xpages: how to get the total of the categorized column - xpages

I have a categorized view, the first column is categorized and ascending.The last column calculates the total. Imagine the view name is called view1 and it looks like the following:
1st column(categorized) | 2nd column | 3rd column (total)
Australia | | 2
| Alex | 1
| Bill | 1
Brazil | | 3
| Alan | 1
| Alice | 1
| Tom | 1
Chile | | 1
| John | 1
Denmark | | 2
| Susan | 1
| Tim | 1
| | 8
I would like to retrieve the total of each categorized column, for example, the total for Australia is 2, the total for Brazil is 3. I browse on the internet and write some code but the result is not success.
Here is my first attempt: I intend to use #DbLookup, for loop and #Count.
var value = sessionScope.Value;
var lookupValue = (#DbLookup(#DbName(),"view1",value,1));
for(var a = 0; a < lookupValue.length; a++)
//try to display the lookupValue and the relevant total
writer.write("<tr><td>"+lookupValue[a]+"<td> "+ #Count(lookupValue[a]) + "</td></tr>");
When I run the code, I get the following result:
Australia 1
Australia 1
Brazil 1
Brazil 1
Brazil 1
Chile 1
Denmark 1
Denmark 1
After the first attempt, I start the second attempt: (please note, most of the code in this part I get from the internet and I just modify a little bit to suit my case)
var myView:NotesView = database.getView('view1');
var vec:NotesViewEntryCollection = myView.getAllEntries();
var viewEnt:NotesViewEntry = vec.getFirstEntry();
while (viewEnt != null)
// try to retrieve the total in the 3rd column
writer.write("<tr><td> "+ 'viewEnt.getColumnValues()[2]' +"</td></tr>");
var tmp = vec.getNextEntry(viewEnt);
viewEnt = tmp;
I run the code and the result is empty. I do not get any total of the categorized column.
I review the code from attempt 1 and attempt 2, I don't understand why I cannot get the total.
I search on the internet again and I found this similar post: Getting a summary count in a view export?
I try to apply the solution in the application:(please note, most of the code in this part I get from that post and I just add the view name in the function)
function getCategoryData(viewName, dataColumn, getChildren) {
var v = database.getView(view1); // change viewName to view1
var nav = v.createViewNav();
var ve = nav.getFirst();
var isFirst = true;
var result = "[";
while (ve) {
if (!ve.isTotal()) {
var curData = ve.getColumnValues();
if (!isFirst) {
result += ",";
result += "{label : \"";
result += curData[0];
result += "\", value : ";
result += curData[dataColumn];
/* for 2 level categories we fetch additional data */
if (getChildren) {
var childve = nav.getChild();
var firstChild = true;
result += ", children : [";
while (childve) {
var childData = childve.getColumnValues();
if (!firstChild) {
result += ",";
result += "{label : \"";
result += childData[1];
result += "\", value : ";
result += childData[dataColumn];
result += "}";
firstChild = false;
childve = nav.getNextSibling(childve);
result += "]"
result += "}";
isFirst = false;
ve = nav.getNextSibling(ve);
result += "]";
return result;
I run the code and I get the result like this:
[{label : "Australia", value : undefined},{label : "Brazil", value : undefined},{label : "Chile", value : undefined},{label : "Denmark", value : undefined}]
After the third attempt, I think the reason that I cannot get the total is I misunderstand the concept about how to get the total in the view.
In fact, what I would like to do is get the total of each categorized column in view1. Therefore, imagine the result will look like this:
Australia 2
Brazil 3
Chile 1
Denmark 2
Actually, I think the first attempt is very close to the result. I feel I missed something in the code (perhaps I guess in the for loop part).
How can I get the total of each categorized column in view?
Grateful for your advice on this issue please. Thank you very much.

