Azure Cloud Service(classic) does not autoscale with new Storage Account - azure

I deployed WorkerRole to Azure Cloud Service (classic) in new portal. With this, I also created Azure Storage account for queue.
Try to add AutoScale rule, the storage account is not listed. Tried to select Other Resource and put Resource Identifier of storage, there's no Metric name listed.
Is it by design that classic Cloud Service and new Storage account not working together?

Storage account data (e.g. blobs, queues, containers, tables) are accessible simply with account name + key. Any app can work with them.
However, to manage/enumerate available storage accounts, there are Classic-created and ARM-created accounts, each with different API's.
The original Azure Service Management (ASM) API doesn't know anything about ARM resources. There's a fairly good chance that, since you're deploying to a Classic cloud service, it's using ASM only and will not be able to enumerate ARM-created storage accounts.
If you create a Classic storage account (which has zero difference in functionality), you should be able to see it as an option for auto-scale.
I have a bit more details on the differences in this answer.

At this time, it is not possible to autoscale anything based on a new "v2" storage account. It has nothing to do with the fact that you are using the classic Azure Cloud Service. I am having the same issue with using Azure App Services. In the end, I just created a classic storage account to use for the autoscaling. There is no difference in how you interact with the different types of storage accounts.


How to know Storage Account is associated with Azure VM or HDInsight Cluster

I have create more than 3 storage account and 3 VM and 3 Clusters.
Storage Accounts:
Storage Account 1
Storage Account 2
Storage Account 3
I want to know Storage Account 1 is associated with how many VM and Clusters. How can I find it via Azure Portal ?
A storage account isn't an "owned" or "dedicated" resource. That is, even if you use a storage account for a given app or service, there's no tight coupling between the two. Any service / app that has your account credentials (or a SAS link to a specific container/queue/table within your storage account) will be able to use that storage account.
However, if you look at the settings for a given app or service (in your case, your VM or HDInsight), you can see which storage accounts it's using, with a bit of digging. For example, your VM might have both OS and Data disks, with each disk using potentially a different storage account - you'd need to enumerate the OS+attached disks to see which storage accounts are in use for each.
Further, if you create all resources at once (again, imagine creating a new VM with new storage), all of your resources will be bundled together within the same Resource Group.
You can via the new Azure portal to find the Azure Storage Account, in the storage account, you will find the Container. The vhds container used for Azure VM by default, select the vhds, you will find the VMs' VHD files there. About the HDInsight, the default Container name is the HDInsight name, so we can find the result manually.

Difference between new and classic storage accounts in Azure

Azure has Storage accounts and Storage accounts (classic) in the Azure Portal.
What are the differences between them? Is there any reason to migrate from a classic storage account to a new storage account?
Classic storage accounts are created using existing Service Management API's (the REST API stack that's been available for the past several years). The newer storage accounts are created with the new Azure Resource Manager (ARM) API's (which are also wrapped in PowerShell and CLI now). Ultimately they provide the same resources to your apps, but they're created/managed differently, and there are a few nuanced differences (such as the ability to tag resources that are created via ARM scripts).
You can't convert a classic storage account (or any classic resource) to a newer type. You don't really need to anyway, unless you're trying to mix resources from classic and new, such as adding ARM-based virtual machines to a classic-based virtual network, or spin up an ARM-based VM from a vhd image sitting in a classic storage account (and for that example, you could always just copy the vhd to a new storage account). Note that, for general storage usage (blobs/tables/queues), you just need the URI and the primary (or secondary) key. With those, you can access your storage resources from anywhere, from any VM/website/etc, regardless if you're accessing storage from classic or new virtual machines, for example.
Check out this link for a general list of differences between classic and new resources.
One advantage of the new over the classic storage accounts is Storage Service Encryption (SSE):
Q: I have an existing classic storage account. Can I enable SSE on it?
A: No, SSE is only supported on Resource Manager storage accounts.
Q: How can I encrypt data in my classic storage account?
A: You can create a new Resource Manager storage account and copy your
data using AzCopy from your existing classic storage account to your
newly created Resource Manager storage account.
There is now a way to migrate Classic resources to the new ARM model. I've done a few myself and it worked as expected. Here's a guide from Microsoft:
In addition to #David Makogon's answer, the new Azure Storage offers reselling resources to sub-subscriptions.
This means that you are able to buy storage from Azure and sell it to your customers.
You can now migrate Classic Storage Accounts to ARM from within Azure.
Settings --> Migrate to ARM
With Azure
With Powershell

