How to access Windows directories inside ubuntu bash - linux

How to access a file, say test.c, from the Windows 10 Desktop on the Ubuntu Bash shell.
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I can't comment (less than 50 reputation), and I can't answer it (question was put on hold), and I can't directly message the OP. So I thought I'd share the answer here for maybe a more reputation user can forward to him. Thanks!

On terminal
cd /mnt/c/Users/
or cd /mnt/d or any other drive
Then you can just move the files to the linux home directory
mv /mnt/c/Users/path/to/file/ ~/

I believe the question asked was :"Where is new Linux subsystem and Bash are located in Windows 10?"
Through windows explorer this should get you there:
see this article for more info:


What is the cygwin equivalent of the mac command "cd ~/Documents"?

I saw this command on a tutorial and I'm not sure what the Cygwin analogue is. Any support is greatly apprecated.
as ~ means the Cygwin home directory and probably you want the Windows Home Directory that it can be different, so try
cd /cygdrive/c/users/your_windows_user_name/Documents
If instead you want really the Cygwin Home Directory than the command is the same
cd ~/Documents

Location of .bashrc for "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows" in Windows 10

Microsoft just introduced a Linux subsystem in its Windows 10 Anniversary Edition. The installation is pretty straight forward, but I could not locate bash files on Windows.
How does it work? What does ~ refer to in Windows? Where to find .bashrc?
Since the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, the location changed to:
{DIST} is equal to CanonicalGroupLimited.UbuntuonWindows_79rhkp1fndgsc
{LINUXUSER} is the user for which you are looking for the .bashrc file
Just for anyone wondering that came here from Google.
Sorry for the misunderstanding, I check on google and it will be at C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Lxss\home\USERNAME .
I tried and it works, in the cmd just type cd\ && dir *bashrc* /s it will locate the file, and in my case i see the line C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Lxss\home\USERNAME but when I want to navigate it with the window browser it doesn't work, but if you copy paste it, it works :-)
I found it here.
Considering that you need to know where a file is located you can use the find command.
The syntax of the command is find {search-path} {file-names-to-search} {action-to-take}by default the action to take is printing the file name.
So if you are finding .bashrc file you can use find / -name .bashrc the bash will return you /home/yourusername/.bashrc
Also, if you want to access to your home directory you can use cd ~
Hope my answer will be helpful :-)
just type
vi ~/.bashrc
and that should put you into the file where ever it is.
You can navigate there simply by doing cd ~
List all files with ls -a and you should be able to see it.
~ means that is user home folder, way like /home/%username%/
you can list files like ls -al and see .bashrc file.
Right now on WSL 2 you can find it under /home/{user_name} and the file is hidden.
You can access it from Ubuntu console by {text_editor} .bashrc
If you want to edit that in Windows just type in ubuntu console explorer.exe . and it opens the current folder and shows all hidden files.
It's weird but works fine.
Other answers doesn't work for me using WSL 2.
The LocalState folder contains a virtual disk so rootfs does not exist,
and AppData\Local folder does not have the Lxss folder.
The solution for me is surprisingly simple:
wsl -u root
This will allow you to get into wsl as root.
From here, you have access to the whole linux.
Fix the .bashrc or anything you want.
Don't screw up the root user. :)
I find my .bashrc file in:
you can run cd /home/your_user_name or cd ~ should work as well
If you previously installed git bash for window, you may also find .bashrc file in your window user profile folder. In Linux subsystem, you may local the file under /mnt/c/Users/your_window_user_name/.bashrc However, modifying that file only works for git bash in window but not for the shell terminal of the Linux subsystem.
Note: my installation of the Ubuntu is 20.04 LTS straight from window store.

scp from Linux to Windows [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am running a putty client on a Windows machine to connect successfully to a Linux box. Now I want to be able to copy a file from the Linux machine under the path /home/ubuntu/myfile to C:/Users/Anshul/Desktop on my local computer. The user at the Windows machine is anshul. I am giving the following command on putty but it is not working:
scp /home/ubuntu/myfile ip_address_of_windows_machine:C:/Users/Anshul/Desktop
I think the path for the Windows machine is wrong. Please help as I have banged my head on a large number of forums but none seem to give correct path for Windows server. Don't suggest alternate options like WinScp
This one worked for me.
scp /home/ubuntu/myfile username#IP_of_windows_machine:/C:/Users/Anshul/Desktop
Download pscp from Putty download page, then use it from Windows Command Line CMD as follows:
pscp username_linux_machine#ip_of_linux_machine:/home/ubuntu/myfile.ext C:\Users\Name\Downloads
Copying starts once you enter the password for the Linux machine.