You are on the right track with your third attempt. You definitely want to use NotesViewNavigator.
Here is a working example based on your requirements:
* #param viewName Name of the view to navigate
* #param labelColumn Number of the column in the view containing the label
* Note: column count start at 0
* #param dataColumn Number of the column in the view containing
* totals. Note: column count starts at 0
* #return String representing a javascript array of objects containing label and value
function getCategoryData(viewName, labelColumn, dataColumn) {
var v:NotesView = database.getView(viewName);
var nav:NotesViewNavigator = v.createViewNav();
var ve:NotesViewEntry = nav.getFirst(); // first category
var isFirst = true;
var result = "[";
while (ve) {
var curData = ve.getColumnValues();
if (curData[labelColumn] != "") { // skip the total at the bottom of the totals column
if (!isFirst) {
result += ",";
result += "{label : \"";
result += curData[labelColumn];
result += "\", value : ";
result += curData[dataColumn];
result += "}";
isFirst = false;
var tmpentry:NotesViewEntry = nav.getNextCategory();
ve = tmpentry;
result += "]";
return result;
Based on the description of your view and assuming the name of your view is "countries" you would call this function like this:
getCategoryData("countries", 0, 2);
Note: I did not test this function with multiple categorized columns.


Split column into rows using excel office script

I would like to split a column into rows using excel office script but I cant figure out how.
I have a schedule in below format in excel which I would like to split into columns.
Original table
Final table need to be like this.
Final Table
Is this achievable, if yes, could someone please share the code
Based on your description I made an attempt at a solution with Office Scripts. It takes a table like this:
and outputs a new table on a new worksheet, like this:
For better or worse I attempted to keep the logic in the workbook via formulas derived from the first table and output into the second. This formula logic would need to be rewritten if there is more than one activity per day.
I'm not a developer but I can already see areas in this Office Script that need improvement:
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
// delete new worksheet if it already exists so the rest of the script can run effectively
// should you need to retain data simply rename worksheet before running
if (workbook.getWorksheet("My New Sheet") != undefined) {
workbook.getWorksheet("My New Sheet").delete()
// assumes your original data is in a table
let myTable = workbook.getTable("Table1");
let tableData = myTable.getRangeBetweenHeaderAndTotal().getValues();
// extract the dates as excel serial numbers
let allDates:number[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < tableData.length; i++) {
allDates.push(tableData[i][2], tableData[i][3]);
let oldestDate = Math.min(...allDates);
let newestDate = Math.max(...allDates);
let calendarSpread = newestDate-oldestDate+2;
// construct formula from the tableData
// first add a new 'column' to tableData to represent the days of the week (as numbers) on which the activity is planned. this will be an array added to each 'row'.
for (let r = 0; r < tableData.length; r++) {
// start a near blank formula string
let formulaText:string = '=';
// use the following cell reference
let cellRef = 'C2';
// construct the formual for each row in the data and with each day of the week for the row
let rowCount:number;
for (let r = 0; r < tableData.length; r++) {
if (tableData[r][4].length > 1) {
formulaText += 'IF(AND(OR(';
} else {
formulaText += 'IF(AND(';
for (let a=0; a < tableData[r][4].length; a++) {
formulaText += 'WEEKDAY(' + cellRef + ')=' + tableData[r][4][a].toString();
if (a == tableData[r][4].length - 1 && tableData[r][4].length > 1) {
formulaText += '),';
} else {
formulaText += ', ';
formulaText += cellRef + '>=' + tableData[r][2] + ', ' + cellRef + '<=' + tableData[r][3] + '), "' + tableData[r][0] + '", ';
rowCount = r+1;
formulaText += '"-"';
for (let p=0; p<rowCount; p++) {
formulaText += ')';
// create a new sheet
let newSheet = workbook.addWorksheet("My New Sheet");
// add the header row
let header = newSheet.getRange("A1:C1").setValues([["Activity", "Day", "Date"]])
// insert the oldest date into the first row, then add formula to adjacent cells in row
let firstDate = newSheet.getRange("C2")
firstDate.getOffsetRange(0, -1).setFormula("=C2");
firstDate.getOffsetRange(0, -1).setNumberFormatLocal("ddd");
firstDate.getOffsetRange(0, -2).setFormula(formulaText);
// use autofill to copy results down until the last day in the sequence
let autoFillRange = "A2:C" + (calendarSpread).toString();
firstDate.getResizedRange(0, -2).autoFill(autoFillRange, ExcelScript.AutoFillType.fillDefault);
// convert the the range to a table and format the columns
let outputTable = newSheet.addTable(newSheet.getUsedRange(), true);
//navigate to the new sheet
// function to return days (as a number) for each day of week found in a string
function findDay(foo: string) {
// start with a list of days to search for
let daysOfWeek:string[] = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri", "Sat"];
//create empty arrays
let searchResults:number[] = [];
let daysFound:number[] = [];
// search for each day of the week, this will create an array for each day of the week where the value is -1 if the day is not found or write the position where the day is found
for (let d of daysOfWeek) {
// now take the search results array and if the number contained is greater than -1 add it's position+1 to a days found array. this should end up being a list of numbered days of the week found in a string/cell
for (let i = 0; i < searchResults.length; i++) {
if (searchResults[i] > -1) {
daysFound.push(i + 1);
return daysFound
I managed to get this working using below code for anyone who might be interested.
let usedRange = workbook.getActiveWorksheet().getTables()[0].getRangeBetweenHeaderAndTotal();
let newString: string[][] = [];
usedRange.getValues().forEach(row => {
let daysRows: string[][] = [];
let days = row[1].toString().split(',');
days.forEach(cellValue => {
if (cellValue != ' ') {
let eachDayData = row.toString().replace(row[1].toString(), cellValue).split(',');
daysRows.forEach(actualDay => {
const effDate = new Date(Math.round((actualDay[2] as unknown as number - 25569) * 86400 * 1000))
const disDate = new Date(Math.round((actualDay[3] as unknown as number - 25569) * 86400 * 1000))
getDatesInRange(effDate, disDate).forEach(element => {
let options = { weekday: 'short' }
if (element.toLocaleDateString('en-GB', options) == actualDay[1]) {
let datas = actualDay.toString().replace(actualDay[2], element.toDateString()).split(',')
let workSheet = workbook.addWorksheet('UpdatedSheet');
let headers = workSheet.getRange('A1:C1').setValue([['Activity', 'Day', 'Date']])
let range = workSheet.getRange('A2');
let resizedRange = range.getAbsoluteResizedRange(newString.length, newString[0].length);
let tableRange = workSheet.getRange("A2").getSurroundingRegion().getAddress();
let newTable = workbook.addTable(workSheet.getRange(tableRange), true);
function getDatesInRange(startDate: { getTime: () => string | number | Date; }, endDate: string | number | Date) {
const date = new Date(startDate.getTime());
const dates: Date[] = [];
while (date <= endDate) {
dates.push(new Date(date));
date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
return dates;

