How intrusive is tcpdump? - linux

I look around to find a documentation on tcpdump internals, but I did not found nothing yet. So my question is how intrusive is tcpdump on a computer. How to evaluate the amount of resources (memory or cpu) dedicated for the analysis of the traffic?

tcpdump is very simple tool which is basically opens special type of socket
socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL))
and writes to disk everything it gets.
Kernel does all capture and manages special buffer to store packets for tcpdump. If buffer is full packet it just dropped. Buffer is regulated with -B option. Most systems has upper limit for buffer, ~2GB or something like that.
From CPU standpoint you need computation power copy all data 2 or 3 times, this usually is not a problem, if you unable to capture 1GB link you most probable should blame disk speed, not CPU. For 10Gb link it could be CPU problems, and memory bus bandwidth problems, and you may need some optimisations for this.

As far as I read, tcpdump consume it's kinda variable depending what you're asking.
To see how many resources your tcpdump process consumes just watch system monitor like top Top Manual.
tcpdump output can be considerable if the network traffic your
expression defines is high bandwidth; particularly if you are
capturing more than the default 68 Bytes of packet content.
Capturing packets, for example, related to a large file transfer or a
web server being actively used by hundreds or thousands of clients
will produce an overwhelming amount of output. If writing this output
to stdout you will probably be unable to enter commands in your
terminal, if writing to a file you may exhaust the host’s disk space.
In either case tcpdump is also likely to consume a great deal of CPU
and memory resources.
To avoid these issues;
Be very careful when specifying expressions and try to make them as specific as possible.
Don’t capture during times of heavy traffic/load.
If you wish to capture entire packet contents, do a test capture only capturing the default 68Bytes first and make a judgement on
whether the system will cope with the full packet content capture.
Where writing to disk, carefully monitor the size of the file and make sure the host in question has the likely disk resources
required available, or use the -c parameter to limit the number of
packets captured.
Never use an expression that would capture traffic to or from your remote telnet/SSH/whatever terminal/shell. tcpdump output
would generate traffic to your terminal, resulting in further
output, resulting in more traffic to your terminal and so on in
an infinite and potentially harmful feedback loop.
Origin : Tcpdump - Basics


Buffer size for capturing packets in kernel space?

Going through the man page of tcpdump here
It seems kernel can drop the packets if the buffer is full.
I was wondering if
1) that size is configurable and/or
2) where can I see the size for my distro?
From the man page (for easy reference):
packets ``dropped by kernel'' (this is the number of packets that were dropped, due to a lack of buffer space, by the packet capture mechanism in the OS on which tcpdump is running, if the OS reports that information to applications; if not, it will be reported as 0).
There are several areas you might check to mitigate packets dropped by kernel:
Look at configuring /proc/sys/net/core/netdev_max_backlog and /proc/sys/net/core/netdev_budget. The default is probably pretty low; try setting each to something like 2000.
Writing to the output device screen may be blocking/slowing the tcpdump process long enough to fill the recv buffer
Use -nn to turn off DNS lookups and port naming
Write to file instead of the screen
Try a tool such as gulp
If you have a multi-processor machine look at using taskset
Use nice to set the priority of the process
Even with those settings, it may just be that you can not keep up with the speed of the traffic you are trying to capture. Look at the details of your NIC and machine and ensure that what you expect is even possible.
1) It's configurable but not precisely as it would decide a proper size from your request.
2) Use setsockopt / getsockopt with SO_RCVBUF / SO_SNDBUF
I'm not familiar with linux but it seems this link explains it well.

