How to secure an API when the consumer uses claims authentication - security

I'm building a .NET MVC enterprise web application that must have the ability to authenticate users from different companies. One of the major requirements was to ensure that users don't need to create and remember new credentials to use the application, instead they should continue to use whatever credentials they use to access applications within their company intranet.
Since the application will be hosted on the extranet and needs to handle authenticating against multiple domains (i.e. multiple Active Directories), we are expecting each client to set up a security token service (AD FS) that the application can interface with to implement claims authentication.
The MVC application will check if the user is authenticated, and if not, start the workflow that ends with the MVC application being given a SAML claim being associated with the user.
At this point, the user is authenticated and given access to the MVC application. However, the application itself is a modern day web application that uses quite a bit of JavaScript to consume a .NET Web API that handles most of the business logic. My main question is how I can secure this API. I want to make sure the only requests being sent to this server are being sent from a valid source, and that the user consuming the service has permissions to do so.
Current Solutions
There are two approaches I can take to consume the API:
Straight from JavaScript (Preferred solution)
Route the request through the MVC server, which will then forward it to the API.
In order to pick an approach, I first need to find a way to secure the API.
HMAC Authentication
The most straight forward solution I've found is HMAC Authentication - However, this approach requires all API requests to come directly from the MVC server, since the secret key will need to sit on the MVC server.
OAuth 2.0
The second approach I can implement is some flavor of OAuth 2.0. The flavors I'm familiar with can be found here
Authorization Code
Resource owner credentials
Client credentials
Authorization Code Grant
This is not the approach that I want to take. The MVC application has already received claims for the user - they shouldn't have to do it again just because the API needs the claim. (I have a followup question asking if I can simply pass the claim to the API server)
Implicit Grant
I like the way this approach sounds, since I will be able to execute API requests in the client (i.e. JavaScript code), however it suffers from the same problem as the first approach.
Resource Owner Credentials Grant
This approach is out of the question - I don't want either the MVC application or the API to ever hold onto the user's credentials.
Client Credentials Grant
This approach is the only reasonable OAuth approach listed - however I fail to see a major difference between this approach and HMAC authentication detailed above.
Have I correctly set up the MVC application's authentication structure? Specifically, in this context is it appropriate to have AD FS handle authentication and respond with SAML tokens representing user claims?
I plan to store user data in the server's session. Can I also store the user's claim in the session, and then somehow send that up to the API for authentication?
If I can pass the claim from the MVC server to the API server, and the API server can correctly authenticate the request, is it safe to pass the claim to the client (browser / JS code) so that consuming the API can bypass the MVC server?
Is the HMAC Authentication approach the best way to go?

Yes, using ADFS or any IdP products as an IdP for your application is a good way to implement SSO. Doing this way help you delegate all the federated access management as well as claim rules to ADFS.
Yes, you can store claims in session and somehow send them to the WebAPI. Please note that if you are using WIF, it already stores claims in Thread.CurrentPrincipal as a ClaimsPrincipal object. Another thing is that I assume you only want to somehow send the claims only, not the whole SAML2 token.
I would say it is as safe as the mechanism you use to protect the token on the client side. Check and for more details.
I can't say if it is best for you, but it seems to be a viable way, given that you have control over the WebAPI too. However, it also seems that using JWT token would be easier: Talking about JWT token, you can also ask ADFS to issue it for you:


OAuth clarification

I've followed a training in Go as an introduction to microservices architecture a while ago. Getting back to this project I realise that I need more context as we've been quickly digging into the details of the implementations at the time...
I've drawn a simplified sequence diagram of 2 simple use cases:
The user logs in
The user is already logged in and make a purchase
(you can comment / modify the diagram at your convenience)
Here are the questions I have:
Here we're dealing with user authentication but what about client authentication? In the case of a web front end client, can I imagine storing an api_key and an api_secret in the env variables for the server that will be hosting this client? Because there use cases where the user is not logged but some services still needs to be available, but at the same time I only want my known clients (the web front and the mobile app) to be able to access those services (putting aside API Gateway solutions, and maybe other API Shields which would probably add another security layer against DOS etc.)
If the client logs in using Google/Facebook, the front app will receive an id_token that needs to be passed to the backend which would then verify the token ( ). In this particular case my OAuth API would not be used. Could please you confirm that it's the way it should be handled?
Many thanks.
EDIT 02/05/2022
Intro / Context
First thing first, Authorization is not Authentication.
Authentication is the process of verifying who a user is,
while authorization is the process of verifying what they have access to.
And like #Max said, OAuth is designed to manage Authorization and Open ID Connect (OIDC) is an extension of OAuth to manage Authentication on top of it.
The diagram I've exposed in my question is known in the OAuth world as the password grant, and, from the official documentation :
Because the client application has to collect the user's password and
send it to the authorization server, it is not recommended that this
grant be used at all anymore.
Authorization of my App (to get access to my APIs)
From the API perspective, we just want to ensure that the incoming requests are coming from the server that is hosting the App. So, in my case, it's simple machine-2-machine communication from backend server to backend server and there's no action required from the user. So, I must implement the Client Credentials Flow
...which would lead me to this flow: (Feel free to comment / rectify )
Authentication of a user
Because OAuth knows nothing about authentication, I need an OIDC flow. The easiest one is based on the Authorization Code Flow with PKCE from OAuth below (only about authorization) ...
... but the difference is that we're passing an additional scope named openid in the authentication request (step 3), when the app performs the 2nd request to the token endpoint (step 7), the auth server returns an ID Token (which is a JWT containing user info in the payload -> authentication) in addition to the access_token (which do not contain user info but just "random string"). There's other OIDC flows with their pros & cons depending on the situation but it's another topic on its own (
User already identified by Google/Facebook
In case the client logs in using Google, the front app will receive an id_token. This token could be sent to the app server which would then make a request to the API Gateway, which then call the Auth api which would be in charge of verifying the token by calling the 3rd party auth server ( ).
In case of Facebook, we get back an access token, so I don't know how to deal with it ...
Using Firebase, there's an onAuthStateChanged callback, so from the App perspective it will prevent request without the user being logged in, but from the API perspective, it doesn't guaranty that a request is coming from a logged in user...
Warning: the answer below is not complete, it only serves to give a rough idea
OAuth2 is a protocol for authorization.
Grant Types
Over the OAuth2 protocol, you can use one of the "grant types" or "flow", one of these flows is illustrated in the picture you post and named password grant.
Each of these flows is realized for different scenarios, you rightly point the attention to how securely store the password on a web app.
For example for a front-end authentication (javascript / wasm) you can use a PKCE Flow where the secret_id is not used.
On OAuth2 there are two primary enpoints
Authorize endpoint - where you obtain the authorization code
Token endpoint - where you exchange the authorization code for the token(s)
There are two types of tokens on OAuth2
Access Token
Refresh Token
The definition of token on OAuth2 is "an opaque string", you don't need to read it.
The access token is used against the API, this token has an expiration date, when it is expired the system use the refresh token to get another access_token whitout user interaction, when the refresh_token expire the user must re-authenticate again.
You can read the content of the access_token (which is a JWT token) from the
The Access token has, on its body, the scopes (i.e. Read email, read name, etc).
Scope is a mechanism in OAuth 2.0 to limit an application's access to a user's account.
On top of the OAuth2 are build other protocols OIDC aka IdToken aka Open Id Connect is one of them, in other terms OIDC protocol use the OAuth2 for establish an Authentication.
With the OIDC there is another token the id_token, this token came with the user's info and is NOT used has Authorizization in front the API.
There are also OIDC flows you can use to get the id_token and/or the access_token.
I suggest you read about OAuth2 from the references below and try different flows using the playground
Which oauth2 flow should I use
PKCE in more depth
My advice is to start with the data, which is the deeper area of OAuth.
This will enable you to keep your code simple. It will also handle Google / Facebook and many other forms of authentication for you, with zero impact on your code. The Curity Community Edition is a free and developer friendly option, though there are others. eg Keycloak, Ory Hydra.
OAuth primarily gives you modern ways to protect data. Use scopes and claims to protect data across multiple microservices in a zero trust manner while securely maintaining user context. You will also need to manage joining identity and business data.
Mobile apps use the AppAuth pattern. The current best practice for browser based apps is a Backend for Frontend approach. Both of these are tricky.
All of the above Curity resources are based on OAuth related standards. If followed your apps will stay simple, with portable code, that can also work with other providers.
OAuth is very architectural though, and the best designs take time to learn, but you can learn the intricacies gradually. Our IAM Primer is a good starting point.

