How can I suppress “Terminate batch job (Y/N)” confirmation in PowerShell? - node.js

When I press Ctrl+C in PowerShell, I receive:
Terminate batch job (Y/N)?
Similar to, except for Windows PowerShell.
Does PowerShell provide any more control over batch jobs than what CMD does?

The behavior is neither caused by PowerShell nor can PowerShell change it (as evidenced by the PowerShell source-code repo not containing the prompt message).
The behavior is built into cmd.exe - Powershell, in this case, is calling a .cmd file (batch file), which is interpreted by cmd.exe.
If you explicitly control the invocation of the target executable, you can fix this by moving to Powershell - note this has its own considerations, see below.
If you do not explicitly control the invocation of the target executable, you're out of luck (unless you're willing to install third-party cmd.exe replacements) and must press Ctrl+C twice in order to terminate execution.
A[n ill-advised] workaround is to modify the cmd.exe binary - see article with instructions on how to patch the cmd.exe executable in order to suppress the prompt. Additionally, you can post a feature request on GitHub to request that this behavior be fixed at the source, though that is unlikely to happen for reasons of backward compatbility.
To demonstrate the behavior:
The examples assume that Node.js is installed and that node.exe is therefore in your PATH:
First, invoke node.exe directly, with a tight loop that requires you to press Ctrl+C to terminate the process.
PS> node -e "while (true);"
As you'll see, pressing Ctrl+C instantly terminates the process - no confirmation prompt.
Now, let's create a sample batch file that invokes the same command and invoke that batch file:
PS> "#echo off`nnode -e `"while (true);`"" | Set-Content test.cmd
PS> ./test.cmd
As you'll see, pressing Ctrl+C now presents the undesired Terminate batch job (Y/N)? prompt. (You'd get the same behavior if you ran the batch file from cmd.exe.)
To demonstrate that gulp is a cmd file:
You say you're running your command via gulp's CLI.
On Windows, the entry point for the gulp CLI is gulp.cmd [see update in the bottom section] - i.e., a batch file. That is how it works in general for npm-package "binaries" (executables) implemented as either JS files or shell scripts.
That gulp invokes gulp.cmd can be verified as follows:
# Execute from a project folder that has `gulp` installed as a dependency.
# If `gulp` is installed *globally*
# Note: CLI `npx` requires npm version 5.2.0+
PS C:\some\NodeJs\project> npx where gulp
You'll see something like:
Note that where.exe also lists the extension-less Unix-shell script, ...\gulp; however, from cmd.exe / Powershell such a shell script isn't directly executable, and it is ...\gulp.cmd - the batch file - that is executed.
(If in doubt, place a command such as #set /p dummy="Press a key" at the start of the gulp.cmd file, and you'll see that this command executes when you invoke gulp without the .cmd extension.
Also note that there is no gulp.exe.)
More generally, on Windows, a project's node_modules\.bin subfolder contains pairs of CLI entry points for the CLIs that come with packages that the project depends on locally:
node_modules\.bin\<some-cli> is the Unix shell script (whose executing interpreter is controlled via its shebang line).
node_modules\.bin\<some-cli>.cmd is the helper batch file for Windows.
Updates and future considerations:
In the context of npm modules, the problem would go away if a PowerShell script (*.ps1) were used as the helper script on Windows. There are tickets for npm, yarn and similar software to do this. There are also some drawbacks:
*.ps1 files aren't directly executable from outside of PowerShell, notably from cmd.exe and File Explorer (and changing that is nontrivial).
PowerShell still hasn't fully replaced cmd.exe as the default shell, as of Windows 10 (and won't anytime soon, if ever).
When called from PowerShell, a *.ps1 file would be found and run in-process, so a possible solution is for the npm project to also provide *.ps1 helper scripts, which would take precedence over *.cmd files of the same name.
Recent versions of npm (verified in 6.14.10) indeed DO install such *.ps1 files.
Alternative package manager yarn, since v2 does not seem to use batch files anymore at all, so the original problem is bypassed there; (v1, by contrast, still uses batch files (only); upgrading from v1 must be done on a per-project basis see the migration instructions).

