Where are the actual RISC-V instruction codes? [closed] - riscv

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have downloaded the latest...
RISC-V Instruction Set Manual, Volume 1: User-Level ISA
...which is interesting but it never actually gives values for the opcodes/funct3 and other instruction formats. For example, the LOAD/STORE/BRANCH opcodes are listed by name but it does not provide the actual bit values they represent.
Where are all the codes actual listed?

They are also already conveniently encoded in the source code of the sodor project:
for constants that capture the bit patterns in various useful ways, see:
or, directly from the browser:

Table 9.1 and all of Chapter 9.


Haskell library to parse configuration from command-line or environment variables [closed]

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Closed 7 months ago.
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I'm fairly new to Haskell, so apologies in advance if this is a stupid question.
I'm looking for a library that can parse command line flags, but in cases where the flags aren't provided on the command line, can also obtain values from environment variables. I've tried some Google and Hackage searches, but couldn't find anything like that. Does such a library exist, or is there some other best-practice for handling such things?
Take a look at System.Environment module in Base package. Specifically getArgs and getEnv.

How do I dump bit-blasted signals to a vcd in synopsys VCS [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I can not find any flag to dump bit blasted buses.
I can dump busses but I need them bit-blasted
The free IEEE Std 1800-2012 states that this is not supported:
The VCD format does not support a mechanism to dump part of a vector.
For example, bits 8 to 15 ([8:15]) of a 16-bit vector cannot be dumped
in VCD file; instead, the entire vector ([0:15]) has to be dumped.
You could try contacting Synopsys to see if VCS has support for this.
You could do the bit-blasting in the Verilog source code yourself for individual busses.
You could also post-process the VCD file using vcat or a free online resource such as Perl (https://metacpan.org/release/Verilog-VCD).

Is there example .arxml files available which implement concept define in Autosar specification [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to create arxml file.For this I am reading some Autosar specification given on there website.If there is any example .arxml file available which implement what is explain in document will help me understand a concept.
I had never seen any ".arxml" file provided (as a example) whith Autosar documentetion specification on the www.autosar.org.
Keep on mind that there is three type of .arxml file for AUTOSAR (for the Vector software stack) - *bswmd, *ecuc and *swc file.
Here is a simple example of MyECU.ecuc.arxml file. Hope this will help you in some way:

Find sequences that does not match to a target sequence [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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An interesting question by Rnaer from Biostar:
I want to find unique dna/protein sequences of a given length (30nt, for example)
that does not match to any region of the C.elegans genome. Is there
any tool to do that?
NCBI provides an easy way to search DNA/Amino acid sequence databases that DO NOT match to a target organisms genome, yet match to other databases and sources.
Just use the exclude field in NCBI's BLASTn
Hope this was useful.

Looking for a smart command-line tool in Linux which can generate xsd out of xml [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I can also settle for a web-based interface, but a good command-line tool is preferable. Now, I have tried to use xsd.exe that comes with mono-devel, but that skipped a whole bunch of stuff that was mentioned in the xml file.
I understand that I will need to hand-tweak the output, but I do want something decent to start with.
Try the tool that comes with the spring framework:
