Excel with rows of details related to other row - excel

There is a way to have a group of rows related to other one, in the same sheet, like a more detailed information? Obviously must keep them always next to the main row if you filter or sort.
Desired example based on vehicles and travels:
- 4 12/08/2016 13.000 BARCELONA
- 5 13/08/2016 13.750 DONOSTI
- 8 12/08/2016 117.800 PARIS
- 9 13/08/2016 120.000 AMSTERDAM
- 10 14/08/2016 124.320 MUNICH
So when you sort the spreadsheet, should keep always the travel rows next to the vehicle row.
It is that possible? If not, what can I do to get this or similar? (I don't mind to use other sheet tab, but it wasn't the ideal)

You can use the Group function (Alt-A-G-G), and they won't be sorted as usual if you use sort on the whole column


Excel - Counting cells from the range with multiple criteria (range + wild card)

I have the following table:
Goals scored
Goals lost
Turkey - Italy
Turkey - Wales
Switzerland - Turkey
and I would like to count the number of matches that was won by Turkey.
Lets assume cell Z1 to contain "Turkey"
lets pay attention to the matches where "Turkey" is at the beginning of cells in A ("Turkey - ...")
I considered 2 ways:
=SUMPRODUCT(--(A2:A4=Z1&" -*"),--(B2:B4>C2:C4))
=COUNTIFS(A2:A4,Z1&" -*",B2:B4,">"&C2:C4)
In the first solution, it is not possible to use a range as 4th argument (">"&C2:C4)
However, in the second one, I can not use wildcard ("*"), because it is not allowed in sumproduct function.
How to solve this problem?
I will add that I don't want to write B2+B3+C4, because there is too much data in the whole table (and teams could be changed in the future).
First of all, you should use 2 Columns for the match.

EXCEL - Comparing Two Columns - Removing Repeats

If two households share, they create a tie and this tie has a kinship rank that does not change, no matter how often two households share with each other.
As you can see, it doesn't matter in which "direction" the tie happened whether it was household 5 who shared to household 3 or vice versa, the kinship rank is still 1
5 3 1
3 5 1
Therefore, I do not need every tie that occurs between two households, but only the first instance that a tie occurred between the two households.
So here is a sample list of many households who shared with each other, sometimes sharing resources with themselves, sharing only once, or sharing multiple times with the same household.
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 1 3
4 2 1
5 2 4
6 3 1
7 3 2
8 3 4
9 4 2
This is what I need it to look like:
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 1 3
4 2 4
5 3 2
6 3 4
What I have done
I wrote a simple command for placing the HH1 and HH2 information into the same cell:
In the case of the second row, this looks like 1|2 inside cell C2
HH1 and HH2 are combined in column C so how will I be able to compare all of the households in column C to each other? Perhaps a highlighting rule if a repeat happens? Or in another column list if it is a delete or a keep?
Thank you for your assistance everyone.
I suggest a simple COUNTIFS to do the job like this:
starting in C2 and then copy down. It will show TRUE for each row which is within the range above it and false if not. Ich checks for both x/y and y/x (the order doesn't matter)
Now simply filter col C to only show rows with TRUE in it. Then simply select and delete it.
This also works with non numerical values like names.
If you still have any questions, just ask ;)
You also can wrap it up to get more informations like this:
For C2 and copy down. C1 gets:
This will show you only at the first occurrence how many times it is within the whole range.
All done by phone, may contain errors
Use =((A1*B1)/(A1+B1))*((A1*B1)+(A1+B1)) to create unique identifiers. Then use Remove Duplicates in the Data Tools Pane of the Data Tab to remove all rows containing duplicates. Or, alternatively, use something like =IF(IFNA(MATCH(A2,A$1:A1,0),TRUE())=TRUE,"First Share","") dragged and dropped from row 2 to identify First Shares.

Spotfire Custom Expression

In spotfire need to extract employee name for a particular quarter, how many added and left.
like we have
Employee_nm Quarter
Mohan 1
Rohan 1
Sohan 1
Mohan 2
Rohan 2
Joseph 2
When we select Quarter 2 result should
Left Add
Sohan joseph
An IronPython script could do this with a property control setting the quarter of interest.
User selects number 1-4 from a drop down menu which is stored in the document property 'lstQuarter' and connected to the script that does the calculation.
Pseudocode for the calculation:
Access the table
Fill listA with all the names from lstQuarter - 1
Fill listB with all the names from lstQuarter
Iterate through the lists comparing each name. Those in listA but not listB have been removed, those in listB but not listA have been added.
Write this information into a string, out to excel, wherever you want it.
If you want to update a table in Spotfire with this information you'll need to write it to Excel first and then replace the data table with it but this can all be scripted.
There is a solution to this issue that requires only a property control and 2 calculated values set into a text area plus 2 calculated columns.
Firstly, I extended the dataset to show a full year:
Employee_nm Quarter
Mohan 1
Rohan 1
Sohan 1
Mohan 2
Rohan 2
Joseph 2
Mohan 3
Joseph 3
Katelyn 3
Katelyn 4
Joseph 4
Wesley 4
Next, the calculated columns:
Case First([Quarter]) OVER ([Employee_nm])
when 1 then "Q1"
when 2 then "Q2"
when 3 then "Q3"
when 4 then "Q4"
end as [added]
if(Last([Quarter]) OVER ([Employee_nm])!=Max([Quarter]),
Case Last([Quarter]) OVER ([Employee_nm])
when 1 then "Q2"
when 2 then "Q3"
when 3 then "Q4"
when 4 then "Q1 Following Year"
end,"") as [left]
NOTE: The above only accommodates the given dataset but can be easily be extended to accommodate multiple years.
The Property control should be set up like so:
Finally, the calculated values:
UniqueConcatenate(if([added]='${Quarter}',Concatenate([Employee_nm]," added ",[added]),""))
UniqueConcatenate(if([Left]='${Quarter}',Concatenate([Employee_nm]," left ",[Left]),""))
NOTE: The above values will exhibit a leading comma in many cases due to the 'UniqueConcatenate()' function. These can be dealt with using text functions within your calculated values and that logic has been left out of this answer in the interest of readability.
I hope this helps.
You can insert a calculated column to identify the employees added/removed per Quarter:
Concatenate(If(Find([Employee_nm],Concatenate([Employee_nm]) OVER
(Previous([Quarter])))=0,"Added in this Quarter"),If(Find([Employee_nm],
Concatenate([Employee_nm]) OVER (Next([Quarter])))=0,"Removed from Next
You can see result per Quarter by filtering on Quarter column.