Try this, it really works.
$ scp username#from_host_ip:/home/ubuntu/myfile /cygdrive/c/Users/Anshul/Desktop
And for copying all files
$ scp -r username#from_host_ip:/home/ubuntu/ *. * /cygdrive/c/Users/Anshul/Desktop
Access from Windows by Git Bash console (also works for CMD and PowerShell):
scp user#ip:/dir1/dir2/file "D:\dir1\dir2"
You could use something like the following
scp -r linux_username#linux_address:path/to/file path/to/local/directory
This will copy file to the specified local directory on the system you are currently working on.
The -r flag tells scp to recursively copy if the remote file is a directory.
Windows doesn't support SSH/SCP/SFTP natively. Are you running an SSH server application on that Windows server? If so, one of the configuration options is probably where the root is, and you would specify paths relative to that root. In any case, check the documentation for the SSH server application you are running in Windows.
Alternatively, use smbclient to push the file to a Windows share.
For all, who has installed GiT completly with "Git Bash": You can just write:
scp login#ip_addres:/location/to/folders/file.tar .
(with space and DOT at the end to copy to current location). Than just add certificate (y), write password and that's all.
Your code isn't working because c:/ or d:/ is totally wrong for linux just use /mnt/c or/mnt/c
From your local windows10-ubuntu bash use this command:
for download:
(from your remote server folder to d:/ubuntu) :
scp username#ipaddress:/folder/file.txt /mnt/d/ubuntu
Then type your remote server password if there is need.
for upload:
(from d:/ubuntu to remote server ) :
scp /mnt/d/ubuntu/file.txt username#ipaddress:/folder/file.txt
Then type your remote server password if there is need.
note: I tested and it worked.
I had to use pscp like above Hesham's post once I downloaded and installed putty. I did it to Windows from Linux on Windows so I entered the following:
c:\ssl>pscp username#linuxserver:keenan/ssl/* .
This will copy everything in the keenan/ssl folder to the local folder (.) you performed this command from (c:\ssl). The keenan/ssl will specify the home folder of the username user, for example the full path would be /home/username/keenan/ssl. You can specify a different folder using a forward slash (/), such as
c:\ssl>pscp username#linuxserver:/home/username/keenan/ssl/* .
So you can specify any folder at the root of Linux using :/.
To send a file from windows to linux system
scp path-to-file user#ipaddress:/path-to-destination
scp C:/Users/adarsh/Desktop/Document.txt root#
keep in mind that there need to use forward slash(/) inplace of backward slash(\) in for the file in windows path else it will show an error
C:UsersadarshDesktopDocument.txt: No such file or directory
After executing scp command you will ask for password of root user in linux machine.
There you GO...
To send a file from linux to windows system
scp -r user#ipaddress:/path-to-file path-to-destination
scp -r root# C:/Users/adarsh/Desktop/
and provide your linux password.
only one you have to add in this command is -r.
Here is the solution to copy files from Linux to Windows using SCP without password by ssh:
Install sshpass in Linux machine to skip password prompt
sshpass -p 'xxxxxxx' scp /home/user1/*.* testuser#x.x.x.x:/d/test/
sshpass -p 'password' scp /source_path/*.* windowsusername#windowsMachine_ip:/destination_drive/subfolder/
As #Hesham Eraqi suggested, it worked for me in this way (transfering from Ubuntu to Windows (I tried to add a comment in that answer but because of reputation, I couldn't)):
pscp -v -r -P 53670* \\Desktop-mojbd3n\d\cc_01-1940_data\
-v: show verbose messages.
-r: copy directories recursively.
-P: connect to specified port.
53670: the port number to connect the Ubuntu server.
\\Desktop-mojbd3n\d\genetic_map_data\: I needed to transfer to an external HDD, thus I had to give permissions of sharing to this device.
