Khan Academy API doesn't return data - khan-academy

I'm using the test_client2 included in the git repo. Making requests returns <Response [200]>, so apparently the system is working, but it doesn't print any data. What could cause this?
Full Code added here. The only changes I have made from the original code as pulled from GIT were to add CONSUMER_SECRET and CONSUMER_KEY values for the auth_token (which seems to work) and change one of the print functions to show explicitly where results start.
""" An interactive script for testing Khan Academy API Authentication.
This is an example of how to use the /api/auth2 authentication flow.
See for
import cgi
import rauth
import SimpleHTTPServer
import SocketServer
import time
import webbrowser
# You can get a CONSUMER_KEY and CONSUMER_SECRET for your app here:
CONSUMER_SECRET = 'Redacted but auth-token works'
CONSUMER_KEY = 'Redacted'
DEFAULT_API_RESOURCE = '/api/v1/playlists'
# Create the callback server that's used to set the oauth verifier after the
# request token is authorized.
def create_callback_server():
class CallbackHandler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
params = cgi.parse_qs(self.path.split('?', 1)[1],
VERIFIER = params['oauth_verifier'][0]
self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
self.wfile.write('OAuth request token fetched and authorized;' +
' you can close this window.')
def log_request(self, code='-', size='-'):
server = SocketServer.TCPServer((CALLBACK_BASE, 0), CallbackHandler)
return server
# Make an authenticated API call using the given rauth session.
def get_api_resource(session):
resource_url = raw_input("Resource relative url (e.g. %s): " %
url = SERVER_URL + resource_url
split_url = url.split('?', 1)
params = {}
# Separate out the URL's parameters, if applicable.
if len(split_url) == 2:
url = split_url[0]
params = cgi.parse_qs(split_url[1], keep_blank_values=False)
start = time.time()
response = session.get(url, params=params)
end = time.time()
print "Result\n"
print response
print "\nTime: %ss\n" % (end - start)
def run_tests():
# Set consumer key, consumer secret, and server base URL from user input or
# use default values.
CONSUMER_KEY = raw_input("consumer key: ") or CONSUMER_KEY
CONSUMER_SECRET = raw_input("consumer secret: ") or CONSUMER_SECRET
SERVER_URL = raw_input("server base url: ") or SERVER_URL
# Create an OAuth1Service using rauth.
service = rauth.OAuth1Service(
request_token_url=SERVER_URL + '/api/auth2/request_token',
access_token_url=SERVER_URL + '/api/auth2/access_token',
authorize_url=SERVER_URL + '/api/auth2/authorize',
base_url=SERVER_URL + '/api/auth2')
callback_server = create_callback_server()
# 1. Get a request token.
request_token, secret_request_token = service.get_request_token(
params={'oauth_callback': 'http://%s:%d/' %
(CALLBACK_BASE, callback_server.server_address[1])})
# 2. Authorize your request token.
authorize_url = service.get_authorize_url(request_token)
# 3. Get an access token.
session = service.get_auth_session(request_token, secret_request_token,
params={'oauth_verifier': VERIFIER})
# Repeatedly prompt user for a resource and make authenticated API calls.
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":


bithumb Api error -{'status': '5100', 'message': 'Bad Request.(Auth Data)'}

I wanted to make a program where I can check the order details of my order at Bithumb Exchange.
So I looked at the docs( and made it, but the same error code kept coming out, so I don't know what to do.
import time
import math
import base64
import hmac, hashlib
import urllib.parse
import requests
class XCoinAPI:
api_url = "";
api_key = "";
api_secret = "";
def __init__(self, api_key, api_secret):
self.api_key = api_key;
self.api_secret = api_secret;
def body_callback(self, buf):
self.contents = buf;
def microtime(self, get_as_float = False):
if get_as_float:
return time.time()
return '%f %d' % math.modf(time.time())
def usecTime(self) :
mt = self.microtime(False)
mt_array = mt.split(" ")[:2];
return mt_array[1] + mt_array[0][2:5];
def xcoinApiCall(self, endpoint, rgParams):
# 1. Api-Sign and Api-Nonce information generation.
# 2. Request related information from the Bithumb API server.
# - nonce: it is an arbitrary number that may only be used once.
# - api_sign: API signature information created in various combinations values.
endpoint_item_array = {
"endpoint" : endpoint
uri_array = dict(endpoint_item_array, **rgParams) # Concatenate the two arrays.
str_data = urllib.parse.urlencode(uri_array)
nonce = self.usecTime()
data = endpoint + chr(1) + str_data + chr(1) + nonce
utf8_data = data.encode('utf-8')
key = self.api_secret
utf8_key = key.encode('utf-8')
h =, utf8_data, hashlib.sha512)
hex_output = h.hexdigest()
utf8_hex_output = hex_output.encode('utf-8')
api_sign = base64.b64encode(utf8_hex_output)
utf8_api_sign = api_sign.decode('utf-8')
headers = {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Api-Key": self.api_key,
"Api-Nonce": nonce,
"Api-Sign": utf8_api_sign
url = self.api_url + endpoint
r =, headers=headers, data=uri_array)
return r.json()
a = XCoinAPI(api_key="MYKEY1c", api_secret="MYKEY2")
aa= a.xcoinApiCall("/info/orders",{"order_currency":"LN","payment_currency":"BTC"})
{'status': '5100', 'message': 'Bad Request.(Auth Data)'}
Process finished with exit code 0
The error code 5100, bad request keeps coming up(
I really don't know which code to modify.
I think it's a parameter problem with XcoinApiCall, but I don't know.

Locust load testing For API calls

I have written a code for locust load testing for my case, where i can do a token call and then will make feature calls as per below code.
This is working fine with single token and 'n' number of users mentioned in master
I made a token call outside class and sending it as parameter to ENV. The userclass is reading the single token and using the same for all users.
I do not want to make token call inside the class, as it generates new token in every execution.
I'm looking if there is anyway like making token calls based on number of users mentioned on master -u and using only those tokens in User class.
Please suggest me if there is any documentation pointer which i can refer for this usecase
#! /usr/bin/python3.6
import json
from locust import HttpUser, task, constant, tag, events
from locust.log import setup_logging
import os
from datetime import datetime
import requests
setup_logging("INFO", None)
def init_parser(parser):
parser.add_argument("--resp-delay", type=str, env_var="LOCUST_RESP_DELAY", default="", help="It's working")
parser.add_argument("--resp-size", type=str, env_var="LOCUST_RESP_SIZE", default="", help="It's working")
parser.add_argument("--env-endpoint", type=str, env_var="LOCUST_ENV_ENDPOINT", default="", help="It's working")
def _(environment, **kw):
os.environ['resp-delay'] = environment.parsed_options.resp_delay
os.environ['resp-size'] = environment.parsed_options.resp_size
os.environ['env-endpoint'] = environment.parsed_options.env_endpoint
with open("resources/data/" + environment.parsed_options.env_endpoint + '/data.json') as f:
data = json.load(f)
cal_transaction_id ='%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
#retrive cliend id and client secret from bitbucket repo
dict_car_app_all = data["data"]
print("env-endpoint:" + os.environ.get("env-endpoint"))
token_url = "https://ENDPOINT/auth/token"
#retrive cliend id and client secret from bitbucket repo
token_payload = "client_id=" + dict_car_app_all[0]["client_id"] + "&client_secret=" + dict_car_app_all[0]["client_secret"]
token_headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
response = requests.request("POST", token_url, data=token_payload, headers=token_headers,
cert=( 'resources/certs/' + environment.parsed_options.env_endpoint + '/MyCERT.pem',
'resources/certs/' + environment.parsed_options.env_endpoint + '/MYCERT.key'))
result = json.loads(response.text)
token = result["access_token"]
os.environ['access_token'] = token
os.environ['cal_transaction_id'] = cal_transaction_id
#class User_1(User):
class User_0(HttpUser):
wait_time = constant(1)
host = ""
def load_test_api_tag1(self):
token_0 = os.environ.get('access_token')
cal_transaction_id = os.environ.get('cal_transaction_id')
env_endpoint = os.environ.get('env-endpoint')
resp_delay = os.environ.get("resp-delay")
resp_size = os.environ.get("resp-size")
feature_headers = {
'Authorization': "Bearer " + str(token_0),
'sm_transactionID': cal_transaction_id
url = "https://ENDPOINT/SERVICE/mytestservice/first_test"
querystring = {"response_delay": resp_delay, "data_size": resp_size}
self.client.request("GET", url, headers=feature_headers, params=querystring,
cert = ('resources/certs/' + env_endpoint + '/MyCERT.pem',
'resources/certs/' + env_endpoint + '/MyCERT.key'))
You can generate tokens in User class's on_start method so each user generates a new token when spawning.
class MyUser(User):
def on_start(self):
#generate token here and assign an instance variable like self.token=abc
there is a drawback to this though, if your user count is more than your token generating service can handle some users will not be able to spawn, the way I do in my tests is if token generating part is not a part of the system I am testing, I generate tokens beforehand and write it in some file or some external db and read them from there.

oauth2session dynamics365 : keep receiving Error 401 Unatuthorized

The use case
I am trying to connect to Microsoft Dynamics 365 - Field Service.
I am using Python, Falsk and OAuth2Session to perform a Oauth2 authentication
I have setup the Azure App on Azure.
the error message
I keep receiving the HTTP Error 401
Who could help me?
the code :
"""Configuration settings for running the Python auth samples locally.
In a production deployment, this information should be saved in a database or
other secure storage mechanism.
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
CLIENT_ID = os.environ["dynamics365_field_service_application_client_id"]
CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["dynamics365_field_service_client_secrets"]
REDIRECT_URI = os.environ["dynamics365_field_service_redirect_path"]
# AUTHORITY_URL ending determines type of account that can be authenticated:
# /organizations = organizational accounts only
# /consumers = MSAs only (Microsoft Accounts -,, etc.)
# /common = allow both types of accounts
AUTHORITY_URL = os.environ["dynamics365_field_service_authority"]
AUTHORIZATION_BASE_URL = os.environ["dynamics365_field_service_authorization_base_url"]
TOKEN_URL = os.environ["dynamics365_field_service_token_url"]
AUTH_ENDPOINT = "/oauth2/v2.0/authorize"
API_VERSION = os.environ["dynamics365_field_service_version"]
# "",
# "",
# "",
# "",
# "",
# "",
# ""
# ] # Add other scopes/permissions as needed.
the code :
# *-* coding:utf-8 *-*
# See
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
from flask import Flask, request, redirect, session, url_for
from flask.json import jsonify
import os
import flaskr.library.dynamics365.field_service.config as config
app = Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = os.urandom(24)
# This information is obtained upon registration of a new dynamics
# client_id = "<your client key>"
# client_secret = "<your client secret>"
# authorization_base_url = ''
# token_url = ''
def index():
"""Step 1: User Authorization.
Redirect the user/resource owner to the OAuth provider (i.e. dynamics)
using an URL with a few key OAuth parameters.
dynamics = OAuth2Session(
config.CLIENT_ID, scope=config.SCOPES, redirect_uri=config.REDIRECT_URI
authorization_url, state = dynamics.authorization_url(config.AUTHORIZATION_BASE_URL)
# State is used to prevent CSRF, keep this for later.
session["oauth_state"] = state
print(f"Please go here and authorize : {authorization_url}")
return redirect(authorization_url)
# Step 2: User authorization, this happens on the provider.
#app.route("/login/authorized", methods=["GET"]) # callback
def callback():
""" Step 3: Retrieving an access token.
The user has been redirected back from the provider to your registered
callback URL. With this redirection comes an authorization code included
in the redirect URL. We will use that to obtain an access token.
if session.get("oauth_state") is None:
return redirect(url_for(".index"))
dynamics = OAuth2Session(
config.CLIENT_ID, state=session["oauth_state"], redirect_uri=config.REDIRECT_URI
token = dynamics.fetch_token(
print(f"token: {token}")
# At this point you can fetch protected resources but lets save
# the token and show how this is done from a persisted token
# in /profile.
session["oauth_token"] = token
# return redirect(url_for(".dynamics_get_accounts_postman"))
return redirect(url_for(".dynamics_get_accounts"))
#app.route("/profile", methods=["GET"])
def profile():
"""Fetching a protected resource using an OAuth 2 token.
dynamics = OAuth2Session(config.CLIENT_ID, token=session["oauth_token"])
return jsonify(dynamics.get("").json())
def dynamics_get_accounts():
if session.get("oauth_token") is None:
return redirect(url_for(".index"))
dynamics = OAuth2Session(
# token="Bearer " + session["oauth_token"]["access_token"]
result = dynamics.get("https://{env_name}.{region}")
if result.status_code != 200:
result = {"status code": result.status_code, "reason": result.reason}
result = result.json()
result = jsonify(result)
return result
import requests
def dynamics_get_accounts_postman():
if session.get("oauth_token") is None:
return redirect(url_for(".index"))
url = "https://{env_name}.{region}"
payload = {}
headers = {
"Accept": "application/json",
"OData-MaxVersion": "4.0",
"OData-Version": "4.0",
"If-None-Match": "null",
"Authorization": f'Bearer {session["oauth_token"]["access_token"]}',
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
result = response.text.encode("utf8")
print(f"result : {result}")
return jsonify(result)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# This allows us to use a plain HTTP callback
os.environ["DEBUG"] = "1"
app.secret_key = os.urandom(24)
The parameter resourcewas missing when generating the authorization_url.
authorization_url, state = dynamics.authorization_url(
config.AUTHORIZATION_BASE_URL + f"?resource={config.DYNAMICS365_CRM_ORG}"

