How to achieve high speed processing receiving from Azure Event Hub? - azure

I am working on the POC for Azure Event hubs to implement the same into our application.
Quick Brief on flow.
Created tool to read the CSV data from local folder and send it to event hub.
We are sending Event Data in Batch to event hub.
With 12 instance of tool (Parallel), I can send a total of 600 000 lines of messages to Event hub within 1 min.
But, On receiver side, to receive the 600 000 lines of data, it takes more than 10 mins.
Need to achieve
I would like to Match/double my egress speed on the receiver to
process the data. Existing Configuration
The configuration I have made user are
TU - 10 One Event hub with 32 Partition.
Coding logic goes same as mentioned in MSDN
Only difference is, I am sending line of data in a batch.
EventProcessorhost with options {MaxBatchSize= 1000000,

To achieve higher egress rate (aka faster processing pipeline) in eventhubs:
Create a Scaled-out pipeline - each partition in EventHub is the unit-of-scale for processing events out of EventHub. With the Scale you described (6Lakh events per min --> 10K events per sec - with 32 partitions - you already got this right). Make sure you create as many partitions as you envision your pipeline need in near future. Imagine analyzing traffic on a Highway and no. of lanes is the only limitation for the amount of traffic.
Equal load distribution across partitions: if you are using SendToASpecificPartition or SendUsingPartitionKey - you will need to take care of equal load distribution. If you use EventHubClient.Send(EventDataWithOutPartitionKey) - EventHubs service will make sure all of your partitions are equally loaded. If a single EventHub Partition is heavily loaded - the amount of time you can process all events on EventHub will be bound by no. of events on this Partition.
Scale-out physical resources on the Receiver/EventProcessorHost: most importantly Network (Sockets & bandwidth) & after-a-point, CPU & Memory. Use PartitionManagerOptions.MaxReceiveClients to increase the maximum number of EventHubClients (which has a dedicated MessagingFactory, which maps to 1 socket) created per EventProcessorHost instance. By default it is 16.
Let me know how it went... :)
More on Event Hubs.


Is there any message receiving limit per device on Azure IoTHub?

Is there any message receiving limit per device on Azure IoTHub?
If any, can I remove or raise the upper limit without registering additional devices?
I tested 2 things to make sure if I can place enough load (ideally, 18000 message/s)on Azure IoT Hub in the future load tests.
① Send a certain amount of mqtt messages from a VM.
② Send a certain amount of mqtt messages from two VMs.
I expected that the traffic of ② would be twice as large as that of ①. But it wasn't. Maximum messages per minute on IoTHub of ② is not so different from that of ①. Both of them are around 3.6k [message/min]. At that time, I registered only one device on IoT Hub. So I added another device and tested ② again to see if the second device could increase the traffic. As a result, it increased the traffic and IoT Hub had bigger messages per minute.
Judging from this result, I thought IoTHub has some kind of limit on receiving message per device. But I am not sure. So if anyone know about the limit, could you tell me what kind of limit it is and how to raise the upper limit without registering additional devices because in production we use only one device.
For your information, I know there is a "unit" to increase the throughput in IoTHub. To increase the load I changed the number of unit from 2 to 20 in both ① and ②. However, it did not make messages/min in IotHub bigger. I'd also like to know why the "unit" did not work as expected.
Thank you for reading, in advance. Any comment would be my help.
Every basic (B1,B2, B3) or standard unit of IoT Hub SKU (S1, S2, S3) has specific daily message quota as per A single IoTHub can support 1 million devices and there is no per device cost associated, only the msg/day quota as above.
e.g. S1 SKU has 400,000 msg/day quota and you can add multiple units of S1 to increase capacity. S2 has 6000,000 msg/day and S3 has 300,000,000 msg/day quota per unit and more units can be added.
Before this limit is reached IoTHub will raise alert which can be used to automatically add more units or jump to higher SKU.
Regarding your test, there are specific throttling limits to avoid misuse of the service here -
As an example, for 18000 msg/sec you will need 3 units of S3 SKU (each with 6000 msg/sec rate limit). In addition there are other limits like how quickly connections can be attempted, if using Azure IoT SDK's the built-in retry logic helps overcome this otherwise you need to have retry policy. Basically you dont want million device trying to connect at the same time, IoTHub will only accept connections at a certain rate. This is not concurrent connection limit but a rate at which new connnections are accepted.

