Instagram: is there a way to show friends' posts on my website? - instagram

Using the Instagram API or plugins (like Instafeed) I can show logged user's photos, but I wanna show logged user's friends' photos.

Yes, it is possible to show any public user's photos by getting public_content permission for API.
If the user's friend has private profile then you cannot access via API even if the user is approved and following the friend.
You have to get your app approved by instagram for public_content, which you may not get if your apps purpose does not meet one of the Instagram's approved use cases:


Get Instagram data from a backend

It is possible to get data from Instagram users, like number of posts, profile photo etc from a backend service? I don't want to force my user to login into his Instagram account to get those informations.
I'm reading about Instagram new api but always it talks about oauth which implied force login vis frontend.
Why would Instagram give some users data, without login? Only possible option is through Instagram public APIs, using OAuth/OIDC.
You should be able to use someone else's token (... yours?) to fetch informations about users and posts.
But that will always be limited.... for example users with non public profile, you won't be able to see those, or maybe you'll loose some posts, ....

WEBSTAGRAM is able to show all instagram user with every detail

How is WEBSTAGRAM ( ) is able to show every user on instagram with every details.Don't they need the user permission to do so.The only case in which it not user photos is if the account is private.Have instagram given their api to use ?
They are scraping the Instagram website for photos of users and hashtags or using the private API of Instagram (which is not allowed).

Instagram API Tags Recent media not returning posts of private followers

We have an approved app for public_content on Instagram's API. But would like to confirm expected behavior after the latest API changes.
Previously (prior 2016 API update), using a user authenticated token and this endpoint /tags/[tag-name]/media/recent, we could fetch all the posts with a given hashtags from public users as well as private users, given they were followers of the authenticated account. Meaning, if you could log into your IG account and see that user's media, than our app would be able to grab that media as well through the API using your authenticated user token.
Recently ( start of 2017? ), we started noticing that the returned media doesn't always include the private users that are your followers. We can still get all the public user hashtagged content, but the private user's content was hit or miss. And we can't seem to figure out any pattern or rule to it.
Has anyone else faced this issue? Does anyone know what the official stance is from Instagram as it relates to a private user's photos who follow a certain account, and your app has that account's authenticated token.
You can't get anything from private followers even if the user you're logged in as can see them from the client.
This was done because, in the past, some applications were getting the media from private followers via the API and saving them locally. Then, these applications were not properly protecting these private images from search engines and web crawlers. User's complained about their private images showing up on Google images and so, here we are.
You also can't see bio or the follower count of private users even if the user you've authenticated with can see them in the application. Basically, only the public-facing information about private users can be accessed with the API regardless of who you've authenticated with via the API. That means only the profile picture and username can be accessed.

Can I get likes by specific user using Instagram API?

Can I get likes by specific user using Instagram API? I saw this in Windows Phone app, but I can't find it in API docs.
Is it possible?
If I understand this correctly, you wish to get the most recently liked photos of a particular user.
This can be done using the Instagram API - but only when that particular user has authenticated your app.
You can use the following endpoint:
GET /users/self/media/liked
Here the API call would be :
This will give you the list of recent media liked by the owner of the ACCESS-TOKEN.
More details on the Instagram API here :
Unfortunately no, you can't.
This feature is only available on the Instagram app following this steps
To view the 300 most-recent posts you've liked, go to your account
settings in the app and then tap Posts You've Liked. You won't be able
to view posts you've liked on the web.

Is there any way to get user news through the official Instagram API?

I want to build Instagram client for Ubuntu. I already figured out how to get data like user feed through access token through Instagram API. But I can't figure out how to get user news (e.g. someone liked your photo, mentioned you in comment etc.), I guess user need to be logged on to watch his news (via
So, the question: is there any way to get user feed through API, or through access token? I don't want to request user password in my application, all I got is access token.
This endpoint (v1/news/inbox/) is not supported by official Instagram API. By the way; you can't access the data.
