Find total no of links to and from node based on data in csv - excel

I have a csv with the following info
Src Rx LinkId Weight
2 1 4000 10
2 1 4056 15
3 1 4100 10
3 1 4156 15
28 1 10650 8
113 2 15051 205
113 3 15058 205
1 4 3952 9
1 4 3951 5
1 4 3950 34
2 4 4052 9
47 4 18672 44
47 4 18670 38
69 4 4701 11
69 4 4700 21
70 4 4801 11
The linkId is unique. Each row represents the link between two devices. For example, source 2 and rx 1 means that a link goes from 2 to 1.
I intend to compute the total weight of all the links originating from each device and coming into each device like so:
Device Out weight In weight
2 25 205
1 48 58
and so on.
I would like to know if doing this is possible in excel. If yes, how.

Using a pivot table may be the best solution here and I think that if you select this table and click pivot-table it will give you your answer.
Alternatively, you can make a column for each in and out and use =sumif(Src, 1, weight ) and then use the totals at the bottom of each column.


Python 3 script uses too much memory

As homework for IT lessons I need to write a script which will check for the highest power of 4 which is in modified input number, but I can use only 8MB of RAM. I used for this logarithmic function, so my code looks like this:
from math import log, floor
n = int(input())
numbers = []
for i in range (0, n):
numbers.append(floor(int(input()) / 10))
for i in numbers:
print(4 ** floor(log(i, 4)))
But I checked this script on my PC and it uses more than 8MB!
Partition of a set of 74690 objects. Total size = 8423721 bytes.
Index Count % Size % Cumulative % Kind (class / dict of class)
0 23305 31 2100404 25 2100404 25 str
1 19322 26 1450248 17 3550652 42 tuple
2 5017 7 724648 9 4275300 51 types.CodeType
3 9953 13 716915 9 4992215 59 bytes
4 742 1 632536 8 5624751 67 type
5 4618 6 628048 7 6252799 74 function
6 742 1 405720 5 6658519 79 dict of type
7 187 0 323112 4 6981631 83 dict of module
8 612 1 278720 3 7260351 86 dict (no owner)
9 63 0 107296 1 7367647 87 set
<197 more rows. Type e.g. '_.more' to view.>
On my phone, however, this script uses only 2.5MB:
Partition of a set of 35586 objects. Total size = 2435735 bytes.
Index Count % Size % Cumulative % Kind (class / dict of class)
0 9831 28 649462 27 649462 27 str
1 9014 25 365572 15 1015034 42 tuple
2 4669 13 261232 11 1276266 52 bytes
3 2357 7 198684 8 1474950 61 types.CodeType
4 436 1 166276 7 1641226 67 type
5 2156 6 155232 6 1796458 74 function
6 436 1 130836 5 1927294 79 dict of type
7 93 0 87384 4 2014678 83 dict of module
8 237 1 62280 3 2076958 85 dict (no owner) 9 1091 3 48004 2 2124962 87 types.WrapperDescriptorType
<115 more rows. Type e.g. '_.more' to view.>
I tried changing list to tuple, but it didn't make any difference.
Is there any possibility to decrease/limit RAM usage?

Excel - Lookup the group based on value range per segment

I have a table like below.
segmentnum group 1 group 2 group 3 group 4
1 0 12 33 66
2 0 3 10 26
3 0 422 1433 3330
And a table like below.
vol segmentnum
0 1
58 1
66 1
48 1
9 2
13 2
7 2
10 3
1500 3
I'd like to add a column that tells me which group the vol for a given segmentnum belongs to. Such that
Group 1 = x to < group 2
Group 2 = x to < group 3
Group 3 = x to <= group 4
Desired result:
vol segmentnum group
0 1 1
58 1 3
66 1 3
48 1 3
9 2 2
13 2 3
7 2 2
10 3 3
1500 3 3
Per the accompanying image, put this in I2 and drag down.
=MATCH(G2, INDEX(B$2:E$4, MATCH(H2, A$2:A$4, 0), 0))
While these results differ from yours, I believe they are correct.

