Licence for Excel Add-In [closed] - excel

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've worked with colleagues on an excel add-in we would like to sell to our customers. It is linked to a cloud database. A licensing system is currently coded in VBA, but that's pretty weak and potential hackers getting around the VBA protection would be able to disable the licence checking (code protection is not such a problem as such).
We have been thinking of developing a .dll file to check licences, but lack of expertise in the field.
Do you have suggestions?

Others can post about .NET licencing solutions....
From years back Microsoft Component Object Model (COM) does have a licence system. One writes the code in C++ and clients use COM to instantiate your component. The COM licence mechanism is to implement the IClassFactory2 instead of IClassFactory Here is a link
Now you may say "but my code is in VBA!?". Well, VBA is not secure, workbooks can be broken into. The problem is that the source is shipped inside.
Compiling a .NET solution is better but the executable is Intermediate Language (IL) which can be reverse engineered back to the source. Same problem with Java, 'byte code' can also be reverse engineered.
For the most robust code security you need to compile to C++. Even with C++ some people say it can still be reverse engineered.
The ultimate in paranoia is to place your valued code behind a web service so it is never on the user's computer.


Managing New Application Requests [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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At the moment we are a small development team of 2. All our software is used inhouse. Currently staff just walk to our desk when they want new software developed or when they want new features added to existing software, or when bugs arise.
I am looking for a better management process of this. Do I get staff to send an email instead and then that can be designated to a developer. Or is there a simple software app out there that could help?
I want a simple method for doing this as the staff are unlikely to use something if too time consuming or complex. They find it too easy to approach a developer personally!
Anything to recommend please?
One option is to use JIRA. It has a feature where emails sent to a certain address can get turned in to backlog items (using the email subject line as the title).
Keep it as it is for now: face-to-face communication is always better than using any piece of software...
It will be only when you will grow to more developers that you will really need such software: from online or cloud based (ie Zimbra) to VCSs (version control systems) hosted on your machines.

Site Layout, Features for new SharePoint sites [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm new to SharePoint and I'm looking for resources to exemplify a good layout for a project management oriented site. I've made a Project site, but that's as far as I've gotten. Has anyone run across any good resources for this?
If you've started with a Project Site, your Task List and Calendar are going to do quite a bit for you. There's a few options you'll want to turn on, such as the Timeline in the Task List. Dig around your available Apps and experiment with what you see. You'll likely need a List for something, so check out custom lists while you're experimenting (they operate a bit like an Excel spreadsheet).
Since you're new to SharePoint, you might consider looking for O'Reilly's Information Architecture for the World Wide Web. If you'll be doing much more site design, that book will help you determine what sites need and how they should be organized. It's a fantastic book and not difficult to read, although the second half of the book is pretty specific to coded web design, which isn't what SharePoint is for new users.

How to download Platform Builder for Windows CE 5.0? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm developing an application on a device that has Windows CE 5.0.
I need to change the OS, e.g. language installation & ... , and it seems that i need an IDE named Microsoft Platform Builder.
But how can i get it? is there any free release for download?
i googled the web, but got nothing!
There is an evaluation version of Platform Builder that is downloadable. I think it's a 30-day, though it may be more. If you have MSDN, the full version is also part of that. Otherwise you have to buy it from one of the distributors that sell it.
You'll also need a BSP (board support package) for your specific device. That comes from the device OEM, and without it you can't really do anything at all, so make sure you have access to that. If you don't have a BSP, installing Platform Builder is purely a waste of time (well unless you're after the shared source, which I recommend for any app dev).
Note: Microsoft moves things around a lot, plus Windows CE is effectively dead, so the links above may well go stale or just be completely lost to the ether. It's also getting harder to find a distributor for licenses.

Best library/framework for web analysis and automation? [closed]

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Closed 4 months ago.
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I am asking a pretty high-level question here in order to hopefully get to know some of the pitfalls before setting out. I am planning an application that will visit specific web sites to collect, process and format tabular data. It must then somehow take certain web browser actions (follow a link, post a form, click a button etc) in response to the data that has been collected, giving feedback if something breaks in the process. A central requirement is that it must be easily adaptable to different pages, i.e. the data and menu options on the web pages are largely the same, but formatted differently. The format of the page can change without notice, so error detection and handling must be good.
I was thinking of going with C# and simply using the WebBrowser class in .NET, seeing as it at least has good facilities for manipulating the DOM and running JavaScript without any additional configuration. However, I am reasonably language agnostic. The major thing I am worried about is that it WebBrowser doesn't seem to be as tightly developed for actually performing actions (mouse clicks etc). I am wondering if this is going to bite me in the ass. Also, it is a plus if the program behaves indistinguishly from a human user when seen from the server side.
Has anyone here worked with these kinds of tasks? I have to emphasize that I am not doing testing of web applications here; this is more a robot. Are there any libraries/frameworks out there that are better suited than the .NET standard library with regards to flexibility and ease of use? Are there any major pitfalls to look out for?
I suggest you look at mechanize in combination with beautifulsoup it's perl or python but it's exactly what you need.

Promote a free library on the web [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have nearly finished a free spellchecker library for Windows Mobile, and there are a few great forums around (both for developers and end-users), such as XDA, where you can promote your creations for Windows Mobile.
However, I have been thinking that I'd like to make a version of my library available for Windows desktop developers as well. Once I have finished the same, I'd like to distribute and promote it to get feedback, bug reports, and suggestions.
Are there good developer forums for promoting and distributing applications or libraries in this way?
You might want to consider writing an introductory review of your own library, and publish it on sites such as or You could also use blogs of popular sites such as to promote your library.
On the other hand, one very simple thing to do would be to set up a sourceforge project for your library (if it's open source) and then use their facilities for all these purposes. Specifically, you can easily use to make your library more widely known.
You will need a certain minimum infrastructure (forum/mailing list, issue tracker and possibly source code management) in order to provide a place for your users to easily monitor or possibly even participate actively in your project.
A simple homepage and yahoo list might very well suffice, though.
Also, looking into available spell checking libraries in general, you will probably want to highlight the major differences between your implementation/project and more established ones such as for example GNU aspell or hunspell.
So, do make sure to do some research in order to get to know related projects.
