The CMIS 1.1 standard says at that cmis:contentStreamFileName has a Orderable property which CMIS repositories can choose to set to true or false.
As a CMIS client having a session on a particular repository, how to tell whether this repository has an Orderable of true or false for cmis:contentStreamFileName.
Preferably using DotCMIS or PortCMIS or OpenCMIS.
The Chemistry samples website has samples showing how to get repository capabilities, but not of this kind.
You can get the definition of types and then for the type you are interested in, check the property you are interested in, like this Java example using OpenCMIS:
ObjectType typeDef = getSession().getTypeDefinition("cmis:document");
Map<String, PropertyDefinition<?>> propDefs = typeDef.getPropertyDefinitions();
PropertyDefinition<?> propDef = propDefs.get("cmis:contentStreamFileName");
System.out.println(String.format("Is %s orderable? %s", propDef.getId(), propDef.isOrderable()));
Running this against Alfresco 5.2 CE and against Chemistry 0.11 returns false in both cases:
Is cmis:contentStreamFileName orderable? false
I have a .net6 worker service and I need the Request Telemetry OperationID set to a custom value. This value is my CorrelationID that is read from a message queue, and it's format is a guid with dashes.
TelemetryClient.StartOperation has an overload that takes an operationId, but it only works with a specific format. It will not work with my guid.
I have tried the code below, which appears to work in the debugger. However, the value that shows up in applicaiton insights is not what I set it to.
var client = new TelemetryClient();
client.Context.Operation.Id = internalId;
I have tried creating an ITelemetryInitializer. If I set the operationID in the initialize method will work. The problem here is getting the correlationID to the initializer in the correct dependency injection scope.
It seems as though this is a common scenario. I have seen where others ask the question but I have not found a suitable solution.
Has anyone solved this problem?
The problem is that since .Net 5 the default Id format is set to W3C standard instead of the Hierarchical Id format, see the docs:
Parent-Child relationships between Activities in the distributed trace tree are established using unique IDs. .NET's implementation of distributed tracing supports two ID schemes: the W3C standard TraceContext, which is the default in .NET 5+, and an older .NET convention called 'Hierarchical' that's available for backwards compatibility. Activity.DefaultIdFormat controls which ID scheme is used. In the W3C TraceContext standard, every trace is assigned a globally unique 16-byte trace-id (Activity.TraceId), and every Activity within the trace is assigned a unique 8-byte span-id (Activity.SpanId). Each Activity records the trace-id, its own span-id, and the span-id of its parent (Activity.ParentSpanId). Because distributed traces can track work across process boundaries, parent and child Activities may not be in the same process. The combination of a trace-id and parent span-id can uniquely identify the parent Activity globally, regardless of what process it resides in.
Activity.DefaultIdFormat controls which ID format is used for starting new traces, but by default adding a new Activity to an existing trace uses whatever format the parent Activity is using. Setting Activity.ForceDefaultIdFormat to true overrides this behavior and creates all new Activities with the DefaultIdFormat, even when the parent uses a different ID format.
When you set the Activity.DefaultIdFormat to ActivityIdFormat.Hierarchical you can specify any string as an operation Id as it does not have to conform to the W3C standard.
So the following code works like a charm:
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
Activity.DefaultIdFormat = ActivityIdFormat.Hierarchical;
int index = 0;
while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
using var operation = _telemetryClient.StartOperation<RequestTelemetry>($"op{index}", $"a-b-c-{index}");
_logger.LogInformation("Worker running at: {time}", DateTimeOffset.Now);
await Task.Delay(1000, stoppingToken);
but it might break the distributed trace flow for your api controllers if you want to trace the end-to-end flow between multiple seperate applications.
Another way is to just include your own correlation Id as a custom propery:
operation.Telemetry.Properties["MessageCorrelationId"] = "xxx";
context: I'm adding a new resource to TF Provider.
I've got an API that optionally return a string attribute so I represent it as:
"foo": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Computed: true,
Optional: true,
Question: if an API returns value not set / empty string for, shall I still set an empty string for foo attribute or I shouldn't set any value instead (e.g., null)?
in my resource schema.