Spotfire Add several columns with a custom expression

I would like add several columns in a Bar Chart in Y with a custom expression. I have several columns which begin with "HB" or "PASS".
Their number change as well as their name every time I refresh the table. But HB or PASS remains in column name.
I tried to use this expression :
If I have only one column with PASS or HB in key word it works, but not if I have several columns with this key words in their name.
It's an example of my datas. They are in percentage.
Q640123 01 3841 86 11 0.25 0.5 0.25 2
Q640123 05 3841 96 3 0 1 0 0
Q640123 10 3841 80 12 0 2 4 2
Q640123 16 3841 40 50 1 1 4 4
Q640123 22 3841 85 5 9 0.5 0.5 0
Q640345 01 3841 86 11 0.25 0.5 0.25 2
Q640345 05 3841 96 3 1 0 0 0
Q640345 10 3841 80 12 0 2 4 2
Q640345 16 3841 40 50 1 1 4 4
Q640345 22 3841 85 5 9 0.5 0.5 0
I want to put LOT_ID in X, and PASS together in Y. I don't want to color my bar chart but I would like a result like this. One bar chart with all columns PASS and an other with all columns HB.
This bar chart represent HB.
Thank you for your help, regards, Laurent
You shouldn't need the $map function, only the $csearch
Sum($csearch([pvtable],"PASS*")) /Count([SUBLOT_ID])
After looking at your test data, you will need to map the values.
Then, on your X-AXIS you will need: <[LOT_ID] NEST [Axis.Default.Names]>

Excel Rank Multiple Columns

I'm facing a issue with ranking in Excel particularly in regards to tie breaking. I tried several options but i guess they don't fit my issue. Its quite simple really, I'll explain:
The Data:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
87 83 74 95 69 90 73 0 74 85
121 121 96 121 121 121 121 83 121 121
As you can see its easy for me to rank the first line (I'm working in columns instead of rows for the data). When i do a Rank Function gives the following result:
3 5 6 1 9 2 8 10 6 4
Which is correct.
The problem arises in the second line. There are ties because all of them reach the maximum of 121:
1 1 9 1 1 1 1 10 1 1
What i would like to do is take the first row as a tie breaker. So even if there is a tie the first line which was firstly text but now is a sequence from 1 to 10 could provide as secondary criteria to order the rank, thus giving the following ranking line:
1 2 9 3 4 5 6 10 7 9
Could one achieve this result?
Thank You very much in advance.
You need a helper row to break the tie. You can add a fraction of the first row to the second row to create a new row & use the new row to rank
A4 = A3+(A2/(MAX($A$2:$J$2)+1))
Using the MAX I ensure the fraction is less than 1 which is adequate to break ties in this case.
A6 = RANK(A4,$A$4:$J$4)
You can hide the helper row if you dont want to show it.

How to format a number to appear as percentage in Excel

So lets say I have a few numbers in a sheet
a b c d
1 33 53 23 11
2 42 4 83 64
3 75 3 48 38
4 44 0 22 45
5 2 34 76 6
7 Total 85
I would like to display those numbers so that the cell value still holds the original figure (A1 = 33)
but the cell displays both the number and a percentage from the total (B7) eg
a b c d
1 33 (39%) 53 (62%) 23 (27%) 11 (13%)
2 42 (49%) 4 (5%) 83 (98%) 64 (75%)
3 75 (88%) 3 (4%) 48 (56%) 38 (45%)
4 44 (52%) 0 (0%) 22 (26%) 45 (53%)
5 2 (2%) 34 (40%) 76 (89%) 6 (7%)
7 Total 85
I know how to format a cell as a percentage, but I can't figure out how to display both original values, the calculated percentage value (value/total*100), but not change the cell value so I could still sum the cells in the end (eg. A6 =SUM(A1:A5) = 196)
Does anyone have an idea? I was hoping there could be a way to duplicate and calculate the figure using text formatting, but I can't get anything to work.
I'm guessing this is a trivial answer and maybe not what you're looking for, but why not just add a column for each of the columns you have now?
a a' b b' c c' d d'
1 33 (39%) 53 (62%) 23 (27%) 11 (13%)
2 42 (49%) 4 (5%) 83 (98%) 64 (75%)
3 75 (88%) 3 (4%) 48 (56%) 38 (45%)
4 44 (52%) 0 (0%) 22 (26%) 45 (53%)
5 2 (2%) 34 (40%) 76 (89%) 6 (7%)
7 Total 85
#Ari’s answer seems to meet to meet the requirements in your question, not repeat information more than the example you gave for output requirement and be viable for up to around 8000 or so columns to start with (unless a very old version of Excel) and Jerry’s comment is also correct that what you want to achieve the way you want to achieve it is not possible.
However there are other approaches that might be acceptable substitutes. One is to copy your data and Paste Special with Operation Divide, either elsewhere or over the top of your data. If over the top this either shows the values or the percentages otherwise duplicates your data. Over the top would also require something like Operation Multiply to revert back to values, and reformatting each time if to appear as in your example.
Another is to use a PivotTable with some calculated fields and both are shown below:
I appreciate neither is exactly what you are asking for.