Open bash window. Preferably git bash.
scp username#remote_ip:/directory_of_file/filename 'windows_location_you_want_to_store_the_file'
Suppose your username is jewel
your IP is
your remote file location is /usr/local/forme
your filename is
and you want to store in your windows PC's D drive forme folder
then the command will be
scp jewel# 'D:/forme'
**Keep the local file directory inside single quote.
I know this is old but I was struggling with the same. I haven't found a way to change directories, but if you just want to work with the C drive, scp defaults to C. To scp from Ubuntu to Windows, I ended up having to use (notice the double back-slashes):
scp /local/file/path user#\\Anshul\\Desktop
Hope this helps someone.
Try this:
scp /home/ubuntu/myfile C:\users\Anshul\Desktop
If you want to copy paste files from Unix to Windows and Windows to Unix just use filezilla with port 22.

Safely change home directory

I'm trying to safely update the home directory as specified in /etc/passwd,
but the standard Linux utils - usermod and vipw - for doing so aren't provided
by Cygwin.
Could anyone tell me how they changed this in Cygwin?
EDIT: For recent versions of Cygwin (1.7.34 and beyond), see this newer question.
Like sblundy's answer, you can always edit by-hand.
But if you want to do it the "official" way, use the cygwin-specific mkpasswd command. Below is a snippet from the official docs on mkpasswd :
For example, this command:
Example 3.11. Using an alternate home root
$ mkpasswd -l -p "$(cygpath -H)" > /etc/passwd
would put local users' home directories in the Windows 'Profiles' directory.
There's a bunch of other really useful commands described on the Cygwin Utilities documentation page (which includes mkpasswd). The use of cygpath in the example above is another of these cygwin-specific tools.
While you're at it, you probably also want to read the Using Cygwin Effectively with Windows documentation. There's a bunch of really good advice.
I ended up exiting all my cygwin shells and editing it by hand in a text editor. So far, so good.
Note: don't escape the spaces in the "Documents and Settings" directory. The entry will look like
user:...:/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/user:/bin/bash
The line is tokenized on the : character.
The simplest answer I have found is to make /home to be a soft link to your Windows Home/UserProfile directory
cd /
mv home oldhome
ln -s "$(cygpath -H)" home
I used cygpath as it will get the proper location for the HOME directory on the current version of Windows. On my box cygpath -H returns /cygdrive/c/Users
For the current user the following worked for me:
Close Cygwin.
Set the HOME Windows user environment variable.
Start Cygwin.
run "mkpasswd -c -p "$(cygpath -H)" > /etc/passwd".
Restart Cygwin.
I confirmed it worked by running ssh-keygen without any arguments. After making this change the app now defaults to saving the key to /cygdrive/c/Users/user instead of /home/user.
I don't know if setting HOME is required, but I did it anyway per instructions for setting up TortoiseGit with Cygwin using Tortoise's official documentation for unofficial Cygwin support here. Setting HOME alone though was not enough for ssh-keygen to recognize the home directory change.
Also, note that Cygwin's official documentation on this issue can be found here.
Confirmed in Windows 7 using 64-bit Cygwin v1.7.35.
I always set HOME as a user-specific environment variable in Computer Properties.
To avoid problems caused by having spaces in the path to your home directory, use the short-form of the Windows 'Profiles' directory - i.e. /cygdrive/c/DOCUME~1/user.
You can do this by typing the command:
mkpasswd -l -p "$(cygpath $(cygpath -dH))" > /etc/passwd
Original answer by Christopher from elsewhere
Cygwin 1.7.34+
For those using Cygwin 1.7.34 or higher Cygwin supports configuring how to fetch home directory, login shell, and gecos information in /etc/nsswitch.conf. This is detailed in the Cygwin User Guide section:
Cygwin user names, home dirs, login shells
If you've previously created an /etc/passwd or /etc/group file you'll want to remove those and configure Cygwin using the new Windows Security model to POSIX mappings.
[[ -f /etc/passwd ]] && mv /etc/passwd /etc/passwd.bak
[[ -f /etc/group ]] && mv /etc/group /etc/group.bak
The /etc/nsswitch.conf file's db_home: setting defines how Cygwin fetches the user's home directory. The default setting for db_home: is
db_home: /home/%U
So by default, Cygwin just sets the home dir to /home/$USERNAME. You can change that though to point at any other custom path you want. The supported wildcard characters are:
%u The Cygwin username (that's lowercase u).
%U The Windows username (that's uppercase U).
%D Windows domain in NetBIOS style.
%H Windows home directory in POSIX style. Note that, for the db_home: setting, this only makes sense right after the preceeding slash, as in db_home: /%H/cygwin
%_ Since space and TAB characters are used to separate the schemata, a space in the filename has to be given as %_ (that's an underscore).
