Can't get HTTP headers from request - nim-lang

I'm trying to get the headers from a HTTP request. I've tried echoing them, only to get a compile error. I've tried looping through the headers as well. My code is:
var packet = newMultipartData()
packet["username"] = username
packet["password"] = password
var response = post(BASE & "users/login", multipart=packet)
echo response.headers
And the error I'm getting is: Error: type mismatch: got (HttpHeaders)

Figured it out - Turns out I can call the one I want from the list. Ex: response.headers["X-CSRF-TOKEN"]

The reason your code does not work because there is no $ proc defined for HttpHeaders:
let headers = newHttpHeaders()
headers["foo"] = "bar"
headers["foo2"] = "bar2"
echo headers["foo"] # compiles
echo headers # does _not_ compile
We can quickly implement an own $ proc ourselves:
proc `$`(h: HttpHeaders): string =
result = "{"
for key, value in h:
if result.len > 1: result.add(", ")
result.add(": ")
The implementation is based on Because HttpHeaders is just a type to a table, we can simply reuse the existing proc.
HttpHeaders* = ref object
table*: TableRef[string, seq[string]]


Need to pass multiple variables to payload variables

I am trying to pass multiple variables to payload using format & +str(Var)+ but I am not getting the expected output. I have the hostnames in a file & get a password as input and want to pass it to the payload.
I am getting an error related to "Error while parsing JSON payload or an incompatible argument type for the requested resource"
for x in content:
payload=('{{"ip-address": "x.x.x.x","user-name": "john","password": "'+ str(Pass) +'","db-name": "'+ str(x.strip()) +'","service-name": "y","port": "y","connection-string": "y"}}')
response =,json=payload,headers=add_cookie,verify=False)
for x in content:
payload={"ip-address": "x.x.x.x","user-name": "john","password": "{}","db-name": "{}","service-name": "y","port": "y","connection-string": "y"}.format(Pass, x.strip())
response =,json=payload,headers=add_cookie,verify=False)
In first part your payload is a string and not a dict, it should be
payload={"ip-address": "x.x.x.x","user-name": "john","password": str(Pass),"db-name": str(x.strip()),"service-name": "y","port": "y","connection-string": "y"}
In the second one you're using the format function on a dict type which is wrong.