Python passing arguments to function Flask

I am writing a Flask application script and have encountered a function that accepts arguments and functions outside of the flask app in a standalone script but will not accept the the 'TFEVT_node_id'argument I pass to it inside of the Flask app. Here is the Flask code:
# Flask Setup
#app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path='')
app = Flask(__name__)
#global variables
TFEVT_node_id = ''
token = ''
# CityIQ API calls
def get_token():
print("Get Token")
url = ''
querystring = {"grant_type":"client_credentials"}
response = requests.get(url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(client,secret), params=querystring).json()
token = response['access_token']
print("Token Received")
return token
#given a specific subasset this function returns the CityIQ traffic events for a given period of time in minutes
def get_traffic(TFEVT_node_id, lookback_minutes):
url_string = '/events'
url = ""+TFEVT_node_id+url_string
ts =
CityIQ_Current_TS = int(ts*1000)
CityIQ_TS_Calc_TS = - timedelta(minutes=lookback_minutes)
CityIQ_Starttime_TS = int((ts-(lookback_minutes*60))*1000)
querystring = {"eventType":"TFEVT","startTime":CityIQ_Starttime_TS,"endTime":CityIQ_Current_TS,"pageSize":"100"}
payload = ""
headers = {
'Authorization': "Bearer {}".format(token),
'Predix-Zone-Id': "SD-IE-TRAFFIC",
'cache-control': "no-cache",
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring).json()
#give it an CityIQ node ID and it will return the asset TFEVT child .
def get_asset_TFEVT(node_id):
url = ""+node_id+"/subAssets"
payload = ""
headers = {
'Authorization': "Bearer {}".format(token),
'Predix-Zone-Id': "SD-IE-ENVIRONMENTAL",
'cache-control': "no-cache",
response = requests.request("GET", url, data=payload, headers=headers).json()
for i in response['assets']:
if any('TFEVT' in i for i in [i][0]['eventTypes']):
global TFEVT_node_id
TFEVT_node_id = ([i][0]['assetUid'])
#test def that should be removed in production
def test(TFEVT_node_id, lookback_minutes):
found_cars = get_traffic(TFEVT_node_id, lookback_minutes)
# Flask Routes
def hello_world():
global token
token = get_token()
return 'documentation comming soon!'
def go(node_id):
global token
token = get_token()
global TFEVT_node_id
TFEVT_node_id = get_asset_TFEVT(node_id)
cars_list = []
lookback_minutes = 15
env_output = {}
ccars = test(TFEVT_node_id, lookback_minutes)
env_output.update({'Cars' : cars_list})
if __name__ == '__main__':
Again, I am getting the desired result when these functions are run outside of a Flask app. Inside of the Flask app (running the code above) returns a TypeError: The view function did not return a valid response. I have traced that back to the 404 response in the gettraffic function where the lookback minutes variable is getting through but the TFEVT_node_id isn't.
I am new to Python.
Your go() function does not have a return. A response is expected. See: About responses.

