How to use instagram API? - instagram

I have user id's of very few instagram public accounts . All I need to do is to get the follower count information of those accounts . In the developer page they are talking about building an app and authorizing it with the users and getting some tokens and then getting the permitted information from that account . How can I get the follower count of those accounts ? Is it possible to get it without authorization from that account? What if I want to get more information like the media and likes etc?( I couldn't find many pointers in this direction)

In my practice I have not seen any api, that will provide you user personal info without token, instagram too. So you must to create login via instagram, where you will ask about some permissions from user, then if user will provide them you will be able to make requests with token and simply get media information, likes and followers. The only question is to ask user about this all permissions. It's no so hard, you need to do something like this
1.Get user token
2. then do requests, for example '/users/self/media/liked', to request this you need to provide access_token which you received in first step and signature.
Like a little example, you can try to look at this code There you will find steps which I said and also some more request examples.
Hope it will help you


Get Instagram data from a backend

It is possible to get data from Instagram users, like number of posts, profile photo etc from a backend service? I don't want to force my user to login into his Instagram account to get those informations.
I'm reading about Instagram new api but always it talks about oauth which implied force login vis frontend.
Why would Instagram give some users data, without login? Only possible option is through Instagram public APIs, using OAuth/OIDC.
You should be able to use someone else's token (... yours?) to fetch informations about users and posts.
But that will always be limited.... for example users with non public profile, you won't be able to see those, or maybe you'll loose some posts, ....

Verifying that the account belongs to the person that claims

Sign-up form and one of the fields is Instagram account
When the user will finish sing up, there's a link to the person's Insta account
(No integrations)
I want to make sure the user can only sign up with his own Instagram,
much like e-mail verification
My thoughts
I took a look at the Instagram API documentation and didn't find an option for it. Any thoughts about how to do that?
There would be an option to use the Insta auth basic, allow the user to sign-up via Instagram. Although this seems to be a proper overkill and it's getting deprecated anyways.

How can I find out what scope a user has based off their access token in the Instagram api?

I can't find the answer to this in the developer Instagram documentation, nor through Google, so I was hoping someone on here could answer me. Any ideas?
You cannot just tell the scopes by looking at access_token.
One way you can do is write a simple script to make API calls using this access_token
Make a GET API call to get a photo other than your - public_content
Make a GET API call to get self followers - following_list
Make a POST API to like, comment and follow - like comment
(the last one if not really recommended if you dont really have permission to like/comment on someone behalf, it may show up on notification in app and they may revoke that access_token if they feel they did not like/comment on something)

Advanced Instagram-Api access for website

I am making my research for an upcoming project:
It is going to be a website you can login via your Instagram account - I need access to the user's name, profile picture and to the people he/she is following.
Is Instagram allowing a website/project to access this information?
Just in case this is a super easy question: I am not a developer and it is very hard for me to work through the Instagram developer website - I highly appreciate any help!!
Thank you very much!
You will first need to implement the authentication part, and receive an access_token for the user. In fact you will receive user's id, username, and profile photo along with the access_token.
That was the hardest part. Then you may use the access_token to make some API calls to get information such as follows and followed-by.
You can access Name, profile photo and followers using Instagram APIs.
Here are the 2 APIs you will need:

Is there any way to get user news through the official Instagram API?

I want to build Instagram client for Ubuntu. I already figured out how to get data like user feed through access token through Instagram API. But I can't figure out how to get user news (e.g. someone liked your photo, mentioned you in comment etc.), I guess user need to be logged on to watch his news (via
So, the question: is there any way to get user feed through API, or through access token? I don't want to request user password in my application, all I got is access token.
This endpoint (v1/news/inbox/) is not supported by official Instagram API. By the way; you can't access the data.