Tabulator - CSV to JSON

I would like to know if there will be a way to transform a csv to the JSON format suitable for the Tabulator library?
The idea would be to have a format as seen on excel :
- the first cell on the top left, empty
- columns A, B, C... AA, AB... according to the number of cells on the longest row
- the line number automatically on the first cell of each line)
I had the idea of doing it directly with loops, but it takes a lot of time I find. I don't see any other way.
Thank you for the help.
Check the following function, I hope this is what you are looking for...
let csvfile = 'title1,title2,title3,title4\n1,2,3,4\n11,22,33,44' //YOUR CSV FILE
let finalJson = [];
let headers;
let line =[];
function convertCSV2JSON(csv) {
line = csv.split("\n"); //PARSE ALL AVAILABLE LINES INTO ARRAY
result = [];
line.slice(1).forEach(function(item,i){ //RUN EACH ITEM EXCLUDING COLUMN NAMES
var obj = {};
if(line[i] === null || line[i] === undefined) {
var entries = line[i+1].split(","); // SEPARATE FOUND ENTRIES EXCLUDING COLUMN NAMES (i+1)
for(var j = 0; j < entries.length; j++) { // PARSE ENTRIES
obj[convert2Letters(j)] = entries[j]; // ASSIGN A LETTER AS COLUMN NAME
function convert2Letters(iteration) {
let readyLetter = ''
while (iteration >= 0) {
readyLetter += capLetters[iteration % 26]
iteration = Math.floor(iteration / 26) - 1
return readyLetter
The fuzzy part was at foreach() function, because you cannot initiate index at your preference... slice() did the trick!
Moreover convert2Letters() function takes an array of letters and on each iteration finds the modulus of 26 letters, removing by one shows you the next combination...
If you have 30 columns it will give 30 % 26 = 4
4 corresponds to capLetters[4] which is 'E'
calculate next: iteration = Math.floor(iteration / 26) - 1 which means on every 26 increment (0,26,52,78...) it will give (-1,0,1,2...) corresponding. So a 30 columns iteration will have 0 as result which corresponds to capLetters[0] = 'A'
Resulting: 30 columns will give letters 'EA'

How can I replace automatically-generated grand total values with different ones (Aspose Cells)?