Python - Error querying Solarwinds N-Central via SOAP

I'm using python 3 to write a script that generates a customer report for Solarwinds N-Central. The script uses SOAP to query N-Central and I'm using zeep for this project. While not new to python I am new to SOAP.
When calling the CustomerList fuction I'm getting the TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'listSOs'
import zeep
wsdl = 'http://' + <server url> + '/dms/services/ServerEI?wsdl'
client = zeep.CachingClient(wsdl=wsdl)
config = {'listSOs': 'true'}
customers = client.service.CustomerList(Username=nc_user, Password=nc_pass, Settings=config)
Per the perameters below 'listSOs' is not only a valid keyword, its the only one accepted.
public com.nable.nobj.ei.Customer[] CustomerList(String username, String password, com.nable.nobj.ei.T_KeyPair[] settings) throws RemoteException
username - MSP N-central username
password - Corresponding MSP N-central password
settings - A list of non default settings stored in a T_KeyPair[]. Below is a list of the acceptable Keys and Values. If not used leave null
(Key) listSOs - (Value) "true" or "false". If true only SOs with be shown, if false only customers and sites will be shown. Default value is false.
I've also tried passing the dictionary as part of a list:
config = []
key = {'listSOs': 'true'}
config += key
TypeError: Any element received object of type 'str', expected lxml.etree._Element or builtins.dict or zeep.objects.T_KeyPair
Omitting the Settings value entirely:
customers = client.service.CustomerList(Username=nc_user, Password=nc_pass)
zeep.exceptions.ValidationError: Missing element Settings (CustomerList.Settings)
And trying zeep's SkipValue:
customers = client.service.CustomerList(Username=nc_user, Password=nc_pass, Settings=zeep.xsd.SkipValue)
zeep.exceptions.Fault: java.lang.NullPointerException
I'm probably missing something simple but I've been banging my head against the wall off and on this for awhile I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
Here's my source code from my script. I did it in Python2.7, easily upgradeable though. Hope it helps someone else, N-central's API documentation is really bad lol.
#pip2.7 install zeep
import zeep, sys, csv, copy
from zeep import helpers
api_username = 'your_ncentral_api_user'
wsdl = 'https://(yourdomain|tenant)/dms2/services2/ServerEI2?wsdl'
client = zeep.CachingClient(wsdl=wsdl)
response = client.service.deviceList(
'key': 'customerId',
'value': 1
# If you can't tell yet, I code sloppy
devices_list = []
device_dict = {}
dev_inc = 0
max_dict_keys = 0
final_keys = []
for device in response:
# Iterate through all device nodes
for device_properties in device.items:
# Iterate through each device's properties and add it to a dict (keyed array)
# Dig further into device properties
device_properties = client.service.devicePropertyList(
prop_ind = 0 # This is a hacky thing I did to make my CSV writing work
for device_node in device_properties:
for prop_tree in
for key, value in helpers.serialize_object(prop_tree).items():
device_dict["prop" + str(prop_ind) + "_" + str(key)]=str(value)
# Append the dict to a list (array), giving us a multi dimensional array, you need to do deep copy, as .copy will act like a pointer
# check to see the amount of keys in the last item
if len(devices_list[-1].keys()) > max_dict_keys:
max_dict_keys = len(devices_list[-1].keys())
final_keys = devices_list[-1].keys()
print "Gathered all the datas of N-central devices count: ",len(devices_list)
# Write the data out to a CSV
with open('output.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
fieldnames = final_keys
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
for csv_line in devices_list:

Getting error when passing parameters from Where block in Groovy-Spock code

I have written a code for my application.
def "Test for file type #FileFormat"() {
HttpURLConnection connection = getHandlerURL('endpoint')
connection.setRequestProperty(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "RdfFormat."+RDFFileFormat+".toMIME()")
rdfStatement = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel().read(new ByteArrayInputStream(readRDFfromfile(Filename).bytes), null, "RdfFormat."+RDFFileFormat.toString()).listStatements().nextStatement()
connection.getResponseCode() == HTTP_CREATED
FileFormat | Filename | RDFFileFormat
'N-TRIPLES' | 'n-triples.nt' | "NTRIPLES"
When I run my code I am getting error: SampleTest.Test for file type #FileFormat:37 ยป Riot in last line of Given clause.
The test is passing if I use RdfFormat.NTRIPLES.toString() instead of using the parameter RDFFileFormat passed from Where clause.
Tried assigning def format1 = "RdfFormat."+RDFFileFormat+".toString()" and using format1, but got same error.
Is there any way I can make it work?
I think you probably want:
connection.setRequestProperty(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, RdfFormat."$RDFFileFormat".toMIME())

