(r ->) applicative functor - haskell

I am having some trouble understanding how the function instance (->) r of Applicative works in Haskell.
For example if I have
(+) <$> (+3) <*> (*100) $ 5
I know you get the result 508, I sort of understand that you take the result of (5 + 3) and (5 * 100) and you apply the (+) function to both of these.
However I do not quite understand what is going on. I assume that the expression is parenthesized as follows:
((+) <$> (+3)) <*> (*100)
From my understanding what is happening is that your mapping (+) over the eventual result of (+3) and then you are using the <*> operator to apply that function to the eventual result of (*100)
However I do not understand the implementation of <*> for the (->) r instance and why I cannot write:
(+3) <*> (*100)
How does the <*>, <$> operator work when it comes to (->) r?

<$> is just another name for fmap and its definition for (->) r is (.) (the composition operator):
intance Functor ((->) r) where
fmap f g = f . g
You can basically work out the implementation for <*> just by looking at the types:
instance Applicative ((->) r) where
(<*>) :: (r -> a -> b) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> b)
f <*> g = \x -> f x (g x)
You have a function from r to a to b and a function from r to a. You want a funtion from r to b as a result. First thing you know is you return a function:
\x ->
Now you want to apply f since it is the only item which may return a b:
\x -> f _ _
Now the arguments for f are of type r and a. r is simply x (since it alrady is of type r and you can get an a by applying g to x:
\x -> f x (g x)
Aaand you're done. Here's a link to the implementation in Haskell's Prelude.

Consider the type signature of <*>:
(<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Compare this to the type signature for ordinary function application, $:
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
Notice that they are extremely similar! Indeed, the <*> operator effectively generalizes application so that it can be overloaded based on the types involved. This is easy to see when using the simplest Applicative, Identity:
ghci> Identity (+) <*> Identity 1 <*> Identity 2
Identity 3
This can also be seen with slightly more complicated applicative functors, such as Maybe:
ghci> Just (+) <*> Just 1 <*> Just 2
Just 3
ghci> Just (+) <*> Nothing <*> Just 2
For (->) r, the Applicative instance performs a sort of function composition, which produces a new function that accepts a sort of “context” and threads it to all of the values to produce the function and its arguments:
ghci> ((\_ -> (+)) <*> (+ 3) <*> (* 100)) 5
In the above example, I have only used <*>, so I’ve explicitly written out the first argument as ignoring its argument and always producing (+). However, Applicative typeclass also includes the pure function, which has the same purpose of “lifting” a pure value into an applicative functor:
ghci> (pure (+) <*> (+ 3) <*> (* 100)) 5
In practice, though, you will rarely see pure x <*> y because it is precisely equivalent to x <$> y by the Applicative laws, since <$> is just an infix synonym for fmap. Therefore, we have the common idiom:
ghci> ((+) <$> (+ 3) <*> (* 100)) 5
More generally, if you see any expression that looks like this:
f <$> a <*> b
…you can read it more or less like the ordinary function application f a b, except in the context of a particular Applicative instance’s idioms. In fact, an original formulation of Applicative proposed the idea of “idiom brackets”, which would add the following as syntactic sugar for the above expression:
(| f a b |)
However, Haskellers seem to be satisfied enough with the infix operators that the benefits of adding the additional syntax has not been deemed worth the cost, so <$> and <*> remain necessary.

Let's take a look at the types of these functions (and the definitions that we automatically get along with them):
(<$>) :: (a -> b) -> (r -> a) -> r -> b
f <$> g = \x -> f (g x)
(<*>) :: (r -> a -> b) -> (r -> a) -> r -> b
f <*> g = \x -> f x (g x)
In the first case, <$>, is really just function composition. A simpler definition would be (<$>) = (.).
The second case is a little more confusing. Our first input is a function f :: r -> a -> b, and we need to get an output of type b. We can provide x :: r as the first argument to f, but the only way we can get something of type a for the second argument is by applying g :: r -> a to x :: r.
As an interesting aside, <*> is really the S function from SKI combinatory calculus, whereas pure for (-> r) is the K :: a -> b -> a (constant) function.

