Hybris: Use same field for search and facet - search

I have to use a field "manufacturerName" for both solr search and solr facet in Hybris. While the solr free text search requires the field type to be text, the facet only works properly in string type.
Is there any way to use this same field for both search and facet. I think there is one way by using "copyField" but I searched a lot, and still don't know how to use it?
Any help would be highly appreciated!
PS: On keeping the field type string, free text search doesn't fetch proper results. On keeping the field type text, facet shows truncated values.

Using a copyField instruction is the way to go, but that require you to define an alternative field - meaning you have one field with the type text and the associated tokenization, and one field of the type string which isn't processed in any way. There is no way in Solr to combine these in a single field that I know of.
You'll then use the name of the string field to generate the facets, while you use the other field when you're querying.
<copyField source="text_search_field" dest="string_facet_field" />
You'll then have to refer to the name string_facet_field when you're filtering or faceting on the field. You'll want to filter against the facet field after the user selects a facet, since you otherwise would end up with documents from other facets possibly leaking into your document result set (for example if the facet was "Foo Bar", you'd suddenly get documents that had "Baz Foo Bar Spam" as the facet, since both words are present in the search string.

I was not able to implement the "copyField" approach, but I found another easy way to do this. In solr.impex, I had already added my new field manufacturerNameFacet of type string, but there is a parameter "fieldValueProvider" and "valueProviderParameter". I provided these values as "springELValueProvider" and the field I wanted to use for search and facet "manufacturerName". After a solr full indexing, it worked like a charm. No other setting was required. The search and facet both were working as expected.


Solr not allow search free text (semantic search)

I indexed the data in solr from database and want to do a free text search in all the columns indexed.
Do not want to provide column names.
Add a catch-all copyField instruction (for example source="*" dest="_text_"). This will make sure that all content is copied into the _text_ field. Make your queries search against this field.
q=foo bar&qf=_text_
The _text_ field is usually already defined, but otherwise configure it as a text field.
If you are using eDisMax or DisMax parser you can use the qf parameter to indicate what fields will be searched.
The general syntax is (via query string parameters) is:
You can set this value directly on your solr_config.xml so that you don't have to pass it on every request. If you do, then your query will just be:

Solr Search Field Best Practices

I'm using solr for an enterprise application. So far it works well, as I am using a ngram field to search against. It works correctly for partial queries (match against indexed ngrams). But the problem I have is, how to enforce exact query matches?. For an example the query "Test 1" should match exactly the same text as it is when the user enter it with double quotation marks. Currently Since I have used some tokenizers and filters, the double quotation marks get filtered out, there's no difference in the queries "test 1", "tEst 1" or "TEST 1" (that is because of the analyzer chain I use, but it is needed to work with ngrams and partial search).
Currently I'm searching against a ngram query field. In order to enforce exact query match, what should I do? what is the best practice?. currently what I think is to identify the double quotation marks from client side and change the query field to the original field (with out ngrams). But I feel like there should be a better way of doing this, since the problem I have is generic and solr is a complete enterprise level search engine.
You can have another field for it and add string as the fieldType for the same and index it with same.
When you want to perform the exact match you can query on the above field.
And when you want to perform partial search ..you can query to the earlier field which is indexed by ngram.
OR.. Here is another way you can try.
You have defined the current field type using the ngram. In that while indexing you can define the ngram tokenizer and for the query you mention keywordTokenizer and lowercase filter factory only.
While indexing the text will be tokenized and while performing the query it will not.

Lucene wildcard applied to indexed field

I have a set of indexed fields such as these:
And I get that it's possible to wildcard queries such as
What I'm trying to do is get "any" submitted form via something like:
Is this possible? Or will I have to do a stream of "OR"s on the known forms (which seems quite heavy)
That's not the intended use of fields, I think. Field names aren't supposed to be the searchable values, field values are. Field names are supposed to be known a priori.
My suggestion is (if possible) to store the second part of the name as the field value, for instance: submitted_form:2398389-2-32-43242423. submitted_from would be the field known a priori, and the value could eventually be searched with a PrefixQuery.
Anyway, you could access the collection of fields' names using IndexReader.getFieldNames() in Lucene 3.x and this in Lucene 4.x. I wouldn't expect search performance there.

Solr search using contains, sound like

I have a movie information in solr. Two string fields define the movie title and director name. A copy field define another field which solr search for default.
I would like to have google like search with limited scope as follows. How to achieve it.
1)How to search solr for contains
a) If the movie director name is "John Cream", searching for joh won't return anything. However, searchign for John return the correct result.
b) If there is a movie title called aaabbb and another one called aaa, searching for aaa returns only one result. I need to return the both results.
2) How to account for misspelling
If the movie director name is "John Cream", searching for Jon returns no results. Is there a good sounds like (soundex) implementation for solr. If so how to enable it?
You can use solr query syntax
Searching for contains is obviously possible using wildcards (eg: title:*aaa* will match 'aaabbb' and also 'cccaaabbb'), but be careful about it, becouse it doesn't use indexes efficently. Do you really need this?
A soundex like search is possible applying solr.PhoneticFilterFactory filter to both your index and query. To achieve this define your fieldType like this in schema:
<fieldType name="text_soundex" class="solr.TextField">
<filter class="solr.PhoneticFilterFactory" encoder="Soundex" inject="true"/>
If you define your "director" field as "text_soundex" you'll be able to search for "Jon" and find "John"
See http://wiki.apache.org/solr/AnalyzersTokenizersTokenFilters for more information.
Things you are asking, the first one is definitely achievable from Solr. I don't know about soundex.
1)How to search solr for contains
You can store data into string type of field or text type of field. In string field by wild card searching you can achieve the result (E.g field1:"John*"). Also you should look into different types of analyzers. But before everything, please look into the Solr reference http://wiki.apache.org/solr/.
def self.get_search_deals(search_q, per = 50)
data = Sunspot.search(Deal) do
fulltext '*'+search_q +'*', fields: :title
paginate page: page_no, per_page: per
searchable do
text :title
just pass string as "*sam*"

sunspot solr attribute substring/wildcard searches

Is it possible to search solr attribute fields (non solr.TextField types) using a substring/wildcard/partial string match?
For instance if I have a solr.StrField field and documents that contain the string "1234567890" I want to be able to search on "456" and have that document returned.
From what I can see only textfields can be searched in this method using things like EdgeNGram and the like, but not attribute fields??
You can have the partial matches working for String as well Text fields for wildcards.
If the query parsers you are using, supports leading wildcard queries, you can easily search for *456*, and this should match 1234567890.
However, EdgeNGram would only work for solr.TextField, as solr.strField do not allow analysers to be added to it.
So you can only define fields with class as solr.TextField and have the EdgeNGram in the analysis chain, which would break down the indexed terms into shingles for partial matching.