%% A per-cent character.
In place of a path, you can specify one of four named path schemata that are predefined.
windows The user's home directory is set to the same directory which is used as Windows home directory, typically something along the lines of %USERPROFILE% or C:\Users\$USERNAME. Of course, the Windows directory is converted to POSIX-style by Cygwin.
cygwin AD only: The user's home directory is set to the POSIX path given in the cygwinHome attribute from the cygwinUser auxiliary class. See also the section called “The cygwin schema”.
unix AD only: The user's home directory is set to the POSIX path given in the unixHomeDirectory attribute from the posixAccount auxiliary class. See also the section called “The unix schema”.
desc The user's home directory is set to the POSIX path given in the home="..." XML-alike setting in the user's description attribute in SAM or AD. See the section called “The desc schema” for a detailed description.
The following will make the user's home directory in Cygwin the same as is used for the Windows home directory.
db_home: windows
Cygwin 1.7.33 or earlier
For those using Cygwin 1.7.33 or earlier, update to the latest version Cygwin and remove previously used /etc/passwd and /etc/group files, then see the steps above.
Else, follow these older steps below.
Firstly, set a Windows environment variable for HOME that points to your user profile:
Open System on the Control Panel
On the Advanced tab click Environment Variables (toward the bottom)
In the User Variables area click "New…"
For Variable name enter HOME
For Variable value enter %USERPROFILE%
Click OK in all the open dialog boxes to apply this new setting
Now we are going to update the Cygwin /etc/passwd file with the Windows %HOME% variable we just created. Shell logins and remote logins via ssh will rely on /etc/passwd to tell them the location of the user's $HOME path.
At the Cygwin bash command prompt type the following:
cp /etc/passwd /etc/passwd.bak
mkpasswd -l -p $(cygpath -H) > /etc/passwd
mkpasswd -d -p $(cygpath -H) >> /etc/passwd
The -d switch tells mkpasswd to include DOMAIN users, while -l is to only output LOCAL machine users. This is important if you're using a PC at work where the user information is obtained from a Windows Domain Controller.
Now, you can also do the same for groups, though this is not necessary unless you will be using a computer that is part of a Windows Domain. Cygwin reads group information from the Windows account databases, but you can add an /etc/group file if your machine is often disconnected from its Domain Controller.
At the Cygwin bash prompt type the following:
cp /etc/group /etc/group.bak
mkgroup -l > /etc/group
mkgroup -d >> /etc/group
Now, exit Cygwin and start it up again. You should find that your HOME path points to the same location as your Windows User Profile -- i.e. /cygdrive/c/Users/username
I like to keep my cygwin installation sync'd to a pen drive and another computer, so I hate hard-coding the home directory. I use the following cygwin.bat:
echo off
set SHELL=\\bin\\bash
set HOME=%~dp0..\..\doc\unix
bin\bash --login -i
SETLOCAL and ENDLOCAL make sure that SHELL and HOME don't clobber existing env variables for other programs. HOME=%~dp0..\..\doc\unix sets HOME to be two directories up, in the doc/unix subdirectory. Then in ....\doc\unix.bashrc, I include PATH="/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/bin".
I did not use start /wait %CD%\bin\bash to start bash, because I am using Console2, so I don't need an additional cmd window.
Using Windows Environment Variable: HOME
This works for me for a permanent, non-portable, non-network solution; i.e. setting the HOME Environment variable permanently in Windows.
Note that this doesn't affect ssh or telnet sessions which always refer to /etc/passwd
ref: Setting up Cygwin- My HOME environment variable is not what I want.
For current user (needs to run once per user)::
reg add HKCU\Environment /v HOME /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d ^%USERPROFILE^%
For new Users:
reg add HKU\.DEFAULT\Environment /v HOME /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d ^%USERPROFILE^%
Note: Carets ^ before percent-signs %
Import this reg file (current user):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
For new users:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
In Regedit, under:
For current user:
For new Users:
Create HOME as a new Expandable String Value (*REG_EXPAND_SZ*) and put in %USERPROFILE%
cd /home
rm -rf chris
ln -s /cygdrive/z chris
I am not really sure if it is the safest solution but it is a possible solution that works for me ;)
I edited my /etc/passwd file directly (making sure nothing else would be accessing it), and changed all references to /home to be /Users (on Windows 7). I found that, in order for everything to work correctly, I had to delete any directories in the /home directory (or move them to the appropriate other location). Otherwise, cygwin would develop a split personality where, for example, 'bash -l' would start in /home/Pablo but $HOME would be /Users/Pablo and emacs would appear to do the reverse. Once I deleted /home/Pablo, everything worked fine.