As a Haskell newbie myself, i'll try to explain the best way i can
The <$> operator is the same as mapping a function on to another function.
When you do this:
(+) <$> (+3)
You are basically doing this:
fmap (+) (+3)
The above will call the Functor implementation of (->) r which is the following:
fmap f g = (\x -> f (g x))
So the result of fmap (+) (+3) is (\x -> (+) (x + 3))
Note that the result of this expression has a type of a -> (a -> a)
Which is an applicative! That is why you can pass the result of (+) <$> (+3) to the <*> operator!
Why is it an applicative you might ask? Lets look the at the <*> definition:
f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Notice that the first argument matches our returned function definition a -> (a -> a)
Now if we look at the <*> operator implementation, it looks like this:
f <*> g = (\x -> f x (g x))
So when we put all those pieces together, we get this:
(+) <$> (+3) <*> (+5)
(\x -> (+) (x + 3)) <*> (+5)
(\y -> (\x -> (+) (x + 3)) y (y + 5))
(\y -> (+) (y + 3) (y + 5))

The (->) e Functor and Applicative instances tend to be a bit confusing. It may help to view (->) e as an "undressed" version of Reader e.
newtype Reader e a = Reader
{ runReader :: e -> a }
The name e is supposed to suggest the word "environment". The type Reader e a should be read as "a computation that produces a value of type a given an environment of type e".
Given a computation of type Reader e a, you can modify its output:
instance Functor (Reader e) where
fmap f r = Reader $ \e -> f (runReader r e)
That is, first run the computation in the given environment, then apply the mapping function.
instance Applicative (Reader e) where
-- Produce a value without using the environment
pure a = Reader $ \ _e -> a
-- Produce a function and a value using the same environment;
-- apply the function to the value
rf <*> rx = Reader $ \e -> (runReader rf e) (runReader rx e)
You can use the usual Applicative reasoning for this as any other applicative functor.


Multiple arguments on applicatives not working?

So I'm trying to learn about monads, functors and applicatives. I've created the following renamed mirror match of Maybe called Sometimes. (I did this to learn about these things)
data Sometimes a = Nope | Thing a deriving Show
instance Monad Sometimes where
(Thing x) >>= f = f x
Nope >>= f = Nope
return = Thing
instance Applicative Sometimes where
pure = Thing
Nope <*> _ = Nope
(Thing g) <*> mx = fmap g mx
instance Functor Sometimes where
fmap _ Nope = Nope
fmap g (Thing x) = Thing (g x)
So when I do the following it works:
pure (1+) <*> (Thing 1)
> Thing 2
pure (+) <*> (Thing 1) <*> (Thing 1)
> Thing 2
But if I try three additions it doesn't work:
pure (+) <*> (Thing 1) <*> (pure 1) <*> (pure 1)
<interactive>:108:1: error:
• Non type-variable argument in the constraint: Num (a -> b)
(Use FlexibleContexts to permit this)
• When checking the inferred type
it :: forall a b. (Num (a -> b), Num a) => Sometimes b
Why doesn't this work? I would expect the first two to be applied and then the third to be applied to the result of the first two. My book talks about how implementing fmap0, fmap1, fmap2... is inefficient and as such
... for functions with any desired number of arguments can be constructed in terms of two basic functions with the following types:
pure :: a -> f a
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
And states further on:
A typical use of pure and <*> has the following form:
pure g <*> x1 <*> x2 <*> ... <*> xn
As such I'm expecting it to work but I'm clearly missing something in my definitions/usage of the Applicative.
I'm using the book Programming in Haskell SE by Graham Hutton
The reason this does not work is because (+) sums two numbers, not three.
You can make a function that sums three numbers, for example with:
pure (\x y z -> x+y+z) <*> (Thing 1) <*> (pure 1) <*> (pure 1)
this then gives us:
Prelude> pure (\x y z -> x+y+z) <*> (Thing 1) <*> (pure 1) <*> (pure 1)
Thing 3
Why doesn't this work? I would expect the first two to be applied and then the third to be applied to the result of the first two.
Exactly, but after the first two are applied, this is no longer a function, but a Num a => Sometimes a. Indeed, if we determines the types, we see that Thing (+) :: Num a => Sometimes (a -> a -> a) and Thing 1 :: Num b => Sometimes b, so that means that Thing (+) <*> Thing 1 has type Num a => Sometimes (a -> a).
Then we determine the type of Thing (+) <*> Thing 1 <*> Thing 1, since Thing (+) <*> Thing 1 has type Num a => Sometimes (a -> a), and the last Thing 1 has type Num c => Sometimes c, it means that Thing (+) <*> Thing 1 <*> Thing 1 has type Num a => Sometimes a, but this is not a function, unless there is a Num type that is a function, which is what the error is saying.

