown an exception.
But it also doesn't mean that Void is ⊥. So
mapM_ :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m Void
where Void is decalred as empty data type, is ok. But
mapM_ :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m ⊥
is nonsence, but there is no such type as ⊥ in Haskell.

What does "exists" mean in Haskell type system?

I'm struggling to understand the exists keyword in relation to Haskell type system. As far as I know, there is no such keyword in Haskell by default, but:
There are extensions which add them, in declarations like these data Accum a = exists s. MkAccum s (a -> s -> s) (s -> a)
I've seen a paper about them, and (if I recall correctly) it stated that exists keyword is unnecessary for type system since it can be generalized by forall
But I can't even understand what exists means.
When I say, forall a . a -> Int, it means (in my understanding, the incorrect one, I guess) "for every (type) a, there is a function of a type a -> Int":
myF1 :: forall a . a -> Int
myF1 _ = 123
-- okay, that function (`a -> Int`) does exist for any `a`
-- because we have just defined it
When I say exists a . a -> Int, what can it even mean? "There is at least one type a for which there is a function of a type a -> Int"? Why one would write a statement like that? What the purpose? Semantics? Compiler behavior?
myF2 :: exists a . a -> Int
myF2 _ = 123
-- okay, there is at least one type `a` for which there is such function
-- because, in fact, we have just defined it for any type
-- and there is at least one type...
-- so these two lines are equivalent to the two lines above
Please note it's not intended to be a real code which can compile, just an example of what I'm imagining then I hear about these quantifiers.
P.S. I'm not exactly a total newbie in Haskell (maybe like a second grader), but my Math foundations of these things are lacking.
A use of existential types that I've run into is with my code for mediating a game of Clue.
My mediation code sort of acts like a dealer. It doesn't care what the types of the players are - all it cares about is that all the players implement the hooks given in the Player typeclass.
class Player p m where
-- deal them in to a particular game
dealIn :: TotalPlayers -> PlayerPosition -> [Card] -> StateT p m ()
-- let them know what another player does
notify :: Event -> StateT p m ()
-- ask them to make a suggestion
suggest :: StateT p m (Maybe Scenario)
-- ask them to make an accusation
accuse :: StateT p m (Maybe Scenario)
-- ask them to reveal a card to invalidate a suggestion
reveal :: (PlayerPosition, Scenario) -> StateT p m Card
Now, the dealer could keep a list of players of type Player p m => [p], but that would constrict
all the players to be of the same type.
That's overly constrictive. What if I want to have different kinds of players, each implemented
differently, and run them against each other?
So I use ExistentialTypes to create a wrapper for players:
-- wrapper for storing a player within a given monad
data WpPlayer m = forall p. Player p m => WpPlayer p
Now I can easily keep a heterogenous list of players. The dealer can still easily interact with the
players using the interface specified by the Player typeclass.
Consider the type of the constructor WpPlayer.
WpPlayer :: forall p. Player p m => p -> WpPlayer m
Other than the forall at the front, this is pretty standard haskell. For all types
p that satisfy the contract Player p m, the constructor WpPlayer maps a value of type p
to a value of type WpPlayer m.
The interesting bit comes with a deconstructor:
unWpPlayer (WpPlayer p) = p
What's the type of unWpPlayer? Does this work?
unWpPlayer :: forall p. Player p m => WpPlayer m -> p
No, not really. A bunch of different types p could satisfy the Player p m contract
with a particular type m. And we gave the WpPlayer constructor a particular
type p, so it should return that same type. So we can't use forall.
All we can really say is that there exists some type p, which satisfies the Player p m contract
with the type m.
unWpPlayer :: exists p. Player p m => WpPlayer m -> p
When I say, forall a . a -> Int, it
means (in my understanding, the
incorrect one, I guess) "for every
(type) a, there is a function of a
type a -> Int":
Close, but not quite. It means "for every type a, this function can be considered to have type a -> Int". So a can be specialized to any type of the caller's choosing.
In the "exists" case, we have: "there is some (specific, but unknown) type a such that this function has the type a -> Int". So a must be a specific type, but the caller doesn't know what.
Note that this means that this particular type (exists a. a -> Int) isn't all that interesting - there's no useful way to call that function except to pass a "bottom" value such as undefined or let x = x in x. A more useful signature might be exists a. Foo a => Int -> a. It says that the function returns a specific type a, but you don't get to know what type. But you do know that it is an instance of Foo - so you can do something useful with it despite not knowing its "true" type.
It means precisely "there exists a type a for which I can provide values of the following types in my constructor." Note that this is different from saying "the value of a is Int in my constructor"; in the latter case, I know what the type is, and I could use my own function that takes Ints as arguments to do something else to the values in the data type.
Thus, from the pragmatic perspective, existential types allow you to hide the underlying type in a data structure, forcing the programmer to only use the operations you have defined on it. It represents encapsulation.
It is for this reason that the following type isn't very useful:
data Useless = exists s. Useless s
Because there is nothing I can do to the value (not quite true; I could seq it); I know nothing about its type.
UHC implements the exists keyword. Here's an example from its documentation
x2 :: exists a . (a, a -> Int)
x2 = (3 :: Int, id)
xapp :: (exists b . (b,b -> a)) -> a
xapp (v,f) = f v
x2app = xapp x2
And another:
mkx :: Bool -> exists a . (a, a -> Int)
mkx b = if b then x2 else ('a',ord)
y1 = mkx True -- y1 :: (C_3_225_0_0,C_3_225_0_0 -> Int)
y2 = mkx False -- y2 :: (C_3_245_0_0,C_3_245_0_0 -> Int)
mixy = let (v1,f1) = y1
(v2,f2) = y2
in f1 v2
"mixy causes a type error. However, we can use y1 and y2 perfectly well:"
main :: IO ()
main = do putStrLn (show (xapp y1))
putStrLn (show (xapp y2))
ezyang also blogged well about this: http://blog.ezyang.com/2010/10/existential-type-curry/