As the other answer notes, the correct fix is to replace cmd scripts with ps1 versions.
However another workaround for users of the Hyper shell is 'Hyper yes', a plugin that automatically hits y for you when the prompt comes up.

best way to avoid it is to not start it, in my case, is not to type npm run devStart but instead type nodemon ./server.js localhost 3000
here's how it looks like

#echo off
start /w "" "C:\myfile.bat" 2>nul|findstr /i "termin"
if errorlevel 1 goto bypass
echo hello by stexup YouTube channel!
timeout /t 5 >nul


nvim started as desktop application | :checkhealth - commands not available

When I start neovide from my applications and run :checkhealth I get errors that node and other commands are not available. But when I start it from my terminal there is no error for those commands. I tried to copy and modify the neovide desktop file to start just nvim and see if there if something wrong with my my neovide installation. But also starting just nvim as application prints the same errors.
I'm using linux with plasma desktop
TL:DR; add a path variable
Depending on your configuration, nvim will need to know the environment to run some executables (like it is with node in your example). An easy solution is to add the path variable to the exec command in the according .desktop file. I remember that I had the same issue with node not being recognized in a configuration using my plasma installation. On gnome node was recognized and healthchecks were good, so I thought I didn't need the extra path. Later on I realized that I had trouble with other commands. E.g. when using fdfind to complete path commands. Again I had to search what the reason was and it also was the missing path.
To give an example, let's say you are using zsh and want to start neovide with multigrid enabled, the Exec line in your desktop file could look like:
Exec=zsh -c "source ~/.config/zsh/.zshrc && neovide --multigrid %F"

Unable to run node from git bash

I am no longer able to run node from the git bash terminal. It works from Git CMD and the standard windows CLI. If I try to run a file (e.g. node index.js) or even just start node via node, I go back to the input prompt except now I can't see any of my character inputs.
This is not a result of PATH not being set, as where node gives me C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe and which node gives me /c/Program Files/nodejs/node and echo $PATH does have /c/Program Files/nodejs included.
If I type another command (such as ls), it actually will work even though I will continue to not be able to see my input.
I think this problem arose after the latest Windows 10 OS update was pushed to my system (10.0.17763). I've tried reinstalling Git for Windows and Node, and neither have resolved the issue. I can't find any other settings that might be affecting this.
Using Git CMD or Windows CLI is a workaround, but neither of those have a "Git Bash Here" option, which is the #1 thing I want this for. It is also nice that I get the visual indication of branch in Git Bash where I do not get that with Git CMD or the Windows CLI.
I don't need or want to use Git GUI, and besides that won't allow me to run local node files which I need to do for testing.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get Git Bash working with node again?
UPDATE: By running stty -a after node fails, I see that echo has flipped to -echo, which is why I can't see the input anymore. But that doesn't explain why node isn't loading and echo is getting turned off. Hoping that gives someone some additional context to figure out what's going on here. brkint, icrnl, ixon, opost, isig, and icanon are also getting flipped to the - versions after attempting to run node.
There are 2 possible workarounds (based on what your problem is) that I have tried-
Enter node first of all:
1) Try typing in reset and hit enter. You may not be able to see the input logging in, in the bash terminal window, but it works after that.
2) Or try typing any random alphabet and hit enter(again you won't see it on the screen),it will throw a 'command not found' error but you will have node working after this.
I am afraid these aren't exactly proper fixes, but they get the job done.
More information can be found here:

How to start "Xilinx SDK" from command line instead of from Vivado "File->Launch-SDK" Menu?