Flask JWT Extended cookie name overide Flask Session Cookie Name

I am using the Flask JWT Extended extension for flask and have built a login application successfully using JWT. I have gone through the tutorial on JWT in Cookies on the JWT extended documentation site using CSRF protection and everything.
What I can't seem to figure out is when using the set_access_cookies() and set_refresh_cookies() methods the JWTs are not saved in a httponly cookie named using the JWT Extended default configuration setting.
app.config.setdefault('JWT_ACCESS_COOKIE_NAME', 'access_token_cookie')
app.config.setdefault('JWT_REFRESH_COOKIE_NAME', 'refresh_token_cookie')
Instead when I debug the return back from the auth call the cookies are saved in the base Flask default configuration instead.
Shouldn't the set_access_cookies() and set_refresh_cookies() methods override the base Flask default configurations as long as make sure to register my app in the JWTManager()?
uscc_login_app = Flask(__name__)
jwt = JWTManager(uscc_login_app)
Or is there something else I missed in the base Flask JWT Extended documentation to ensure that its configuration defaults are used when appropriate?
Updated code via request.
The code is pretty spread out but here is my best shot to include what I think will help.
from flask import Flask, url_for
from flask_restful import Api
from flask_jwt_extended import JWTManager
from resources.auth import Authenticate
from resources.refresh import Refresh
from temp_app.temp import TempApp
from uscc_login.uscc_app_login import *
uscc_login_app = Flask(__name__)
jwt = JWTManager(uscc_login_app)
api = Api(uscc_login_app, prefix='/v1')
# Add resources via the add_resource method
api.add_resource(Authenticate, '/login')
api.add_resource(Refresh, '/refresh_token')
login_view = Login.as_view(name='uscc_login')
uscc_login_app.add_url_rule('/login', view_func=login_view, methods=['POST', 'GET'])
In my
from uscc_login import uscc_login_app
if __name__ == '__main__':'DEBUG'), threaded=uscc_login_app.config.get('THREADED'),
port=uscc_login_app.config.get('PORT'), host=uscc_login_app.config.get('HOST'))
In my since I am using the Flask config.from_objects
import os
import datetime
uscc_login_app_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
class BaseConfig:
SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get('USCC_SECRET_KEY') or 'you-will-never-guess'
JWT_SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get('USCC_JWT_KEY') or 'super-secret'
JWT_TOKEN_LOCATION = ['cookies']
class DevelopmentConfig(BaseConfig):
DEBUG = True
PORT = 5000 if os.environ.get("PORT") is None else int(os.environ.get("PORT"))
HOST = os.environ.get('HOST') or 'localhost'
if os.environ.get('access_token_expiration') is not None:
JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES = datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(os.environ.get('access_token_expiration')))
if os.environ.get('refresh_token_expiration') is not None:
JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRES = datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(os.environ.get('refresh_token_expiration')))
So then in my Flask MethodView that contains my login authorization POST I have the following:
import sys
import os
from flask import jsonify, request
from flask_restful import Resource
from flask_jwt_extended import create_access_token, create_refresh_token, jwt_refresh_token_required, get_jwt_identity, \
set_access_cookies, set_refresh_cookies
from utilities import Common
class Authenticate(Resource):
def post():
api_cred_path = os.environ.get('api_cred_path')
if api_cred_path is None:
response = jsonify({"msg": "Environment Variable 'api_cred_path' is not set."})
response.status_code = 500
return response
if not request.is_json:
response = jsonify({'msg': 'Missing JSON in request'})
response.status_code = 400
return response
params = request.get_json()
user_name = params.get('username')
user_password = params.get('password')
if not user_name:
response = jsonify({'msg': 'Missing username parameter'})
response.status_code = 400
return response
if not user_password:
response = jsonify({'msg': 'Missing password parameter'})
response.status_code = 400
return response
if Common.check_path_exists(api_cred_path):
with open(api_cred_path) as afh:
for line in afh:
file_userid, file_password = line.split('=')
if file_userid == user_name and file_password.strip('\n') == user_password:
access_token = create_access_token(identity=user_name)
refresh_token = create_refresh_token(identity=user_name)
response = jsonify({'login': True})
set_access_cookies(response, access_token)
set_refresh_cookies(response, refresh_token)
# # Identity can be any data that is json serializable
# art = {
# 'access_token': create_access_token(identity=user_name),
# 'refresh_token': create_refresh_token(identity=user_name)}
# response = jsonify(art)
response.status_code = 200
return response
response = jsonify({"msg": "api_cred_path invalid."})
response.status_code = 500
return response
response = jsonify({'msg': 'Bad username or password'})
response.status_code = 401
return response
Could you provide some code to duplicate what you are seeing? When I try running the example token in jwt code ( I see the expected cookie values when I login:
$ http :5000/token/auth username=test password=test
Set-Cookie: access_token_cookie=<jwt>; HttpOnly; Path=/api/
Set-Cookie: refresh_token_cookie=<jwt>; HttpOnly; Path=/token/refresh
So I realized my mistake in this. I was trying to get the access_token_cookie variable to be set from my which serves as my RESTFUL based microservice of which my login app calls to do the authorization. Realized it won't be available after redirecting back to the caller from the login apps POST method since the cookie was related to the login app UI frontend. So I just base the access and refresh tokens back from the POST method to the login POST method and let it set the cookies so they are available to the end client.
This was more of design problem than a code problem.
