Extracting first frame of ts segment from HLS Stream(m3u8) - http-live-streaming

I want to extract first video_frame(image) from ts segments. In my manifest file m3u8 iframe tag is not coming. Can anyone suggest how to extract first video_frame(image) without downloading complete ts segment.


Adding params on mp3 audio for shortcode [audio] in Wordpress

Using the shortcode audio in Wordrepss [audio src="some-file.mp3"] (this one returns an audio player),
I'm trying to add some params after the file extension: [audio src="some-file.mp3?param1=some-value&param2=somo-value-two"] etc, but I can see that the shortcode do not retuns the player, this one returns an link to the audio.
Were you able to achieve this somehow?

How do I show how much video chunk data has been download from server

So youtube shows us how much video has been loaded by showing white line in the timeline, how can i do that?
My video element is just simple containing src = mybackend route
and in my backend I'm just sending 206 partial content with the video file in fs.readfilestream
Please help

How to make your own simple MPEG DASH player?

I was wondering if someone had already tried to make his own simple DASH player(and maybe has some examples/source codes) but without using dash.js repository on GITHUB , and if possible has any insights and tips on how to start with the creation/writing process?
Take a look at Building a simple MPEG-DASH streaming player:
Like described on this site following this steps should give you an idea:
Define an HTML5 video element in the HTML section of a page.
Create a MediaSource object in JavaScript.
Create a virtual URL using createObjectURL with the MediaSource object as the source.
Assign the virtual URL to the video element's src property.
Create a SourceBuffer using addSourceBuffer, with the mime type of the video you're adding.
Get the video initialization segment from the media file online and add it to the SourceBuffer with appendBuffer.
Get the segments of video data from the media file, append them to the SourceBuffer with appendBuffer.
Call the play method on the video element.
Repeat step 7 until done.
Clean up.

Object Detection by giving an input image using opencv

I'm new to opencv .My requirement is that in a video by giving an input image it should tag every occurence of the image in the video using opencv. Any help would be much appreciated.
You can try with OpenCV Template Matching
where you have to extract each frame your video and apply Template Matching.
You can see OpenCV video tutorial here. Also see OpenCV documentation Reading and Writing Images and Video.
Load the input image in a global cv:Mat.
Scale this image appropriately, make this the template image(or Mat).
First load the video, then extract each frame out of it and store in a local cv::Mat.
Run template matching as suggested in the tutorial given by Harris with the local frame.
If match found, mark the frame and position using some GUI or color whatever.
Repeat process for next frame.

Flv Decoder in J2ME for playing Youtube videos

I am looking for playing flv files using J2ME. Is there any possibility for doing so? Is there any other way to play youtube videos through J2ME?
Extract the v parameter from an youTube url, lets call it VIDEO_ID.
Open http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/mobile/videos/VIDEO_ID. The content is in xml format.
Parse the xml to find media:content tags.
Open the url attribute of a media:content tag with Manager.createPlayer(url). The protocol is rtsp.