Azure - Multiple Cloud Services, Single Storage Account

I want to create a couple of cloud services - Int, QA, and Prod. Each of these will connect to separate Db's.
Do these cloud services require "storage accounts"? Conceptually the cloud services have executables and they must be physically located somewhere.
Note: I do not use any blobs/queues/tables.
If so, must I create 3 separate storage accounts or link them up to one?
Storage accounts are more like storage namespaces - it has a url and a set of access keys. You can use storage from anywhere, whether from the cloud or not, from one cloud service or many.
As #sharptooth pointed out, you need storage for diagnostics with Cloud Services. Also for attached disks (Azure Drives for cloud services), deployments themselves (storing the cloud service package and configuration).
Storage accounts are free: That is, create a bunch, and still only pay for consumption.
There are some objective reasons why you'd go with separate storage accounts:
You feel that you could exceed the 20,000 transaction/second advertised limit of a single storage account (remember that storage diagnostics are using some of this transaction rate, which is impacted by your logging-aggressiveness).
You are concerned about security/isolation. You may want your dev and QA folks using an entirely different subscription altogether, with their own storage accounts, to avoid any risk of damaging a production deployment
You feel that you'll exceed 200TB 500TB (the limit of a single storage account)
Azure Diagnostics uses Azure Table Storage under the hood (and it's more convenient to use one storage account for every service, but it's not required). Other dependencies your service has might also use some of the Azure Storage services. If you're sure that you don't need Azure Storage (and so you don't need persistent storage of data dumped through Azure Diagnostics) - okay, you can go without it.
The service package of your service will be stored and managed by Azure infrastructure - that part doesn't require a storage account.

Why do we link an azure storage account to a cloud service?

Why do we link an azure storage account to a cloud service? How does it help? What happens if I do not link them?
Two reasons:
Easier management - you have better idea of what is your overall configuration for a particular deployment
Easier management - upon deleting a resource you are being asked whether you want to delete the linked resources also
By the way, you can also link a Windows Azure SQL Database to a Cloud Service.
The whole idea is to help you better manage the services. There is no other reason and nothing will happen if you do not link. But think a bit - if you manage 3 subscriptions, 2 cloud services deployments each, 2 storage accounts per deployment. That is 6 cloud services, 12 storage accounts. Can you easily tell which service is using which account?
The cloud service depends on the storage account. When deploying the cloud service it will create a container called vsdeploy with a block blob that is used for the VMs it creates.
It also stores crash dump files there as well under the container wad-crashdumps. The folder structure is WAD{GUID}{worker role}{instance}. Then it will store all the .dmp files as block blobs.

Getting Started with Azure Question

I'm trying to get up-and-going with Windows Azure. I understand that I need to create a "Storage Account". However, what I'm confused about is, how I should set it up. For instance, my Azure subscription is set to my company name. I intend to have multiple ASP.NET web applications (web roles) associated with my subscription. Each web application will have its own database.
My question is, should each web application have its own storage account? Or should only one storage account be used for all of my projects?
Thank you!
There's no one way to answer this, but here are some thoughts to help your decision:
Each storage account is limited to 100TB. If you feel that you will push the limits of this across multiple websites, then create multiple storage accounts for sure.
To make billing easier, I'd suggest separate storage accounts
Storage accounts have an SLA of a few thousand transactions per second across the entire storage account. For performance purposes, it's probably better to have separate storage accounts
Consider putting your diagnostic data in a separate storage account. This way, you can safely give your Storage Account key to a 3rd-party like ParaLeap (creators of AzureWatch) for monitoring your app, while not giving away the key to real customer data, for instance.
If you need more than 5 storage accounts, you'll need to contact Customer Support to increase this number.
Windows Azure Storage server is for simple blob storage. This is for when your app needs a file store. Any application, not just Azure web roles, can target a storage service. It's kind of like Amazon S3 if you're familiar with that.
Storage services are not required to run Azure applications. You just need a "compute" instance.