I'm wondering how to start "Xilinx SDK Eclipse GUI" (XSDK) directly from the command line?
Currently, I'm launching XSDK by first launching "vivado", and then going to the "File->Launch SDK" menu. However, this is a bit cumbersome to always open Vivado first, just to open "Xilinx SDK". What I want to do, is launch "Xilinx SDK" directly from my Git bash Shell under windows 10 and then open the previous project under "project_1.sdk" and to continue with what I was working on last time.
My Git Bash Setup:
export PATH=/c/Xilinx/Vivado/2017.3/bin:$PATH
export PATH=/c/Xilinx/SDK/2017.3/bin:$PATH
$ xsdk -workspace your_project_dir.sdk &
$ xsdk -h
Display Options:
Help -- just display this message and quit.
Display Version and quit.
SDK Tcl Batch Mode.
Wait for SDK to complete.
-workspace <Workspace location>
Specify the Workspace directory for SDK projects
-hwspec <hardware specification file>
Specify the XML file to load.
-bit <bitstream file>
Specify the Bitsteam file to use for programming FPGA
-bmm <bmm file>
Specify the BMM file to use for BRAM initialization
-batch -source <tcl script file>
Specify tcl Script file to executee all commands in SDK batch mode
{-lp <repository_path>}
Add <repository_path> to the list of Driver/OS/Library search directories.
-eclipseargs <eclipse arguments>
Any other arguments that should be passed to Eclipse.
This should follow all other SDK arguments.
-vmargs <java vm arguments>
Any other arguments that should be passed to Java VM.
This should follow all other SDK arguments.
Also useful:
SDK Command Line Batch Mode
The Eclipse/SDK can be launched in these two other ways
(1) Launch from the Vivado TCL Command Line:
Going from Vivado to SDK often has these steps
- File > Export (Hardware)
- File > Launch SDK
Each of these commands prints information in blue text in the Tcl Console.
Those commands can be copied into a tcl script and run from Tcl Console.
By default Tcl runs from this folder
If the script is placed there (e.g. zz1.tcl, or just zz1)
Then it can be run from the Tcl Console as
source zz1.tcl
That will execute the commands in zz1.tcl -> export hardware and launch the SDK
(2) Or, run Eclipse/SDK from Windows, then select the SDK folder:
The SDK can be run directly and can be found here:
When it runs it will ask for a Workspace
Click [Browse] and navigate to the .SDK folder in the Vivado project
It will open and run as usual, without Vivado running, etc
Note: I have noticed that Vivado/SDK can be temperamental about how and when project folder contents are changed. Including if the SDK is launched and another SDK is already running in that folder. In some cases, the easiest recovery is to rename the ~corrupt SDK folder, create a new HelloWorld project, get HelloWorld running, and then update files into the new folder.

How to run a shell command after saving file in Sublime 3

I've been trying to create a custom shell command to run after saving the file im working on. The command should run in the same location of the file.
I've came up with this, under user-preferences, but with no success.:
"on_post_save_user": [
"cmd": ["shell command"]
Based on your question, I'm going to assume that you're using the Hooks package to be able to run arbitrary commands based on events. If you haven't installed that package yet, then you'll need to do that too; the items talked about here are not available in core Sublime.
This package can execute any arbitrary command that you want, but note that this means Sublime commands; that is commands provided either by the core of Sublime or by packages and plugins that you have installed. Thus including the name of a shell command will not work; Sublime silently ignores commands that you tell it to run that it doesn't know about.
That said, the exec command is available directly in any Sublime installation and can execute any arbitrary shell command or program that you tell it to. This command is what is used to execute a build system, for example.
In fact, most of the keys available in a Build system by default (excluding the keys that tell Sublime when your build should apply) are actually arguments to the exec command that tell it what to execute.
Of particular interest to you is the shell_cmd argument, which takes any arbitrary command that you might enter in a command prompt and executes it.
Based on the documentation of the package in question, the configuration option you want would be something like this:
"on_post_save_user": [
// Runs `exec` command
"command": "exec",
// Invokes `exec` with `shell_cmd="google-chrome"`
"args": {
"shell_cmd": "google-chrome"
// Runs `exec` via `window.run_command`
"scope": "window"
With the caveat that I don't use this particular package and I can't verify that this is all that might be required, this tells the package to run the exec command (which is indeed a window command), telling it to execute google-chrome.
Other options may be required to exec to do what you want, depending on what that is. It's also unclear from the package documentation whether it supports the standard build system variables like $file to represent the current file or not, which may or may not be a problem.
Note also that since the exec command is what executes build systems, if show_panel_on_build is turned on in your user preferences (which it is by default unless you turn it off), the exec command will open a panel at the bottom of the window to tell you what the command you're running is doing.

Running node.js code just displays a node identifier

I have the following code in a file called server.js.
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function (request, response) {
response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
response.end('Hello World\n');
console.log('Server running at');
I use the command prompt and naviage to the folder where the file recides and then the run the command
node server.js
But I don't get the expected output. Instead I get
The node identifier for {My Machine Name} is v2hrfnqaj.
Note: I already have node installed in my machine and it was working fine.
Was getting this when I was trying to run cordova commands. Steps to resolve:
In CMD prompt, type "where node". As Michael mentioned, this shows
you the likely culprit, that you have 2 nodejs EXEs installed on
your machine.
Navigate to Start > Computer > Right-click Properties > Advanced system settings
Under the Advanced tab, select Environment Variables
Under System variables, select "Path" variable
Find nodejs EXE, usually "C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\"
Cut and paste this to the beginning of the "Path" variable. Ensure
the paths are separated by a ";"
Open a new CMD prompt and try cordova again
This happens when Harvest SCM is installed on your system. It has an executable with the name node.exe at <Program Files (x86)>\CA\SharedComponents\PEC\bin (where <Program Files (x86)> is your x86 program files folder). This path is present in your PATH variable before the path to Node.js's node.exe.
Update: You don't need the elaborate scheme listed in the old answer. You just have to open the Command Prompt and run:
C:\> nodevars
nodevars.bat is a small script that does essentially the same thing described below (but in a safer way). If you have node installed, this script should be in path. (If not make sure to add C:\Program Files\nodejs to your path. But make sure to append it in the end so Harvest SCM does not break).
Everything below is outdated, but I will leave it for the curious reader.
You can do either of following two things you can do to overcome this problem:
Remove <Program Files (x86)>\CA\SharedComponents\PEC\bin from PATH environment variable.
Add/move <Program Files (x86)>\nodejs to the beginning of the PATH environment variable (This is the currently accepted answer from djrpascu).
You can do better!
There are two problems with the above approaches:
You break Harvest SCM's functionality.
If you do not have elevated privileges to change PATH, you are out of options. (Thanks #Glats)
So I created this little batch file, and put it in a directory where I have several other personal scripts (this directory is in my PATH). Here's the gist for the script.
#echo off
set path=%path:C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SharedComponents\PEC\bin;=%;C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs;
start %ComSpec%
Then the next time you want to run Node.js, instead of Command Prompt, you open the new script with "Run..." command.
A command prompt will appear. You can use this command prompt to run node without a hassle.
This bit deletes the Harvest's executable's path from PATH variable:
%path:C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SharedComponents\PEC\bin;=%;
And this adds the Node.js's path:
set path=...;C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs;
The result is a string that contains the original PATH variable minus Harvest's path, plus Node's path. And it is set as PATH variable in the scope of current batch file.
Note: You might have to change the path's in the script to suit software installation folders in your system).
Next line, start %ComSpec% starts a Command Prompt. By this time, the PATH variabe is modified. With modified environment variables, you can run node within this new Command Prompt. The environment variable modification does not affect the rest of the system, making sure that Harvest SCM software runs without breaking.
Don't break your Harvest SCM by removing it from path. Try this one, open your windows command line (cmd) and then pass the following nodejs batch file so that it will set your command line to nodejs environment. Enjoy the node commands there.
C:> "C:\Program Files\nodejs\nodevars.bat"
You can also prioritize in the environments.
Computer -> Right click -> Properties -> Advanced system settings -> Environment variables -> PATH(in system variables list) -> Edit -> Prioritize by moving up
This is old, but I ran into this same problem. Exact same message (with my machine name of course). The issue was that there was another node executable on the path, in C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SharedComponents\PEC\bin. I'm on a windows machine, so running where node showed the two conflicting "node" executables in the path.
To fix the problem, I just removed the CA directory from the PATH environment variable.
I faced the same problem and simply changed the the name of node.exe file from Harvest. This hasn't broken anything from Harvest and I can keep working with it.
Change the Harvest's command name to node_.exe:
ren "C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SharedComponents\PEC\bin\node.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SharedComponents\PEC\bin\node_.exe"
I think you're running the wrong node command.
Try locating or re-downloading your nodejs installation and add it to your path as the first directory. If you're running linux or unix you can try 'which node' to see what is being run.
Note that in some cases, the node.js executable is called nodejs so you may want to try
nodejs server.js as well
I used the node.js command prompt, instead of the windows default command prompt and it worked for me. Did not know why it did't work in the windows default command prompt.
I was also running with same issue - while defining the path for windows use below parameter
set NODE_PATH=C:\nodejs
Set the environment variable for nodejs
Path= C:\nodejs
(append the path contain this string “c:\nodejs”)