My spreadsheet automatically generates a "Grand Totals" column as the rightmost column:
This is nice, in general. But in specific, I've got a couple of problems with it: The last two values (with the unfortunate labels "Sum of Avg Price" and "Sum of Percentage") provide just that - a sum of the previous columns. In those cases, I don't want a simple sum, but an average in the first case and a percentage in the second case.
For the AvgPrice, what I need is a calculation of "Sum of Total Price" / "Sum of Total Quty" in the Grand Total column. For instance, the first AvgPrice Grand Total value should be "33.14" rather than "66.26"
For the Percentage, I need the percentage of Total Price for the item/Description (such as "25151.75" seen in the first item above) as compared to the "Total Price" value in the "Total Sum of Total Price" grand total row/column ("1529802.82"). That value is seen here:
So the "Percentage" value for that first item ("ASPARAGUS, LARGE 11/1#") should be approximately 1.6 (as 25151.75 is about 1/60th of 1529802.82), rather than 1.36.
Is there a way to set this up to automatically generate those values in the Grand Total Column, or do I need to prevent the Grand Total column from being generated like so:
pivotTable.ColumnGrand = false;
...and then add that column to the sheet manually, doing the calculations in code, and adding those values that way?
In order to look into this issue in detail, please post your query in Aspose.Cells forum with your sample excel files. You can provide us source excel file, actual output excel file and the expected excel file and sample code. And the screenshot like you provided will also be helpful. Thanks for your cooperation in this regard.
Aspose.Cells Forum Link:
Note: I am working as Developer Evangelist at Aspose
It's easiest, I think, to just add that column manually, calculating the necessary values; here's how I'm doing it now (basically the same idea as in Excel Interop - manually adding the Grand Total column):
After the PivotTable code, I call AddManualGrandTotalColumn(), which is:
private void AddManualGrandTotalColumn()
var pivot = pivotTableSheet.PivotTables[0];
var dataBodyRange = pivot.DataBodyRange;
int rowsUsed = dataBodyRange.EndRow;
int currentQtyRow = FIRST_DATA_ROW;
int ROWS_IN_A_RANGE = 4;
// Needed?
// Get Total Sales value, which will be needed for computing the % val
Cell totalTotalPurchasesCell = pivotTableSheet.Cells[rowsUsed - 2, _grandTotalsColumnPivotTable + 1];
decimal totalTotalPurchases = Convert.ToDecimal(totalTotalPurchasesCell.Value);
Cell gtLabelCell = pivotTableSheet.Cells[6, _grandTotalsColumnPivotTable + 2];
gtLabelCell.Value = "Grand Total";
Cell QtyCell = null;
Cell PriceCell = null;
Cell AvgPriceCell = null;
Cell PercentageCell = null;
while (currentQtyRow < rowsUsed)
// SumTotalQty
int qty = GetSumTotalQty(currentQtyRow);
QtyCell = pivotTableSheet.Cells[currentQtyRow, _grandTotalsColumnPivotTable + 2];
QtyCell.Value = qty;
// SumTotalPrice
decimal price = GetSumTotalPrice(currentQtyRow+1);
PriceCell = pivotTableSheet.Cells[currentQtyRow+1, _grandTotalsColumnPivotTable + 2];
PriceCell.Value = price;
// Calculate Avg Price (SumTotalPrice / SumTotalQty)
decimal avg = 0.0M;
if ((price > 0) && (qty > 0))
avg = price / qty;
AvgPriceCell = pivotTableSheet.Cells[currentQtyRow+2, _grandTotalsColumnPivotTable + 2];
AvgPriceCell.Value = avg;
// Calculate Percentage (totalTotalPurchases / SumTotalPrice?)
decimal prcntg = 0.0M;
if ((totalTotalPurchases > 0) && (price > 0)) // ? Right calculation?
prcntg = totalTotalPurchases / price;
PercentageCell = pivotTableSheet.Cells[currentQtyRow+3, _grandTotalsColumnPivotTable + 2];
PercentageCell.Value = prcntg;
currentQtyRow = currentQtyRow + ROWS_IN_A_RANGE;
private int GetSumTotalQty(int currentQtyRow)
int LAST_MONTH_COL = _grandTotalsColumnPivotTable; // - 1;
int cumulativeQty = 0;
Cell qtyCell = null;
for (int i = FIRST_MONTH_COL; i <= LAST_MONTH_COL; i++)
qtyCell = pivotTableSheet.Cells[currentQtyRow, i];
cumulativeQty = cumulativeQty + Convert.ToInt32(qtyCell.Value);
return cumulativeQty;
. . . (etc. for GetSumTotalPrice())