(Hello! I'm the same person who wrote the answer you included in your screenshot.)
If both approaches -- returning null or returning an empty string -- were equally viable from a technical standpoint then I would typically prefer to use null to represent the absence of a value, since that is clearly distinct from an empty string which for some situations would otherwise be a valid present value for the attribute.
However, since it seems like you are using the old SDK ("SDKv2") here, you will probably be constrained from a technical standpoint: SDKv2 was designed for Terraform v0.11 and earlier and so it predates the idea of attributes being null and so there is no way in its API to specify that. You may be able to "trick" the SDK into effectively returning null by not calling d.Set("foo", ...) at all in your Create function, but there is no API provided to unset an attribute and so once you've set it to something non-null there would typically be no way to get it to go back to being null again.
Given that, I'd suggest it better to be consistent and always use "" when using the old SDK, because that way users of the provider won't have to deal with the inconsistency of the value sometimes being null and sometimes being "" in this case.
When using the modern Terraform Plugin Framework this limitation doesn't apply, because that framework was designed with the modern Terraform language in mind. You aren't using that framework and so this part of the answer probably won't help you right now, but I'm mentioning it just in case someone else finds this answer in future who might already be using or be considering use of the new framework.
In JSF 2.2 new <f:viewAction> component was introduced and more importantly along with it a way to protect pages, that leverage this functionality, from CSRF attacks.
The feature is mentioned in the JSF 2.2 specification:
Call ViewHandler.getProtectedViewsUnmodifiable() to determine if the view for this viewId is protected. If not,
assume the requested view is not protected and take no additional view protection steps. Obtain the value of the
value of the request parameter whose name is given by the value of
ResponseStateManager.NON_POSTBACK_VIEW_TOKEN_PARAM. If there is no value, throw
ProtectedViewException. If the value is present, compare it to the return from
ResponseStateManager.getCryptographicallyStrongTokenFromSession(). If the values do not match, throw
What got me curious is how is the token used by getCryptographicallyStrongTokenFromSession() method generated in Mojarra, since that is the JSF implementation we use for some of our applications.
I was quite surprised to find out that the implementation in versions prior 2.2.11 looks like this:
private String createCryptographicallyStrongToken() {
String result = "" + System.currentTimeMillis();
return result;
Since version 2.2.11 it seems to be implemented more robustly with the currentTimeMillis actually being encrypted using AES.
Since the non-encrypting versions of this implementation made their way into final releases of Wildfly 8.x server (8.0.0.Final, 8.1.0.Final, 8.2.0.Final and 8.2.1.Final) does this mean that applications deployed on these servers and relying on <protected-views> functionality are vulnerable?
Sorry for this blunt question . But many use these 2 terms day in and day out yet I don't know .I did some study on this and knew what it is separately . But don't understand how it is related . I will share what I understood about these two first .
JAXB is XML-to-Java binding technology enabling transformations
between schema and Java objects and between XML instance documents
and Java object instances. Internally JAXB does all this conversions
between xml and java . This is a parser of xml and then it knows what
component in xml corresponds to what in java and it breaks .
Conversion of this answer from JAXB is done by tools like xjc ( or
codgen plugin) . Mapping may be like
xsd:string java.lang.String
xsd:integer java.math.BigInteger
JaxRs is different . This is set of specifications for handling
requests . Meaning that it says "GET("/foo") " means handle a get
call with url /foo . It only states that . How it is done ? Yes , that
is called implementation of this spec . There are number of
implementations like restlet , resteasy , jersey , apache cxf etc .
This is analogus to logic and way you implement in maths . the
algorithm idea is bucket search .This can be implemented in any way .
In java terms JaxRs is interface and these 4 restlet , resteasy ,
jersey , apache cxf are implementations of the interface .
Now please say if my understanding is correct . Then tell how they are related . Please help . If possible a pictorial explanation will be more helpful.
Your understanding is basically correct. JAXB and JAX-RS are both Java Community Process (JCP) standards with multiple implementations.
JAXB - Defines standardized metadata and runtime API for converting Java domain objects to/from XML.