I only needed to be in C:\Users\username when I start cygwin. So, I just added to .bashrc and .profile
If you prefer to use ~/. instead of $HOMEPATH, you can also add the following:
This way I don't disturb the cygwin installation.

Keep Remote Directory Up-to-date

I absolutely love the Keep Remote Directory Up-to-date feature in Winscp. Unfortunately, I can't find anything as simple to use in OS X or Linux. I know the same thing can theoretically be accomplished using changedfiles or rsync, but I've always found the tutorials for both tools to be lacking and/or contradictory.
I basically just need a tool that works in OSX or Linux and keeps a remote directory in sync (mirrored) with a local directory while I make changes to the local directory.
Looking through the solutions, I see a couple which solve the general problem of keeping a remote directory in sync with a local directory manually. I know that I can set a cron task to run rsync every minute, and this should be fairly close to real time.
This is not the exact solution I was looking for as winscp does this and more: it detects file changes in a directory (while I work on them) and then automatically pushes the changes to the remote server. I know this is not the best solution (no code repository), but it allows me to very quickly test code on a server while I develop it. Does anyone know how to combine rsync with any other commands to get this functionality?
lsyncd seems to be the perfect solution. it combines inotify (kernel builtin function which watches for file changes in a directory trees) and rsync (cross platform file-syncing-tool).
lsyncd -rsyncssh /home backup-home/
Quote from github:
Lsyncd watches a local directory trees event monitor interface (inotify or fsevents). It aggregates and combines events for a few seconds and then spawns one (or more) process(es) to synchronize the changes. By default this is rsync. Lsyncd is thus a light-weight live mirror solution that is comparatively easy to install not requiring new filesystems or blockdevices and does not hamper local filesystem performance.
How "real-time" do you want the syncing? I would still lean toward rsync since you know it is going to be fully supported on both platforms (Windows, too, with cygwin) and you can run it via a cron job. I have a super-simple bash file that I run on my system (this does not remove old files):
rsync -avrz --progress --exclude-from .rsync_exclude_remote . remote_login#remote_computer:remote_dir
# options
# -a archive
# -v verbose
# -r recursive
# -z compress
Your best bet is to set it up and try it out. The -n (--dry-run) option is your friend!
Keep in mind that rsync (at least in cygwin) does not support unicode file names (as of 16 Aug 2008).
What you want to do for linux remote access is use 'sshfs' - the SSH File System.
# sshfs username#host:path/to/directory local_dir
Then treat it like an network mount, which it is...
A bit more detail, like how to set it up so you can do this as a regular user, on my blog
If you want the asynchronous behavior of winSCP, you'll want to use rsync combined with something that executes it periodically. The cron solution above works, but may be overkill for the winscp use case.
The following command will execute rsync every 5 seconds to push content to the remote host. You can adjust the sleep time as needed to reduce server load.
# while true; do rsync -avrz localdir user#host:path; sleep 5; done
If you have a very large directory structure and need to reduce the overhead of the polling, you can use 'find':
# touch -d 01/01/1970 last; while true; do if [ "`find localdir -newer last -print -quit`" ]; then touch last; rsync -avrz localdir user#host:path; else echo -ne .; fi; sleep 5; done
And I said cron may be overkill? But at least this is all just done from the command line, and can be stopped via a ctrl-C.
To detect changed files, you could try fam (file alteration monitor) or inotify. The latter is linux-specific, fam has a bsd port which might work on OS X. Both have userspace tools that could be used in a script together with rsync.
I have the same issue. I loved winscp "keep remote directory up to date" command. However, in my quest to rid myself of Windows, I lost winscp. I did write a script that uses fileschanged and rsync to do something similar much closer to real time.
How to use:
Make sure you have fileschanged installed
Save this script in /usr/local/bin/livesync or somewhere reachable in your $PATH and make it executable
Use Nautilus to connect to the remote host (sftp or ftp)
Run this script by doing livesync SOURCE DEST
The DEST directory will be in /home/[username]/.gvfs/[path to ftp scp or whatever]
A Couple downsides:
It is slower than winscp (my guess is because it goes through Nautilus and has to detect changes through rsync as well)
You have to manually create the destination directory if it doesn't already exist. So if you're adding a directory, it won't detect and create the directory on the DEST side.