Which application is executed first?

I have following instance of Traversable:
instance Traversable (Three' a) where
traverse f (Three' x y z) = Three' x <$> f y <*> f z
the infix operator <$> and <*> has the same precedence and namely 4.
*ExercisesTraversable> :i <$>
(<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
-- Defined in ‘Data.Functor’
infixl 4 <$>
*ExercisesTraversable> :i <*>
class Functor f => Applicative (f :: * -> *) where
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
-- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
infixl 4 <*>
Which one is going to executed first?
They don't just have precedence 4, they also have left-associativity. This is the l in infixl; one can also choose infixr for right-associativity, and infix for "throw an error if you need to know what the associativity should be". Thus
Three' x <$> f y <*> f z
is parsed as:
(Three' x <$> f y) <*> f z
As for which is executed first, that can't be answered without seeing the implementation of (<*>) that you want to ask about; Three' x <$> f y will be evaluated just far enough for (<*>) to make progress, as usual, so if (<*>) can make progress without evaluating the (<$>) call first, it will.

Difference between function composition operator (.) and fmap (<$>)

Currently reading through this article (which is pretty brilliant btw) and have a pretty simple question:
If I combine two functions like (+3) and (+2) with <$>, it seems to give me a new function that adds 5 to whatever is passed to it. If I do the same with the function composition operator, i.e. (+3) . (+2), would it not do the same thing? If that is true, is there a relationship here between these two operators such that they do the same thing in this simple case?
Is this even an intelligent question?
The functions fmap and <$> both have the same type:
> :t fmap
fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
> :t (<$>)
(<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
While the function . is
> :t (.)
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
So how is it possible that we can use fmap on a function and end up with .? I'm assuming you understand what a Functor is, so now you have to understand that "functions" are Functors. How so?
> :i (->)
data (->) a b -- Defined in `GHC.Prim'
instance Monad ((->) r) -- Defined in `GHC.Base'
instance Functor ((->) r) -- Defined in `GHC.Base'
instance Applicative ((->) a) -- Defined in `Control.Applicative'
Unlike Just, [] and Left, functions do not have a constructor that can be used. The Functor instance is applied to the syntax itself. We can see from :info in ghci that the syntactic arrow -> actually has an instance for functor.
What happens when we look at the type of +3?
> :t (+3)
(+3) :: Num a => a -> a
So the function (+3) is a Functor that accepts an a and returns an a. When we use fmap on a Functor and that also gives us back a Functor, we get nested Functors:
> :t fmap Just (Just 3)
fmap Just (Just 3) :: Num a => Maybe (Maybe a)
> :t fmap (replicate 5) [1,2,3]
fmap (replicate 5) [1,2,3] :: Num a => [[a]]
Likewise, when we apply fmap to two functions we get a function inside a function. The only difference is that they are fused together:
> :t (fmap (+3) (+2))
(fmap (+3) (+2)) :: Num a => a -> a
Why doesn't this result in the type (->) (->) a a? We have to remember that the first argument of fmap is a function (a -> b) and not necessarily a Functor. So when we do fmap g (Just 5) we can have any transformation. But whenever we perform fmap on a function we know that it will always result with a function inside of a function.
Thus fmap (+3) (+2) evaluates to something like this: \x -> (\x' -> x' + 3) (x + 2). That is a really roundabout way of writing (+3) . (+2).
> :t (fmap (+3) (+2))
(fmap (+3) (+2)) :: Num a => a -> a
> :t ((.) (+3) (+2))
((.) (+3) (+2)) :: Num a => a -> a
Normally to get around the concat problem (Maybe (Maybe a)) or [[a]] we actually need to rely on it being a Monad a, so that we can use a bind >>=. But functions (->) are a special case because we know that every single time we use fmap on a function, it will always give us a function in side of a function. This cannot be said for any other Functor except ->. As such we can be sure to always concatenate fmap on functions.
Therefore any f <$> g == f . g
Edit: A quick side note, if you do this fmap (+) (+0) you end up with a function inside a function. In this case the monadic bind (>>=) is actually needed to concatenate the functions:
> :t fmap (+) (+0)
fmap (+) (+0) :: Num a => a -> a -> a
> :t (+0) >>= (+)
(+0) >>= (+) :: Num b => b -> b
> let bindfunc = (+0) >>= (+)
> bindfunc 5
Which is not entirely unlike the behaviour we get when we do [1,2] >>= replicate 5:
> [1,2] >>= replicate 5
To find information about the Functor instance for functions, match up the types to find the relevant instance:
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Then here a ~ Int, b ~ Int and f ~ (->) Int.
You can see all of the Functor instances that come with GHC here. (->) is just an infix type operator with two type parameters. We usually see it applied as Int -> Int, but this is equivalent to (->) Int Int.
There is a Functor instance for the (partially applied) type (->) r (for any type r::*).
Looking at the ((->) r) instance for Functor, we see that fmap = (.), so there is no practical difference between (+3) . (+2) and fmap (+3) (+2) (same as (+3) <$> (+2).

