Binding command line arguments to the object methods calls in Python - python-3.x

I am working on a command line utility with a few possible arguments. The argument parsing is done with argparse module. In the end, with some additional customization, I get a dictionary with one and only one element:
{'add_account': ['', 'example']}
Where the key is an option that should translate to a method call and the value is the arguments list.
I have all the planned objects method implemented.
I wonder what would be the best, most pythonic way to create method calls based on received dictionary.
I could obviously go through a predefined mapping like:
if option == 'add_account':
I feel that there's a much better way to do it, though.

You can use getattr to fetch a method object ( uses this approach several times).
You didn't give us a concrete example, but I'm guessing you have a class like this:
In [387]: class MyClass(object):
...: def add_account(self,*args):
...: print(args)
In [388]: obj=MyClass()
In [389]: obj.add_account(*['one','two'])
('one', 'two')
To do the same thing, starting with a string, I can use getattr to fetch the method object:
In [390]: getattr(obj,'add_account')
Out[390]: <bound method MyClass.add_account of <__main__.MyClass object at 0x98ddaf2c>>
In [391]: getattr(obj,'add_account')('one')
Now with your dictionary:
In [392]: dd={'add_account': ['', 'example']}
In [393]: key='add_account'
In [394]: getattr(obj, key)(*dd[key])
('', 'example')


finding the caller object given its name only

I want to find the caller callable from within the called object, without explcitely forwarding the caller to the called as an object.
My current code looks something like this:
class Boo:
def foo(cls, aa, b2=2):
_ret = aa + b2
autolog(, values={"input": locals(), "output": _ret}, message="This is what it should look like")
autolog_nameless(values={"input": locals(), "output": _ret}, message="This would be convenient")
return _ret
and yields
DEBUG | with aa=3.14159, b2=2 yields 5.14159. Message: This is what it should look like
DEBUG | cls=<class '__main__.Boo'>, aa=3.14159, b2=2, _ret=5.14159 yields 5.14159. Message: This would be convenient
The method autolog gets the locals() and the caller method fn, and parses them using the signature of the caller. This works nice and provides the desired output, but requires passing the caller as an object - something I'd like to avoid as I'm refractoring to include this feature and have about 1000 places to modify.
What I'd like to achieve is: pass locals() only; get the name of the caller within autolog_nameless, using inspect.stack()[1][3] or rather inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code.co_name (latter has much less overhead), and using this - an possibly the information in locals() - find the caller object to inspect it for its signature.
The method autolog_nameless gets cls, actually the class as part of locals() (or would get self if the caller was a simple method), but I can't really do anything with it.
I'd think all the information required is given, but I just can't find a solution. Any help is greatly appreciated.
As it turns out it's quite simple: listing the methods of the class object found in locals() and searching by name should do the trick.
Code, without error checking:
# getting all methods of the class
methods = inspect.getmembers(locals()['cls'], predicate=inspect.ismethod)
# finding the callers name; won't work within the list comprehension for scope issues
_name = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code.co_name
# methods is a list of tuples, each tuple holds the name and the method object
fn = [x for x in methods if x[0] == _name][0][1]
and fn is the caller object to check the signature.
Note, locals()['cls'] works here as in the example we have a classmethod, but this is just the object that the called method belongs to.

Simplifying Init Method Python

Is there a better way of doing this?
def __init__(self,**kwargs):
self.ServiceNo = kwargs["ServiceNo"]
self.Operator = kwargs["Operator"]
self.NextBus = kwargs["NextBus"]
self.NextBus2 = kwargs["NextBus2"]
self.NextBus3 = kwargs["NextBus3"]
The attributes (ServiceNo,Operator,...) always exist
That depends on what you mean by "simpler".
For example, is what you wrote simpler than what I would write, namely
def __init__(self,ServiceNo, Operator, NextBus, NextBus2, NextBus3):
self.ServiceNo = ServiceNo
self.Operator = Operator
self.NextBus = NextBus
self.NextBus2 = NextBus2
self.NextBus3 = NextBus3
True, I've repeated each attribute name an additional time, but I've made it much clearer which arguments are legal for __init__. The caller is not free to add any additional keyword argument they like, only to see it silently ignored.
Of course, there's a lot of boilerplate here; that's something a dataclass can address:
from dataclasses import dataclass
class Foo:
ServiceNo: int
Operator: str
NextBus: Bus
NextBus2: Bus
NextBus3: Bus
(Adjust the types as necessary.)
Now each attribute is mentioned once, and you get the __init__ method shown above for free.
Better how? You don’t really describe what problem you’re trying to solve.
If it’s error handling, you can use the dictionary .get() method in the event that key doesn’t exist.
If you just want a more succinct way of initializing variables, you could remove the ** and have the dictionary as a variable itself, then use it elsewhere in your code, but that depends on what your other methods are doing.
A hacky solution available since the attributes and the argument names match exactly is to directly copy from the kwargs dict to the instance's dict, then check that you got all the keys you expected, e.g.:
def __init__(self,**kwargs):
if vars(self).keys() != {"ServiceNo", "Operator", "NextBus", "NextBus2", "NextBus3"}:
raise TypeError(f"{type(self).__name__} missing required arguments")
I don't recommend this; chepner's options are all superior to this sort of hackery, and they're more reliable (for example, this solution fails if you use __slots__ to prevent autovivication of attributes, as the instance won't having a backing dict you can pull with vars).

