Redis Cloud doesn't exist in Azure Marketplace - azure

I wanted to create a "Redis Cloud" via the Azure marketplace but I didn't found this service in the marketplace list.
Doesn't it exist anymore? Why?
Or is there some kind of limitation, e.g. it's only available for certain types of Azure subscriptions?
I'm wondering because via I can still choose "Azure" for creating a Redis Cloud - but not via Azure marketplace.

Sadly, you are right Munchkin.
I've looked into the matter and it appears that our Redis Cloud plugin is stuck in limbo between the old and new portals. This is an Azure team issue and we're waiting for a resolution from them.
Until this is rectified, note that you can always create a direct subscription via our website however and do feel free to contact our support team with any questions.

You can find it in the "New Portal" Azure Marketplace, There you should be able to find it listed as "Redis Cache" or Redis Cloud, first one is Managed by Microsoft, the second one is IaaS on a VM.


Azure App Services Antimalware?

Having read
"The Microsoft Antimalware Client and Service is installed by default in a disabled state in all supported Azure guest operating system families in the Cloud Services platform.
When using Azure Websites, the underlying service that hosts the web app has Microsoft Antimalware enabled on it. This is used to protect Azure Websites infrastructure and does not run on customer content."
it appears that although the underlying execution environment is scanned and protected, nothing prevents the deployment of infected files (contrary to the response given here:
And therefore the service needs to enabled.
It also appears this can only be done so via powershell, using the Set-AzureServiceAntimalwareExtension command, as per and Powershell: Add Diagnostics/Antimalware to Azure PaaS Cloud Service using ExtensionConfiguration Parameter
Q: the link is a bit old (2015). Is powershell still the only way to turn on debugging for an App Service?
Q: is the analysis of the above text correct that MS is scanning its own environment, but exclude the scanning of files deployed to their services?
Q: is there a cost to enabling this service?
Q: What is the relationship to Malware Assessment ( Is that a more current way of scanning Web Apps?
Q: this is a manual approach, using Powershell. Is there a link to understanding how to enable this service using an CI/CD deployed ARM template?
Q: I see this service is mentioned as a solution for scanning deployed code files -- but can this service be used to scan Blobs where uploaded media would be stored?
I know I've asked a lot of questions...but hopefully you agree they are all tightly related...
Thanks immensely!
Azure App Service is a managed platform. Microsoft Antimalware Client and Service is enabled by default on app service instances, there is no user action that allows enabling/disabling this feature for apps hosted in App Service.
All of the documentation you are referencing is about "Azure Cloud Services" and "Azure VM's" and not Azure App Service. Here is the security documentation for Azure App Service:
Malware Assessment is part of OMS suite and its an additional tool for managing large deployments and detecting instances that might be affected by malicious code.

Publishing a web application on Azure

I want to publish an web application on Azure market place.
I can create a Linux VM, install Java, Tomcat, SQL server and create an image of it. But instead of that, is it possible to create a tomcat instance along with database on Azure portal, add it to a resource group and publish this resource group on market place?
Would this approach be more advantageous?
As per the doc here:
Azure Marketplace offerings are based on Azure VM images or solution templates, your current solution would be the VM based route. It sounds like you may want to look at the solution template route to leverage other capabilities such as Azure SQL Server.
Neither route enable "publish this resource group to the market place". If that is the route you are aiming for that is essentially building out a multi-tenant application which is a bigger task and perhaps something like this link will help get you started:
There are also other stackoverflow answers which may be of help:
Does a developer have to pay for publishing a SaaS app on Windows Azure Marketplace?
How can i publish my web solution to Marketplace

Azure Web Service Options that are "Legacy"

I am looking at possibly running some of our business on Azure.
I am trying to pick the services that would work best for my company, but I am getting mixed signals.
Because I am starting a new system, I want to pick the offerings that are not "legacy" (aka "current"). But there seems to be no way straight forward way to know that.
For example, this page of the Microsoft Documentation says
Cloud Services is similar to Service Fabric in degree of control versus ease of use, but it’s now a legacy service and Service Fabric is recommended for new development.
This page clearly states that Cloud Services is "legacy". However, you would never know this by going to the Cloud Services overview page. It has great marketing material that sells Cloud Services as a great option. But if I picked it, then I would be starting out on a platform that is in a legacy status.
Now I know that about Cloud Services vs Service Fabric. But there are tons offerings on Azure. I am trying to research them one by one to find out which ones are the most recent incarnation, but I feel like I am wasting my time.
Another example is storage. Lucky for me an Azure MVP answered my question on this one. Apparently, there is "older storage account" based disks and "managed" disks. Turns out managed disks are the new, easy way to do things. The storage account is harder. Still available, but not really what a new user should be picking. But again, this is very hard to find out unless someone who has been working with this stuff for a long time tells you.
I was about to start in on App Services and Web Apps, but I thought I would ask first to see if I am doing research that is already done and posted out there.
Is there somewhere that shows the current list of Azure services that you should look at if you are starting a new project?
I asked the similar question almost a year ago, and I even spoke with Azure Support Team after that. At that time, Microsoft did not officially state Cloud Service is legacy.
Does Azure App Service/Web App replace Azure Cloud Service?
We have been hosting our enterprise applications in Cloud Service since 2013, and a couple of them are in App Service. Here is my thought -
4 years ago we only have Cloud Service - Web Role and Worker Role,and App Service (formally named as Web App) is not fully ready for enterprise applications yet. Since App Service came up, Microsoft heavily promote App Service compare to Cloud Service. In addition, what I notice is Cloud Service did not get new features like App Service.
Service Fabric is quite new, and it doesn't have all the belts and whistles like App Service, so we might have to wait a bit for enterprise applications.
Only advantage of Cloud Service is you can remote desktop to a role instance, after the application is deployed.
If I host a new application in Azure today, I'll definitely use App Service.
Microsoft has published a list of Azure reference architectures. It was last updated in November 2016. You can browse it here, and there is some guidance given. But for example, you mentioned using Service Fabric (which is a great way to go for a robust app that really needs to scale), but Service Fabric isn't mentioned in the aforementioned resource.
I spend a lot of time running down Azure resources in relation to web applications (not to be confused with App Service Web Apps), and I have not found a definitive source of the type of info you're looking for personally.

Creating Azure Marketplace App

Recently I have become interested in creating a Microsoft Azure Marketplace plugin for our API Developer Portal product We currently have a BizSpark account but I am having trouble finding out where to start when it comes to creating and uploading a Marketplace application on Azure. Here are some questions that I have.
What is the process that I need to go through in order to apply to put my product on Azure Marketplace?
I am assuming there is an API that Azure has that you use to plug-in your application. Where can I find information on that API, sandbox environment, etc?
Is there any helpful documentation, contacts, or any material that anyone can provide me to help with this process
To get started with publishing in the Azure marketplace, follow this getting started guide.

How to get back deleted Azure Biztalk Service instance name

I created a Biztalk service ( as a part of testing hybrid connection for my azure website.
I deleted the biztalk service (xyz) and tried to create a new service with the same name (
Azure would not allow me to use the same name (xyz). It gives me this error "the specified name is already in use or is not allowed"
Is there any specific time I need to wait until I can use the service name I deleted?
Any help or information related to this would greatly be appreciated.
According to my experiences with the Azure BizTalk Services Free and Developer tiers, I can only confirm this situation. This is not documented on MSDN as far as I was able to find out.
If this is a URL you where planning to use for a production environment, I suggest you contact Microsoft support.