Securing Azure App Service API calls without passing user credentials

I have a Xamarin forms mobile application that is accessing my app service up in azure. I want to secure the APIs so that only my client application can access them. The mobile app does it's own user/password authentication/authorization, so I don't need AD or a 3rd party for that. I just want to secure my APIs. All examples I can find seems to assume there is an AD user authenticated and I can pass a token from that. Is there a simple way to use the Azure "expose api" functionality without using an AD user? The mobile app is using REST api calls, so I'm also struggling with how to even pass in a proper authentication token if I can put one together. Thanks in advance.
One way to secure is adding an API Management in front of your API's and require subscription, then only calls with a specific ocp-apim-subscription-key will be accepted. I don't recomment storing the ocp-apim-subscription-key value in your app as anytime you need to change it, a new version of the app will be required. I recommend returning it after a succesful login by your users, this way, you're free to rotate the ocp-apim-subscription-key key when needed.
Since you are trying to validate the client application only and not the end user, you should either look into OAuth 2.0 - which has a more complex implementation since it encompasses both application and end user authentications - or you could set up JWT authentication which is simpler and which purpose is to authenticate either client applications or end users, not both at the same time like OAuth.
After your implement the authentication on your API(s), you send over the generated token(s) over a Authentication header on your Requests.

Is it possible to utilise Open ID Connect flows for authentication but then have another source of authorization rules?

My situation is this. I have a legacy Angular application which calls a Node API server. This Node server currently exposes a /login endpoint to which I pass a user/pwd from my Angular SPA. The Node server queries a local Active Directory instance (not ADFS) and if the user authenticates, it uses roles and privileges stored on the application database (not AD) to build a jwt containing this user's claims. The Angular application (there are actually 2) can then use the token contents to suppress menu options/views based on a user's permissions. On calling the API the right to use that endpoint is also evaluated against the passed in token.
We are now looking at moving our source of authentication to an oAuth2.0 provider such that customers can use their own ADFS or other identity provider. They will however need to retain control of authorization rules within my application itself, as administrators do not typically have access to Active Directory to maintain user rights therein.
I can't seem to find an OIDC pattern/workflow that addresses this use case. I was wondering if I could invoke the /authorize endpoint from my clients, but then pass the returned code into my existing Node server to invoke the /token endpoint. If that call was successful within Node then I thought I could keep building my custom JWT as I am now using a mix of information from my oAuth2 token/userinfo and the application database. I'm happy for my existing mechanisms to take care of token refreshes and revoking.
I think I'm making things harder by wanting to know my specific application claims within my client applications so that I can hide menu options. If it were just a case of protecting the API when called I'm guessing I could just do a lookup of permissions by sub every time a protected API was called.
I'm spooked that I can't find any posts of anyone doing anything similar. Am I missing the point of OIDC(to which I am very new!).
Thanks in advance...
Good question, because pretty much all real world authorization is based on domain specific claims, and this is often not explained well. The following notes describe the main behaviors to aim for, regardless of your provider. The Curity articles on scopes and claims provide further background on designing your authorization.
UIs can read claims from ID tokens, but should not read access tokens. Also, tokens returned to UIs should not contain sensitive data such as names, emails. There are two ways to keep tokens confidential:
The ID token should be a JWT with only a subject claim
The access token should be a JWT with only a subject claim, or should be an opaque token that is introspected
How does a UI get the domain specific data it needs? The logical answer here is to send the access token to an API and get back one or both of these types of information:
Identity information from the token
Domain specific data that the API looks up
How does an API get the domain specific data it needs from a JWT containing only a UUID subject claim? There are two options here:
The Authorization Server (AS) reaches out to domain specific data at the time of token issuance, to include custom claims in access tokens. The AS then stores the JWT and returns an opaque access token to the UI.
The API looks up domain specific claims when an access token is first received, and forms a Claims Principal consisting of both identity data and domain specific data. See my Node.js API code for an example.
At Curity we have a recent article on this topic that may also be useful to you for your migration. This will help you to design tokens and plan end-to-end flows so that the correct claims are made available to your APIs and UIs.
These do not affect the architecture at all. Your UIs always redirect to the AS using OIDC, and the AS manages connections to the IDPs. The tokens issued to your applications are fully determined by the AS, regardless of whether the IDP used SAML etc.
You'll only get authentication from your OAuth provider. You'll have to manage authorization yourself. You won't be able to rely on OIDC in the SAML response or userinfo unless you can hook into the authentication process to inject the values you need. (AWS has a pre-token-gen hook that you can add custom claims to your SAML response.)
If I understand your current process correctly, you'll have to move the data you get from /userinfo to your application's database and provide a way for admins to manage those permissions.
I'm not sure this answer gives you enough information to figure out how to accomplish what you want. If you could let us know what frameworks and infrastructure you use, we might be able to point you to some specific tools that can help.

OpenID Connect: How to maintain a single sign-on experience between multiple web clients of the same umbrella application?

I'm considering how to take a fairly complex tiered application with multiple web apps that delegate back to the same application server, and migrate it to use OIDC authentication with auth code flow. I am anticipating using identity server 4.
My question is: what would be accepted best practice in terms of maintaining a single-sign-on experience between these different web client applications (i.e. user signs into one, she's signed into them all until she signs out). suggests:
Note that the audience (aud claim) of the [id token] is set to the client's identifier, which means that only this specific client should consume this token.
This suggests that I should consider my backend application server to be my single 'client', and have my web apps share that same client ID. I can imagine doing this by storing the id token browser-side in a secure cookie. seems to validate this idea:
Put into a browser cookie the ID token can be used to implement lightweight stateless sessions.
But I wonder if it's security best practice to keep an id_token in a cookie.
I wonder if there are any other approaches - like:
Considering each web application a separate 'client'
When the user logs on to a second web application, have them direct back to the OIDC provider, which would automatically create a client token for the new client based on some notion that they are still basically 'logged-on' to the OP.
It seems like this must be a solved problem. What is accepted best practice here?

Login App with IdentityServer4

I have to develop a SSO system and I have to do it using IdentityServer4. I have gone through the documentation and examples but I have some doubts. To be honest I don't quite get it, but I am really new in Oauth2 and OpenId Connect.
We will have a bunch of clients (web apps), each of one of those will have their own Web APi. And we have to have a centraliced Login App for all of those. I think the example with the javascript client is the closes to the thing we want to achieve. Also, a user might have permission to access one client (app), but not another, so the IdentityServer must provide information about wich clients (apps), that particularly user can access.
So, These are the things I don Understand:
1.- In the documentation I can read there are two tokens, an Identity Token and Access token. But in the examples all I see are the access tokens. It seems to me that the access token is the one with all de info needed. am I wrong?
2.- Also, I have read about de Grant Types and I'am not quite sure wich one we must use. At first I thought to use the ResourceOwner password, because it requires the client, the secret, a user and a password, wich I assumed it could be the end user. I found this example were one could customise the class that validate the user and password. I thought that this could be the way to go but the documentation statesa about this grant type "...This is so called “non-interactive” authentication and is generally not recommended.". The javascript client example uses the implicit Grat type, wich the documentation states is for browser-based applications (our client apps will all be browser based using react).
3.- can my Login app be a Javascript (react) app? The example Quickstart is made in MVC.NET. This login app connects directly to de IS4 server without asking for a access token? (In the example the app is embebed in the IS4).
4.- Can I protect with IS4 a WEB API which is developed in .net framework (4.6.2) and not in .Net Core? I havent Found Any examples.
the documentatios I followed is the offcial. The examples (quickstart) are also there. (I can't post more than two links).
thank you very much for reading and for your help.
Identity Token and Access token
Identity token is the one that contains the identity of the user, that will tell the client app that what user it is. After successful login, user will be redirected to the client app with these tokens. Response will also have claims, such as permission scopes, name , email you can add custom claims as well.
Access token is used to access your protected web api resource. You have to send the access token with each request to access the api.
Grant Types
Grant types is basically how you want your client app to interact with the auth server.
can my Login app be a Javascript (react) app? Your client app can be a javascript app but your auth server that is the identity server which will have the login/signup pages(and other login jazz) and account controllers should be you MVC app. As, everything is already done using MVC and Entity framework, why you want to re do everything.
Can I protect with IS4 a WEB API I am not sure about this one, but I dont see why you would not be able to do it.
This is a good answer for basic IdSrv flow!
UPDATE In my understanding, the answer to which Grant Type to use it depends on your client application requirement. If you want to use a Javascript client you can use Implicit Flow, but you won't be able to use refresh tokens and your access token is not 100% secured with the browser as client can access it.
If you want to open your web api to public then you can use client credentials flow. If you want to be more secure you should use Hybrid flow or HybridClient credential flow. ( again depends on the requirements ). with this you will be able to use refresh tokens and in this way your access token would be more secure.