Calculate incoming bytes per second in Azure Event hub

How do I calculate the incoming bytes per second for an event hub namespace?
I do not control the data producer and so cannot predict the incoming bytes upfront.
I am interested in adjusting the maximum throughput units I need, without using the auto-inflate feature.
1 TU provides 1 MB/s ingress & 2 MB/s egress, but the metrics are reported per minute, not per second.
Can I make a decision based on the sum/avg/max incoming bytes reported in the Azure portal?
I believe you'll need to use Stream Analytics to query your stream and based on the query output change your TU on Event Hub.
You can also try to use Azure Monitor, but I believe it won't group per second as you need, so you'd better try the first option.
Per second metrics cannot be reliable due to very nature of potential intermittent spikes at the traffic in and out. 1 minute averages are good to monitor and you can easily take action via a Logic App.
Check messaging metrics to monitor here -

Azure Functions EventHub trigger scale job function instances

I have an Azure Function that has EventHub trigger, with Consumption plan. In my test I shoot 3000 events to event hub using in a few batches. Since time for those 3000 events was almost 10 times bigger than the time for 300 events, I suspected that this Azure Function didn't scale to multiple VMs/instances.
To verify that hypothesis, I used a Guid static variable, which I initialized once and logged in every run of the function. All 3000 runs logged the same Guid.
That happens even if I specify following configuration in host.json:
"eventHub": {
"maxBatchSize": 1,
"prefetchCount": 10
Logic was that this would limit parallel processing within single instance and multiple instances would be started because of that, but again only 1 Guid is logged.
As a note, this is not the only function in App Service. Could that be the issue? What is the condition that needs to be satisfied so that Function is started on multiple VMs?
I have 32 partitions and 20 throughput units. First issue was that I was using SendBatchAsync, which doesn't partition events. Even SendAsync didn't bring any scale, like it wasn't partitioning. So I created partitioned eventhub senders and did round robin partitioning when sending events in client application.
That increased number of events processed by AzureFunction, but still didn't create more than 1 VM.
Furthermore, number of events processed per second was much larger in the beginning (~200 in each moment), and after 2000 events, or near the end, they dropped to ~5. This has nothing to do with load of the system, as same behavior was observed with 9000 events, where slowing down happened after ~5k events.
This Azure function lasts 50-250 ms, depending on the load.
It also sends event to another Azure function through Azure Storage Queue trigger. What is interesting is that neither that function which is triggered by Queue trigger scales to more than 1 VM, and it has ~1k messages in queue at the beginning, before slowness of eventhub triggered azure function. Queue settings in host.json are "queues": {
"maxPollingInterval": 2000,
"visibilityTimeout" : "00:00:10",
"batchSize": 32,
"maxDequeueCount": 5,
"newBatchThreshold": 1
It depends on a few factors:
the number of partitions your event hub has and whether the events you are writing are being distributed across your partitions. Azure Functions uses Event Processor Host to process your workload and the maximum scale you can get in this mode is one VM per partition.
the per-event workload you're executing. For example if your function does nothing but log, those 3000 events could be processed in less than 5 seconds on a single VM. This would not warrant scaling your application onto multiple instances.
However if you're writing a batch of events across several partitions which takes several minutes in total to process and you don't see your throughput accelerating as your function scales up then that could indicate that something is not working right and would warrant further investigation.

