Spark Kafka streaming multiple partition window processing - apache-spark

I am using spark kafka streaming using createDirectStream approach (Direct Approach)
also my requirement is to create window on stream but I have seen this in spark doc
"However, be aware that the one-to-one mapping between RDD partition and Kafka partition does not remain after any methods that shuffle or repartition, e.g. reduceByKey() or window()."
how can I solve this as my data is getting corrupted


Can Apache Spark repartition the data received from single Kafka partition

We have a Kafka topic with multiple partitions and the load is uneven/skewed in each partition. We can't change the partitioning strategy for Kafka.
I am looking for some ways to repartition the data so that the load is equally processed by all the nodes present within the Apache Spark cluster.
Is it possible to repartition the data across all the nodes received from a single Kafka partition?
If yes, is there a way we can do it efficiently as we have to maintain the state stores also while aggregating the data

spark streaming checkpoint : Data checkpointing control

I have something confused about the spark streaming checkpoint, please help me, thanks!
There are two types of checkpointing (Metadata & Data checkpointing). And the guides said when using stateful transformations, data checkpointing is used. I'm very confused about this. If I don't use stateful transformations, does spark still write Data checkpointing content?
Can I control the checkpoint position in codes ?
Can I control which rdd can be written to data checkpointing data in streaming like batch spark job ?
Can I use foreachRDD rdd => rdd.checkpoint() in streaming?
If I don't use the rdd.checkpoint(), what is the default behavior of Spark? Which rdd can be written to HDFS?
You can find excellent guide with this Link.
No, there is no need to checkpoint data, because no intermediate data you need in case of stateless computation.
I don't think you need checkpoint any rdd after computation in streaming. The rdd checkpoint is designed to address lineage issue, the streaming checkpoint is all about streaming reliability and failure recovery.

Kafka Partition+Spark Streaming Context

Scenario-I have 1 topic with 2 partitions with different data set collections say A,B.I am aware that the the dstream can consume the messages at the partition level and the topic level.
Query-Can we use two different streaming contexts for the each partition or a single streaming context for the entire topic and later filter the partition level data?I am concerned about the performance on increasing the no of streaming contexts.
Quoting from the documentation.
Simplified Parallelism: No need to create multiple input Kafka streams
and union them. With directStream, Spark Streaming will create as many
RDD partitions as there are Kafka partitions to consume, which will
all read data from Kafka in parallel. So there is a one-to-one mapping
between Kafka and RDD partitions, which is easier to understand and
Therefore, if you are using Direct Stream based Spark Streaming consumer it should handle the parallelism.

Spark Stateful Streaming with DataFrame

Is it possible to use DataFrame as a State / StateSpec for Spark Streaming? The current StateSpec implementation seems to allow only key-value pair data structure (mapWithState etc..).
My objective is to keep a fixed size FIFO buffer as a StateSpec that gets updated every time new data streams in. I'd like to implement the buffer in Spark DataFrame API, for compatibility with Spark ML.
I'm not entirely sure you can do this with Spark Streaming, but with the newer Dataframe-based Spark Structured Streaming you can express queries that get updated over time, given an incoming stream of data.
You can read more about Spark Structured Streaming in the official documentation.
If you are interested in interoperability with SparkML to deploy a trained model, you may also be interested in this article.

What is use of "spark.streaming.blockInterval" in Spark Streaming DirectAPI

I want to understand, What role "spark.streaming.blockInterval" plays in Spark Streaming DirectAPI, as per my understanding "spark.streaming.blockInterval" is used for calculating partitions i.e. #partitions = (receivers x* batchInterval) /blockInterval, but in DirectAPI spark streaming partitions is equal to no. of kafka partitions.
How "spark.streaming.blockInterval" is used in DirectAPI ?
spark.streaming.blockInterval :
Interval at which data received by Spark Streaming receivers is chunked into blocks of data before storing them in Spark.
And KafkaUtils.createDirectStream() do not use receiver.
With directStream, Spark Streaming will create as many RDD partitions
as there are Kafka partitions to consume