XPages typeahead takes too long

When we try typeahead with ftSearch , it takes too long to complete (to be shown on the screen). ftsearch finishes at the same time
[0D88:000B-0B44] 30.12.2015 10:03:06 HTTP JVM: Start= 30.12.2015 10:03
[0D88:000B-0B44] 30.12.2015 10:03:06 HTTP JVM: Finish= 30.12.2015 10:03
But in the inputbox which has typeahead properties results return more then 5 seconds. I mean It takes too long.
is there any suggestion how to decrease the time
'fldDefName = inthe inputbox there is a option for ftSearch named "Var" colNumber = Column Number for results. I generally user [0]
function getTypeAheadList(vName,frmName,fldName,fldDefName,colNumber)
var searchView:NotesView = database.getView(vName);'
var query = "(FIELD Form CONTAINS "+ frmName + " AND FIELD " + fldName + " CONTAINS *" + fldDefName +"*)";
print("Query= "+query);
var searchOutput:Array = ["å","åå"];
var hits = searchView.FTSearch(query);
var entries = searchView.getAllEntries();
var entry = entries.getFirstEntry();
for (i=0; i<hits; i++)
entry = entries.getNextEntry();
var result ="<ul><li><span class='informal'></span></li>";
var limit = Math.min(hits,50);
for (j=0; j<limit; j++)
var name = searchOutput[j].toString();
var start = name.indexOfIgnoreCase(lupkey)
var stop = start + lupkey.length;
name = name.insert("</b>",stop).insert("<b>",start);
result += "<li>" + name + "</li>";
result += "</ul>";
return result;
Reduce the number of docs that will be returned by FTSearch to 50 with
var hits = searchView.FTSearch(query, 50);
Right now the search result might contain e.g. 5000 docs and it takes time to push them into searchOutput and to sort. You reduce the hints afterwards to 50 anyway...

Comparing #Now to a Date/Time field?

How do I compare #Now to a data / time value in a document? This is what I have
var ProjectActiveTo:NotesDateTime = doc.getItemValueDateTimeArray("ProjectActiveTo")[0];
var ProjectExpired;
var d1:Date = #Now();
if (d1 > ProjectActiveTo.toJavaDate())
dBar.info("Today: " + d1 + " > " + ProjectActiveTo.toJavaDate());
ProjectExpired = true;
dBar.info("Today: " + d1 + " < " + ProjectActiveTo.toJavaDate());
ProjectExpired = false;
But this always seems to return false. I printed out some diagnostic messages.
Today: 1/18/13 6:02 PM < 1/20/01 5:00 PM
Obviously today is greater than 1/20/01 but this is the result of my test. Why?
I have done some searching and saw that the compare member function might be used but it returns an error for me and compare is not in the intelisense (or whatever Lotus calls it) in the design editor.
Found this little snippet on line - it should point you in the right direction
var doc:NotesDocument = varRowView.getDocument();
var d:NotesDateTime = doc.getItemValue("BidDueDate")[0];
var t:NotesDateTime = session.createDateTime("Today");
if (d.timeDifference(t) > 0 ) {
return "Overdue";
return "";