Azure Functions Event Hub trigger bindings

Just have a couple of questions regarding the usage of Azure Functions with an EventHub in an IoT scenario.
EventHub has partitions. Typically messages from a specific device go to the same partition. How are the instances of an Azure Function distributed across EventHub partitions? Is it based on the performance? In case one instance of an Azure Function manages to process events from all partitions then it is enough otherwise one might end up with one instance of an Azure Function per EventHub partition?
What about the read-offset? Does this binding somehow records where it stopped reading the event stream? I thought the functions are meant to be stateless and here we have some state.
Each instance of an Event Hub-Triggered Function is backed by only 1 EventProcessorHost(EPH) instance. Event Hub ensures that only 1 EPH can get a lease on a given partition.
Answer to Question 1:
Let's elaborate on this with a contrived example. Suppose we begin with the following setup and assumptions for an EventHub:
10 partitions.
1000 events distributed evenly across all partitions => 100 messages in each partition.
When your Function is first enabled, there is only 1 instance of the Function. Let's call this Function instance Function_0. Function_0 will have 1 EPH that manages to get a lease on all 10 partitions. Let this EPH be called EPH_0, and it will start reading events from partitions 0-9. From this point forward, one of the following will happen:
Only 1 Function instance is needed - Function_0 is able to process all 1000 before the Azure Functions' scaling logic kicks in.
Hence, all 1000 messages are processed by Function_0.
Add 1 more Function instance - Azure Functions' scaling logic determines that Function_0 seems sluggish, so a new instance
Function_1 is created, resulting in EPH_1. Event Hub detects that a new EPH instance is trying read messages. Event Hub will start load
balancing the partitions across the EPH instances, e.g., partitions
0-4 are assigned to EPH_0 and partitions 5-9 are assigned to EPH_1.
If all Function execution succeed without errors, both EPH_0 and
EPH_1 checkpoints successfully and all 1000 messages are processed. When check-pointing succeeds, all 1000 messages should never be retrieved again.
Add N more function instances - Azure Functions' scaling logic determines that both Function_0 and Function_1 are still sluggish and
will repeat workflow 2 again for Function_2...N, where N>9. Event Hub will load balance the partitions across Function_0...9 instances.
Unique to Azure Functions' current scaling logic is the fact that N is >(number of partitions). This is done to ensure
that there are always instances of EPH readily available to quickly
get a lock on the partition(s). As a customer, you are only charged for the resources used when your Function instance executes, but you are not charged for this over-provisioning.
Answer to Question 2:
EPH uses a check-pointing mechanism to mark the last known successfully read message. An EventHub-Triggered Function can be setup to process 1 message or a batch of messages at a time. The option you choose needs to consider the following:
1. Speed of message processing - Processing messages in batches instead of a single message at a time is one of the factors that will speed up the ability of your Azure Function workflow to keep up with the incoming messages in your Event Hub.
2. Tolerance for duplicates - If check-pointing fails due to errors in your Function code/(Updated Aug 24th, 2017) timeout/partition least lost, then the next EPH that gets a lease on that partition will start retrieving messages from the last known checkpoint. Event Hub guarantees at-least-once delivery but not at-most-once delivery. Azure Functions will not attempt to change that behavior. If not having duplicate messages is a priority, then you will need to mitigate it in your workflow. As such, when check-pointing fails, there are more duplicate messages to manage if your Function is processing messages at batch level.
Function Apps are based on WebJobs SDK, which use EventHostProcessor to consume events from Event Hubs. So you can lookup information about EventHostProcessor and it will be applicable to your Function App.
Particularly, you can find the implementation of IEventProcessor
To your questions:
Not sure what you mean by "one instance". One listener will be created per partition, but they can be both hosted inside a single App Plan Instance if the load is low. On the high level, you should not care much: in Consumption Plan you pay per execution time, no matter how many servers/processes/threads are running. Of course, you should care whether the auto-scaling works good enough for high load, but that needs to be tested anyway.
Functions are stateless in a sense that you can't save anything in-memory between two function executions. You are totally fine to save state in external storage. Function App will use PartitionContext.CheckpointAsync() for checkpointing of the current offset. Azure Storage is used internally; again you can read more about how it works in Event Hubs and EventHostProcessor docs, e.g. here.

