Use grep and cut to filter text file to only display usernames that start with ‘m’ ‘w’ or ‘s’ and their home directories - linux

mysql:x:118:999:MySQL Server,,,:/nonexistent:/bin/false
this is an /etc/passwd file I need to do this command on. So far I have:
cut -d: -f1,6 testPasswd.txt | grep ???
that will display all the usernames and the folder associated, but I'm stuck on how to find only the ones that start with m,w,s and print the whole line.
I've tried grep -o '^[mws]*' and different variations of it, but none have worked.
Any suggestions?

Try variations of
cut -d: -f1,6 testPasswd.txt | grep '^m\|^w\|^s'
Or to put it more concisely,
cut -d: -f1,6 testPasswd.txt | grep '^[mws]'
That's neater especially if you have a lot of patterns to match.
But of course the awk solution is much better if doing it without constraints.

Easier to do with awk:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=":"} $1 ~ /^[mws]/{print $1, $6}' testPasswd.txt


Bash: Flip strings to the other side of the delimiter

Basically, I have a file formatted like
And I would like to flip the strings around the delimiter, so it would look like this
I would prefer to do this with bash/linux tools.
Thanks for any help!
That's reasonably easy with internal bash commands, assuming two fields, as per the following transcript:
pax:~$ x='abc:123'
pax:~$ echo "${x#*:}:${x%:*}"
The first substitution ${x#*:} removes everything from the start up to the colon. The second, ${x%:*}, removes everything from the colon to the end.
Then you just re-join them with the colon in-between.
It doesn't matter for your particular data but % and # use the shortest possible pattern. The %% and ## variants will give you the longest possible pattern (greedy).
As an aside, this is ideal if you doing it for one string at a time since you don't need to kick up an external process to do the work for you. But, if you're processing an entire file, there are better ways to do it, such as with awk:
pax:~$ printf "abc:123\ndef:456\nghi:789\n" | awk -F: '{print $2 FS $1}'
#!/bin/sh -x
var1=$(echo -e 'ABC:123' | cut -d':' -f1)
var2=$(echo -e 'ABC:123' | cut -d':' -f2)
echo -e "${var2}":"${var1}"
I use cut to split the string into two parts, and store both of those parts as variables.
From there, it's possible to use echo to re-arrange the variables as you see fit.
Using sed.
sed -E 's/(.*):(.*)/\2:\1/' file.txt
Using paste and cut with process substitution.
paste -d: <(cut -d : -f2 file.txt) <(cut -d : -f1 file.txt)
A slower/slowest shell solution on large set of data/files.
while IFS=: read -r left rigth; do printf '%s:%s\n' "$rigth" "$left"; done < file.txt

Sed, Awk for combining the output of two cut statements

I'm trying to combine the below outputs into one command. The issue is that the field I'm trying to grab is in reverse order. I was told that cut doesn't support a "reverse" option and to use AWK for this purpose but it didn't end up working for my purpose. I'm trying to take the output of the ls- l against the /dev/block to return the partitions and automatically build a dd if= / of= for each outputted line based on the output of the command.
I tried piping the output to awk:
cut -d' ' -f23,25 ... | awk '{print $2,$1}'
however, the result was when using sed to input the prefix and suffix, it wasn't in the appropriate order.
I built the two statements below which individually return the expected output, just looking for the "right" way to combine both of these statements in the most efficient manner using sed / awk.
ls -l /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/ | cut -d' ' -f 25 | sed "s/^/dd if=/"
ls -l /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/ | cut -d' ' -f 23 | sed "s/.*/of=\/external_sd\/&.dsk/"
Any assistance will be appreciated.
Thank you.
If you're already using awk, I don't think you'll need cut or sed. You can probably do something like the following, though I'll have to trust you on the field numbers
ls -l /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name | awk '{print "dd if=/"$25 " of=/" $23 ".dsk"}'
awk will split on all whitespace, not just the space character, so it's possible the fields will shift some, though it may be more reliable too.

Extracting a string from a string in linux

Extract the value for OWNER in the following:
{{USERID 9898}}{{OWNER Wayne, Daniel}}{{EMAIL}}
To get this string I am using grep on a text file. In all other cases only one value is contained on each line, so they are not an issue.
My problem is removing the text after OWNER but before the }} brackets, leaving me with only the string 'Wayne, Daniel'.
So far I have began looking into writing a for loop to go through the text a character at a time, but I feel there is a more elegant solution then my limited knowledge of unix.
With grep
> cat file
{{USERID 9898}}{{OWNER Wayne, Daniel}}{{EMAIL}}
> grep -Po '(?<=OWNER )[\w, ]*' file
Wayne, Daniel
Try cat file.txt | perl -n -e'/OWNER ([^\}]+)/ && print $1'
You can use this awk:
awk -F '{{|}}' '{sub(/OWNER +/, "", $4); print $4}' file
Wayne, Daniel
Try this. I use cut
INPUT="{{USERID 9898}}{{OWNER Wayne, Daniel}}{{EMAIL}}"
SUBSTRING=`echo $INPUT| cut -d' ' -f3`
SUBSTRING2=`echo $INPUT| cut -d',' -f2`
SUBSTRING2=`echo $SUBSTRING2| cut -d'}' -f1`
maybe is not the most elegant way but works.

How to grep only the content that contains x and y?

I have 2mill lines of content and all lines look like this:
I already added a -- prefix to all usernames.
What I need now is to get ONLY the usernames from the file. I think its possible with grep file starting with "--" ending with ":", but I have absolutely no idea.
So output should be:
usernameThank you all for the help.
cut -d: -f1
Even without adding the prefix, you should be able to get the usernames with cut:
cut -d: -f1
-d says what the delimiter is, -f says which field(s) to return.
Try this:
cat YOUR_FILE | sed "s/:/\n/g" | grep "\-\-"

How to only grep one of each address. Linux

Okay so lets say I have a list of addresses in a text file like this:
There is a whole bunch of other stuff there but basically the issue I am having is that after running this:
grep "https://" addresses.txt | cut -d"/" -f3
I get and twice. I want to only get them once. I don't know how to make the search only grep for things that are unique.
Pipe your output to sort and uniq:
grep "https://" addresses.txt | cut -d"/" -f3 | sort | uniq
you can use sort for this purpose.
just add another pipe to your command and use the unique feature of sort to remove duplicates.
grep 'https://' addresses.txt | cut -d"/" -f3 | sort -u
EDIT: you can use sed instead of grep and cut which would reduce your command to
sed -n 's#https://\([^/]*\).*#\1#p' < addresses.txt | sort -u
I would filter the results post-grep.
e.g. using sort -u to sort and then produce a set of unique entries.
You can also use uniq for this, but the input has to be sorted in advance.
This is the beauty of being able to pipe these utilities together. Rather than have a single grepping/sorting/uniq(ing) tool, you get the distinct executables, and you can chain them together how you wish.
grep "https://" addresses.txt | cut -d"/" -f3 | sort | uniq is what you want
with awk you can use only one unix command instead of four with 3 pipes:
awk 'BEGIN {FS="://"}; { myfilter = match($1,/https/); if (myfilter) loggeddomains[$2]=0} END {for (mydomains in loggeddomains) {print mydomains}}' addresses.txt