Avoid copying of data between user and kernel space and vice-versa

I am developing a active messaging protocol for parallel computation that replaces TCP/IP. My goal is to decrease the latency of a packet. Since the environment is a LAN, i can replace TCP/IP with simpler protocol to reduce the packet latency. I am not writing any device driver and i am just trying to replace the TCP/IP stack with something simpler. Now I wanted to avoid copying of a packet's data from user space to kernel space and vice-versa. I heard of the mmap(). Is it the best way to do this? If yes, it will be nice if you can give links to some examples. I am a linux newbie and i really appreciate your help.. Thank you...
You should use UDP, that is already pretty fast. At least it was fast enough for W32/SQLSlammer to spread through the whole internet.
About your initial question, see the (vm)splice and tee Linux system calls.
From the manpage:
The three system calls splice(2),
vmsplice(2), and tee(2)), provide
userspace programs with full control
over an arbitrary kernel buffer,
implemented within the kernel using
the same type of buffer that is used
for a pipe. In overview, these system
calls perform the following tasks:
moves data from the buffer to an arbitrary file descriptor, or vice
versa, or from one buffer to another.
"copies" the data from one buffer to another.
"copies" data from user space into the buffer.
Though we talk of copying, actual
copies are generally avoided. The
kernel does this by implementing a
pipe buffer as a set of
reference-counted pointers to pages of
kernel memory. The kernel creates
"copies" of pages in a buffer by
creating new pointers (for the output
buffer) referring to the pages, and
increasing the reference counts for
the pages: only pointers are copied,
not the pages of the buffer.
Since the environment is a LAN, i can replace TCP/IP with simpler protocol to reduce the packet latency
Generally, even in LAN UDP packets tend to be lost, also they will be lost if client
do not have enough time to consume it...
SO no, do not replace TCP with something else (UDP). Because if you do need reliable delivery TCP would be the fastest (because everything connected to acknowledgments and retransmission is done in kernel space).
Generally in normal case there is no latency drawbacks using TCP (of course do not forget TCP_NODELAY option)
About sharing the memory. Actually all memory you allocate is created with mmap. So the kernel will need to copy it somehow in any case when it creates a packet from driver.
If you are talking about reducing copying it is usually done for files/sockets and
sendfile() used that indeed prevents copying data between kernel and user. But I assume
you do not need to send files.

What happens after a packet is captured?

I've been reading about what happens after packets are captured by NICs, and the more I read, the more I'm confused.
Firstly, I've read that traditionally, after a packet is captured by the NIC, it gets copied to a block of memory in the kernel space, then to the user space for whatever application that then works on the packet data. Then I read about DMA, where the NIC directly copies the packet into memory, bypassing the CPU. So is the NIC -> kernel memory -> User space memory flow still valid? Also, do most NIC (e.g. Myricom) use DMA to improve packet capture rates?
Secondly, does RSS (Receive Side Scaling) work similarly in both Windows and Linux systems? I can only find detailed explanations on how RSS works in MSDN articles, where they talk about how RSS (and MSI-X) works on Windows Server 2008. But the same concept of RSS and MSI-X should still apply for linux systems, right?
Thank you.
How this process plays out is mostly up to the driver author and the hardware, but for the drivers I've looked at or written and the hardware I've worked with, this is usually the way it works:
At driver initialization, it will allocate some number of buffers and give these to the NIC.
When a packet is received by the NIC, it pulls the next address off its list of buffers, DMAs the data directly into it, and notifies the driver via an interrupt.
The driver gets the interrupt, and can either turn the buffer over to the kernel or it will allocate a new kernel buffer and copy the data. "Zero copy networking" is the former and obviously requires support from the operating system. (more below on this)
The driver needs to either allocate a new buffer (in the zero-copy case) or it will re-use the buffer. In either case, the buffer is given back to the NIC for future packets.
Zero-copy networking within the kernel isn't so bad. Zero-copy all the way down to userland is much harder. Userland gets data, but network packets are made up of both header and data. At the least, true zero-copy all the way to userland requires support from your NIC so that it can DMA packets into separate header/data buffers. The headers are recycled once the kernel routes the packet to its destination and verifies the checksum (for TCP, either in hardware if the NIC supports it or in software if not; note that if the kernel has to compute the checksum itself, it'd may as well copy the data, too: looking at the data incurs cache misses and copying it elsewhere can be for free with tuned code).
Even assuming all the stars align, the data isn't actually in your user buffer when it is received by the system. Until an application asks for the data, the kernel doesn't know where it will end up. Consider the case of a multi-process daemon like Apache. There are many child processes, all listening on the same socket. You can also establish a connection, fork(), and both processes are able to recv() incoming data.
TCP packets on the Internet are usually 1460 bytes of payload (MTU of 1500 = 20 byte IP header + 20 byte TCP header + 1460 bytes data). 1460 is not a power of 2 and won't match a page size on any system you'll find. This presents problems for reassembly of the data stream. Remember that TCP is stream-oriented. There is no distinction between sender writes, and two 1000 byte writes waiting at the received will be consumed entirely in a 2000 byte read.
Taking this further, consider the user buffers. These are allocated by the application. In order to be used for zero-copy all the way down, the buffer needs to be page-aligned and not share that memory page with anything else. At recv() time, the kernel could theoretically remap the old page with the one containing the data and "flip" it into place, but this is complicated by the reassembly issue above since successive packets will be on separate pages. The kernel could limit the data it hands back to each packet's payload, but this will mean a lot of additional system calls, page remapping and likely lower throughput overall.
I'm really only scratching the surface on this topic. I worked at a couple of companies in the early 2000s trying to extend the zero-copy concepts down into userland. We even implemented a TCP stack in userland and circumvented the kernel entirely for applications using the stack, but that brought its own set of problems and was never production quality. It's a very hard problem to solve.
take a look at this paper, it might help clearing out some of the memory management questions

Programmatic resource monitoring per process in Linux

I want to know if there is an efficient solution to monitor a process resource consumption (cpu, memory, network bandwidth) in Linux. I want to write a daemon in C++ that does this monitoring for some given PIDs. From what I know, the classic solution is to periodically read the information from /proc, but this doesn't seem the most efficient way (it involves many system calls). For example to monitor the memory usage every second for 50 processes, I have to open, read and close 50 files (that means 150 system calls) every second from /proc. Not to mention the parsing involved when reading these files.
Another problem is the network bandwidth consumption: this cannot be easily computed for each process I want to monitor. The solution adopted by NetHogs involves a pretty high overhead in my opinion: it captures and analyzes every packet using libpcap, then for each packet the local port is determined and searched in /proc to find the corresponding process.
Do you know if there are more efficient alternatives to these methods presented or any libraries that deal with this problems?
Taskstats is a netlink-based interface for sending per-task and
per-process statistics from the kernel to userspace.
Taskstats was designed for the following benefits:
efficiently provide statistics during lifetime of a task and on its exit
unified interface for multiple accounting subsystems
extensibility for use by future accounting patches
This interface lets you monitor CPU, memory, and I/O usage by processes of your choosing. You only need to set up and receive messages on a single socket.
This does not differentiate (for example) disk I/O versus network I/O. If that's important to you, you might go with a LD_PRELOAD interception library that tracks socket operations. Assuming that you can control the startup of the programs you wish to observe and that they won't do trickery behind your back, of course.
I can't think of any light-weight solutions if those still fail, but linux-audit can globally trace syscalls, which seems a fair bit more direct than re-capturing and analyzing your own network traffic.
Take a look at the linux trace toolkit (LTTng). It inserts tracepoints into the kernel and has some post processing to get some of the kind of statistics you're asking about. The trace files get large if you capture everything, but you can keep things manageable if you limit the types of events you arm. for more info...
Regarding network bandwidth: This Superuser answer describes processing /proc/net/tcp to collect network bandwidth usage.
I know that iptables can be used to do network accounting (see, e.g., LWN's,'s, or Shorewall's articles), but I don't see any practical way to do accounting that on a per-process basis.
i just came across this as i was looking for answers to the same thing. just a note - when using /proc filesystem, you do not have to close the file after each read. you can keep the file open and each time you do a read you will get new statistics... so, you shouldn't have the overhead of opening and closing each time you want to get the stats... i have this working in javascript on node.js if you want an example...
Reading /proc is ultimately the only way to monitor CPU and memory usage by individual processes without injecting your code into the kernel. If you look at top(1), you'll see reading lots of files in /proc is exactly what it does every second. All user-mode tools and libraries that retrive this sort of information have to get it from /proc.
As with network bandwidth usage, there are several approaches, which all more or less boil down to capturing all network traffic in and out of the box. You can also consider writing a special netfilter (iptables) module that does exactly the type of counting you need without the overhead of traffic capturing.