What's the difference between the method .get() and the method .get in python? Both are appliable to dictionaries

Imagine I have a dict.
d = ['a': 1 , 'b':3]
I'm having a hard time to understand the difference between d.get and d.get().
I know that d.get() get the value from the key, like this:
print(d.get('a') )
output: 1
But when I write d.get, it shows this:
output: <built-in method get of dict object at .........>
What is 'd.get' doing in my code?
I'm using python 3X
A method is literally just an attribute of an object that happens to be of type <class function>. The output you see is essentially what happens when you try to call print() on any function object, and is essentially a concise string representation that python creates for the function.
Actually calling a function is done with parentheses: d.get('a'), which means to execute the behavior the function refers to. It doesn't especially matter where the function is, though: I could do the following, and it would still work:
d = {'a': 1 , 'b':3}
freefunc = d.get
This is what the term "first class functions" refers to, when people compare python to something like Java. An entire function can be encapsulated in a variable and treated no differently than any other variable or attribute.
The short answer? There is no difference between the two methods. They are the same exact method.
The difference in your code is at when you write .get() you call the method, but when you write .get you just get a pointer (or location in the memory, to be exact) for that method, to call it later on if needed.
In the first scenario, you are calling print on the result of executing get('a'), which in this case is 1.
In your second scenario, you are calling print on the get function itself, instead of on an execution of it, which evaluates to its documentation, i.e. <built-in method get of dict object at... etc.

Python get #property.setter decorated method in a class

In Python there is no switch/case. It is suggested to use dictionaries: What is the Python equivalent for a case/switch statement?
in Python it is good practise to use #property to implement getter/setter: What's the pythonic way to use getters and setters?
So, if I want to build a class with a list of properties to switch so I can get or update values, I can use something like:
class Obj():
"""property demo"""
def uno(self):
return self._uno
def uno(self, val):
self._uno = val*10
def options(self):
return dict(vars(self))
But calling
o=Obj() # is now 100
I obtain {'_uno': 100} and not {'uno': 100}.
Am I missing something?
vars is really a tool for introspection, and gives you the local variables of the current space, or in a given object - it is not a good way to get attributes and variables ready for final consumption.
So, your options code must be a bit more sophisticated - one way to go
is to search the class for any properties, and then using getattr to get
the values of those properties, but using the getter code, and
introspect the instance variables, to get any methods attributed directly,
but discard the ones starting with _:
def options(self):
results = {}
# search in all class attributes for properties, including superclasses:
for name in dir(self.__class__):
# obtain the object taht is associated with this name in the class
attr = getattr(self.__class__, name)
if isinstance(attr, property):
# ^ if you want to also retrieve other "property like"
# attributes, it is better to check if it as the `__get__` method and is not callable:
# "if hasattr(attr, '__get__') and not callable(attr):"
# retrieves the attribute - ensuring the getter code is run:
value = getattr(self, name)
results[name] = value
# check for the attributes assigned directly to the instance:
for name, value in self.__dict__.items():
# ^ here, vars(self) could have been used instead of self.__dict__
if not name.startswith("_"):
results[name] = value
return results
On a side note to your question, regarding the "" construction: please disregard all content you read saying "in Python one should use dictionaries instead of switch/case". This is incorrect.
The correct construct to replace "" in Python is the "if..elif..else". You can have all the expressiveness one does have with a C-like "switch" with a plain "if-else" tree in Python, and actually, go much beyond that, as the testing expression in if...elif can be arbitrary, and not just a matching value.
option = get_some_user_option()
if option == "A":
elif option == "B":
elif option in ("C", "D", "E"):
# common code for C, D, E
if option == "E":
# specialized code for "E",
# option does not exist.
While it is possible to use a dictionary as a call table, and having functions to perform actions in the dictionary values, this construct is obviously not a "drop in" replacement for a plain switch case - starting from the point that the "case" functions can't be written inline in the dictionary, unless they can be written as a lambda function, and mainly
the point that they won't have direct access to the variables on the function calling them.

How to write own metaclass?

How to create a metaclass in python? I tried to write as in tutorials:
class Meta(type):
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs):
attrs2 = {'field2': 'Test'}
return super(Meta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs2)
class Test(object):
__metaclass__ = Meta
field1 = 10
test = Test()
But this code fails with error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 18, in <module>
AttributeError: 'Test' object has no attribute 'field2'
How to declare a metaclass in python 3.7+ correctly?
I've changed my question with actual error.
The tutorials you are checking are covering Python 2.
In Python 3, one of the syntactic changes was exactly the way of declaring a metaclass for a class.
You don't need to change the metaclass code, just change your class declaration to:
class Test(metaclass=Meta):
field1 = 10
and it will work.
So, in short: for a metaclass in Python 3, you have to pass the equivalent of a "keyword argument" in the class declaration, with the name "metaclass". (Also, in Python 3, there is no need to inherit explicitly from object)
In Python 2, this was accomplished by the presence of the special variable __metaclass__ in the body of the class, as is in your example. (Also, when setting a metaclass, inheriting from 'object' would be optional, since the metaclass, derived from type, would do that for you).
One of the main advantages of the new syntax is that it allows the special method __prepare__ in the metaclass which can return a custom namespace object to be used when building the class body itself. It is seldom used, and a really "serious" use case would be hard to put up today. For toys and playing around, it is great, allowing for "magic autonamed enumerations" and other things - but when designing Python 3, this was way they thought to allow having an OrderedDict as the class namespace, so that the metaclass' __new__ and __init__ methods could know the order of the declaration of the attributes. Since Python 3.6, a class body namespace is ordered by default and there is no need for a __prepare__ method for this use alone.