High throughput send to EventHubs resulting into MessagingException / TimeoutException / Server was unable to process the request errors

We are experiencing lots of these exceptions sending events to EventHubs during peak traffic:
"Failed to send event to EventHub. Exception : Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.MessagingException: The server was unable to process the request; please retry the operation. If the problem persists, please contact your Service Bus administrator and provide the tracking id."
"Failed to send event to EventHub. Exception : System.TimeoutException: The operation did not complete within the allocated time "
You can see it clearly here:
As you can see, we got lots of Internal Errors, Server Busy Errors, Failed Request when Incoming messages are over 400K events/hour (or ~270 MB/hour). This is not just a transient issue. It's clearly related to throughput.
Our EH has 32 partitions, message retention of 7 days, and 5 throughput units assigned. OperationTimeout is set to 5 mins, and we are using the default RetryPolicy.
Is it anything we still need to tweak here? We are really concerned about the scalability of EH.
Send throughput tuning can be achieved using efficient partition distribution strategies. There isn't any single knob which can do this. Below is the basic information you will need to be able to design for High-Thruput Scenarios.
1) Lets start from the Namespace: Throughput Units(aka TUs) are configured at Namespace level. Pls. bear in mind, that, TUs configured is applied - aggregate of all EventHubs under that Namespace. If you have 5 TUs on your Namespace and 5 eventhubs under it - it will be divided among all 5 eventhubs.
2) Now lets look at EventHub level: If the EventHub is allocated with 5 TUs and it has 32 partitions - No single partition can use all 5 TUs. For ex. if you are trying to send 5TU of data to 1 partition and 'Zero' to all other 31 partitions - this is not possible. Maximum you should plan per Partition is 1 TU. In general, you will need to ensure that the data is distributed evenly across all partitions. EventHubs support 3 types of sends - which gives users different level of control on Partition distribution:
EventHubClient.Send(EventDataWithoutPartitionKey) -> if you are using this API to send - eventhub will take care of evenly distributing the data across all partitions. EventHubs service gateway will round-robin the data to all partitions. When a specific partition is down - the Gateways auto-detect and ensure Clients doesn't see any impact. This is the most recommended way to Send to EventHubs.
EventHubClient.Send(EventDataWithPartitionKey) -> if you are using this API to send to EventHubs - the partitionKey will determine the distribution of your data. PartitionKey is used to Hash the EventData to the appropriate partition (algo. to hash is Microsoft Proprietary and not Shared). Typically users who require correlation of a group of messages will use this variant of Send.
EventHubSender.Send(EventData) -> In this variant, the Sender is already attached to the Partition. So - this gives complete control of Distribution across partitions to the Client.
To measure your present distribution of Data - use EventHubClient.GetPartitionRuntimeInfo Api to estimate which Partition is overloaded. The difference b/w BeginSequenceNumber and LastEnqueuedSequenceNumber is supposed to give an estimate of that partitions load compared to others.
3) Last but not the least - you can tune performance (not Throughput) at send operation level - using the SendBatch API.
1 TU can buy a Max of 1000 msgs/sec or 1MBPS - you will be throttled with whichever limit hits first - this cannot be changed.
If your messages are small - lets say 100 bytes and you can send only 1000 msgs/sec (as per the TU limit) - you will first hit the 1000 events/sec limit. However, overall using SendBatch API - you can batch lets say 10 of 100byte msgs and push at the same rate - 1000 msgs/sec with just 100 API calls and improve the end-to-end latency of the system (as it helps service also to persist messages efficiently). Remember, the only limitation here is the Max. Msg Size that can be sent - which is 256 kb (this limit will apply on your BatchSize if you use SendBatch API).
Given that background, in your case:
- Having 32 partitions and 5 TUs - I would really double-check the Partition distribution strategy.
here's some more general reading on Event Hubs...
After a lot of digging we decided to stop setting the PK for posted messages, and the issue simply went away!. We were using GUID as PK. We start to get very few erros on the Azure Portal, and no more exceptions. Hope this helps someone else