BurpSuite API - Get Response from edited requests

I have a problem with Burpsuite API that I can't find a proper function to print out the response for edited requests . I'm developing a new plugin for burpsuite with python . myscript is simply takes requests from proxy then it edit headers and send it again .
from burp import IBurpExtender
from burp import IHttpListener
import re,urllib2
class BurpExtender(IBurpExtender, IHttpListener):
def registerExtenderCallbacks(self, callbacks):
self._callbacks = callbacks
self._helpers = callbacks.getHelpers()
callbacks.setExtensionName("Burp Plugin Python Demo")
def processHttpMessage(self, toolFlag, messageIsRequest, currentRequest):
# only process requests
if messageIsRequest:
requestInfo = self._helpers.analyzeRequest(currentRequest)
#timestamp =
#print "Intercepting message at:", timestamp.isoformat()
headers = requestInfo.getHeaders()
#print url
if(requestInfo.getMethod() == "GET"):
print "GET"
print requestInfo.getUrl()
response = urllib2.urlopen(requestInfo.getUrl())
print response
elif(requestInfo.getMethod() == "POST"):
print "POST"
print requestInfo.getUrl()
#for header in headers:
#print header
bodyBytes = currentRequest.getRequest()[requestInfo.getBodyOffset():]
bodyStr = self._helpers.bytesToString(bodyBytes)
bodyStr = re.sub(r'=(\w+)','=<xss>',bodyStr)
newMsgBody = bodyStr
newMessage = self._helpers.buildHttpMessage(headers, newMsgBody)
print "Sending modified message:"
print "----------------------------------------------"
print self._helpers.bytesToString(newMessage)
print "----------------------------------------------\n\n"
You need to print the response but you don't do anything in case messageIsRequest is false. When messageIsRequest is false it means that the currentRequest is a response and you can print out the response as you did for the request. I did it in Java like this:
def processHttpMessage(self, toolFlag, messageIsRequest, httpRequestResponse):
if messageIsRequest:
HTTPMessage = httpRequestResponse.getResponse()
print HTTPMessage
There is even a method that lets you bind request and response together when using a proxy. It can be found in IInterceptedProxyMessage:
* This method retrieves a unique reference number for this
* request/response.
* #return An identifier that is unique to a single request/response pair.
* Extensions can use this to correlate details of requests and responses
* and perform processing on the response message accordingly.
int getMessageReference();
I don't think it is supported for HTTPListeners.
I am writing the extensions in Java and tried to translate to Python for this anwser. I haven't tested this code and some bugs might be introduced due to translation.

Accessing Mt Gox API via http-conduit- query string causes timeout

I'm trying to access the Mt Gox REST API using http-conduit. Queries that just have a path (e.g. work fine, but when I add a queryString to the request it times out.
So this works:
mtGoxRequest :: String -> QueryText -> Request m
mtGoxRequest p qt = def {
secure = True,
host = "",
port = 443,
method = "GET",
path = fromString $ "api/2/" ++ p,
queryString = renderQuery False $ queryTextToQuery qt,
responseTimeout = Just 10000000
currencyTicker :: Request m
currencyTicker = mtGoxRequest "BTCUSD/money/ticker" []
But this times out:
tradeStream :: Currency -> UTCTime -> Request m
tradeStream t = mtGoxRequest
[("since", Just $ T.pack $ utcToGoxTime t)]
The difference seems to be in the use of a queryString: when I added the bogus query "foo=bar" to the currencyTicker that timed out too.
However all this works fine in the web browser: going to instantly returns the correct error message instead of timing out. The trade fetch URL works as well, although I won't include a link because the "since" argument says how far back to go. Conversely, if I remove the queryString from the trades list request it correctly returns the entire available trade history.
So something about the http-conduit query string is obviously different. Anyone know what it might be?
Here is the Haskell Request object being sent (as printed by "Show"):
Request {
host = ""
port = 443
secure = True
clientCertificates = []
requestHeaders = []
path = "api/2/BTCUSD/money/trades/fetch"
queryString = "since=1367142721624293"
requestBody = RequestBodyLBS Empty
method = "GET"
proxy = Nothing
rawBody = False
redirectCount = 10
responseTimeout = Just 10000000
According to its returned headers Mt Gox is using cloudflare-nginx and PHP 5.
Edit: Forgot to mention that when I use http-conduit to send a request with a queryString to I get the correct response as well, so it seems to be some interaction between the Mt Gox webserver and http-conduit.
Got it figured out. You need to add a User-Agent string. So
requestHeaders = [( "User-Agent", "Test/0.0.1")],
in the middle of the request function makes it work.
$ time curl
real 0m20.993s
Looks to me like everything is working correctly: the API call takes a while to return, so http-conduit throws a timeout exception since 20s is longer than 10s.