Count and average data inside categories under two types of conditions

I'm working on Excel with a lot of data and I'm having difficulty with knowing how to sort through it to get some important numbers. I have minimal Excel experience.
Right now I'm struggling with knowing how to get the average in the difference between two columns. The trick is that I have to get the average in difference when column A is less that column B and then, the same when it's more. And all that within a category.
So for example let's say I have 3 categories: Football, Soccer, and Basketball (these are just made up ones).
So in column A, I have: Soccer, Football, Basketball. Then, in column B and C, I have the scores for John and Adam for the last 3 months, respectively. Lastly, in column D, I have the differences between their scores.
So, for example:
Category John Adam Differences
Soccer 5 3 2
Soccer 6 2 4
Soccer 3 5 2
Soccer 4 0 4
I want to create a table for within each category I have a table like below:
NÂș of cases Avg. Difference between John and Adam
When John's score is >
When John's score is <
When they are equal
Is there some type of formula where I can say something like this:
If the category is Soccer (the category being in column A), take the difference between John's score (column B) and Adam's score (column C) when John's score is larger than Adam's score, then calculate the average of those differences? Then, I would use the same formula but tweak it when John's score is smaller.
Additionally, would there be a formula where I can also, calculate within the category Soccer, how many times John's score is bigger than Adam's?
My data is much larger and I can't do this manually.
1 Sport John Adam Differences
2 Soccer 5 3 2
3 Soccer 6 2 4
4 Soccer 3 5 -2
5 Soccer 4 0 4
6 Basketball 20 15 5
7 Basketball 7 13 -6
8 Basketball 26 10 16
9 Basketball 8 11 -3
Type in D1:
Drag the formula in Column D to all rows which there are values in columns A, B and C.
Create the PivotTable.
Drag Sport to "Row Label" field. Drag Differences to "Row Label" field under Sport.
Drag Differences to "Values" field as: Count of Differences (same way the previous question)
Drag Differences to "Values" field (below Count of Differences), and set the mathematical operation as "Average" of Differences (left-mouse click Differences, choose "Values fields settings" and select "Average").
Give a right-click mouse in cell A5 (see picture bellow) and select "Group" option.
Set "Starting at" = 0; "Ending at" = 1000; "By" = 1000 (as in the picture below). Click ok.
You will have in each Sport, the count (frequency) and average Differences values for two groups:
When the Difference B1-C1 is negative; and
When the Difference B1-C1 is zero or positive.
The average of Differences when the score is equal will be always zero.

Count names one time (per year) regardless of how many there are by year

The problem is:
There is a table that gets data added to it each month. I use this data for many different pivot tables and reports, so I am not able to modify it. The user has requested that if its possible (and I assured him that it was) he would like to see two (2) single values of This Year and Last Year Doctors on the list.
The data looks something like this:
Doctor, In/Out, Date, Number
John Deaux Out 10/1/11 8
John Deaux Out 11/1/11 3
John Deaux Out 01/1/12 5
John Deaux Out 05/1/12 3
John Deaux Out 09/1/12 1
Billy White In 02/1/12 2
Mike Adams Out 06/1/11 6
Mike Adams Out 10/1/11 9
Mike Adams Out 01/1/12 1
Mike Adams Out 04/1/12 6
I would have 1 John Deaux for 2011, and 1 for 2012. The same for Mike Adams.
TY 2
LY 2
Now I only have to count the "Out"(s), so I have to be careful of that. Also, there is the chance that I would have to build this for the previous 12 months as well making it that much harder.
1 for John Deaux for the previous 12 months.
TY 2
LY 1
*TY: This Year - LY: Last Year
To do this manually:
Since you can't make any edits to the existing table, copy everything to a new table.
In the new table, add a column called Year. Use the Year() function to get the year out of the date cell.
Make another column called Count. Use If(A2="Out",1,0) where A2 is the cell in the In/Out column.
Copy the Doctor, Year, and Count columns to a new table.
Excel 2007 and above has a convenient tool called Remove Duplicates in the Data ribbon. Use that to remove the duplicates. This will keep you from counting a single doctor twice in the same year.
Create a pivot table, using Doctor as the row, Year as the column, and sum(count) for the value.
Check this, this will check the B column for the year 2012/2013 and count the distinct unique values in column A.
=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(YEAR(B1:B11)=2013;A1:A11);A1:A11)>0;1)) + CONTROL + SHIFT + ENTER
=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(YEAR(B1:B11)=2012;A1:A11);A1:A11)>0;1)) + CONTROL + SHIFT + ENTER