What is this special functor structure called?

Suppose that F is an applicative functor with the additional laws (with Haskell syntax):
pure (const ()) <*> m === pure ()
pure (\a b -> (a, b)) <*> m <*> n === pure (\a b -> (b, a)) <*> n <*> m
pure (\a b -> (a, b)) <*> m <*> m === pure (\a -> (a, a)) <*> m
What is the structure called if we omit (3.)?
Where can I find more info on these laws/structures?
Comments on comments
Functors which satisfy (2.) are often called commutative.
The question is now, whether (1.) implies (2.) and how these structures can be described.
I am especially interested in structures which satisfies (1-2.) but not (3.)
The reader monad satisfies (1-3.)
The writer monad on a commutative monoid satisfies only (2.)
The monad F given below satisfies (1-2.) but not (3.)
Definition of F:
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import Control.Monad.State
newtype X i = X Integer deriving (Eq)
newtype F i a = F (State Integer a) deriving (Monad)
new :: F i (X i)
new = F $ modify (+1) >> gets X
evalF :: (forall i . F i a) -> a
evalF (F m) = evalState m 0
We export only the types X, F, new, evalF, and the instances.
Check that the following holds:
liftM (const ()) m === return ()
liftM2 (\a b -> (a, b)) m n === liftM2 (\a b -> (b, a)) n m
On the other hand, liftM2 (,) new new cannot be replaced by liftM (\a -> (a,a)) new:
test = evalF (liftM (uncurry (==)) $ liftM2 (,) new new)
/= evalF (liftM (uncurry (==)) $ liftM (\a -> (a,a)) new)
Comments on C. A. McCann's answer
I have a sketch of proof that (1.) implies (2.)
pure (,) <*> m <*> n
pure (const id) <*> pure () <*> (pure (,) <*> m <*> n)
pure (const id) <*> (pure (const ()) <*> n) <*> (pure (,) <*> m <*> n)
pure (.) <*> pure (const id) <*> pure (const ()) <*> n <*> (pure (,) <*> m <*> n)
pure const <*> n <*> (pure (,) <*> m <*> n)
= ... =
pure (\_ a b -> (a, b)) <*> n <*> m <*> n
= see below =
pure (\b a _ -> (a, b)) <*> n <*> m <*> n
= ... =
pure (\b a -> (a, b)) <*> n <*> m
pure (flip (,)) <*> n <*> m
For the missing part first consider
pure (\_ _ b -> b) <*> n <*> m <*> n
= ... =
pure (\_ b -> b) <*> n <*> n
= ... =
pure (\b -> b) <*> n
= ... =
pure (\b _ -> b) <*> n <*> n
= ... =
pure (\b _ _ -> b) <*> n <*> m <*> n
We use the following lemma:
pure f1 <*> m === pure g1 <*> m
pure f2 <*> m === pure g2 <*> m
pure (\x -> (f1 x, f2 x)) m === pure (\x -> (g1 x, g2 x)) m
I could prove this lemma only indirectly.
The missing part
With this lemma and the first observation we can prove
pure (\_ a b -> (a, b)) <*> n <*> m <*> n
pure (\b a _ -> (a, b)) <*> n <*> m <*> n
which was the missing part.
Is this proved already somewhere (maybe in a generalized form)?
(1.) implies (2.) but otherwise (1-3.) are independent.
To prove this, we need two more examples:
The monad G given below satisfies (3.) but not (1-2.)
The monad G' given below satisfies (2-3.) but not (1.)
Definition of G:
newtype G a = G (State Bool a) deriving (Monad)
putTrue :: G ()
putTrue = G $ put True
getBool :: G Bool
getBool = G get
evalG :: G a -> a
evalG (G m) = evalState m False
We export only the type G, putTrue, getBool, evalG, and the Monad instance.
The definition of G' is similar to the definition of G with the following differences:
We define and export execG:
execG :: G' a -> Bool
execG (G m) = execState m False
We do not export getBool.
Your first law is a very strong requirement; it implies that the functor can have no distinguished "shape" independent of the parametric portion. This rules out any functor that contains extra values (State, Writer, &c.) as well as any functor using sum types (Either, [], &c.). So this limits us to things like fixed-size containers.
Your second law requires commutativity, which means that order of nesting (that is, functor composition) doesn't matter. This might actually be implied by the first law, since we already know that the functor can't contain any information other than the parametric values, and you explicitly require preservation of that here.
Your third law requires that the functor be idempotent as well, which means that nesting something within itself using fmap is equivalent to itself. This probably implies that if the functor is a monad as well, join involves some sort of "taking the diagonal". Basically, this means that liftA2 (,) should behave like zip, not a cartesian product.
The second and third together imply that however many "primitives" the functor might have, any composition is equivalent to combining at most one of each primitive, in any order. And the first implies that if you throw out the parametric information, any combination of primitives is the same as using none at all.
In summary, I think what you have is the class of functors isomorphic to Reader. That is, functors where f a describes values of type a indexed by some other type, such as a subset of the natural numbers (for fixed-size containers) or an arbitrary type (as with Reader).
I'm not sure how to convincingly prove most of the above, unfortunately.

Help in understanding pointfree code

When playing around with Pointfree I was presented with a piece of code that I can't seem to understand.
:pl map (\x -> x * x) [1..10]
-- map (join (*)) [1..10]
My main problem is that I don't get how join works here. I understand that it 'removes' one layer of a monadic wrapping (m (m a) to m a). I figure it boils down to something like [1..10] >>= (\x -> [x * x]), but I don't really get how the "extra layer" gets introduced. I get that join x = x >>= id, but then I'm still stuck on how that "duplicates" each value so that (*) gets two arguments. This has been bugging me for about half an hour now and I'm mostly annoyed at myself, because I feel like I have all the puzzle pieces but can't seem to fit them together...
P.S. Don't worry, I would't really use this pointfree version, this is pure curiosity and an attempt to understand Haskell better.
join is using the instance of Monad for (->) a, as defined in Control.Monad.Instances. The instance is similar to Reader, but without an explicit wrapper. It is defined like this:
instance Monad ((->) a) where
-- return :: b -> (a -> b)
return = const
-- (>>=) :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a -> c) -> (a -> c)
f >>= g = \x -> g (f x) x
If you now reduce join using this instance:
(>>= id)
flip (\f g x -> g (f x) x) (\a -> a)
(\f x -> (\a -> a) (f x) x)
(\f x -> f x x)
As you can see, the instance for (->) a makes join to a function that applies an argument twice. Because of this, join (*) is simply \x -> x * x.