JAX-RS - Defines standardized metadata and runtime API for the creation of RESTful services. By default for the application/xml media type JAX-RS will use JAXB to convert the objects to/from XML.
In the following example when a GET operation is performed the JAX-RS implementation will return a Customer. A JAXB implementation will be used to convert that instance of Customer to the XML that the client will actually receive.
public class CustomerResource {
public Customer read(#PathParam("id") int id) {
Customer customer = new Customer();
PhoneNumber pn = new PhoneNumber();
return customer;
I'm generating a jaxws client based on webservice. Jaxb will generate booleans using the java.lang.Boolean instead of the primitive type. In addition to this, it will generate the is() naming convention for beans.
However if I try to link the boolean (e.g. isOptional()) to a checkbox, it will throw the following exception:
value="#{property.optional}": Property 'optional' not readable on type java.lang.Boolean
My google skills have informed me that jsf works fine with:
boolean isOptional()
boolean getOptional()
Boolean getOptional()
But not with
Boolean isOptional()
However it is not feasible to update the beans manually due to the size and amount of the webservices, so is there any way to make jsf use the java.lang.Boolean isOptional() properly? Or can I somehow define a property in the jaxb bindings file at generation time which magically generates "getOptional()"?
On a sidenote, the following does work:
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{property.isOptional()}"/>
However I can't actually update the value presumably because it can't find the setter.
EDIT: I'm running the latest jdk 7, the output of "java -version":
java version "1.7.0_05"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_05-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 23.1-b03, mixed mode, sharing)
The output of "wsimport -version":
JAX-WS RI 2.2.4-b01
Generated code:
public Boolean isOptional() {
return optional;
Jaxb will generate booleans using the java.lang.Boolean instead of the primitive type. In addition to this, it will generate the is() naming convention for beans.
Using the is getter prefix for java.lang.Boolean was a known major mistake of JAXB. It has been fixed in version 2.1.13 which was released April 2010 already. Keep your libraries up to date.
See also this blog article for some background.
The Great JAXB API Blunder
September 15, 2006
You've got to hand it to Sun for screwing this one up. It's one thing to write software that doesn't adhere to a specification when the documentation is as thick as a textbook. Take, for example, just about anything created by the W3C. However, it's really bad when it is your own spec that you can't follow, especially when it is the most well known part of it. That's right, Sun missed by a mile on their own spec when they created the JAXB 2.0 API. The JAXB 2.0 compiler (XJC) incorrectly uses the prefix "is" rather than "get" when generating the getter method for a java.lang.Boolean property. While the JavaBean spec states that read methods for primitive booleans can use the alternate "is" prefix, this flexibility does not extend to its boolean wrapper counterpart.
8.3.2 Boolean Properties
In addition, for boolean properties, we allow a getter method to match the pattern:
public boolean is();
This "is" method may be provided instead of a "get" method, or it may be provided in addition to a "get" method. In either case, if the "is" method is present for a boolean property then we will use the "is" method to read the property value.
An example boolean property might be:
public boolean isMarsupial();
public void setMarsupial(boolean m);
Given that JAXB is a code generation framework, and the idea behind code generation frameworks is that the code is to be used "as is" and not modified thereafter, this is a pretty big "oops". While this issue has been reported, the response from Sun is "sorry, its too late".
This behavior is governed by the spec, and unfortunately it's just too late for the spec to change now.
In terms of the user experience, thanks to auto-boxing, I don't think this will be a real issue for people. Is the problem that you are using Introspector and it's missing the property?
Too late? Not a real issue? It's BROKEN. FIX IT! I also don't like the naive statement that it probably won't affect frameworks. Um, yes it will, considering other projects did happen to adhere to the spec (hibernate, spring, myfaces, etc.)
UPDATE: Stevo Slavic informed me that this has been fixed in JAXB 2.1.13. See JAXB-131 for details. Yeah!
JSF/EL is not at fault here. It's doing its job properly conform the JavaBeans spec.
I'm not sure why the latest and greatest JAXB version still generates the wrong method but I finally fixed it by adding "-B-enableIntrospection" (as per to the wsimport call. This results in:
public Boolean getOptional() {
return optional;