Komodo Edit 10 Autocomplete not show options' list - text

Komodo Edit 10 Autocomplete not show options' list as notepad++, when I press "ctrl+space". It just fills with the first option, instead of list them to me choose the right one.
It does such horrible thing. Is there a way to fix it, and make him show the options when I press "ctrl+space" as on notepad++, instead of just fill with the first one?

This is not supported by Komodo Edit 10.
However, here there is this feature request ticket:


How to restore Sublime 3 to the restore single-window mode?

I am using Sublime 3 but I am a newbie. I was trying to define some preferences, like the font size. However, I messed up things and I am not being able to restore.
Currently, I have this two windows "dashboard":
How can I restore it to the default one-window view?
I tried to look for things over the preference menu, but checking/unchecking all the available options did not help me to solve this problem.
It looks like you added an extra column. Try going to View, then setting Layout to Single or use the keyboard shortcut: Shift+Alt+1.
If you used File/Split View, setting single column mode won't work. In this case I found you can just click on another tab and the split will go away. Not at all intuitive.

Moving between text and input and textarea areas without using mouse and closing panels

In the majority of programs and sites it is possible to switch between input and textarea fields by means of combinations of the Tab and Shift+Tab keys.
But in Sublime Text Tab — tabulation.
For example, for me open Goto Line Panel and console.
May I move between entry fields and my text also as in the majority of programs becomes by means of keyboard combinations of Tab and Shift+Tab? I know, what the Tab and Shift+Tab keys is needed for tabulation, but any combination of keys can be used to move between input and textarea fields.
TAB will not work but this can be achieved by series of shortcuts:
Opening line selector: Ctrl+G
Opening search: Ctrl+F
Going from search to founded string: Alt+Enter
Shortcuts above are available on Linux version. They may be different on Windows but they are there and can be found in online documentation.
With Sublime Text you can personalize your shortcut!
I found this guide on the official website and this "different but useful" question about it.
So you can create your own sort of switch with comfortable combination. Example:
alt+1 to go to search
alt+2 to go to the text
alt+3 to go to the bottom
this is also faster then the "tag way" because it is not cyclic!
i haven't tried it but as mentioned by Draco the commands to move exist so you can just make them more comfortable.

Can't go to next/previous edit point in Brackets with Emmet

Support for Emmet's next and previous edit point seems to be missing or what? Every time I press CTRL+ALT+--> my screen rotates. This is happening on windows only.
EDIT: You can disable the default keyboard shortcuts in control panel but in that case any application won't be able to use those too, nor is there a way remap the keys in Brackets easily!
All available keybindings are defined in keymap.json.
source: https://github.com/emmetio/brackets-emmet
To open this keymap file, first open Brackets, then go to Help > Show Extensions Folder. Open the user folder, then modify keymap.json to however you prefer your shortcuts. Reload Brackets Editor when finished.
My keymap was located inC:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Brackets\extensions\user\brackets-emmet
You will need to change these two lines:
"next_edit_point": "Ctrl-Alt-Right",
"prev_edit_point": "Ctrl-Alt-Left",

Keyboard shortcut for moving tabs in SublimeText3

Every time I open a new tab in SublimeText I have to take my hands off the keyboard and use the mouse to move the newly opened tab to the desired position among the existing tabs...
Surely there must be a keyboard shortcut for moving SublimeText Tabs left and/or right?
Please say yes...
Not by default unfortunately, but there are two awesome things about Sublime to be aware of:
This plugin https://github.com/SublimeText/MoveTab will let you move tabs with CTRL + Shift + page up/down
You can go to any tab by pressing ctrl+p and typing the name of the tab, so if your tabs are disorganized, you don't have to visually search for them or organize them as long as you know the name of the file you want (or a substring of it if it's unique enough)
It seems as if there are no shortcuts to do this.
You can see all actions and their shortcuts in the command palette (Ctrl+p on Windows). There is no such action as Move this tab to the left.
The good news, however, is that there is a plugin that does exactly this:
You can install it using Package Control.

Shortcut for deleting a line in dreamweaver?

What is the shortcut for deleting the current line where the cursor positioned.
ex: eclipse have crtl+d
To delete line(s)
Mac: Command+Shift+D
Windows: Ctrl+Shift+D
There are no direct shortcuts as far as I know but here is a list of commands for dreamweaver.
My typical method to do this is to hit the home > shift+end > del.
Or you could try shift+up or shift+down to select the line above or below and then hit delete.
Danilo Celic's answer helped me with CS6, just use the second one. Although it's in Japanese, just install and use it.
If you want to know more: Then, find the installed files in your own
C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CS6\[your CS6 language]\Configuration\Commands
There you can open the just-installed files and check them. The comments are in Japanese. The code are in Javascript and are easy to read.
There are 5 commands in that file. To use only the "Delete line" function: In CS6, open history panel, go to design mode, do any action like press a key, right click on that action from history panel and record that action. Then you can find the record action in the Commands folder mentioned above, and then you can copy the javascript from the downloaded one into your own recorded action file.
I've seen two extensions that add the delete line functionality:
I haven't used either one. I've been told that the first one may not work in Dreamweaver CS6, no idea about the other one. once installed, you should be able to add a keyboard shortcut (Edit -> Preferences, Dreamweaver -> Preferences on Mac) for functionality that you're looking for.
You can add a custom keyboard shortcut for deleting lines in Dreamweaver.
Dreamweaver uses Brackets for its text editor, and this is what handles the Delete Line command, not the traditional Menu system for rebinding most other Dreamweaver commands.
Create a Brackets keyboard shortcut configuration file.
Windows: %APPDATA%\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2019\en_US\Configuration\Brackets\keymap.json
Mac OS: ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2019/en_US/Configuration/Brackets/keymap.json (untested)
Create an override in this file, according to the Brackets User Key Bindings JSON Data Format. Make sure you use the - separator between key names, not +.
"overrides": {
"Ctrl-E": "edit.deletelines"
Rebind any conflicting keyboard shortcuts in Dreamweaver. In my Ctrl+E example above, it collides with Quick Edit.
In Dreamweaver, go to Edit → Keyboard Shortcuts.
Make a new Set if you're using the default Dreamweaver Standard Set.
Find the command you want to change. Quick Edit is in the Code Editing section.
Highlight the shortcut you want to modify.
If you want to unbind that shortcut, click the - button.
Otherwise, rebind that shortcut by typing the new shortcut in the Press Key field, and then clicking Change.
Click OK to save your changes.
If your change is not persisted, you can usually fix this by editing the following files.
%APPDATA%\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2019\en_US\Configuration\Menus\Custom Sets\*.xml
%APPDATA%\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2019\en_US\Configuration\Menus\menus.xml
Restart Dreamweaver for your new Brackets keyboard shortcuts to be read.
To bind other commands besides Delete Line, see the full Brackets Shortcuts command ID column.
I used these steps with Adobe Dreamweaver 2019 (19.2) on Windows.