Probably more that I haven't noticed yet
Also, do not attempt to synchronize a SRC directory named "rsyncThis". That will probably not be good :)
if [ "$HOMEDIR" = "." ]
while read input
echo -n "Sync File: $SYNCFILE..."
rsync -Cvz --temp-dir="$REMOTEDIR" "$HOMEDIR/$SYNCFILE" "$REMOTEDIR/$SYNCFILE" > /dev/null
echo "Done."
echo "Live rsync copy from one directory to another. This will overwrite the existing files on DEST."
echo "Usage: $0 SOURCE DEST"
case "$1" in
if [ -n "$1" ] && [ -n "$2" ]
fileschanged -r "$1" | "$0" rsyncThis "$1" "$2"
You could always use version control, like SVN, so all you have to do is have the server run svn up on a folder every night. This runs into security issues if you are sharing your files publicly, but it works.
If you are using Linux though, learn to use rsync. It's really not that difficult as you can test every command with -n. Go through the man page, the basic format you will want is
the command I run from my school server to my home backup machine is this
rsync -avi --delete ~ me#homeserv:~/School/ >> BackupLog.txt
This takes all of the files in my home directory (~) and uses rsync's archive mode (-a), verbosly (-v), lists all of the changes made (-i), while deleting any files that don't exist anymore (--delete) and puts the in the Folder /home/me/School/ on my remote server. All of the information it prints out (what was copied, what was deleted, etc.) is also appended to the file BackupLog.txt
I know that's a whirlwind tour of rsync, but I hope it helps.
The rsync solutions are really good, especially if you're only pushing changes one way. Another great tool is unison -- it attempts to syncronize changes in both directions. Read more at the Unison homepage.
Great question I have searched answer for hours !
I have tested lsyncd and the problem is that the default delay is far too long and no example command line give the -delay option.
Other problem is that by default rsync ask password each time !
Solution with lsyncd :
lsyncd --nodaemon -rsyncssh local_dir remote_user#remote_host remote_dir -delay .2
other way is to use inotify-wait in a script :
while inotifywait -r -e modify,create,delete local_dir ; do
# if you need you can add wait here
rsync -avz local_dir remote_user#remote_host:remote_dir
For this second solution you will have to install inotify-tools package
To suppress the need to enter password at each change, simply use ssh-keygen :
It seems like perhaps you're solving the wrong problem. If you're trying to edit files on a remote computer then you might try using something like the ftp plugin for jedit. This ensures that you have only one version of the file so it can't ever be out of sync.
Building off of icco's suggestion of SVN, I'd actually suggest that if you are using subversion or similar for source control (and if you aren't, you should probably start) you can keep the production environment up to date by putting the command to update the repository into the post-commit hook.
There are a lot of variables in how you'd want to do that, but what I've seen work is have the development or live site be a working copy and then have the post-commit use an ssh key with a forced command to log into the remote site and trigger an svn up on the working copy. Alternatively in the post-commit hook you could trigger an svn export on the remote machine, or a local (to the svn repository) svn export and then an rsync to the remote machine.
I would be worried about things that detect changes and push them, and I'd even be worried about things that ran every minute, just because of race conditions. How do you know it's not going to transfer the file at the very same instant it's being written to? Stumble across that once or twice and you'll lose all of the time-saving advantage you had by constantly rsyncing or similar.
Will DropBox ( do what you want?
User and rsync to automate this. Read the following step by step instructions here:
I used to have the same setup under Windows as you, that is a local filetree (versioned) and a test environment on a remote server, which I kept mirrored in realtime with WinSCP. When I switched to Mac I had to do quite some digging before I was happy, but finally ended up using:
SmartSVN as my subversion client
Sublime Text 2 as my editor (already used it on Windows)
SFTP-plugin to ST2 which handles the uploading on save (sorry, can't post more than 2 links)
I can really recommend this setup, hope it helps!
I have been using WinSCP on Wine for a few years now and it works fine for the syncing operations you mention.
Here are some instructions I posted to Github on how to setup via wine: WinSCP_On_Wine
Just be aware that WinSCP is not being actively tested on wine so there may be some quirky issues. however, I use it daily on Ubuntu 20.04 for all my devops and have never lost a file and rarely experience any of such quirks.
