Create a SEXP vector using fromList - haskell

I'm trying to use the Data.Vector.SEXP module. I am a newbie in Haskell.
Here is what I do and get:
> let x = Data.Vector.SEXP.fromList [2,3]
Non type-variable argument in the constraint: Num (ElemRep s ty)
(Use FlexibleContexts to permit this)
When checking that ‘x’ has the inferred type
x :: forall s (ty :: Foreign.R.Type.SEXPTYPE).
Foreign.R.Constraints.:∈ '['Foreign.R.Type.Char,
'Foreign.R.Type.Logical, 'Foreign.R.Type.Int,
'Foreign.R.Type.Real, 'Foreign.R.Type.Complex,
'Foreign.R.Type.String, 'Foreign.R.Type.Vector,
'Foreign.R.Type.Expr, 'Foreign.R.Type.WeakRef,
Num (ElemRep s ty), Storable (ElemRep s ty),
Data.Singletons.SingI ty) =>
Data.Vector.SEXP.Vector s ty (ElemRep s ty)
I am lost. I'd like to have an example of a SEXP vector created from a list.

Try doing this instead:
> let x = Data.Vector.SEXP.fromList ([2,3] :: [Int])
The problem is that in Haskell, number literals are overloaded, so [2,3] has type Num a => [a] instead of [Int].

Another way taken from the HaskllR unittests is to specific a data type
import qualified Foreign.R as R
import qualified Data.Vector.SEXP as V
idVec :: V.Vector s 'R.Real Double -> V.Vector s 'R.Real Double
idVec = id
let v = idVec $ V.fromList [-1.9,-0.1,-2.9]


Printing Dynamic Data

I have a system in haskell that uses Data.Dynamic and Type.Reflection to perform inference and calculations. I would like to be able to print the results.
Printing is easy when the type is supplied e.g
foo :: Dynamic -> String
foo dyn = case tyConName . someTypeRepTyCon . dynTypeRep $ dyn of
"Int" -> show $ fromDyn dyn (0 :: Int)
"Bool" -> show $ fromDyn dyn True
_ -> "no chance"
But if I want to be able to print tuples, I would have to add a new line for each e.g (Int, Bool), (Bool, Int), (Char, Int, Banana) ....
With the addition of more primitives and larger tuples this quickly becomes impractical.
Is there an algorithmic way to generate strings for this dynamic data, specifically for tuples and lists.
I like the main idea of the other answer, but it seems to get where it's going in a fairly roundabout way. Here's how I would style the same idea:
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
import Type.Reflection
import Data.Dynamic
showDyn :: Dynamic -> String
showDyn (Dynamic (App (App (eqTypeRep (typeRep #(,)) -> Just HRefl) ta) tb) (va, vb))
= concat [ "DynamicPair("
, showDyn (Dynamic ta va)
, ","
, showDyn (Dynamic tb vb)
, ")"
showDyn (Dynamic (eqTypeRep (typeRep #Integer) -> Just HRefl) n) = show n
showDyn (Dynamic tr _) = show tr
That first pattern match is quite a mouthful, but after playing with a few different ways of formatting it I'm convinced that there just is no way to make that look good. You can try it in ghci:
> showDyn (toDyn ((3,4), (True, "hi")))
I could only manage to obtain this horrible solution.
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}
import Type.Reflection
import Data.Dynamic
Here we define the TyCon for (,) and Int. (I'm pretty sure there must be an easier way.)
pairTyCon :: TyCon
pairTyCon = someTypeRepTyCon (someTypeRep [('a','b')])
intTyCon :: TyCon
intTyCon = someTypeRepTyCon (someTypeRep [42 :: Int])
Then we dissect the Dynamic type. First we check if it is an Int.
showDynamic :: Dynamic -> String
showDynamic x = case x of
Dynamic tr#(Con k) v | k == intTyCon ->
case eqTypeRep tr (typeRep # Int) of
Just HRefl -> show (v :: Int)
_ -> error "It really should be an int"
-- to be continued
The above is ugly, since we first pattern match against the TyCon using == instead of pattern matching, which prevents the type refinement of v into an Int. So, we still have to resort to eqTypeRep to perform a second check which we already know has to succeed.
I think it could be made pretty by checking eqTypeRep in advance, for instance. Or fromDyn. It does not matter.
What matters is that the pair case below is even more messy, and can not be made pretty in the same way, as far as I can see.
-- continuing from above
Dynamic tr#(App (App t0#(Con k :: TypeRep p)
(t1 :: TypeRep a1))
(t2 :: TypeRep a2)) v | k == pairTyCon ->
withTypeable t0 $
withTypeable t1 $
withTypeable t2 $
case ( eqTypeRep tr (typeRep #(p a1 a2))
, eqTypeRep (typeRep #p) (typeRep #(,))) of
(Just HRefl, Just HRefl) ->
++ showDynamic (Dynamic t1 (fst v))
++ ", "
++ showDynamic (Dynamic t2 (snd v))
++ ")"
_ -> error "It really should be a pair!"
_ -> "Dynamic: not an int, not a pair"
Above we match the TypeRep so that it represents something of type p a1 a2. We require that the representation of p to be pairTyCon.
As before this does not trigger type refinement, since it is done with == instead of pattern matching. We need to perform another explicit match to force p ~ (,) and another for the final refinement v :: (a1,a2). Sigh.
Finally, we can take fst v and snd v, turn them into Dynamic once again, and pair them. Effectively, we turned the original x :: Dynamic into something like (fst x, snd x) where both components are Dynamic. Now we can recurse.
I would really like to avoid the errors, but I can not see how to do that at the moment.
The redeeming part is that the approach is very general, and can be easily adapted to other type constructors.

Generic data constructor for Data instance

Given a datatype
data Foo = IFoo Int | SFoo String deriving (Data, Typeable)
what is a simple definition of
gconstr :: (Typeable a, Data t) => a -> t
such that
gconstr (5 :: Int) :: Foo == IFoo 5
gconstr "asdf" :: Foo == SFoo "asdf"
gconstr True :: Foo == _|_
It would be essentially the opposite of syb's gfindtype.
Or does such a thing exist already? I've tried hoogle-ing the type and haven't found much, but the syb types are kind of hard to interpret. A function returning Nothing on error is also acceptable.
This seems to be possible, though it's not completely trivial.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Control.Monad ( msum )
import Data.Data
import Data.Maybe
First a helper function gconstrn, which tries to do the same thing as required of gconstr, but for a specific constructor only:
gconstrn :: (Typeable a, Data t) => Constr -> a -> Maybe t
gconstrn constr arg = gunfold addArg Just constr
addArg :: Data b => Maybe (b -> r) -> Maybe r
addArg Nothing = Nothing
addArg (Just f) =
case cast arg of
Just v -> Just (f v)
Nothing -> Nothing
The key part is that the addArg function will use arg as an argument to the constructor, if the types match.
Essentially gunfold starts unfolding with Just IFoo or Just SFoo, and then the next step is to try addArg to provide it with its argument.
For multi-argument constructors this would be called repeatedly, so if you defined an IIFoo constructor that took two Ints, it would also get successfully filled in by gconstrn. Obviously with a bit more work you could do something more sophisticated like providing a list of arguments.
Then it's just a question of trying this with all possible constructors. The recursive definition between result and dt is just to get the right type argument for dataTypeOf, the actual value being passed in doesn't matter at all. ScopedTypeVariables would be an alternative for achieving this.
gconstr :: (Typeable a, Data t) => a -> Maybe t
gconstr arg = result
where result = msum [gconstrn constr arg | constr <- dataTypeConstrs dt]
dt = dataTypeOf (fromJust result)
As discussed in the comments, both functions can be simplified with <*> from Control.Applicative to the following, though it's a bit harder to see what's going on in the gunfold:
gconstr :: (Typeable a, Data t) => a -> Maybe t
gconstr arg = result
result = msum $ map (gunfold (<*> cast arg) Just) (dataTypeConstrs dt)
dt = dataTypeOf (fromJust result)

Haskell Monads Either

I have a little problem with Data Types in Haskell, I think I should post first some code to help to understand the problem
helper :: (MonadMask a, MonadIO a, Functor a) => Expr -> String -> a (Either InterpreterError Int)
helper x y = ( getEval ( mkCodeString x y ) )
-- Creates Code String
mkCodeString :: (Show a) => a -> String -> String
mkCodeString x y = unpack (replace (pack "Const ") (pack "") (replace (pack "\"") (pack "") (replace (pack "Add") (pack y) (pack (show x) ) ) ) )
-- Calculates String
getEval :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m, Functor m) => [Char] -> m (Either InterpreterError Int)
getEval str = (runInterpreter (setImports ["Prelude"] >> interpret str (as ::Int)))
-- | A test expression.
testexpression1 :: Expr
testexpression1 = 3 + (4 + 5)
-- | A test expression.
testexpression2 :: Expr
testexpression2 = (3 + 4) + 5
-- | A test expression.
testexpression3 :: Expr
testexpression3 = 2 + 5 + 5
I use the helper Function like this "helper testexpression3 "(+)" and it returns me the value "Right 12" with the typ "Either InterpreterError Int", but I only want to have the "Int" value "12"
I tried the function -> "getValue (Right x) = x" but I dont get that Int value.
After some time of testing I think it is a problem with the Monads I've used.
If I test the typ of the helper function like this: ":t (helper testexpression1 "(+)")" I'll get that: "(... :: (Functor a, MonadIO a, MonadMask a) => a (Either InterpreterError Int)"
How can I make something like that working:
write "getValue (helper testexpression1 "(+)")" and get "12" :: Int
I'll know that the code makes no sence, but its a homework and I wanted to try some things with haskell.Hope you have some more Ideas than I am.
And Sorry for my bad English, I have began to learn English, but I am just starting and Thank you for every Idea and everything.
Edit, here is what was missing on code:
import Test.HUnit (runTestTT,Test(TestLabel,TestList),(~?))
import Data.Function (on)
import Language.Haskell.Interpreter -- Hint package
import Data.Text
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Control.Monad.Catch
-- | A very simple data type for expressions.
data Expr = Const Int | Add Expr Expr deriving Show
-- | 'Expression' is an instance of 'Num'. You will get warnings because
-- many required methods are not implemented.
instance Num Expr where
fromInteger = Const . fromInteger
(+) = Add
-- | Equality of 'Expr's modulo associativity.
instance Eq Expr where
(==) x1 x2 = True --(helper x1 "(+)") == (helper x2 "(+)") && (helper x1 "(*)") == (helper x2 "(*)")
That functions are also in the file ... everything else I have in my file are some Testcases I have created for me.
helper textExpr "(+)" is not of type Either InterpreterError Int it is of type (MonadMask a, MonadIO a, Functor a) => a (Either InterpreterError Int). This later tyoe can be treated as if it was IO (Either InterpreterError Int) for our purposes.
In general something of type IO a (e.g. IO (Either InterpreterError Int)) doesn't contain, in the strictest sense, a value of type a, so you can't just extract a value willy-nilly. Something of type IO a is an action, that when performed, will produce a value of type a. Haskell only performs one action, the one called main. That said, it allows us to easily build larger actions out of smaller actions.
main = helper textExpr "(+)" >>= print
That operator there (>>=) is a monadic bind. For more information about monads in general, see You Could Have Invented Monads!. For an idea of how the IO Monad might be constructed see Free Monads for Less (Part 3 of 3): Yielding IO (under "Who Needs the RealWorld?") or Idris' implementation of IO -- but keep in mind that the IO Monad is opaque and abstract in Haskell; don't expect to be able to get an a value from an IO a value unless you are writing main (an application).

Reflection on inputs to a function in Haskell?

I have a reflective situation where I want to display the types of inputs/outputs of a function. I could just add it to a separate data structure, but then I have duplication and would have to make sure they stay in sync manually.
For example, a function:
myFunc :: (String, MyType, Double) -> (Int, SomeType TypeP, MyOtherType a)
and so now I want to have something like (can be somewhat flexible, esp. when params involved):
input = ["String", "MyType", "Double"]
output = ["Int", "SomeType TypeP", "MyOtherType a"]
defined automatically. It doesn't have to be Strings directly. Is there a simple way to do this?
You don't really need a custom parser. You can just reflect on the TypeRep value you receive. For instance the following would work:
module ModuleReflect where
import Data.Typeable
import Control.Arrow
foo :: (Int, Bool, String) -> String -> String
foo = undefined
-- | We first want to in the case that no result is returned from splitTyConApp
-- to just return the input type, this. If we find an arrow constructor (->)
-- we want to get the start of the list and then recurse on the tail if any.
-- if we get anything else, like [] Char then we want to return the original type
-- [Char]
values :: Typeable a => a -> [TypeRep]
values x = split (typeOf x)
where split t = case first tyConString (splitTyConApp t) of
(_ , []) -> [t]
("->", [x]) -> [x]
("->", x) -> let current = init x
next = last x
in current ++ split next
(_ , _) -> [t]
inputs :: Typeable a => a -> [TypeRep]
inputs x = case values x of
(x:xs) | not (null xs) -> x : init xs
_ -> []
output :: Typeable a => a -> TypeRep
output x = last $ values x
and a sample session
Ok, modules loaded: ModuleReflect.
*ModuleReflect Data.Function> values foo
*ModuleReflect Data.Function> output foo
*ModuleReflect Data.Function> inputs foo
This is just some quick barely tested code, I'm sure it can be cleaned up. And the reason I don't use typeRepArgs is that in the case of other constructors they would be broken up to, e.g [] Char returns Char instead of [Char].
This version does not treat elements of tuples as seperate results, but it can be easily changed to add that.
However as mentioned before this has a limitation, It'll only work on monomorphic types. If you want to be able to find this for any type, then you should probably use the GHC api. You can load the module, ask it to Typecheck and then inspect the Typecheck AST for the function and thus find it's type. Or you can use Hint to ask for the type of a function. and parse that.
Have a look at Data.Typeable: It defined a functiontypeOf :: Typeable a => a -> TypeRep, TypeRep is instance of Show. For example:
$ ghci
GHCi, version 6.12.1: :? for help
:m Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Prelude> :m +Data.Typeable
Prelude Data.Typeable> :i TypeRep
data TypeRep
= Data.Typeable.TypeRep !Data.Typeable.Key TyCon [TypeRep]
-- Defined in Data.Typeable
instance [overlap ok] Eq TypeRep -- Defined in Data.Typeable
instance [overlap ok] Show TypeRep -- Defined in Data.Typeable
instance [overlap ok] Typeable TypeRep -- Defined in Data.Typeable
Prelude Data.Typeable> typeOf (+)
Integer -> Integer -> Integer
Prelude Data.Typeable> typeOf (\(a,(_:x),1) -> (a :: (),x :: [()]))
((),[()],Integer) -> ((),[()])
Now, you only need a custom parser that translated this output into something suitable for you. This is left as an exercise to the reader.
PS: There seems to be one limitation: All types must be known before, for instance typeOf id will fail.

What to do with “Inferred type is less polymorphic than expected”?

I need the Numeric.FAD library, albeit still being completely puzzled by existential types.
This is the code:
error_diffs :: [Double] -> NetworkState [(Int, Int, Double)]
error_diffs desired_outputs = do diff_error <- (diff_op $ error' $ map FAD.lift desired_outputs)::(NetworkState ([FAD.Dual tag Double] -> FAD.Dual tag Double))
weights <- link_weights
let diffs = FAD.grad (diff_error::([FAD.Dual tag a] -> FAD.Dual tag b)) weights
links <- link_list
return $ zipWith (\link diff ->
(linkFrom link, linkTo link, diff)
) links diffs
error' runs in a Reader monad, ran by diff_op, which in turn generates an anonymous function to take the current NetworkState and the differential inputs from FAD.grad and stuffs them into the Reader.
Haskell confuses me with the following:
Inferred type is less polymorphic than expected
Quantified type variable `tag' is mentioned in the environment:
diff_error :: [FAD.Dual tag Double] -> FAD.Dual tag Double
(bound at Operations.hs:100:33)
In the first argument of `FAD.grad', namely
`(diff_error :: [FAD.Dual tag a] -> FAD.Dual tag b)'
In the expression:
FAD.grad (diff_error :: [FAD.Dual tag a] -> FAD.Dual tag b) weights
In the definition of `diffs':
diffs = FAD.grad
(diff_error :: [FAD.Dual tag a] -> FAD.Dual tag b) weights
this code gives the same error as you get:
test :: Int
test =
(res :: Num a => a)
res = 5
The compiler figured that res is always of type Int and is bothered that for some reason you think res is polymorphic.
this code, however, works fine:
test :: Int
test =
res :: Num a => a
res = 5
here too, res is defined as polymorphic but only ever used as Int. the compiler is only bothered when you type nested expressions this way. in this case res could be reused and maybe one of those uses will not use it as Int, in contrast to when you type a nested expression, which cannot be reused by itself.
If I write,
bigNumber :: (Num a) => a
bigNumber = product [1..100]
then when bigNumber :: Int is evaluated,
it's evaluating (product :: [Int] -> Int) [(1 :: Int) .. (100 :: Int)],
and when bigNumber :: Integer is evaluated,
it's evaluating (product :: [Integer] -> Integer) [(1 :: Integer) .. (100 :: Integer)].
Nothing is shared between the two.
error_diffs has a single type, that is: [Double] -> NetworkState [(Int, Int, Double)]. It must evaluate in exactly one way.
However, what you have inside:
... :: NetworkState ([FAD.Dual tag Double] -> FAD.Dual tag Double)
can be evaluated in different ways, depending on what tag is.
See the problem?