Where are possible locations of queueing/buffering delays in Linux multicast?

We make heavy use of multicasting messaging across many Linux servers on a LAN. We are seeing a lot of delays. We basically send an enormous number of small packages. We are more concerned with latency than throughput. The machines are all modern, multi-core (at least four, generally eight, 16 if you count hyperthreading) machines, always with a load of 2.0 or less, usually with a load less than 1.0. The networking hardware is also under 50% capacity.
The delays we see look like queueing delays: the packets will quickly start increasing in latency, until it looks like they jam up, then return back to normal.
The messaging structure is basically this: in the "sending thread", pull messages from a queue, add a timestamp (using gettimeofday()), then call send(). The receiving program receives the message, timestamps the receive time, and pushes it in a queue. In a separate thread, the queue is processed, analyzing the difference between sending and receiving timestamps. (Note that our internal queues are not part of the problem, since the timestamps are added outside of our internal queuing.)
We don't really know where to start looking for an answer to this problem. We're not familiar with Linux internals. Our suspicion is that the kernel is queuing or buffering the packets, either on the send side or the receive side (or both). But we don't know how to track this down and trace it.
For what it's worth, we're using CentOS 4.x (RHEL kernel 2.6.9).
This is a great question. On CentOS like most flavors of *nix there is a UDP receive/send buffer for every multicast socket. The size of this buffer is controlled by sysctl.conf you can view the size of your buffers by calling /sbin/sysctl -a
The below items show my default and max udp receive size in bytes. The larger these numbers the more buffering and therefor latency the network/kernel can introduce if your application is too slow in consuming the data. If you have built in good tolerance for data loss you can make these buffers very tiny and you will not see the latency build up and recovery you described above. The trade off is data loss as the buffer overflows - something you may be seeing already.
[~]$ /sbin/sysctl -a | mem
net.core.rmem_default = 16777216
net.core.wmem_default = 16777216
net.core.rmem_max = 16777216
net.core.wmem_max = 16777216
In most cases you need to set default = to your max unless you are controlling this when you create your socket.
the last thing you can do (depending on your kernel version) is view the UDP stats of the PID for your process or at the very least the box overall.
cat /proc/net/snmp | grep -i Udp
Udp: InDatagrams NoPorts InErrors OutDatagrams
Udp: 81658157063 145 616548928 3896986
cat /proc/PID/net/snmp | grep -i Udp
Udp: InDatagrams NoPorts InErrors OutDatagrams
Udp: 81658157063 145 616548928 3896986
If it wasn't clear from my post, the latency is due to your application not consuming the data fast enough and forcing the kernel to buffer traffic in the above structure. The network, kernel, and even your network card ring buffers can play a roll in latency but all those items typically only add a few milliseconds.
Let me know your thoughts and I can give you more information on where to look in your app to squeeze some more performance.
Packets can queue up in the send and receive side kernel, the NIC and the networking infrastructure. You will find a plethora of items you can test and tweak.
For the NIC you can usually find interrupt coalescing parameters - how long the NIC will wait before notifying the kernel or sending to the wire whilst waiting to batch packets.
For Linux you have the send and receive "buffers", the larger they are the more likely you are to experience higher latency as packets get handled in batched operations.
For the architecture and Linux version you have to be aware of how expensive context switches are and whether there are locks or pre-emptive scheduling enabled. Consider minimizing the number of applications running, using process affinity to lock processes to particular cores.
Don't forget timing, the Linux kernel version you are using has pretty terrible accuracy on the gettimeofday() clock (2-4ms) and is quite an expensive call. Consider using alternatives such as reading from the core TSC or an external HPET device.
Diagram from Intel:
alt text
If you decide you need to capture packets in the production environment, it may be worth looking at using monitor ports on your switches and capture the packets using non-production machines. That'll also allow you to capture the packets on multiple points across the transmission path and compare what you're seeing.