You can also use Fetch as an SFTP client, and then edit files directly on the server from within that. There are also SSHFS (mount an ssh folder as a Volume) options. This is in line with what stimms said - are you sure you want stuff kept in sync, or just want to edit files on the server?
OS X has it's own file notifications system - this is what Spotlight is based upon. I haven't heard of any program that uses this to then keep things in sync, but it's certainly conceivable.
I personally use RCS for this type of thing:- whilst it's got a manual aspect, it's unlikely I want to push something to even the test server from my dev machine without testing it first. And if I am working on a development server, then I use one of the options given above.
Well, I had the same kind of problem and it is possible using these together: rsync, SSH Passwordless Login, Watchdog (a Python sync utility) and Terminal Notifier (an OS X notification utility made with Ruby. Not needed, but helps to know when the sync has finished).
I created the key to Passwordless Login using this tutorial from Dreamhost wiki:
1.1. When you finish, test if everything is ok… if you can't Passwordless Login, maybe you have to try afp mount. Dreamhost (where my site is) does not allow afp mount, but allows Passwordless Login. In terminal, type:
You should login without passwords being asked :P
I installed the Terminal Notifier from the Github page:
2.1. I used the Gem installer command. In Terminal, type:
gem install terminal-notifier
2.3. Test if the notification works.In Terminal, type:
terminal-notifier -message "Starting sync"
Create a sh script to test the rsync + notification. Save it anywhere you like, with the name you like. In this example, I'll call it ~/Scripts/ I used the ".sh extension, but I don't know if its needed.
terminal-notifier -message "Starting sync"
rsync -azP ~/Sites/folder/
terminal-notifier -message "Sync has finished"
3.1. Remember to give execution permission to this sh script. In Terminal, type:
sudo chmod 777 ~/Scripts/
3.2. Run the script and verify if the messages are displayed correctly and the rsync actually sync your local folder with the remote folder.
Finally, I downloaded and installed Watchdog from the Github page:
4.1. First, I installed the libyaml dependency using Brew (there are lot's of help how to install Brew - like an "aptitude" for OS X). In Terminal, type:
brew install libyaml
4.2. Then, I used the "easy_install command". Go the folder of Watchdog, and type in Terminal:
easy_install watchdog
Now, everything is installed! Go the folder you want to be synced, change this code to your needs, and type in Terminal:
watchmedo shell-command
--patterns="*.php;*.txt;*.js;*.css" \
--recursive \
--command='~/Scripts/' \
It has to be EXACTLY this way, with the slashes and line breaks, so you'll have to copy these lines to a text editor, change the script, paste in terminal and press return.
I tried without the line breaks, and it doesn't work!
In my Mac, I always get an error, but it doesn't seem to affect anything:
/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/argh-0.22.0-py2.7.egg/argh/ UserWarning: Bash completion not available. Install argcomplete.
Now, made some changes in a file inside the folder, and watch the magic!
I'm using this little Ruby-Script:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Rsyncs 2Folders
# watchAndSync by Mike Mitterer, 2014 <>
# with credit to Brett Terpstra <>
# and Carlo Zottmann <>
# Found link on:
trap("SIGINT") { exit }
if ARGV.length < 2
puts "Usage: #{$0} watch_folder sync_folder"
puts "Example: #{$0} web keepInSync"
dev_extension = 'dev'
filetypes = ['css','html','htm','less','js', 'dart']
watch_folder = ARGV[0]
sync_folder = ARGV[1]
puts "Watching #{watch_folder} and subfolders for changes in project files..."
puts "Syncing with #{sync_folder}..."
while true do
files = []
filetypes.each {|type|
files += Dir.glob( File.join( watch_folder, "**", "*.#{type}" ) )
new_hash = files.collect {|f| [ f, File.stat(f).mtime.to_i ] }
hash ||= new_hash
diff_hash = new_hash - hash
unless diff_hash.empty?
hash = new_hash
diff_hash.each do |df|
puts "Detected change in #{df[0]}, syncing..."
system("rsync -avzh #{watch_folder} #{sync_folder}")
sleep 1
Adapt it for your needs!
If you are developing python on remote server, Pycharm may be a good choice to you. You can synchronize your remote files with your local files utilizing pycharm remote development feature. The guide link as:
