List of items find almost duplicates - excel

Within excel I have a list of artists, songs, edition.
This list contains over 15000 records.
The problem is the list does contain some "duplicate" records. I say "duplicate" as they aren't a complete match. Some might have a few typo's and I'd like to fix this up and remove those records.
So for example some records:
ABBA - Mamma Mia - Party
ABBA - Mama Mia! - Official
Each dash indicates a separate column (so 3 columns A, B, C are filled in)
How would I mark them as duplicates within Excel?
I've found out about the tool Fuzzy Lookup. Yet I'm working on a mac and since it's not available on mac I'm stuck.
Any regex magic or vba script what can help me out?
It'd also be alright to see how much similar the row is (say 80% similar).

One of the common methods for fuzzy text matching is the Levenshtein (distance) algorithm. Several nice implementations of this exist here:
From there, you can use the function directly in your spreadsheet to find similarities between instances:
You didn't ask, but a database would be really nice here. The reason is you can do a cartesian join (one of the very few valid uses for this) and compare every single record against every other record. For example:
levenshtein (, as group_match,
levenshtein (, as song_match
songs s1
cross join songs s2
order by
group_match, song_match
Yes, this would be a very costly query, depending on the number of records (in your example 225,000,000 rows), but it would bubble to the top the most likely duplicates / matches. Not only that, but you can incorporate "reasonable" joins to eliminate obvious mismatches, for example limit it to cases where the group matches, nearly matches, begins with the same letter, etc, or pre-filtering out groups where the Levenschtein is greater than x.

You could use an array formula, to indicate the duplicates, and you could modify the below to show the row numbers, this checks the rows beneath the entry for any possible 80% dupes, where 80% is taken as left to right, not total comparison. My data is a1:a15000
This way will also look back up the list, to indicate the ones found
The first entry i.e. row 1 is the first part of the formula, and the last row will need the last part after the +

try this worksheet fucntions in your loop:


Deal with Ties when Using Index/Match

I'm currently pulling the top (5) number of numerical values from one sheet and inputting them into a different sheet. Each number is within its own column and there is a name matching that column, EX:
And so, having a tie is common with the data that I'm working with, so it nearly deprecates my formulas.
For getting the name:
=INDEX('Total Cases by Categories'!$B$18:$B$50, MATCH(LARGE('Total Cases by Categories'!$H$18:$H$50, A39),'Total Cases by Categories'!$H$18:$H$50, 0))
For getting the numerical value associated with the name:
=LARGE('Total Cases by Categories'!$H$18:$H, A39)
And so, when there are 2 people with the same numerical value associated within a category, then that person appears twice, I assume because of their position within the sheet.
So something like this happens:
So in the event of a tie, I would want to list both names that have the same amount of points instead of the first name that shows up with the duplicated value.
Any help would be appreciated!
Actually, LARGE will give you both of tied names. It's MATCH that can't look beyond the first. To the best of my knowledge there is no way around that (the difficult one being not to use MATCH). Therefore the solution is to have no ties.
This is achieved with helper columns that contain no identical numbers. This can be achieved by adding an insignificant decimal. Since you are dealing with integers, adding 0.1 would be insignificant for your purposes but 13.1 is different from 13.2. If you need to extract the "real" number from this use INT(13.2).
Using the row number to generate an insignificant decimal is popular for this purpose. In row 1 ROW()/10 will return 0.1. But in row 10 ROW()/10 will return 1.0 which isn't an insignificant number anymore. Therefore you have to work with ROW()/100 or an even larger divisor, depending upon how many rows you have. Try ROW()/10^6 - any decimal will do the tie-breaking job.
You may not like that using ROW() will list tied participants in the order in which they appear in the worksheet. The differentiating decimals can be created by any other means that doesn't create ties in itself.
Normally, the helper columns with the decimals added will be hidden. They contain a formula like =D23 + (ROW()/10000) which manages itself. You can then use that column for the MATCH function to list all participants in the order of LARGE using the helper column or the original. Just make sure that MATCH refers to the helper column.

excel vba Delete entire row if cell contains the GREP search

I have a single column of text in Excel that is to be used for translating into foreign languages. The text is automatically generated from an InDesign File. I would like to clean it up for the translator by removing rows that simply contain a number ("20", 34.5" etc), or if they contain a measurement "5mm", "3.5 µm", etc. I've found many posts (see link below) on how to remove a row with specific string, but none that use search strings, such as those I typically use with GREP searches: "\d+" and "\d.\d µm"
How would I do this? I am on Mac iOS if that helps.
Note that I would need to delete the row if the cell only contains a number or a measurement, not if the number is contained within a phrase, sentence, or paragraph, etc.
It may not be what you are looking for, but how about just sorting the column and remove the rows starting with numbers? It is a manual approach but from what I understand this translation process only happens from time to time. Am I right?
I see two possible issues in your question:
How to work with regular expressions in Excel?
How to delete rows in a loop?
Let me start with the second question: when you want to create a for-loop in order to remove items from a list, you MUST start at the end and go back to the beginning (it's a beginner's trick, but a lot of people trip over it.
About the first question: this is a very useful post about this subject, it's too large to even give a summary here.

Relabeling Duplicates in Excel of Cells in direct proximity

Apologies for the tile gore - was trying to be descriptive.
I have a large lab result data set, and it has been found that one analyte was screened for twice per sample and i need to capture both sets of results. This results in me having a table similar to below where Antimony is listed twice. Is there a way to automate something either to flag the instances where i have two rows like that or rename to antimony-1 and antimony-2? Since I have 300 sites screened for the same things, everything shows up as duplicate and i can't use the simple methods. The main trigger is the proximity to another row where everything is matching except the results.
If I assume you have the data in you screen shot starting in cell A1 (and Soil as your site) I'd add to columns the first combines Site & Element (Column F in my example):
Result: SoilAluminium
In the column next to that I'd have a formula:
Result - SoilAluminium1, SoilAntimony1, SoilAntimony2 etc
Note: Pay Attention to the $'s
I hope that works

Custom sort with wildcard

I'm working on automating removing some rows of data from multiple files. One of the criteria is to exclude all products except a specific list. Currently I'm doing that by iterating through the rows and deleting rows that aren't for the right product.
I'm thinking that sorting the rows so that the products to be kept are first, and the ones to be deleted are clumped together lower down in the data would be faster, as I could then just find the first bad row and clear contents (as opposed to Range("<XX:XX>").Delete Shift:=xlUp).
The trouble I'm having is that the products actually present in any of the files varies, as does the list of products to be kept. It's pretty much a unique list of products to keep for each of over a dozen files.
So what I'm hoping is that there is a way when I specify the custom sort list such that I can have a single item for all other products I didn't explicitly list.
For example, if I wanted sort the alphabet "V, C, R, ", would there be a way to do so without specifically listing every other letter in the alphabet?
I'm avoiding specifying the remainder of the list for two reasons. One, the list is fairly long and retyping the full list for each of the files I need to sort would be pretty error prone and hard to maintain. Two, the product list is not necessarily static going forward, so I don't want to have to update the macro each time a new product is added.
I'm not sure I fully understood your question, but perhaps using a column with a formula might help?
It can be automated, by coding to add a column, set the formulas in the newly created range, and clear or sort based on a filter on the new range.

Excel, Numberplate Clarification

I am working on an excel document for fuel cards at the minute and my current issue is to write in a formula for validating number plates based on UK standard plates (two letters followed by two numbers then three letters i.e. BK08JWZ). At this point in time we are not considering personal plates in this just to keep things simple.
Ideally I need excel to look at the text in the box and confirm it to an agreed layout but I am struggling to find the right formula. The plates are in column 'I' and I have already added in another column after titled 'approved plates' in column 'J'but this can be deleted if it's not needed.
Results wise, I can do this one of two ways, to either get the excel document to highlight and number plates that do not match the DVLA standard , or have a column next to the number plate column that registers a boolean response to the recognition i.e. If it is valid (true) or if not (false).
Either way the plate needs to be able to be seen as it was currently, so if there is something wrong with it, it needs to be visible, not throw up an error message.
Any help would be very welcome.
All the information on UK standard number plates are on this site:
I would do it like this:
1) create a lookup sheet with data from the booklet. One column for allowed "memory tag" identiffiers (first two letters), one column for the allowed "age identiffiers" (first two numbers), and one column for allowed random letters (last three letters, full alphabet except I and Q)
2) strip spaces from the number plate for comparison
3) Use MID(numberplate,1,2), MID(numberplate,3,2) and MID(numberplate,5,3) to compare to each lookup list repectively (using INDEX()>0).
4) when all 3 parts are found in lookup lists the number plate is valid.
Try researching Regular Expressions or RegEx. This is a powerful programming tool to determine whether strings match specific patterns. You can use RegEx expressions to extract the pattern, replace the pattern or test for the pattern. Very efficient but not for the faint-hearted although there is plenty of help on-line. Try this article for starters.
The following RegEx may be what you need..
This was copied from this article which gives a very full explanation using DVLA rules.
To use RegEx within Excel. In the IDE, Tools menu, select References and add the Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5 reference.
With acknowlegement to user3616725s helpful observation.
